2022-05-04 City Council Item No. 12.3 Menifee Specialized Transit Project Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials12.3 Menifee Specialized Transit Project May 4, 2022 Lorelle Moe-Luna, Multimodal Services Director Riverside County Transportation Commission Dennis Brooks Vice President AMMA Transit Planning Inc. Project Partners Menifee Specialized Transit Project Menifee City Council Meeting 3 May 4, 2022 Study Process 4 Market Analysis Stakeholder Interviews Community E-Survey Working Group feedback Alternatives Development Development of Recommended alternatives •Review of existing services and resources •Review of findings on transit needs KEY FINDINGS ON MOBILITY CHALLENGES 5 Existing Services 6 RTA Fixed-Route Bus –Routes 61 & 74 RTA Dial -A-Ride and Dial-A-Ride Plus TRIP Mileage Reimbursement Program Care-A-Van Transit E-Survey Findings 7 About the Respondents 423 Responses Over a quarter (26%): age 65-74 About one in ten (12%): age 75+ 10% don’t drive and 3% don’t a car available 21% use a mobility device 8 1% 3% 9% 20% 12% 17% 26% 12% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ How old are you? N= 286 About Mobility 9 N= 283 About Mobility 46% of respondents, or 178 individuals, reported that they have a lack of transportation in an around the City of Menifee. Top reasons: The bus stop is too far from my house (47%) The bus doesn’t go where I need it to go (43%) I don’t feel safe biking (35%) The bus doesn’t come often enough (33%) N= 161 10 About Mobility 180 respondents (43%) reported difficulty traveling for grocery, shopping or errands. 29% have difficulty making a shopping trip at least once a week. 141 respondents (33%) have difficulty traveling for medical trips. 11% have difficulty most of the time (1X/week). 11 About Mobility 12 RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS 13 Recommended Solutions 1.Mobility Management 2.On-Demand Trip Subsidy Program 3.Senior Center/Shopping Shuttle 14 Senior Center Shuttle: Nutrition/Activity Transportation On-Demand Trip Subsidy Program: Subsidize Local Trips Mobility Management: Transit Info & Travel Training 1. Mobility Management PURPOSES: Raise awareness of all transportation options Proactive outreach to seniors, others PRELIMINARY DESIGN: ½ time position Attached to Kay Ceniceros Senior Center Can assist in evaluating success of overall program FUNCTIONS OF MOBILITY MANAGER: Transportation communicator Transit services expert Travel trainer Relationship building with transit services 15 1. Mobility Management BENEFITS: Addresses the limited awareness of existing transit services Reported by Stakeholders Identified in Riverside County’s Coordinated Public Transportation-Human Services Plan Promotes new services Establishes human infrastructure to connect potential riders with services 16 2. On-Demand Trip Subsidy Program 17 PURPOSES: Addressing reported need for last resort local trips and more distant trips –for persons not using RTA Dial-a-Ride TRIPS SERVED: Trips of last resort/same day Short trips within Menifee provided at portion of fare Longer trips discounted 2. On-Demand Trip Subsidy Program TAXI MODEL: Subsidized taxi vouchers Limit number of vouchers per enrolled person, per month Rider pays metered fare, beyond voucher amount Defined rider eligibility rules TNC MODEL/PARTNERSHIP WITH GOGO GRANDPARENT: Promo code for subsidy Enables reporting; landlines; acts as concierge to riders Limit amount of subsidy per month Rider pays fare, beyond Subsidy Defined rider eligibility rules 18 3. Senior Center/Shopping Shuttle 19 PURPOSE: Improve access to Senior Center’s nutrition program and retail centers in Menifee TRIPS SERVED: For residents within Menifee city limits Nutrition and program/activity trips to and from the Senior Center Prescheduled trips to retail centers in the city 3. Senior Center/Shopping Shuttle CARE-A-VAN OPERATING PARTNERSHIP Existing and established specialized transportation provider Care-A-Van provides trips to Senior Center for nutrition and programs Possible shopping route Scheduled Group trips 5310 grant application to secure expanded operations funding for Care-A-Van 20 Next Steps Create a scope of work for the mobility management role Develop an operating plan for the senior shuttle Make a decision on the appropriate on-demand trip subsidy model and establish an operating plan Await award results of the Care-A-Van 5310 application If successful, develop an MOU between Menifee & Care-A-Van 21 Questions/Discussion? 22