2022-03-16 City Council Item No. 12.1 2021 APR Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee City Council 2021 General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report Annual Progress Report (APR) Requirements •Required by state law to be presented to City Council (legislative body) •The APR must be sent by April 1st each year to: •Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) •Dept. of Housing and Community Development (HCD) •Annual reporting for Housing Element (HE) required along with General Plan APR General Plan Overview •City adopted its inaugural General PlanDecember, 2013 •Includes Eight GP Elements/Chapters •Goals, Policies for City’s Vision out to 2035 GP Overview •CC adopted updates to GP Housing, Land Use & Safety Element Elements & EJ PoliciesDecember 15, 2021 •2021 APR provides an overview of progress on implementation of the GP in 2021 APR GP Implementation Program Implementation Action Highlights for 2021: •Recent GP updates to comply with State law –Housing, Land Use, Safety & EJ •Capital Improvements Program (CIP): •Six new traffic signals/traffic signal interconnect east and west •New traffic signals at major intersections •Permit-Ready ADU Plan Designs –Approved by CC 3/2/22 •Multi-Family Objective Design Standards (ODS) -Planning Commission recommended for Council approval 3/16/22 •Draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) Update OPR GP Guidelines Compliance Topics •Collaborative planning with military lands and facilities (e.g., airport land use compatibility planning with MARB/IPA) •Collaboration with native American tribes under Assembly Bill (AB) 52 -CEQA Compliance •Environmental Justice Considerations -SB 1000 Annual Housing Element Progress Report •State Law requires Housing Element APR to show progress specific to implementation of the Housing Element •Includes updates on: •Progress in meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) •Housing Element program implementation (Policies) •Covers 2021 calendar year Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) 5th Cycle (2014-2021) City’s 5TH Cycle RHNA Allocation 2014-2021 Household Income Category Household Income Definition Number of Units Percent of Total Very Low 0-50% of MFI 1488 24% Low 51-80% of MFI 1,007 16% Moderate 81-120% of MFI 1,140 18% Above Moderate Above 120% of MFI 2,610 42% Total 6,245 100% •Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) –City’s Housing Req’t set by HCD & SCAG •Law does not require that the units be constructed to meet RHNA projections •Requires cities to adopt policies, zoning, processes to provide opportunity for units with minimal constraints Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) 6th Cycle (2021-2029) City’s 6TH Cycle RHNA Allocation 2021-2029 Household Income Category Household Income Definition Number of Units Percent of Total Very Low 0-50% of MFI 1,761 27% Low 51-80% of MFI 1,051 16% Moderate 81-120% of MFI 1,106 17% Above Moderate Above 120% of MFI 2,691 41% Total 6,609 100% Income Category RHNA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date Total Remaining RHNA Very-Low 1,488 1 4 3 3 ----11 1,477 Low 1,007 0 0 2 9 1 4 2 12 31 988 Moderate 1,140 158 193 184 168 181 379 7 7 1,277 - Above Moderate 2,610 181 193 349 514 759 653 1433 920 5,024 - Total RHNA 6,245 340 412 538 694 941 1036 1442 939 6,343 2,453 Progress in Meeting 5th Cycle RHNA (2014-2021) Income Category RHNA 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Units to Date Total Remaining RHNA Very-Low 1,761 -1,761 Low 1,051 -1,051 Moderate 1,106 1 1 1,105 Above Moderate 2,691 286 286 2,405 Total RHNA 6,609 287 287 6,322 Progress in Meeting 6th Cycle RHNA (2021-2029) Progress of Programs •Key Highlights -5th Cycle •Habitat for Humanity projects for home repairs. City funded 25 sub-recipients for home improvements in 2021 •Senior Home Repair Grants –Assisted 8 to 10 Households/Year during the 5th Cycle HE •6th Cycle HE •Adopted 2021-2019 Housing Element Update •City adopted Rezoning Program to accommodate 6th Cycle RHNA –GP land use amendments and Change of Zone (11 parcels/approx. 74 acres) 1.Review the General Plan &Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2021 as required by State law to show progress on the General Plan and receive and file this report. Recommendations Questions?Thank You.