2022-04-20 City Council Special MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2   Lesa Sobek, District 3   Dean Deines, District 4    SPECIAL AGENDA Menifee City Council  Special Meeting Agenda Wednesday, April 20, 2022 3:00 PM Special Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Stephanie Roseen, Clerk SPECIAL MEETING (3:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.WORKSHOP 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1.Review the presentation on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects for fiscal year (FY) 2022/23 and provide feedback to staff. 5.ADJOURN Decorum Policy Notes For more information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. Requests must be received prior to the item being heard. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting on agenda items. While we encourage participation, we ask there be a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection at City Hall located at 29844 Haun Road or by contacting Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council April 20,2022 Page 1 of 55 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT:Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23 MEETING DATE: April 20, 2022 TO:Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review the presentation on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects for fiscal year (FY) 2022/23 and provide feedback to staff. DISCUSSION Staff will present an overview of the proposed plan for the FY 2022/23 Capital Improvement Program projects and funding, and is seeking feedback from City Council and the public on the proposed plan. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community FISCAL IMPACT To be determined. ATTACHMENTS 1. PowerPoint Presentation. Item Title:4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23 Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council April 20,2022 Page 2 of 55 FY 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program Workshop #2Nick Fidler, Public Works DirectorJonathan Nicks, Community Services DirectorCarlos Geronimo, Principal EngineerApril 20, 2022 1Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 2Page 3 of 55 CIP Workshop #2 Overview 2Workshop #1 Input SummaryProposed FY 22-23 Project List by typeProposed FY 22-23 Project DetailsItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 3Page 4 of 55 CIP Budget Schedule April 6thCIP Workshop #1April 20thCIP Workshop #2May 4thCouncil Budget WorkshopMay 11thCIP Budget to Planning CommissionJune 1stCIP Budget AdoptionFY 23 CIP Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 4Page 5 of 55 Workshop #1 Input Summary Staff reorganized project priority based on input received from Workshop #1Provided available funding sourcesAdded projects proposed by Council and staff4Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 5Page 6 of 55 FY 21-22 CIP Summary13Completed Projects worth $9,496,083•1 Traffic Signal•3 Street Improvements•3 PMP Projects•2 Public Facilities•4 Parks, Trails, and Recreation Projects35Projects in Design – Estimated at $14,111,742•9 Transportation Projects•1Traffic Signal•7 Street Improvements•4 PMP Projects•8 Public Facility•6 Parks, Trails, and Recreation Projects7 Projects under Construction – Estimated at $4,983,279•4 Traffic Signals•3 PMP Projects542Active Projects Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 6Page 7 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects6Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 7Page 8 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects7PProject NumberPProject NameApproved Funding To-DateFY 22-23 RequestCIP 13-03Holland Road Overpass$35,192,225 $223,336CIP 13-04Bradley Bridge Over Salt Creek$3,434,294 $5,705,366CIP 22-02 Valley Boulevard Widening and Missing Links $1,300,000 $1,730,000CIP 22-03 McCall Boulevard Widening$2,517,000 $508,647CIP 22-04Bailey Park Boulevard Widening$1,107,000 $659,417PW-TR-01Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek new$1,800,000PW-TS-17Goetz Road/Vista Way Traffic Signal$122,500PW-TS-19 Menifee Road / FS 76 Entrance Traffic Signal new$181,701CIP 22-08 Normandy Road Pedestrian Improvements$410,000$150,000PW-IMP-11 ATP- Romoland Grid Area 3rd Street new$222,550PW-IMP-25Bradley Road Widening near Paloma High School Northern Entrance$128,076Transportation Traffic SignalsStreet ImprovementsItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 8Page 9 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects cont’d 8PProject NumberPProject NameApproved Funding To-DateFY 22-23 RequestSouth East Communities Resurfacing (south of Wickerd Road) newBrigata Community Slurry Seal newLake Ridge Slurry Seal newCIP 22-23 Romoland Grid Neighborhood (South) new$184,117 $815,883PW-PMP-09 Willows Neighborhood new$710,000PW-PMP-06 Casablanca Community Resurfacing new$1,000,000CIP 19-02Murrieta Road Resurfacing (Salt Creek to San Quintin Road) new$1,701,568Street LightsPW-SL-02Quail Grid Valley Area$100,000CIP 21-04New Fire Station #5$7,070,000 $700,000CIP 21-05New Menifee City Hall$4,000,000 $1,000,000CS048 Community Center/Recreation Center Project$263,000CIP 17-01Evans Park Design and Construction$1,306,138 $200,000CS007Park Amenity Enhancements (Various)$225,000$75,000Public Facility rks, s, and eation FY 22-23 Slurry Seal Program$56,959PMPItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 9Page 10 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Project Summary22 Proposed Projects estimated at $18,329,003reflecting the following:6Transportation Projects -$10,626,7662Traffic Signals -$304,2013Street Improvements -$500,6267PMP Projects -$4,284,4101Street Light Project -$100,0003Public Facility Projects -$1,963,0004Parks, Trails, and Recreation Projects -$550,0009Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 10Page 11 of 55 FY 22-23 Projected Revenues and Fund Balance10Brigata Community ResurfacingLake Ridge Community Slurry SealSoutheast Communities ResurfacingFS 001 Fuel Station750,000$ 540,000$ 250,000$ 200,000$ 90,000$ 540,000$ 210,000$ FS 005 Council Chambers Window Upgrades200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ -$ FS 002 Police Station Upgrade/FS 003 Police Station Upgrades640,000$ 400,000$ 300,000$ 100,000$ 400,000$ 240,000$ TOTAL1,590,000$ 1,140,000$ 250,000$ 300,000$ 200,000$ 90,000$ 300,000$ 1,140,000$ 450,000$ Project With Approved FundingProposed Projects TotalRemaining AmountAmount Approved To-DateAmount Requesting to ReallocateFY 22-23 Slurry Seal ProgramFY 22-23 On-Call AC Resurfacing Fire Station 76/Menifee Road Traffic Signal Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 11Page 12 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: Transportation11Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 12Page 13 of 55 125-Year CIP: TransportationPRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus1 CIP 13-03**Holland Road OverpassDesign1 CIP 13-04 **Bradley Road Bridge over Salt CreekDesign1 CIP 14-01 McCall Boulevard / I-215 Interchange Design1 CIP 20-01 **Scott Road / Bundy Canyon Road WideningDesign1 CIP 22-02 **Valley Boulevard Widening and Missing LinksDesign1 CIP 22-03 **McCall Boulevard WideningDesign1 CIP 22-04 **Bailey Boulevard WideningDesign2 PW-TR-01 Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek Preliminary Engineering2 CIP 20-05 Garbani Road / I-215 Interchange Design2 CIP 20-13 Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge Design2 PW-TR-02 Menifee Road Widening (Scott-Garbani) Design2 CIP 22-13Briggs Road (Garbani Road to Loretta Avenue) Preliminary Engineering*Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 13Page 14 of 55 CIP 13-03 Holland Road Overpass13Scope: Construction of a four-lane bridge over the I-215 which will include dedicated bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic signals at Haun Rd. and Hanover Rd., lighting, signing and striping.FY 22-23 Request: $223,336PProposedFFund #22022-23 2100General Fund 2,800,000$ --$ $ 105 Quality of Life Measure 4,339,277$ --$ $ 301 Grants 500,000$ --$ $ 310 TUMF 8,255,000$ --$ $ 320 Capital Projects 4,685,817$ 2223,336$ $ 415 Quality of Life Measure 9,405,011$ --$ $ 509 DIF 17 - Roads 2,755,744$ --$ $ 510 DIF 17 - Signals 241,797$ --$ $ 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation 1,723,638$ --$ $ 527DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facili 485,941$ --$ $ 35,192,225$ 2223,336$ $ AApprovedFunding to dateTOTALSFFund NameFFund SourceItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 14Page 15 of 55 CIP 13-04 Bradley Bridge Over Salt Creek14Scope: Construction of a bridge over the Salt Creek Channel with capacity for four lanes replacing the existing at grade two-lane road. The project will also construct sidewalks, relocate utilities, and improve drainage. FY 22-23 Request: $5,705,366PProposedFFund #FFund Name2022-23 20105 Quality of Life Measure968,255$ --$ $ 220 Measure A 558,721$ --$ $ 301 Grants -$ --$ 5$ 320 Capital Projects -$ 33,245$ $ 509 DIF 17 - Roads 1,012,969$ 1132,121$ $ 520 DIF Citywide - Public Use & Comm. Fac. -$ --$ $ 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation 894,349$ 22,970,000$ $ 527 DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facilities -$ 6600,000$ $ Other: Riverside County Flood Control -$ 22,000,000$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ 3,434,294$ 55,705,366$ 5$ FFund SourceAApproved Funding to dateTOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 15Page 16 of 55 CIP 22-02 Valley Boulevard Widening and Missing Links15Scope: Construction of a 4-lane road and two uncompleted sections of Valley Boulevard between Murrieta Road and Chambers Avenue. In addition, the project will also install Traffic Signals, street lighting, sidewalks, and ADA ramps.FY 22-23 Request: $1,730,000PProposedFund #2022-23 20105Quality of Life Measure -$ --$ $ 220 Measure A -$ --$ $ 415 Menifee Valley RBBD -$ 11,000,000$ $ 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation 1,300,000$ 7730,000$ $ 527 DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facilities -$ --$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ 1,300,000$ 11,730,000$ $ TOTALSFund NameFund SourceApproved Funding to dateItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 16Page 17 of 55 CIP 22-03 McCall Boulevard Widening16Scope: Widening the existing two-lane road to four lanes including a 12' center median. The project will also relocate utilities, install sidewalks and ADA ramps, and modify two existing traffic signals. FY 22-23 Request: $508,647PProposedFFund #22022-23 2105Quality of Life Measure -$ --$ $ 220 Measure A -$ 5500,000$ $ 310 TUMF 2,517,000$ --$ $ 320 Capital Projects -$ 88,647$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ 2,517,000.00$ 5508,647$ $ TOTALSFFund SourceAApproved Funding to dateFFund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 17Page 18 of 55 CIP 22-04 Bailey Park Boulevard Widening17PProposedFund #2022-23 20100General Fund450,000$ --$ $ 105 Quality of Life Measure -$ --$ $ 220 Measure A 657,000$ --$ $ 301 Grants -$ 6600,000$ $ 320 Capital Projects -$ 559,417$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ 1,107,000$ 6659,417$ $ FFund NameTOTALSFFund SourceAApproved Funding to dateScope: Construction of approximately 1,400 linear feet of industrial collector road, curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, ADA ramps, street lighting and drainage inlets. FY 22-23 Request: $659,417Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 18Page 19 of 55 new PW-TR-01 Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek18Scope: Construction of a 4-lane bridge over the Salt Creek Channel replacing the existing at grade 2-lane road, which currently experience frequentflooding.FY 22-23 Request: $1,800,000PProposedFund #2022-23 2105Quality of Life Measure -$ --$ $ 320 Capital Projects -$ --$ $ 415 Menifee Valley RBBD -$ 11,800,000$ $ 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation -$ --$ $ 527 DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facilities -$ --$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ -$ 11,800,000$ $ TOTALSFund SourceApproved Funding To DateFund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 19Page 20 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: Traffic Signals19Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 20Page 21 of 55 5-year CIP: Traffic Signals*Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Projects highlighted in greenÎProject prioritized based on input from Workshop #120PRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus1 CIP 21-07 Menifee Road/La Piedra Road Traffic Signal previously awardedConstruction1 CIP 21-10 Murrieta Road/Rouse Road Traffic Signal previously awardedConstruction1 CIP 21-11 Menifee Road / Garbani Road Traffic Signal previously awardedConstruction1 CIP 22-15 Antelope Road / MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal Design1 CIP 22-16 Murrieta Road / La Piedra Road Traffic Signal Design1 PW-TS-12 Menifee Road / Mathews Road Traffic Signal Design1 PW-TS-17*Goetz Road / Vista Way Traffic SignalPreliminary Engineering12PW-TS-02Hwy 74 / 3rd Street Traffic SignalPreliminary Engineering2 PW-TS-03Hwy 74 / Tradewinds Traffic SignalPreliminary Engineering2 PW-TS-07Murrieta Road / Chambers Road Traffic SignalPreliminary Engineering2 PW-TS-18Briggs Road / Garbani Road Traffic SignalPreliminary EngineeringproposedPW-TS-19 **Menifee Road/ Fire Station No. 76 Entrance Traffic SignalPreliminary EngineeringItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 21Page 22 of 55 PW-TS-17 Goetz Road/Vista Way Traffic Signal21Scope: Installation of a new traffic signal at Vista Way and Goetz road, the widening of the roadway to include left-turn pockets and signing and striping where appropriate.FY 22-23 Request: $122,500 for design Proposed EnhancementsProposedFund #2022-23 20220Measure A -$ --$ $ 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation -$ 1122,500$ $ 460 CSA 86 -$ --$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ -$ 1122,500$ $ TOTALSFund SourceApproved Funding to Fund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 22Page 23 of 55 ProposedFund #2022-23 20105Quality of Life Measure -$ 3300,000$ $ 521 DIF Citywide - Fire Facilities-$ 1181,701$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ -$ 4481,701$ $ TOTALSFund SourceApproved Funding to Fund NamePW-TS-19 Menifee Road/Fire Station No. 76 Entrance Traffic SignalScope: Installation of a three-way traffic signal on Menifee Road and the entrance of Fire Station No. 76 due to poor line of sight onto oncoming traffic on Menifee Road as they exit the fire station to respond to emergenciesFY 22-23 Request: $481,701Recommendation: Reallocate $300,000 from Police Station Upgrades22*ProposedItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 23Page 24 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: Street Improvements23Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 24Page 25 of 55 5-Year CIP: Street Improvements*Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Projects highlighted in greenÎProject prioritized based on input received from Workshop #1PRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus1 CIP 22-08**Normandy Road Pedestrian ImprovementsDesign1 CIP 22-14 HSIP - Newport Road Raised Medians (Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd) Design1 CIP 22-28 Beth Drive Street Improvement (Murrieta Road to Melvin Street) Design1 PW-IMP-11 **ATP - Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74)Design1proposedPW-IMP-24 **Bradley Road Widening near Paloma High School North EntrancePreliminary Engineering2 PW-IMP-02Lindenberger Road - Sidewalk ImprovementsPreliminary Engineering2 PW-IMP-04HSIP - Menifee Road (Hwy 74 to City Limits)Preliminary Engineering2 PW-IMP-05HSIP - Menifee Road (McCall Blvd to Hwy 74)Preliminary Engineering2 PW-IMP-06HSIP - McCall Blvd. (Encanto Dr. to Menifee Rd.)Preliminary Engineering2 PW-IMP-07HSIP - Sun City Blvd. (Manchester Dr. to Cherry Hills Blvd.)Preliminary Engineering2 PW-IMP-12ATP - La Piedra Road at Bell Mountain Middle SchoolDesign24PW-IMP-20Interchange Beautification - Newport RoadPreliminary Engineering24Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 25Page 26 of 55 CIP 22-08 Normandy Road Pedestrian Improvements25Scope: Installation of pedestrian and bicycle trail facility by widening the existing road on the north side.FY 22-23 Request: 150,000ProposedFund #2022-232100General Fund30,000$ -$ $ 105 Quality of Life Measure220,000$ -$ $ 220 Measure A160,000$ 100,190$ $ 320 Capital Projects-$ 49,810$ $ 410,000.00$ 150,000$ $ Fund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameTOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 26Page 27 of 55 new PW-IMP-11 ATP- Romoland Grid Area 3rdStreet26Scope: Widening of existing road shoulder, addition of curb and gutter, sidewalks, pedestrian ADA ramps, and high visibility crosswalksFY 22-23 Request: $222,550PProposedFund #2022-23 20105Quality of Life Measure -$ --$ $ 201 RMRA (SB1) -$ --$ $ 220 Measure A -$ --$ $ 481 CDBG -$ 2222,550$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ -$ 2222,550$ $ TOTALSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 27Page 28 of 55 PW-IMP-25 Bradley Road Widening near Paloma HS Northern Entrance27Scope: This project will widen the east side of Bradley Road from Corson Avenue to the south side of Meadow Run Community. The project will include sidewalks and ADA accessible ramps for safe route to school FY 22-23 Request: $128,076PProposedFFund #22022-23 20750CFD 2019-1 Meadow Run -$ 1128,076$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ -$ 1128,076$ $ TOTALSFFund SourceAApproved Funding to dateFFund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 28Page 29 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: PMP28Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 29Page 30 of 55 5-Year CIP: PMP*Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Projects highlighted in greenÎProject prioritized based on input received from Workshop #129PRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus1 CIP 21-17Peacock Place Community ResurfacingConstruction1 CIP 22-06Menifee Rd Resurfacing and Median Improvements - Holland Rd to Newport RoadDesign1 CIP 22-07Tradewinds Community (Romoland north of Hwy 74)Construction1 CIP 22-23**Romoland Grid Neighborhood (South)Design1 PW-PMP-07 Menifee Meadows Neighborhood (East of Bradley and South of La Piedra)Construction1 PW-PMP-10 Neighborhood East of Bradley from Potomac Rd to El Rancho (Sun City)Construction12PW-PMP-06**Casa Blanca Villas Neighborhood (south of McCall)Preliminary Engineering 12PW-PMP-08 Lake Ridge Estates Neighborhood AC Resurfacing (Menifee Lakes) Preliminary Engineering 12PW-PMP-11**Murrieta Road Resurfacing - San Quintin to Salt CreekPreliminary Engineering 1**FY 22-23 On-Call AC Resurfacing new14PW-PMP-09**Willows Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes)Preliminary Engineering 1proposedFY 22-23 Slurry Seal Program*Brigata Community Slurry SealPreliminary Engineering *Lake Ridge Slurry SealPreliminary Engineering *South East Communities Resurfacing (south of Wickerd Road)Preliminary Engineering Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 30Page 31 of 55 newCIP 22-23 Romoland Grid Neighborhood (South)30Scope: Resurfacing of the existing road , upgrading existing curb ramps to current ADA standards, and restriping to match existing road.FY 22-23 Request: $815,883PProposedFund #2022-23 20105Quality of Life Measure 184,117$ --$ $ 200 Gas Tax -$ --$ $ 220 Measure A -$ 8815,883$ $ 184,117.00$ 8815,883$ $ TOTALSFund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 31Page 32 of 55 newPW-PMP-06 Casa Blanca Villas Community Resurfacing31Scope: Resurfacing the existing road , upgrading existing curb ramps to current ADA standards, and restriping to match existing road.FY 22-23 Request: $1,000,000PProposedFund #2022-23 20100General Fund-$ --$ $ 201 RMRA (SB1) -$ 5548,000$ $ 220 Measure A -$ 4452,000$ $ -$ 11,000,000$ $ Fund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameTOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 32Page 33 of 55 newPW-PMP-11 Murrieta Road Resurfacing 32Scope: Rehabilitation of the existing pavement with Cold Recycling-In-Place technology, minor shoulder widening, pedestrian ADA ramps, retrofitting, signing, striping, and minor storm drain improvements FY 22-23 Request: $1,701,568PProposedFund #2022-23 20105Quality of Life Measure -$ --$ $ 201 RMRA (SB1) -$ 11,700,000$ $ 320 Capital Projects -$ 11,568$ $ -$ 11,701,568$ $ Fund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameTOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 33Page 34 of 55 newPW-PMP-09 Willows Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes)33Scope: Resurfacing of the existing road , upgrading existing curb ramps to current ADA standards, and restriping to match existing road.FY 22-23 Request: $710,000PProposedFund #2022-23 20201RMRA (SB1) -$ 6667,000$ $ 220 Measure A -$ 443,000$ $ UNFUNDED -$ --$ $ -$ 7710,000$ $ Fund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameTOTALSItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 34Page 35 of 55 ProposedFY 22-23 On-Call PMP Services at Various Locations Existing ConditionsAbbey LaneExisting ConditionsSherman Road Fund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23100General $ -$ 250,000 TOTALS$ -$ 250,000 Scope: On-Call pavement repair City-wideFY 22-23 Request: $250,000*Recommendation: Reallocate $250,000from Fuel Station ProjectExisting ConditionsScott Road Existing ConditionsSimpson Road 34*ProposedItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 35Page 36 of 55 proposedBrigata Community Slurry SealFY 22-23 Slurry Seal Program35Scope: Slurry Seal of existing roadway and restriping FY 22-23 Request: $200,000 *Recommendation: Reallocate$200,000 from Fuel Station ProjectFund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23*100General $ -$ 200,000TOTALS$ -$ 200,000 *ProposedItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 36Page 37 of 55 proposedLake Ridge Community Slurry Seal FY 22-23 Slurry Seal Program36Scope: Slurry Seal of existing roadway and restriping FY 22-23 Request: $146,959*Recommendation: Reallocate$90,00 from Fuel Station ProjectFund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23*100General $ -$ 90,000 *220Measure A$ 56,959TOTALS$ -$ 146,959 *ProposedItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 37Page 38 of 55 newSoutheast Communities ResurfacingFY 22-23 Slurry Seal Program37Scope: Slurry Seal of existing roadway and restriping FY 22-23 Request: $300,000*Recommendation: Reallocate $200,000 fromCouncil Chambers Window Upgrade Project and$100,000 from Police Station Upgrade ProjectFund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23*100General $ -$ 200,000 *105Quality of Life $ -$ 100,000 TOTALS$ -$ 300,000 *ProposedItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 38Page 39 of 55 Proposed Reallocations38Brigata Community ResurfacingLake Ridge Community Slurry SealSoutheast Communities ResurfacingFS 001 Fuel Station750,000$ 540,000$ 250,000$ 200,000$ 90,000$ 540,000$ 210,000$ FS 005 Council Chambers Window Upgrades200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ -$ FS 002 Police Station Upgrade/FS 003 Police Station Upgrades640,000$ 400,000$ 300,000$ 100,000$ 400,000$ 240,000$ TOTAL1,590,000$ 1,140,000$ 250,000$ 300,000$ 200,000$ 90,000$ 300,000$ 1,140,000$ 450,000$ Project With Approved FundingProposed Projects TotalRemaining AmountAmount Approved To-DateAmount Requesting to ReallocateFY 22-23 Slurry Seal ProgramFY 22-23 On-Call AC Resurfacing Fire Station 76/Menifee Road Traffic Signal Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 39Page 40 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: Street Lights39Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 40Page 41 of 55 5-Year CIP: Street Light ProjectsPRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus12PW-SL-02*QQuail Valley Grid AreaPreliminary Engineering2 PW-SL-01Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74)Preliminary Engineering3 CIP 22-18Vista Way and Casa Bonita DrivePreliminary Engineering*Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Projects highlighted in greenÎProject prioritized based on input received from Workshop #140Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 41Page 42 of 55 PW-SL-02 Quail Grid Valley Area41PProposedFund #2022-23 2105Quality of Life Measure -$ -$ $ 460 CSA 86-$ 100,000$ $ UNFUNDED-$ -$ $ -$ 100,000$ $ Fund SourceApproved Funding to dateFund NameTOTALSScope: Pilot Program to Install Solar-Powered Street Lights at key locations (intersections and cluster mailbox locations) in the Quail Valley AreaFY 22-23 Request: $100,000Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 42Page 43 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: Public Facilities42Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 43Page 44 of 55 5-Year CIP: Public FacilitiesPRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus 1 CIP 21-03Fire Station # 68 Interior Improvements Design1 CIP 21-04**New Fire Station #5Design1 PW-BLD-02 Menifee Central Police HQ Preliminary Engineering 1 F-002 Police Station Parking Lot Upgrades Preliminary Engineering 1 F-004 Park & Facility Multi-Use Trailers Preliminary Engineering 1 CIP 22-05 CIP 22-05 Council Chambers A/V Improvements Completed1 CIP 22-24 Civic Center Parking Lot Preliminary Engineering 1 CIP 21-05*New Menifee City HallPreliminary Engineering 1 CS048*Community Center at La Piedra RoadPreliminary Engineering 2 F-003 Police Station Upgrades (Wall, Carport, Lighting) Preliminary Engineering 2F-005Council Chambers Window UpgradePreliminary Engineering 24PW-BLD-04New 5th Station (Northerly Area)Preliminary Engineering 31F-001Fuel StationPreliminary Engineering *Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Projects highlighted in greenÎChanges in priority level based on input received from Workshop #143Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 44Page 45 of 55 CIP 21-04 New Fire Station #544Scope: Building a new facility at a vacant lot on Goetz Road south of Vista Way to replace Fire Station #5FY 22-23 Request: $700,000PProposedFund #2022-23 20105Quality of Life Measure 3,453,433$ -$$ 508 DIF 17 - Fire3,174,041$ -$$ 521 DIF Citywide - Fire Facilities442,526$ 700,000$ $ 7,070,000$ 700,000$ $ TOTALSFFund SourceAApproved Funding to dateFFund NameItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 45Page 46 of 55 CS048 Community Center/Recreation Center Project45Scope: The County of Riverside completed a new public library on La Piedra and Menifee Road in 2021. The County library facility only utilized approximately 2 acres of the approximate 6 acre site. The County has had discussions with the City about providing the additional undeveloped land for a future community center. If the undeveloped land is transferred to the City from the County, this project will design and construct a new City community center.FY 22-23 Request: $263,000Fund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23100General Fund$ 1,000,000 $ -520DIF Citywide - Public Use & Comm. Fac. $ -$ 263,000 UNFUNDED$ -$ -TOTALS$ 1,000,000 $ 263,000 Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 46Page 47 of 55 CIP 21-05 New Menifee City Hall46Scope: The new Menifee City Hall will comprise of a 69,000 sq. ft., 2-story building with surface parking ratio of 4/1000 sq. ft. The new building will be designedfor sustainable zero-net energy footprint with LEED Gold Certification, and the new City Council Chambers will have broadcasting capabilities.FY 22-23 Request: $1,000,000Fund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23100General Fund $ 4,750,000 $ -524Citywide Facility/ Software/Vehicle/Equip$ -$ 1,000,000 UNFUNDED$ -$ -TOTALS$ 4,750,000 $ 1,000,000 Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 47Page 48 of 55 FY 22-23 Proposed Projects: Parks, Trails, and Recreation47Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 48Page 49 of 55 5-Year CIP: Parks, Trails, and RecreationProjectsPRIORITY LEVELPROJECT #PROJECT NAMEStatus1CIP 17-01**Evans Park Design/ConstructionDesign 1CS021*Parking Lot Resurfacing and Trash Enclosures (E.L. Peterson Park)Preliminary Engineering 1 CS052 AMR Skate Park Improvements Preliminary Engineering 1 CS007 **Park Amenity EnhancementsPreliminary Engineering 1proposedCS053**Fence and Safety EnhancementsPreliminary Engineering 2 CS014 Park Lighting Preliminary Engineering 2 CS042 Sports Court Resurfacing Preliminary Engineering 2 CS047 (21-06) Shade Structures Preliminary Engineering 2 CS049 Salt Creek Trail Parking Preliminary Engineering 2 CS051 Salt Creek Trail Improvements Preliminary Engineering 3 CS029 Utility Corridor Trail Preliminary Engineering 34CS031Park Land AcquisitionPreliminary Engineering *Projects recommended for funding in FY 22/23Projects highlighted in greenÎChanges in priority level based on input received from Workshop #148Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 49Page 50 of 55 CIP 17-01 Evans Park Design and Construction49Scope: Phased improvements at Evans Park. Phase 1 included design and construction of a pump track and bike trails, and phase 2 will include design and construction of the larger parcel adjacent to the high school for multi-use sports fields, gym, playground, splashpad, pickleball, and tennis courtFY 22-23 Request: $200,000Fund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23511DIF 17 - Parks $ 400,000 $ -512DIF 17 -Trails$ 300,000 $ -522DIF Citywide - Park Improvements$ 550,000 $ 200,000 620Local Park (Quimby)$ 56,138 $ -622CFD 2015-2 Citywide Parks$ -$ -UNFUNDED$ -$ -TOTALS$ 1,306,138 $ 200,000 Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 50Page 51 of 55 CS007 Park Amenity Enhancements (Various)50Scope: Amenity repair and replacement of city-maintained parks for playground equipment, exercise equipment, picnic tables, park benches, trach and coal receptacles, and dog waste bag dispensers FY 22-23 Request: $75,000Proposed EnhancementsProposed EnhancementsFund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23490CFD 2012-1 Audie Murphy Ranch $ -$ 75,000 620Local Park (Quimby)$ 225,000 $ -UNFUNDED$ -$ -TOTALS$ 225,000 $ 75,000 Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 51Page 52 of 55 CS021 Park Parking Lot Resurfacing (Petersen Park)51Scope: Improvements to the parking lot of E.L. Petersen Park through slurry seal, curb/gutter, and striping.FY 22-23 Request: $200,000Existing ConditionsExisting ConditionsFund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23507DIF 17 - Public Facilities $ 100,000 $ -620Local Park (Quimby)$ -$ 200,000 TOTALS$ 100,000 $ 200,000 Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 52Page 53 of 55 CS053 Fence and Safety Enhancements(Various)52Scope: Installation of safety fencing around inclusive playgrounds and outfield sport fields at various locationsFY 22-23 Request: $75,000Fund SourceApproved Funding To-DateProposedFund #Fund Name2022-23622CFD 2015-2 Citywide Parks $ -$ 75,000 TOTALS$ -$ 75,000 Existing ConditionsProposed EnhancementsItem Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 53Page 54 of 55 Questions?53Item Title: 4.1 Capital Improvement Program Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022/23Item Page Number: 54Page 55 of 55