2022-04-06 City Council Item No. 4.1 Public Comment - Slater Special MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Don Slater <donslater23@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:01 AM
To:Public Comments
Cc:Stephanie Roseen
Subject:Capital Improvement Program Workshop
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
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EMWD - Deslater II Transmission Line
EMWD - Deslater II Transmission Line
Thank you so much Eastern Municipal Water District and the City of Menifee...
I am thrilled you named this magnificent project on Murrieta Rd after me...
The Deslater II Transmission Line...
I am flabbergasted by this most prestigious honor...
I know many of you think such an honor is well deserved and long overdue...
But, I never dreamt of a project of this magnitude being named for me...
The Deslater II Transmission Line is a one-mile long, $18 million project...
And NO, it is not a sewer line... This will be clean reverse-osmosis water...
I can assure you, it is a special feeling to have my name written on a pipeline,
then buried six feet underground...
I know you're planning an extravagant ribbon-cutting ceremony. Awesome!!!
But, of course, I will not attend, because I'm not an attention seeker...
D. Slater