2022-03-02 City Council Item No. 11.1 Public Comment - Kay Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:Timothy Kay To:Public Comments Subject:Agenda item 11.1 Date:Monday, February 28, 2022 3:13:09 PM [CAUTION]: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City council of Menifee, Upon reviewing your agenda for this weeks meeting I noticed that you are trying to allow "approving Change of Zone No. PLN21-0408 amending Menifee Municipal Code Title 9" Further down in the document it appears that this would allow for a warehouse as described below to be built. I OPPOSE of this change being made as I feel it would only compound the traffic issues we have in the city, and create countless other issues for residents of this town. Thank you, Timothy Kay Warehouse. A building used primarily for the storage of goods and materials. Fulfillment Center. Is facility whereby a building is primarily used to receive, process, and fulfill numerous customer orders associated with electronic commerce ("e-commerce" retailers) or similar high capacity and high frequency orders and deliveries. The use includes the indoor storage of goods, products, and similar items and is typically characterized by a high intensity and a high frequency of truck traffic and may include multiple shifts of employees. Warehousing, logistics and distribution facility means warehouse/distribution facilities used for the storage and/or consolidation of manufactured goods (and to a lesser extent, raw materials and excludes bulk storage of materials, which are flammable or explosive or create hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions) before their distribution to retail locations or other warehouses. Warehouse/distribution centers are generally having a land coverage ratio of approximately 45 to 60 percent, and a dock-high loading door ratio of approximately 1:5,000—8,000 square feet. They are characterized by dock high loading doors, could be on opposing sides of the building (cross dock facility); significant movement and storage of products, materials, or equipment; truck activities frequently outside of the peak hour of the adjacent street system; and freeway access, including: • Freight yards/forwarding terminals • Warehousing distribution/high cube distribution centers • Moving agencies • Parcel delivery terminals • Railroad freight stations • Shipping/receiving yards • Truck terminals Item No. 11.1