2022-05-04 City Council Item No. 10.12 Joint-Use Agreement for PEG Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials10.12 Joint-Use Agreement for PEG programming May 4, 2022 1 •Provides up to 15 hours of City programming content to be broadcast over MSJC’s PEG channel –Frontier Channel 45 •Initially for live public meetings •No cost to the City beyond staff time •Represents the next step in establishing Menifee’s own PEG Channel The Agreement Goal = Build an accessible, interconnected communityand a responsive and transparent government Vision = Foster efficient multi-modal communication to informand educate the community, develop a clear sense of place, and establish a unique identity. Menifee TV •The City’s own PEG cable channel dedicated to all things Menifee Delivering on Council’s Strategic Vision From Aug. 14, 2021, Council Meeting •Addressed the issues with the systems •Partnerships to broadcast City programming on cable TV •City’s own channel in progress with cable providers •Collaborating with Public Information Officer’s team on content creation in preparation for broadcast on City’s own channel Establishing Menifee TV