2022-02-16 City Council Item No. 12.1 Jobs BLueprint Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMenifee Jobs Blueprint Plan Item 12.1 •Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) •CEDS Strategic Action Item-“Workforce Development Coordination” •City Council’s Strategic Plan Item 2.6.11-“Creation of a Robust Workforce Development Plan” •Menifee Jobs Blueprint Plan is identified within both the CEDS and Council Strategic Plan BACKGROUND •The Goal of the Jobs Blueprint Plan •Process of selecting MAP Advising •Informal Bids •Align with County’s Workforce Development Plan •Cohesiveness of the Region •Process to create the Plan •Market Data, Interviews, Stakeholder Strategy Workshop Menifee Jobs Blueprint Plan •Partner agencies from around the region, including: •Riverside County Workforce Development•Riverside County Office of Economic Development •SW EDC•Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce •Local K-12 education and higher education•Mt. San Jacinto College•Representatives from the following industries: •Healthcare & Life Science•Finance•Advanced Manufacturing•Information Technology Workforce Partners Matthew Poland MAP Advising Menifee Jobs Blueprint (MJB) Development of the MJB MAP ADVISING 1.Labor market information research 2.Stakeholder Strategy Session (Aug 24) 3.Interviews with key stakeholders 4.Writing and developing the MJB Industry Sectors Healthcare Advanced Technology Information Manufacturing Employment Projections Healthcare Advanced Technology Information Manufacturing Healthcare Advanced Technology Information Manufacturing Employment Projections Healthcare Advanced Technology Information Manufacturing Employment Projections The Jobs-Talent Algorithm (v 1.0) MAP ADVISING Career Pathway Blueprints MAP ADVISING Next Steps MAP ADVISING 1.Review of the MJB with the CEDS Workforce Development Strategy Group and other key partners 2.Implementation of the MJB with key partners 3.Further development / refinement of the Jobs-Talent Algorithm and Career Pathway Blueprints during implementation 4.Coordination on policy and advocacy to remove roadblocks and facilitate implementation of the MJB Next Steps MAP ADVISING Middle-Skill: •Requiring some education/training, but less than a Bachelor’s •Ideally $25/hr.+ Questions?