2020-02-19 City Council Item No. 12.2 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 Mid-Year Budget Review Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 Mid-Year Budget Review Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director City Council Meeting February 19, 2020 General Fund Mid-Year Summary Inclusive of Measure DD -1- FY 2019/20 Increased Revenues $ 1,175,603 FY 2019/20 One-Time Savings in Expenditures 845,000 Total 2019/20 Budgetary Growth (Revenues/Savings) $2,020,603 Increased revenues were due to increases in a variety of revenues with offsetting decreases due to a new fee study implementation. Savings were achieved primarily due to unfilled budgeted positions. FY 2019/2020 Mid-Year Budget General Fund Inclusive of Measure DD The Plan -2- Positive Budgetary Growth (revenues/savings)$2,020,603 ONE TIME EXPENSES Code Enforcement Trucks & Radios (115,000) IT Contract Services & Council Chamber AV (137,500) NPDES Program Management (20,000) Municipal Services Review (65,000) Augment Current Services & Needs (147,124) ON-GOING EXPENSES Additional Staff/Reclassifications (250,000) Mid-Year Budget Realignment Requests (734,624) Net Difference to General Fund (Inclusive of Measure DD):$1,285,979 FY 2019/20 General Fund Mid-Year Budget Summary -Inclusive of Measure DD -3- Mid-Year Budget Increase Request –Revenues/Savings: $2,020,603 (Inclusive of Measure DD) Mid-Year Budget Realignment Request –Expenditures: $ (734,624) (No Additional Measure DD Expenditures) Net Difference to General Fund Balance:$ 1,285,979 *Staff will present prospective Public Safety and Capital/Roads uses for the added Measure DD Fund Balance during the FY20/21 Budget presentations. Current Economic Outlook Continued Expanding Retail Sales = Increased Sales Tax Revenues Approximately $1.1M Expanding Development = Increased Development Revenues Approximately $900,000-offset by reduction in Engineering/Planning Fees for net $94,500 Increase In Property Valuations = Increased Property Tax Revenues Approximately $211,620 -4- Continued Need for Funding Currently Budgeted in FY 19/20 -28 Capital Projects: $26,682,128 Some Projects are Partially Funded ●Holland Road Overpass ●Future City Owned City Hall ●McCall Road Interchange Improvements ●Future Garbani Road Interchange ●Bradley Bridge ●Future New Fire Station ●Additional Road Safety Equipment ●Future Community Center Projects Needing Future Funding: -5- FY 2019/20 General Fund Mid-Year Increased Revenues -6- General Fund Mid-Year Expenditure Requests FY 2019/2020 $734,624 -7- Total General Fund Mid-Year One-Time Salary Savings $845,000 Other Mid-Year Requests $734,624 Staffing Requests -8- Code Enforcement 1 Re-class Senior Code Enforcement Officer to two Code Enforcement Officer I positions Community Development 1 Re-class P/T Intern to F/T Management Aide Economic Development 1 Re-class P/T Intern to F/T Marketing Assistant 1 Re-class Senior Management Analyst to Public Information Officer (&move to the CM’s Office) Public Works 1 Re-class Public Works Manager to Senior Fleet Technician and a Facility Maintenance Worker Information Technology 1 Re-class IT Technician to an IT Mgmt. Analyst (P.D .) 6 Reclassifications Engineering/Public Works 1 Senior Engineer Land Development 1 Senior Public Works Inspector Finance 1 Financial Analyst 1 Purchasing & Contract Specialist Information Technology 2 IT Technicians Addition from re-class 2 Code Enforcement Officer I & Facility Maintenance Worker 8 New Positions TOTAL AUTHORIZED POSITIONS REQUESTED FY 19/20 Fiscal Year Adopted Additional Total Authorized 2019/2020*214.18 9.0 223.18 *9 New Full-time positions, which includes 6 new FTE positions,1 FTE from converting Part-time to Full-Time positions, and 2 new FTE’s from two management positions converted to four general labor positions. -9- *Note –Murrieta’s FY19/20 adopted budget indicates 379.59 FTEs (including 71.75-Fire, 17.59- Library and 4.25-Lifeguards) which amounts to 286 FTEs without those respective services. Population:2019 Growth from 2010-2018 MENIFEE 92,595 19.5% MURRIETA 114,985 10.9% Highlights of Mid-Year Budget Assumptions -10- Sales Tax anticipated to increase -$1,105,000 inclusive of Measure DD Property Tax over budgeted by an estimated $(325,647) Budgeted Development Fees anticipated to increase $94,500 Other revenue increases anticipated to be $271,750 General Fund Departments anticipated to have a one-time salary savings of $845,000 due to unfilled positions Increase current staffing by 9 FTE’s to replace contract/temporary staffing and to support increase workloads from demands of the new Police Department and new development Questions?Thank You.