2020-03-04 City Council Item No. 8 Executive Committee Recap Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsWestern Riverside Council of Governments Executive Committee Meeting Recap March 2, 2020 Following is a summary of key items discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting. To review the full agenda and staff reports for all items, please click here. To review the meeting PowerPoint presentation, please click here. Update from the Riverside County Public Health Department • Dr. Cameron Kaiser, Riverside County’s Public Health Officer, provided an update on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). • Please find his comments from the meeting here: https://youtu.be/4j01FssFDDw?t=244. PACE Program Enhancements Approved • The Executive approved a number of PACE program enhancements mostly aimed at improving consumer protections. Enhancements include the following and apply to residential properties: • An extended 5-day right to cancel for seniors. • Not allowing a PACE assessment when a reverse mortgage exists on the property. • Linking the WRCOG Program Report to the Consumer Protections Policy. • Fire Hardening Improvements. 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Approved • For the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019/2020, there will be a total Agency increase in expenditures of $402,087, primarily related to Western Community Energy (WCE). Expenditures will be paid back to WRCOG as WCE commences operations. There will also be a total Agency increase in revenues of $259,675. TUMF Reimbursement Agreements Approved • The Executive Committee approved three TUMF Reimbursement Agreements with the City of Riverside for Construction Phases of the Iowa Avenue Widening Project from University to Martin Luther King and the City of Menifee for the Construction Phases of the Holland Avenue / I-215 Interchange Project as well as the Engineering and Construction phases of the Newport Road Widening from Bradley Road to Murrieta Road Project. County Proposed Traffic Relief Plan Proposal provided by RCTC • Anne Mayer, RCTC’s Executive Director, provided an overview of the Agency’s Proposed Traffic Relief Plan, which is a 20-year plan to fund transportation improvements throughout Riverside County. • The Plan includes funding for major regional roadways like I-15, SR-79 along with local roadways, transit, and safety projects. • RCTC will review all comments on the Plan and decide later this year whether to propose a new Countywide sales tax for voter consideration to fund these projects. UCR Presentation on the 2020 Census • UCR and Riverside County are jointly working on outreach efforts for the forthcoming 2020 Census. • The focus is on under-represented communities to ensure that all people in the County are counted. • Data from the Census is a key factor in determining funding, elected official representation, and other related items. • The formal enumeration begins on April 1, 2020. Next Meeting The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., at the County of Riverside Administrative Center, 1st Floor, Board Chambers.