2022-05-04 City Council Special MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 SPECIAL AGENDA Menifee City Council  Special Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 4, 2022 3:10 PM Special Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Stephanie Roseen, Clerk Public meetings are open to the public for in person attendance. Please follow State guidelines for mask requirements.  The public may also submit public comments to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. Please note emailed comments will not be read aloud during the meeting, but will be made part of the record. SPECIAL MEETING (3:10 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  4. WORKSHOP  4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review the presentation and comment or provide input on the proposed fiscal year 2022/23 budget and capital improvement plan budget. 5.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For more information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. Requests must be received prior to the item being heard. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting on agenda items. While we encourage participation, we ask there be a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection at City Hall located at 29844 Haun Road or by contacting Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 1 of 40 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop MEETING DATE: May 4, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Margarita Cornejo, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review the presentation and comment or provide input on the proposed fiscal year 2022/23 budget and capital improvement plan budget. DISCUSSION This workshop is to provide an overview of the projected fiscal year (FY) 2022/23 revenues and proposed expenditures, as well as the City’s capital improvement plan budget. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal year 2022/2023 budget impact will be determined and presented to the City Council for adoption on June 1, 2022. ATTACHMENTS 1. Budget Workshop Presentation Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 2 of 40 __________________________________________________________ BUDGET WORKSHOP __________________________________________________________FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 CITY OF MENIFEE, CA SPECIAL MEETING: MAY 4, 2022 AGENDA ITEM #4.1FINANCE DEPARTMENT Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 3 of 40 Plan of expected Revenues and Expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year, which is a twelve-month period that may or may not correspond to the calendar year. MUNICIPAL BUDGET REVENUES: Property Tax, Sales Tax, Quality of Life (Measure DD), Special Revenue Funds EXPENDITURES: Personnel, Contract Services, Capital Outlays, Infrastructure, Programs FISCAL YEAR: July 1st –June 30th STRUCTURALLY BALANCED BUDGET: Recurring Revenues are equal to recurring expenditures in the adopted budget. -1- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 4 of 40 ECONOMIC FORECAST & REVENUE ANALYSIS-National, State, Local indicators-Current Year in Review-Revenue Projections OPERATING BUDGET-Operating & Maintenance Expenditures-Personnel/Staffing Needs-Capital Outlays-General Fund & Quality of Life (Measure DD), Other Funds CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS-FY2022/23 CIP Program BUDGET PROCESS OVERVIEW-Overall Timeline-Public Engagement-Budget Adoption -2- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 5 of 40 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARYFISCAL YEAR 2022/23 Structurally Balanced Budget $83,241,063 RECURRING EXPENDITURES (GENERAL FUND & QUALITY OF LIFE) $83,241,063 RECURRING REVENUE (GENERAL FUND & QUALITY OF LIFE) $86,059,273 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,818,210 1X CAPITAL OUTLAYS/CIP, STUDIES (GENERAL FUND & QUALITY OF LIFE) $2,818,210 ONE TIME REVENUE (ARPA & DESIGNATED FUND BALANCE) $86,059,273 TOTAL REVENUE -3- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 6 of 40 BUILDING A SAFE, THRIVING & PREMIER PLACE TO BE! 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN SAFE & ATTRACTIVE COMMUNITY LIVABLE & ECONOMICALLY PROSPEROUS COMMUNITY ACCESSIBLE & INTERCONNECTED COMMUNITY RESPONSIVE & TRANSPARENT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT -4- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 7 of 40 RESPONSIVE & TRANSPARENT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS Expanded approach in communications withthe diverse Menifee community, including, focused efforts on Audio Visual (AV) technology, social media, and community newsletter(s). FY22/23 BUDGET: Addition of Public Information Specialist and Audio Visual (A/V) Coordinator (IT) & dedicated division budget With a total budget over $120 million and acurrent city workforce of just over 300 employees, the quantity of transactions and complexity of finance management services continues to grow year over year. The proposed budget includes a concentrated investment in Finance. FY22/23 BUDGET: Addition of various Finance personnel to meet operational needs of City. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY -5- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 8 of 40 FINANCE DEPARTMENTCOMPARISON STATISTICS3,258 7,895 507 3,4033,275 8,145 612 4,476 5,208 9,442 707 6,320 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Business Licenses (Applications processed) Accounts Payable (Invoices Paid) Purchase Orders Payroll (Employee Checks Issued) Fiscal Year 2018/19 Fiscal Year 2019/20 Fiscal Year 2020/21 -6- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 9 of 40 SAFE & ATTRACTIVE COMMUNITY PUBLIC SAFETY (POLICE & FIRE SERVICES) ENHANCED FIRE SERVICES •New Medic Squad $200,655 •3 Engineers (Firefighters) / 3 Paramedics $1,417,482 •Support service: 6 FTE X $20K = $120,000 •Medic Squad Start up costs Fire & Medical Equipment $75,000 Initial Total: $1,813,137 Recurring: $1,537,482 OTHER ADDITIONS: -1 Fire Safety Specialist ($167,029) -1 EMS Specialist ($134,174) MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT •Personnel workforce of 118 (91 sworn, 27 professional) •Dispatch Services (collaborative agency agreement with City of Murrieta) •Menifee PD Capital Outlays (Fleet & Equipment) included as part of FY2022/23 budget. -7- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 10 of 40 ANNUAL BUDGET PROCESS BUDGET EVALUATION/ MID-YEAR REVIEW BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION BUDGET ADOPTION BUDGET WORKSHOPS BUDGET DEVELOPMENT -8- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 11 of 40 BUDGET COMPONENTS OPERATING BUDGET Funds the City’s daily business, programs and services, capital outlays/equipment -Personnel -Programs/Services -Capital Outlays/Equipment CAPITAL (CIP) BUDGET Financial plan for long-term capital improvements, & facilities -Capital Improvements -Facilities & Improvements -9- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 12 of 40 BUDGET TIMELINEFISCAL YEAR 2022/23 QUALITY OF LIFE (MEASURE DD) MEETING April 26, 2022 FY2022/23 BUDGET ADOPTION June 1, 2022 Council Adoption FY2022/23 BUDGET WORKSHOP May 4, 2022 CIP WORKSHOPS April 6, 2022 (Workshop #1)April 20, 2022 (Workshop #2) -10- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 13 of 40 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK o Inflation, Rising Interest Rates, Energy Market-Lingering inflation/price increases-Global energy/gas market uncertainty persists through geopolitical conflicts-Consumer pessimism reflective of price increases and supply shortages o Economic Recovery, Unemployment, Housing-Unemployment rate nationally at 3.6%-Average household net worth/disposal income at record high-Continued, albeit slower, housing price value increases as demand continues. (NATIONAL & GLOBAL) -11- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 14 of 40 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK o State Budget Surplus (update)-$45.7 billion surplus estimated for 2022/23 California state budget, higher reserves, reducing debt, and focus on 1x spending. o Stronger Labor Market & Business Activity-Regional unemployment rate 6.2%-Total Payroll regional employment 1.4% higher than pre-pandemic levels.-Transportation/warehousing driving force to region’s recovery.-Business & Industry increased activity by 45.1% from prior year-Restaurants/Hotels increased activity by 35.3% from prior year o Steady & continued growth in residential and commercial development (STATE & REGIONAL) -12- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 15 of 40 o Consistent & steady Residential Development Activity continues through the 2nd half of the current fiscal year. o McCall Square and Newport Pointe new Commercial development for FY2022/23. Various Industrial Projects (CEQA) underway and anticipated to move through entitlement in 3rd/4th Quarters of FY2022/23. o Long-Term Financial Planning-Reserve Fund Policy increased to 35% (Sept. 2021), adjusted to reflected proposed FY2022/23 operating budget-Unfunded Pension Liability Paid fully and include as part of the proposed FY2022/23 budget proposal.-5 Year CIP Program, funding strategy. MENIFEE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FUND BALANCE POLICY Fund Balance Policy adopted by City Council by Resolution in September 2021 To establish a minimum of 35% General Fund Balance Reserve (equal to approximately 3 months of operating expenses) with the following Reserve Balances: •Operating Stabilization Reserve of 12.5% for Catastrophic Emergencies. (FY 22/23 = $10,682,408) •Economic Uncertainty Reserve of 12.5% for Economic Distress. (FY 22/23 = $10,682,409) •Unassigned Fund Balance Reserve of 10% designed to protect against cash flow shortfalls. (FY 22/23 = $8,545,927) -13- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 16 of 40 REVENUE PROJECTIONS SALES TAX REVENUE BUILDING/PLANNING/ ENGINEERING REVENUE PROPERTY TAX VLF REVENUE FRANCHISE FEES ONE TIME REVENUES SALES TAX: (+10.01%, $1.7 MILLION INCREASE FROM PRIOR YEAR ADOPTED) PROPERTY TAX & REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX: (+13.63%, $2.5 MILLION INCREASE FROM PRIOR YEAR ADOPTED) VEHICLE IN LIEU TAX (VLF) REVENUE: (+14.92%, $1.22 MILLION INCREASE FROM PRIOR YEAR ADOPTED) BUILDING/PLANNING/ENGINEERING REVENUE: ( -0.53%, $72K DECREASE FROM PRIOR YEAR ADOPTED) FRANCHISE FEES: (+10.16%, $405K INCREASE FROM PRIOR YEAR ADOPTED) ONE TIME REVENUE: (Recommended use of $2.01 million in ARPA funds and of $750k General Plan Reserve) -14- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 17 of 40 REVENUE ANALYSIS Year to year consistent increases, with slight decrease in FY2019/20 (Covid-19 initial Impact) (SALES TAX) -15- $8,044,068 $8,968,068 $8,485,225 $10,751,434 $9,425,000 $11,073,892 $11,573,350 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget FY2021-22 Adjusted Budget FY2023-23 Proposed SALES TAX REVENUE (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 18 of 40 REVENUE ANALYSIS Sales Tax Month-to-month increases compared to last two (2) years $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan Feb.Mar.April May June SALES TAX: MONTH TO MONTH COMPARISON FY2019/20 FY2020/21 FY2021/22 (SALES TAX) -16- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 19 of 40 $9,985,716 $11,513,172 $12,758,791 $16,729,673 $14,776,000 $17,466,000 $18,126,000 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 $20,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget FY2021-22 Adjusted Budget FY2023-23 Proposed MEASURE DD REVENUE (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) REVENUE ANALYSIS(QUALITY OF LIFE (MEASURE DD) MEASURE) -17- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 20 of 40 REVENUE ANALYSIS $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan Feb.Mar.April May June MEASURE DD REVENUE: MONTH TO MONTH COMPARISON FY2019/20 FY2020/21 FY2021/22 (QUALITY OF LIFE (MEASURE DD) MEASURE) -18- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 21 of 40 REVENUE ANALYSIS(PROPERTY TAX) $12,875,134 $14,131,035 $15,387,994 $18,016,306 $18,684,726 $19,565,983 $21,231,508 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget FY2021-22 Adjusted Budget FY2023-23 Proposed PROPERTY TAX (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) -19- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 22 of 40 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSES PERSONNEL COSTS: City Manager reviews new requests with each Department’s justifications, funding analysis and space availability. OPERATING/MAINTENANCE EXPENSES: New year proposed operating budgets are analyzed compared to previous years actuals with justifications for any new programs, contracts or items or any large differences. CAPITAL OUTLAYS: Detailed descriptions are required for any one- time large purchases (>$,5000) -20- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 23 of 40 PERSONNEL/STAFFING CURRENT YEAR (MID-YEAR 2022) 302.65 TOTAL •279 FULL-TIME •23.65 PART-TIME PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 315.40*TOTAL •289 FULL-TIME •26.40 PART-TIME "Through teamwork and leadership, the City of Menifee provides essential services to improve the quality of life of our community." -21- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 24 of 40 PERSONNEL/STAFFING 12.75 NEW POSITION REQUESTS: FIRE SAFETY PERSONNEL (Non-City Employees)-1 Fire Safety Specialist -1 EMS Specialist -Medic Unit Personnel previously approved FY2022/23 incorporates budget capacity for reclassification requests which will be reviewed/vetted by City Executive Office & Human Resources before approval. -22- DEPARTMENT POSITION TITLE FTE City Executive Office Public Information Specialist 1.00 Building & Safety Permit Center Coordinator 1.00 Building & Safety Building Inspector (1.00) Finance Principal Accountant 1.00 Finance Senior Accountant 1.00 Finance Accountant Trainee 1.00 Finance Administrative Assistant 1.00 Information Technology Audio Visual (AV) Coordinator 1.00 Community Development Part-Time Management Aide (Limited Term) (FUNDED THRU ARPA FUNDING TO SUPPORT HOME REPAIR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM) 0.50 Community Services Park Maintenance Worker II (100% FUNDED BY SPECIAL DISTRICTS (LLMD/CFD)1.00 Community Services Facilities Maintenance Worker II 1.00 Community Services Part-Time Community Services Specialist 2.25 Public Works/Engineering Senior Engineer (Part-Time)0.50 Public Works/Engineering Assistant Engineer 1.00 Public Works/Engineering Fleet Services Worker 1.00 Public Works/Engineering Building Project Manager(Retired Annuitant)(0.50) TOTAL 12.75 Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 25 of 40 ENHANCE FIRE SERVICESIMPROVING INFRASTRUCTUREIn November 2016 Menifee voters enacted Menifee's Quality of Life Measure (Measure DD).Voter-approved Measure DD funding has allowed the City to maintain and enhance city services and programs.INCREASE PUBLIC SAFETY-23- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 26 of 40 QUALITY OF LIFE (MEASURE DD) PROPOSED BUDGETFISCAL YEAR 2022/23 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT ($)% CODE ENFORCEMENT $387,807 2.14% Personnel - 3 Officers 387,807 CALFIRE DEPARTMENT $10,371,976 57.22% Personnel 10,371,976 MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT $7,366,217 40.64% Dispatch (40%)998,320 Personnel 6,367,897 TOTAL PROPOSED FY2022/23 EXPENDITURE BUDGET:$18,126,000 100.00% EST. 2017 The Quality of Life (Measure DD)Committee met April 27, 2022 and reviewed the proposed FY2022/23 budget. Following review, the Committee made a motion to recommend the budget as presented for Council consideration. -24- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 27 of 40 REVENUES & EXPENDITURESFISCAL YEAR 2022/23 -25- REVENUES FY2020/21 ACTUALS FY2021/22 ADJUSTED BUDGET FY2022/23 PROPOSED PERCENTAGE (%) CHANGE (FY22 TO PROPOSED) PERCENTAGE (%) OF TOTAL Sales Tax $16,724,722 $17,466,000 $18,111,000 3.69%99.92% Interest 4,951 11,878 15,000 26.28%0.08% TOTAL REVENUES $16,729,673 $17,477,878 $18,126,000 3.71% 100.00% Transfer In/Use of Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 0% TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS $16,729,673 $17,477,878 $18,126,000 3.71% 100.00% EXPENDITURES FY2020/21 ACTUALS FY2021/22 ADJUSTED BUDGET FY2022/23 PROPOSED PERCENTAGE (%) (FY22 TO PROPOSED) PERCENTAGE (%) OF TOTAL Menifee Police (PD)$4,906,555 $8,399,349 $7,366,217 -12.30%40.64% CalFire 4,659,058 5,424,402 10,371,976 91.21%57.22% Code Enforcement 263,112 374,253 387,807 3.62%2.14% Capital Projects/Outlays 942,402 13,020,266 0 -100.00%0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $10,771,127 $27,218,270 $18,126,000 -33.41% 100.00% Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 28 of 40 GENERAL FUND & MEASURE DD REVENUES REVENUES FY 2020/21 Actuals FY 2021/22 Adopted Budget FY 2021/22 Adjusted Budget FY 2022/23 Proposed Budget Percentage (%) Change Percentage (%) of Total Property Tax 18,016,306$ 18,684,726$ 19,565,983$ 21,231,508$ 8.51% 25.57% Sales Tax 10,751,434 9,425,000 11,073,892 11,573,350 4.51%13.94% Development Fees 14,485,744 13,952,890 16,079,807 15,890,000 -1.18% 19.14% Vehicle License Fee 7,674,276 8,200,000 8,381,816 9,423,677 12.43%11.35% Franchise Fees 3,968,957 3,985,000 4,007,708 4,390,000 9.54% 5.29% Quality of Life (DD)16,729,673 14,776,000 17,477,878 18,126,000 3.71% 21.83% Other 1,079,849 2,021,020 2,324,760 2,404,528 3.43% 2.90% Total General Fund Revenues 72,706,239$ 71,044,636$ 78,911,844$ 83,039,063$ 40.95% 100.00% Transfers In/Use of Fund Balance*227,834 3,616,644 3,616,644 3,020,210$ *-16.49%n/a Total General Fund Uses 72,934,073$ 74,661,280$ 82,528,488$ 86,059,273$ n/a n/a *Includes Transfers of $152k from SLESF and $50k from Bonded CFD (recurring revenue Transfers) -26- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 29 of 40 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSES $85,459,273 Including Capital Outlays/Studies & excluding CIP. -27- Public Safety (Fire, Police, Code, Animal) 54.91% Administration 18.27% Public Works/Engineering/NPDES 8.13% Community Development 6.01% Community Services 5.41% Building & Safety 3.29% Economic Development 1.74% City Council 0.41% Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 30 of 40 -28- EXPENDITURES FY 2020/21 Actuals FY 2021/22 Adopted Budget FY 2021/22 Adjusted Budget FY 2022/23 Proposed Budget Percentage (%) Change Percentage (%) of Total Public Safety (Fire, Police, Code, Animal)21,076,141$ 27,101,379$ 28,043,078$ 29,111,176$ 3.81%44.71% Administration 13,210,431 12,081,082 12,722,921 15,209,054 19.54% 23.36% Public Works/Engineering/NPDES 4,804,054 6,785,558 6,871,200 6,767,319 -1.51%10.39% Community Development 2,744,232 3,233,588 6,557,670 5,001,799 -23.73% 7.68% Community Services 2,330,203 3,282,644 4,058,343 4,503,036 10.96% 6.92% Building & Safety 1,805,947 2,364,881 2,364,881 2,736,602 15.72% 4.20% Economic Development 1,292,152 1,709,889 1,741,003 1,448,437 -16.80% 2.22% City Council 291,863 291,137 291,137 337,640 15.97% 0.52% Total General Fund Expenditures 47,555,023$ 56,850,158$ 62,650,233$ 65,115,063$ 23.96% 100.00% Capital Projects/Capital Outlays 636,240 3,035,122 12,260,252 2,818,210$ -77.01%n/a Total General Fund Uses 48,191,263$ 59,885,280$ 74,910,485$ 67,933,273$ n/a n/a EXPENDITURES FY 2020/21 Actuals FY 2021/22 Adopted Budget FY 2021/22 Adjusted Budget FY 2022/23 Proposed Budget Percentage (%) Change Percentage (%) of Total Menifee Police (PD)4,906,555$ 6,290,089$ 8,399,349$ 7,366,217$ -12.30% 40.64% CalFire 4,659,058 5,171,600 5,424,402 10,371,976 91.21%57.22% Code Enforcement 263,112 374,253 374,253 387,807 3.62%2.14% Total Quality of Life (Measure DD) Fund Expenditures 9,828,725$ 11,835,942$ 14,198,004$ 18,126,000$ 82.53% 200.00% Capital Projects/Capital Outlays 942,402 3,113,878 13,020,266 - -100.00%n/a Total Quality of Life (Measure DD) 10,771,127$ 14,949,820$ 27,218,270$ 18,126,000$ n/a n/a TOTAL 58,962,390$ 74,835,100$ 102,128,755$ 86,059,273$ n/a n/a Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 31 of 40 FY2022/23 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) -29- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 32 of 40 FY2022/23 CIP PROGRAM PROJECT CATEGORY # OF PROPOSED FY2022/23 PROJECTS FY2022/23 FUNDING TOTAL ($) FOR PROPOSED PROJECTS Transportation 6 $10,626,766 Traffic Signals 2 304,201 Street Improvements 3 500,626 Pavement Management 6 4,284,410 Drainage 0 0 Streetlight 1 100,000 Public Facilities 3 1,963,000 Parks, Trails, and Recreation 4 550,000 TOTAL:25 $18,329,003 PROPOSED -30- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 33 of 40 FY2022/23 CIP PROGRAM * Estimated CDBG Allocation, contingent on final HUD allocation -31- Project Number Project Name Approved Funding To-Date FY 22-23 Request Approved Existing Funding Reallocations CIP 13-03 Holland Road Overpass $35,192,225 $223,336 CIP 13-04 Bradley Bridge Over Salt Creek $3,434,294 $5,705,366 CIP 22-02 Valley Boulevard Widening and Missing Links $1,300,000 $1,730,000 CIP 22-03 McCall Boulevard Widening $2,517,000 $508,647 CIP 22-04 Bailey Park Boulevard Widening $1,107,000 $659,417 PW-TR-01 Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek new $1,800,000 PW-TS-17 Goetz Road/Vista Way Traffic Signal $122,500 PW-TS-19 Menifee Road / Fire Station 76 Entrance Traffic Signal new $181,701 $300,000 CIP 22-08 Normandy Road Pedestrian Improvements $410,000 $150,000 PW-IMP-11 ATP- Romoland Grid Area 3rd Street new $222,550 PW-IMP-25 Bradley Road Widening near Paloma High School Northern Entrance $128,076 FY 22-23 PROPOSED PROJECTS & FUNDING Transportation Traffic SignalsStreet ImprovementsItem Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:33 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 34 of 40 FY2022/23 CIP PROGRAM -32- Project Number Project Name Approved Funding To-Date FY 22-23 Request Approved Existing Funding Reallocations 1. South East Communities Resurfacing (south of Wickerd Road) new 2. Brigata Community Slurry Seal new 3. Lake Ridge Slurry Seal new FY 22-23 AC FY 22-23 On-Call AC Resurfacing $250,000 CIP 22-23 Romoland Grid Neighborhood (South) new $184,117 $815,883 PW-PMP-09 Willows Neighborhood new $710,000 PW-PMP-06 Casablanca Community Resurfacing new $1,000,000 CIP 19-02 Murrieta Road Resurfacing (Salt Creek to San Quintin Road) new $1,701,568 Street LightsPW-SL-02 Quail Valley Grid Area $100,000 $590,000 FY 22-23 PROPOSED PROJECTS & FUNDING FY 22-23 Slurry Seal Program $56,959 PMPItem Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:34 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 35 of 40 FY2022/23 CIP PROGRAM -33- Project Number Project Name Approved Funding To-Date FY 22-23 Request Approved Existing Funding Reallocations CIP 21-04 New Quail Valley Fire Station #5 $7,070,000 $700,000 CIP 21-05 New Menifee City Hall $4,000,000 $1,000,000 CS048 Community Center/Recreation Center Project $263,000 CIP 17-01 Evans Park Design and Construction $1,306,138 $200,000 CS007 Park Amenity Enhancements (Various)$225,000 $75,000 CS021 Parking Lot Resurfacing (L. Peterson)$100,000 $200,000 CS053 Fence and Safety Enhancement (Various) new $75,000 $18,329,003 $1,140,000 TOTAL $19,469,003 FY 22-23 PROPOSED PROJECTS & FUNDING Public Facility Parks, Trails, and Recreation SUBTOTAL Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:35 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 36 of 40 FY2022/23 CITYWIDE BUDGET(ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUES & EXPENDITURES) -34- GENERAL FUND 54.02% MEASURE DD FUND 14.14% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (ISF) 7.63% GAS TAX & OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 9.38% LLMD FUND 0.17% CFD FUNDS 3.03% CSA FUNDS 1.56% DIF/QUIMBY/RBBD FUNDS 8.02% CAPITAL PROJECT 0.28% DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1.39%TRUST FUNDS 0.10% FY 22/23 Total: $125,756,923 Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:36 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 37 of 40 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARP) American Rescue Plan (ARP)economic stimulus plan approved by Congress and executive branch, March 11,2021. -All local governments, including the City of Menifee received direct funding to help bridge budget shortfalls and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. -Funding must be expended by December 31, 2024. -City of Menifee received: $13,213,674 in ARP Funds -ARP proposed expenditures for FY2022/23: $2,010,210 as Revenue Loss, to provide maximum spending flexibility. -26--35- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:37 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 38 of 40 RECOMMENDED ACTION(S) Receive proposed fiscal year 2022/23 budget presentation and provide input for upcoming FY2022/23 Budget adoption (June 1, 2022). -36- Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:38 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 39 of 40 Item Title:4.1 Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Workshop Item Page Number:39 Menifee Mayor and City Council May 4,2022 Page 40 of 40