2022-02-02 City Council Item No. 5.1 Public Comment - Carpenter Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:Vicki Carpenter
To:Stephanie Roseen
Date:Wednesday, February 2, 2022 3:50:45 PM
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Good evening Mayor Zimmerman and City Council members.
This email is to communicate my opposition to the proposed redistricting map that divides The
Oasis into two districts.
We currently have roughly 1,100+ homes in the community, so it’s a small cohesive group ofresidents who prefer to have one Councilmember representing the residents.
No doubt the consulting firm was unaware this is a senior community with an HOA. This
does not make logical sense to split this small community. The proposal is not equitable as thenorth side has approximately 1/3 of our residents, and south side of Aldergate the remaining
How does one put on a town hall with two council members representing us? Most residentswon’t know who represents whom.
I seek your support and respectfully request a NO vote on the redistricting map that divides
The Oasis.
Thank you for your time.
Vicki CarpenterOasis Resident
29466 Warmsprings DrMenifee, CA. 92584
Item No. 5.1
VICKI CARPENTER COLDWELL BANKER ABR / DIRECTOR OF TRAINING -MANAGER / REALTORvickicarpentersells@gmail.com951-966-5252DRE#: 01112082
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