2022-05-04 City Council Item No. 10.7 Holland Road Agreement Amendment Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 10.7 Agreement Amendment for Holland Road Overpass Nick Fidler Public Works Director May 4, 2022 1 •Recycled water is a safe, reliable, and sustainable water source mandated for use by the State Water Code and Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) •EMWD is the local regulatory agency charged with oversight of recycled water landscape irrigation systems. Background 2 •Holland Overpass was determined as a candidate for recycled water requirements based on EMWD’S planned Recycled Water Conditioned areas •In February 2022, the City was notified of its recycled water candidacy •The project must now comply with the recycled water requirements Discussion 3 Holland Road Overpass Recycled Water Line Location •Area highlighted in purple identified as recycled water conditioned areas by EMWD •Boundaries and pipelines are regularly adjusted based on development activity 4 Discussion cont’d Proposed Recycled Water Line Alignment 5 Existing Water Line Proposed Relocation of Water Line Proposed Recycled Water Line Alignment Discussion cont’d Project Schedule 7 Questions? 88