2022-03-02 City Council Item No. 11.1 Public Comment - Smolinski Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:Stephanie Roseen To:Roxana Burns Subject:FW: Agenda Item 11.1 Date:Wednesday, March 2, 2022 2:55:08 PM Can you save/print and bring downstairs please. From: Karen Draper <dklynne@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 2:54 PM To: Stephanie Roseen <sroseen@cityofmenifee.us> Subject: Fw: Agenda Item 11.1 [CAUTION]: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unlessyou recognize the sender and know the content is safe. My understanding is one of the areas being looked at to change to Industrial/Distribution is thenorth west & east corner of Haun Rd & Scott Rd. Here are our concerns about doing that. Currently, just before Paloma High School starts each morning the traffic is backed up from Scott Rd to Lacosse St (Entrance to Marsden Development) and again when school gets out in the afternoons. That's a 1.4 mile back up and those who live in the Marsden Tract are trapped in & very difficult to get in. Before any new development takes place, Scott Rd Overpass needs some traffic engineering issues resolved desperately. The onramp to 215 south from Scott Rd driving east, we see no reason traffic should have to stop at the red light instead of flowing onto the fwy. There's no other traffic that utilizes that onramp. Another issue is those exiting 215 fwy northbound traffic, each side should have green arrows at the same time since there's no traffic that would interfere with this. The signals are not synced at all. There's always a backup from Antelope to get onto Scott Rd overpass, doesn't matter what time of day. The overpass doesn't flow at all. It's just as bad as before the new overpass was built. How's Bundy Canyon roadway going to be able to handle all the trucks? Trucks will take it as it's a route to the 15 fwy. Currently it's being destroyed and it has been by all the heavy hauler trucks for Kaiser and now a new housing development on east Scott Rd in Menifee, towards Briggs Rd. I take Bundy Canyon frequently but it's becoming more & more dangerous with all the trucks hindering traffic and all the huge pot- holes the trucks have created. Awhile back, there was a City Notice billboard/sign on Haun Rd down towards Scott Rd butno one could read it since it was posted parallel to the traffic instead of facing the traffic andthere's no place to pull over to walk over to it. Was this deliberate or just a person that didn'tknow how to post the sign properly? Either way, it should've been reposted properly. I highly recommend you take into consideration how you'll affect the quality of life of thosewho will be impacted.....Menifee homeowners & residents. Renters can leave easier than ahomeowner, we invested here. Thank you. Karen Smolinski Treat every moment of every day as if it were your last Please join me in saving lives by donating to LLS (link below) https://pages.lls.org/ltn/ocie/InlandEm21/kdrapersmo For my health updates please check out my Facebook Page or for older updates on my CaringBridge Site www.caringbridge.com/visit/karensmolinski