2022-05-04 City Council Item No. 10.3 Fiscal Year 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials10.3
FY 21 Emergency Management
Performance Grant (EMPG)
May 4, 2022
1.Adopt a Resolution approving the City of Menifee participation in the FY 21 EMPG;and
2.Accept the FY 21 EMPG in the amount of $22,273;and
3.Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures;and
4.Authorize the City Manager,or his designee,to execute all necessary documents.
•Performance Grant:February 17,2022 to December 31,2022.
•Original Grant Purpose:Purchase a forklift for logistical efforts (moving bulk materials during EOC/DOC response)
Other:A Modification Request will be submitted after grant acceptance given the equipment shortage statewide.
Questions?Thank you.