2022-03-02 City Council Item No. 4.1 Mid-Year Budget Review Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Special MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials__________________________________________________________ MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW __________________________________________________________FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 CITY OF MENIFEE, CA SPECIAL MEETING: MARCH 2, 2022 AGENDA ITEM #4.1FINANCE DEPARTMENT MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW MID-YEAR APPROPRIATIONS -2- BUILDING A SAFE, THRIVING & PREMIER PLACE TO BE! MENIFEE FY2021/22 MID-YEAR REVIEW STEW MENIFEE BUDGET PROCESS FISCAL YEARSTARTS (7/1) MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW JULY AUG.SEP.OCT.NOV.DEC.JAN.FEB.MAR.APRIL MAY JUNE QUARTER #1 QUARTER #2 QUARTER #3 QUARTER #4 -1- MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW ECONOMIC OUTLOOK REVENUE ANALYSIS EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS STAFFING/ PERSONNELCIP PROGRAM MID-YEAR APPROPRIATIONS AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARP) -2- ECONOMIC OUTLOOK o COVID-19: Vaccines & Variants -Gradual re-openings-Delta, Omnicron o Economic Recovery, Unemployment & Inflation-Moderate & steady recovery (4.1% growth GDP 2021)-Global labor and supply shortages-40-year record inflation/prices increases-Global energy/gas market uncertainty -3- ECONOMIC OUTLOOK o State Budget Surplus-$31 billion surplus estimated for 2022/23 California state budget, with revenues growing more rapidly than originally forecast. o Stronger Labor Market-Regional unemployment rate 6.8%-185,600 jobs added since April 2020 low o Steady growth in residential and commercial development (STATE & REGIONAL) -4- MENIFEEECONOMIC OUTLOOK o Consistent & steady Residential Development Activity first half of year. o Various Industrial Projects (CEQA) underway and anticipated. o Long-Term Financial Planning-Reserve Fund Policy increased to 35% (Sept. 2021)-Unfunded Pension Liability Paid fully.-5 Year CIP Program, funding strategy. -5- REVENUE ANALYSIS -6- Year to year consistent increases, with slight decrease in FY2019/20 (Covid-19 initial Impact) Month-to-month increases compared to last two (2) years Increase of $1,661,000 at mid-year per HdL projections $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 Jan Feb.Mar.April May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. SALES TAX: MONTH TO MONTH COMPARISON FY2019/20 FY2020/21 FY2021/22 $8,044,068 $8,968,068 $8,485,225 $10,751,434 $9,425,000 $4,519,458 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget 2021-22 YTD Actuals (thru Nov. 2022) SALES TAX REVENUE (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) REVENUE ANALYSIS -7- Increase of $2,730,000 at mid-year per HdL projections $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 Jan Feb.Mar.April May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. MEASURE DD REVENUE: MONTH TO MONTH COMPARISON FY2019/20 FY2020/21 FY2021/22 $0 $11,513,172 $12,758,791 $16,729,673 $14,776,000 $7,549,906 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget 2021-22 YTD Actuals (thru Nov. 2022) MEASURE DD REVENUE (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) $9,134,704 $16,633,568 $3,901,440 $9,586,483 $5,246,745 $6,222,597 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget 2021-22 YTD Actuals DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE (DIF) REVENUE (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) REVENUE ANALYSIS -8- (PROPERTY TAX AND OTHER REVENUES) $12,027,685 $13,268,770 $14,397,065 $16,382,479 $17,391,094 $9,498,174 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 $20,000,000 FY2017-18 Actuals FY2018-19 Actuals FY2019-20 Actuals FY2020-21 Actuals FY2021-22 Adopted Budget 2021-22 YTD Actuals PROPERTY TAX (4 YEAR HISTORICAL) EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS -9- PERSONNEL COSTS: As of February 2022, personnel expenditures are at 53% of budget. OPERATING/MAINTENANCE EXPENSES: As of February 2022, operating/maintenance expenditures are at 30% of budget (remaining large expenses to be realized/billed -dispatch services, fire contract etc) CAPITAL OUTLAYS: As of February 2022, personnel expenditures are at 25% of budget (various purchases [fleet] are pending delivery and/or facing extended order processing due to supply shortages) PERSONNEL/STAFFING ADOPTED (JUNE 2021) 281.65 TOTAL •258 FULL-TIME •23.65 PART-TIME PROPOSED (MID-YEAR 2022) 302.65*TOTAL •279 FULL-TIME •23.65 PART-TIME * Includes July 2021-Jan. 2022 Personnel adjustments of 3 additional positions approved under City Manager authority. "Through teamwork and leadership, the City of Menifee provides essential services to improve the quality of life of our community." -10- PERSONNEL/STAFFING 7 RECLASSIFICATION REQUESTS:18 NEW POSITION REQUESTS: DEPARTMENT POSITION TITLE FTE City Manager’s Office Media & Production Coordinator 1 Finance Accounting Technician I (Business License)1 Information Technology (IT)Management Analyst II 1 Menifee PD Lieutenant (Patrol)1 Menifee PD Sergeant (Patrol Shift)1 Menifee PD Police Officer (Patrol Shift)5 Menifee PD Police Officer (Traffic)2 Menifee PD Police Officer (Commercial Enforcement Traffic)1 Menifee PD Detective 4 Menifee PD Property Room Technician 1 TOTAL 18 DEPARTMENT EXISTING TITLE NEW POSITION TITLE City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Assistant City Clerk Economic Development Marketing Assistant Management Aide Economic Development Management Analyst Sr. Management Analyst Human Resources Human Resources Manager Sr. Human Resources Analyst Public Works/Engineering Associate Engineer Engineering Technician Public Works/Engineering Traffic Technician Assistant Engineer Public Works/Engineering Engineering Technician Administrative Assistant TOTAL 7 -11- PRIOR ADDITIONS (+3) + 18 (MID-YEAR) = 21 ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL Menifee Police DePartMent -12- Chief Pat Walsh Captain Dave Gutierrez Captain Chris Karrer together huMble creative growth of Police DePartMent 97,093 98,549 100,027 101,528 103,050 104,596 60 72 80 85 90 90 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 92,000 94,000 96,000 98,000 100,000 102,000 104,000 106,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Population Estimated Menifee population growth rate of 1.5% per year 5-year projection -13- December 2020 Presentation together huMble creative growth of Police DePartMent5-Year Projection with Personnel Increase in FY 23-24 through FY 25-26 ADOPTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 SWORN OFFICERS 60 69 69 75 81 87 PROFESSIONAL STAFF 18 22 22 24 26 27 PATROL HOURS 205 234 234 251 268 268 TRAFFIC HOURS 11.4 23 23 28.7 34.4 34.4 OPERATIONS 4,691,167$ 4,897,297$ 5,644,216$ 5,995,543$ 6,351,409$ 6,711,951$ PERSONNEL COST 10,267,224$ 11,952,453 12,071,978 13,519,137 15,047,161 16,632,519 TOTAL BUDGET 14,958,391$ 16,849,750$ 17,716,194$ 19,514,680$ 21,398,570$ 23,344,470$ RivCo SHERIFF'S COST FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 PATROL HOURS 200 200 200 200 200 200 EXPENDITURE BUDGET 22,626,922$ 23,758,268 24,946,182 26,193,491 27,503,165 28,878,323 Increase 7.50%5%5%5%5%5% *NOTE - Sheriff's Department provided 120 Patrol Hours SCENARIO: ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES IN YEARS 3-5 POLICE DEPARTMENT *Includes 2 CSA 86 Funded Police Officers & 1 PACT Funded Police Officer -14- December 2020 Presentation current Staffing The City of Menifee’s population is around 105,524 and spans across approximately 47 square miles. The Menifee Police Department is currently authorized for 103 full time employees. together huMble creative 77 Sworn Positions 1 Chief of Police 2 Captains 3 Lieutenants 11 Sergeants 60 Officers 26 Support Staff 1 Executive Assistant 1 Administrative Assistant 1 Budget and Grant Analyst 1 Support Services Manager 1 Senior Personnel and Training Analyst 1 Records Supervisor 6 Records Technicians 7 Community Service Officers 4 Investigative Specialists 1 Crime Analyst 2 CSI / Property Technicians -15- coMPariSon Staffing together huMble creative City Population Size (Sq. mile)Sworn Staff Traffic Officers Records Staff Lobby/Records Weekends Total Staff Carlsbad 115,877 37.72 129 1 Sergeant 8 Officers 2 Accident Inv. 3 CSO 10 No 172 Murrieta 114,985 33.61 102 1 Sergeant 6 Officers 1 DUI Car 7 No 162 Rialto 103,440 22.37 125 1 Corporal 5 Officers 8 No 176 Menifee (Current)102,277 46.62 77 1 Sergeant 4 Officers 7 No 103 Menifee (Projected)102,277 46.62 91 1 Sergeant 6 Officers 7 No 118 Hemet 85,275 27.85 78 1 Sergeant 5 Officers 7 No 95 Population during MPD formation study : 92,595 (2018) -16- together huMble creative reSPonSe tiMe Priority Number Call Pickup To Enroute Enroute To At Scene Call Pickup To At Scene 1 00:03:46 00:05:22 00:09:06 2 00:16:12 00:10:47 00:26:35 3 00:35:16 00:11:43 00:44:14 •Key Performance Indicators •6 minutes for Priority 1’s •15 minutes for Priority 2’s •35 minutes for Priority 3’s July 1, 2021 –February 28, 2022 -17- together huMble creative requeSteD Staffing 1 Lieutenant 1 Patrol Sergeant 5 Patrol Officers 40 Patrol hours 2 Traffic officers 1 Commercial Enforcement officer 17 Traffic hours oPerationS Staffing 4 Detectives 23 Investigative hours inveStigationS / SuPPort ServiceS Staffing 1 Property / Evidence Technician -18- Requested FTE staff members 14 Sworn Officers​ 1 Support Staff together huMble creative requeSteD equiPMent BWC and In-Car Cameras Commercial Enforcement vehicle In-Car Computers Duty Gear Upfitting and equipment -19- Menifee Police DePartMent queStionS ? -20- FY2021/22 CIP PROGRAM PROJECT CATEGORY # OF ORIGINAL FY2021/22PROJECTS FY 2021/22 ADOPTED PROJECTS Transportation 7 $20,445,679 Traffic Signals 2 1,740,000 Street Improvements 1 410,000 Pavement Management 3 2,922,662 Drainage 0 0 Streetlight 0 0 Public Facilities 5 2,090,000 Parks, Trails, and Recreation 5 375,000 TOTAL:23 $27,983,341 PROJECT CATEGORY # OF ADJUSTED FY2021/22 PROJECTS FY 2021/22 ADJUSTED PROJECTS Transportation 7 $23,245,679 Traffic Signals 5 2,345,984 Street Improvements 7 1,810,743 Pavement Management 7 4,814,385 Drainage 0 0 Streetlight 0 0 Public Facilities 11 10,690,000 Parks,Trails,and Recreation 7 1,381,138 TOTAL:44 $44,287,929 ADOPTED MID-YEAR -21- FY2021/22 CIP PROGRAM(MID-YEAR ADDITIONAL PROJECTS AND/OR APPROPRIATIONS) Bell Mountain Pedestrian Project: $446,210** Newport Median Phase I (Design): $250,000 Beth Dr. Street Improvements: $60,000 Salt Creek Trail Improvements Project: $100,000 AMR Skate Park Improvements Project: $350,000* AMR Resurfacing Project: $216,666 (Total Project $650,000) MID-YEAR CIP APPROPRIATIONS REQUESTS TOTAL: $621,667 ** Bell Mountain Pedestrian Project presented as separate staff report/appropriation at 3/2/2022 Council Agenda * No appropriation needed, funding available from FY2021/22 unused budget within Fund 490 (CFD 2012-1) -22- MID-YEAR APPROPRIATIONS(GENERAL FUND) -23- Positive Budgetary Growth $2,308,303 CEQA Revenue 807,000 TOTAL MID-YEAR REVENUE ADJUSTMENT:$3,115,303 ONE TIME EXPENSES Increase in Insurance Coverages & Risk Management ($80,000) Park Master Plan Update (130,000) Various Professional Services (251,303) Network Cluster Servers Replacement (275,000) Additional CEQA Contract (Professional Services)(807,000) Special Districts OT & Standby Transfer (49,404) Media Equipment (30,000) Community Services: Lighting/Safety Equipment (100,000) Community Services: Various Professional Services & Lazy Creek Furnishing & Electronics (100,000) Community Services: Commercial Recycling Assistance (SB 1383)(250,000) Community Services: Senior Low Income WM Bill Assistance Program (150,000) Salt Creek Trail Improvements Project (100,000) ON-GOING EXPENSES Additional Staff/Reclassifications ($447,196) TOTAL MID-YEAR BUDGET APPROPRIATION REQUESTS:($2,769,903) NET DIFFERENCE TO GENERAL FUND:$345,400 (Addition to Fund Balance from mid-year) MID-YEAR APPROPRIATIONS(QUALITY OF LIFE MEASURE DD) BEGINNING BUDGETED MEASURE DD FUND BALANCE:$0 Positive Budgetary Growth $2,701,878 TOTAL MID-YEAR REVENUE ADJUSTMENT:$2,701,878 ONE TIME EXPENSES Additional Police Personnel Equipment & Vehicles ($1,888,459) Sub-Station Facility (230,137) ON-GOING EXPENSES Additional Police Personnel ($200,200) TOTAL MID-YEAR BUDGET APPROPRIATION REQUESTS:($2,318,796) PRIOR BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS:($383,082) NET DIFFERENCE TO MEASURE DD FUND:$0 (Addition to Fund Balance from mid-year) -24- MID-YEAR APPROPRIATIONS(ALL OTHER FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS) Total by Fund Revenue Expenditure IT FUND $1,230 FLEET FUND 2,678 GAS TAX FUND 210,738 208,319 SB1 ROAD MAINT. FUND 238,887 MEASURE A FUND (986)466,667 SLESF FUND 103,105 AQMD FUND 14,344 GRANT FUND 2,257,322 CIP FUND 69,018 60,000 PEG FUND (8,383) TRUST FUND 60,000 LLMD 89-1C FUND 4,505 RBBD FUND 1,062,504 CSA FUND 339 CFD FUND 61,802 DIF FUND 3,157,455 QUIMBY FUND 537,866 CITYWIDE CFD FUND 58,318 BONDED CFD FUNDs 496,281 45,000 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS $6,009,701 $3,097,308 SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS -25- AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARP) American Rescue Plan (ARP)economic stimulus plan approved by Congress and executive branch,March 11,2021. -All local governments, including the City of Menifee received direct funding to help bridge budget shortfalls and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. -Funding must be expended by December 31, 2024. -City of Menifee received: $13,213,674 in ARP Funds -ARP expenditures to date: $3,850,206 Menifee PD: Sanitizing/cleaning Micro-Robots, $9,999FY2021/22 Budget, $3,616,644 (Personnel)Human Resources: Neo-Gov Training Module, $61,513IT: Smart Cities & Broadband Master Plan, $162,050 -26- AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARP) MASS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM: $120,000Dedicated system/solution to communicate with public regarding public health (Covid-19) updates and other emergency alerts. HOLLAND RD SEWER & RECYCLED WATER IMPROVEMENTS: $500,000Adding recycled water/sewer components for existing properties. PPE, ENHANCED CLEANING SERVICES, COVID-19 TESTING: $167,459 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: $500,000Providesdirecteconomicsupporttobusinessestobeautifyandimprovetheexteriorofbusinesssites. CITY FACILITY PURCHASE: $969,863Facility purchase to help address/alleviate spacing needs. TOTAL REQUESTED MID-YEAR ARP APPROPRIATIONS: $2,257,322 -27- MID-YEAR SUMMARY PUBLIC SAFETY •15 additional PD personnel (14 sworn, 1 non-sworn) STEADY GROWTH •Sales Tax, + $3,115,303 •Measure DD, + $2,701,878 •Other Funds, + $6,009,701 2018-2023 STRATEGIC PLAN •Strategic Plan Action Items & areas of Strategic Priority -28- 2021 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT PROVIDES DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHME NT THU FIRST HALF OF FY2021/22. RECOMMENDED ACTION(S) 1.Accept the fiscal year 2021/22 mid-year budget review and approve the additional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented, and; 2. Adopt the updated City’s Authorized Position Listing approving additional staffing changes, and; 3. Approve partial use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds/plan as recommended, and; 4.Update FY2021/22 CIP Program to include various CIP Projects and/or updated funding as presented for approval. -29-