2022-02-02 City Council Item No. 5.1 Public Comment - Vaughan Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:Janet Vaughan To:City Clerk; billzimmerman@cityofmenifee.us; Bob Karwin; Matthew Liesemeyer; Lesa Sobek; Dean Deines Subject:District 4 redistricting Date:Wednesday, February 2, 2022 2:21:28 PM [CAUTION]: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachmentsunless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. My name is Janet Vaughan and I am a homeowner in The Oasis Community. I am opposed tosplitting the private, gated community at Aldergate Road as a homeowner and as a Director of the Association. A suggestion would be to change the border between District 3 and 4 to the Salt Creek Trail. Only 20% of our homes are located North of Aldergate and the redistricting would create aproblem of continuity for our residents. Please oppose this redistricting! Thank you. -- Janet Vaughan, Director, CFOThe Oasis Community Association Item No. 5.1