2022-02-02 City Council Item No. 5.2. Fire Department Quarterly Update Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsPresented By: Division Chief Lonny Olson CITY OF MENIFEE INCIDENT REPORTS CITY OF MENIFEE RESPONSE TIMES REPORT CITY OF MENIFEE INCIDENT MAP 2021-YEAR END STATISTICS 12,498 total calls for service Engine 5 –1606 Engine 7-3,777 *8th Medic Patrol 7-4172 *4th Engine 68 -2121 Engine 76 -3405 Truck 76 -1709 City of Menifee Fire Marshal Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 TOTALS Fire Plan reviews conducted 39 38 12 422 Building Plan reviews conducted 10 8 14 205 Public Works plan reviews conducted 0 Total reviews conducted 49 46 26 627 Planning Cases/Applications conducted 13 17 19 200 Construction Inspections (Includes Re-inspections) conducted 304 344 238 3875 Annual Non-State Mandated Fire Inspections (Includes Re-inspections) conducted 2 2 2 105 Annual State Mandated Fire Inspections (Includes Re-inspections) conducted 8 7 4 125 Total annual inspection completed 10 9 6 230 Weed Abatement inspections 0 Number of Special Event permits/inspections 2 1 1 9 Total inspections completed 316 354 245 4114 Plan review turnaround goal (Business Days)10 10 10 10 Current plan review time (Business Days)10 8 15 9.88095238 Percent meeting goal 100 100 90 98.3333333 Inspection turnaround time goal (Business Days)2 2 2 2 Current inspection turnaround time (Business Days)4 3 2 4.14285714 Percent meeting goal 80 95 100 79.4047619 Counter/Public inquiries 48 40 47 250 Significant events, Staff/Team accomplishments, other items of interest. 91 applications processed for the month of December, all inspector postions have been filled for a Menifee - Office of the County Fire Marshal Monthly Stats Have a 3-foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters. NOT ALL FIREPLACES ARE DESIGNED FOR WOOD BURNING! Install and maintain carbon monoxide (CO) alarms to avoid the risk of CO poisoning. WITH CAL FIRE/ RIVERSIDE COUNTY/MENIFEE FIRE DEPARTMENT The parties both desire that in some circumstances City of Canyon Lake will respond to fire and emergency medical/rescue incidents outside of the corporate boundaries of the City of Canyon Lake, and that in some circumstances the Riverside County Fire Department will respond to fire and emergency medical/rescue incident within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Canyon Lake. That the specific details of the services to be provided under this agreement shall be determined by the respective Fire Chiefs of both the City of Canyon Lake and the Riverside County Fire Department. These services shall be detailed in an Operating Plan which the Fire Chiefs shall develop and annually review. The Operating Plan, as it may be amended pursuant to that annual review, shall become part of this agreement as Exhibit A. It is understood that all plans that deal with emergency response shall adhere as closely as practical to the “closest unit” concept which forms the basis for this agreement. Requires City of Canyon Lake maintains in operation an engine company consisting of, at a minimum, three personnel, with at least one Firefighter/Paramedic capable of providing Advanced Life Support, at which point this agreement will again go fully into effect. Automatic Aid shall apply only to emergency incidents,and shall not apply to non-emergency situations such as water removals,standbys,public assistance, etc. (20% of incidents). Parties agree to handle all calls within their jurisdiction, and Automatic Aid will apply to additional calls for service when initial attack resources are committed, unavailable and for multi resource responses. Canyon Lake agrees to provide one engine company up to the second resource assuggestedintheComputer Aided Dispatch line-up. Riverside County Fire agrees to provide Canyon Lake one engine company. Not automatic upon request. Requires Duty Officer or Duty Chief Approval. We will maintain 1st alarm protection capabilities within the City when considering requests. •In 2021 a total of 218 times Menifee units responded into Canyon Lake at an average of 18 responses per month. •January 2022 totaled 7 responses. Presented By: Division Chief Lonny Olson THANK YOU!