2020-01-15 City Council Item No. 12.1 Menifee Police Department Budget and Formation Update Presentaiton Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget and Formation Update January 15, 2020 YEAR-ONE START-UP COSTS •Staff projected costs with some unknown factors •Dispatch Contract is for full-cost recovery •Motorola Console Costs/Installation totals nearly $620,000 •Facility Retrofit (former City Hall) •Essential Services Buildings Seismic Safety Act of 1986 requires that such buildings be designed and constructed to resist the forces of earthquakes; Key attributes must include Stronger Structure by 50% in Seismic Design Forces (150% of standard) and Backup Emergency Power, among others •The additional costs associated with bringing the building up to Essential Safety standards totals nearly $280,000 BUDGET STATUS NO REQUEST TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS •The FY19/20 YTD Actual Expenditures demonstrate a Public Safety contract cost savings for the CAL FIRE and Sheriff contracts •CAL FIRE Contract Annual Budget is $13.6M ($1,133,385 monthly budget) •CAL FIRE has invoiced for 3 months •YTD Budget is $3.4M •Actual Expense is $2.9M •YTD SAVINGS OF $417,615 BUDGET STATUS NO REQUEST TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS (Cont.) •Sheriff Contract Annual Budget is $15.7M ($43,219 daily budget) •Sheriff’s Department has invoiced for 128 days (billed in 4-week cycles) •YTD Budget is $5.5M •Actual Expense is $4.5M •YTD SAVINGS OF $1,010,485 BUDGET STATUS BUDGET STATUS –CAL Fire $2,982,540 $3,400,155 $2,700,000 $2,800,000 $2,900,000 $3,000,000 $3,100,000 $3,200,000 $3,300,000 $3,400,000 $3,500,000 CAL FIRE CONTRACT BUDGET to ACTUAL EXPENDITURES FY19/20 1st Quarter Invoice (Jul-Sept 2019) BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET STATUS -Sheriff $4,521,588 $5,532,073 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 SHERIFF'S CONTRACT BUDGET to ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7/1/2019 –11/6/2019 (128 Days) BUDGET ACTUAL •The combined Public Safety contract expense savings this Fiscal YTD is $1,428,100 •The Dispatch and Facility additional costs total approximately $900,000 •A Budget Expense Transfer from Professional Services to the respective Police expense accounts shall offset the additional Police start-up costs •This allows for no increase in appropriations BUDGET STATUS •In October 2018, staff presented the projected Menifee Municipal Police budget to be $14.7M for FY20/21 based on the Tom Hicks Study •Upon finalizing salaries and the operational budget projections for FY20/21, the updated projected budget is $14.9M Fiscal Year 20/21 Budget •TOM HICKS STUDY FY20/21 Budget: $14,722,065 •FY20/21 Budget (200 Patrol Hours): $14,920,082 •Sheriff’s FY20/21 Budget (120 Patrol Hours): $16,129,991 assuming a 2.25% increase •$16,129,991 -$14,920,082 = $1,209,908 Savings •Hourly Rate with 2.25% increase is $187.73 •Sheriff’s FY20/21 Budget (200 Patrol Hours): $21,611,707 •$21,611,707 -$14,920,082 = $6,691,624 Savings for 200 patrol hours Fiscal Year 20/21 Budget Fiscal Year 20/21 Budget FY20/21 Menifee PD Savings $6,691,625 Operations & Personnel 13,042,458$ Murrieta Dispatch 1,877,624$ TOTAL FY 20/21 BUDGET 14,920,082$ POLICE BUDGET - 200 Patrol hours Sheriff's Budget - 120 Patrol Hours FY19/20 15,775,052$ FY20/21 16,129,991$ (2.25% Increase) (187.73/hr)5,481,716$ +80 Patrol Hours FY20/21 Budget 21,611,707$ 200 Patrol Hours Building •Paint and flooring complete •Office furniture installed •Cubicles, tables and chairs to be delivered soon •Anticipate moving in beginning of February Building (EOC) •Taken possession of 7 patrol vehicles, 3 executive vehicles, and 4 CSO trucks •2 Ford F-150 patrol trucks currently being outfitted with emergency equipment •23 additional patrol vehicles scheduled to arrive in March Fleet •2 Lieutenants to start early February •10 Sergeants in background •Support Services Manager in background •44 Officers going into backgrounds this week •(310) applications •Recruitments currently open for all professional staff •(366) applications in less than a week /(55) within 24 hours Recruitment / Hiring •Received final approval for CLETS •Continue to discuss and meet with Murrieta PD regarding police radios, mobile computers, and dispatch center. Project is progressing well. •Murrieta PD dispatch center remodel to occur soon. •Murrieta Dispatchers are all in-progress of background. •Beginning implementation process for mobile computers and installation of RMS/CAD on Menifee PD devices. Dispatch •Complete program / One solution for many needs •Latest Taser (Taser 7)•Latest body cameras (Axon Body 3)•Drones (4)•Interview rooms audio and video recording •Unlimited digital evidence storage•Video redaction software•Axon citizen •Will allow for officer efficiency allowing more time in the field •Fixed Cost Axon Tasers, Body Worn Cameras, Interview Room, and Drones link Official Countdown MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Formation Update January 15, 2019 Questions?