2022-03-16 City Council Item No. 12.3 Citizens Academy Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity Council Meeting March 16, 2022 12.3. Menifee Citizens Academy Program Background September 2020, the City Council requested to bring back a proposal for establishing a Menifee Citizens Academy for Menifee residents and businesses. Citizen Academies are encouraged in communities to: •Promote a deeper understanding of the function and purpose of local government •To encourage residents to become engaged in their community and participate in their local government •Learn about roles of City Council, City Commissions, and staff •Learn more about city programs, services, projects and funding mechanisms PROGRAM DETAILS: •Held twice a year (Fall/Spring) commencing Fall 2022 •Community Members or Business Owners •Adults 18 years and older •Proposed Free 8-week Sessions •Capped at 20 participants each session Program Proposal Opportunities of joining Menifee’s proposed Citizens Academy would include, but are not limited to: •Meeting with City Leaders,Department Directors,and staff •Learning the function of each individual department,withcompleteoverviewsandhands-on activities •Understanding how the local government allocates fundingandhowdecisionsaremade •Learn about development,how it occurs,the process,andhowbusinessesandresidentialcommunitiescometothecity •Improve intercommunications between residents/businesses and City Hall •Session 1: At the Helm –City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Council and Commissions, Human Resources/Risk Management •Session 2: Who Ya Gonna Call –Fire Department/EMS/CERT •Session 3: Serving with Pride –Police Department and Code Enforcement •Session 4: Building a Smart City –Finance, Quality of Life Measure, Information Technology/Smart City Initiatives •Session 5: Bus Tour (4-6 pm) •Session 6: Roads, Bridges, and Landscapes –Public Works and Capital Improvement Projects •Session 7: Public Stewardship: Parks and Recreation and Community Events, Public Information and Waste Management •Session 8: Building for Tomorrow –Economic Development, Planning and Zoning/CDBG, Engineering, Building and Safety/Fire Marshal Services •Graduation: Held during a City Council or Commission Meeting *Additional weeks can be added to include other agency partners-but the average length of Academy's are only 8 weeks Program Overview •Participants receive City “Certificate of Competition” •City Shirt, Swag Bag & Lapel Pin •Attend 6 of 8 sessions •Held at City Council or Commission meeting Graduation Fiscal Impact •$2,600 annually, plus staff time •Would be apart of the regular budget process annually- requested in 2022/23 Fiscal Year budget process if approved Staff Recommendation Discuss, provide feedback and direction on establishing a Menifee Citizens Academy Program for Menifee residents and businesses.