2022-02-02 City Council Item No. 11.1 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan & Analysis of Impediments Community Outreach Results Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials2022-2027 Consolidated Plan & Analysis of Impediments Community Outreach Results What is a Consolidated Plan •The Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) is designed to aid the city in assessing affordable housing and community development needs •The ConPlan helps determine how funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are used The consolidated planning process: Ensures the programs are data-driven and place-based Analysis of housing and economic market conditions Addresses the priority needs and City’s goals Submission to HUD for review and approval Outreach, Organization meetings, Data-gathering Analysis of Impediments Strategic Plan Consolidated Plan Completed Data/Outreach Community Outreach Committee Meeting Surveys/Data These identified needs are then used to form the Strategic Plan which informs and guides the City’s Action Plan (i.e., projects and programs ) Helps the City identify high-priority needs for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan The results of the: Community Outreach •Community feedback is required by HUD for the Consolidated Plan •This helps the City identify the most urgent needs and ensures those needs are aligned with the projects that obtain CDBG funding •Interviews with Organizations that operate within the City of Menifee and partnering communities •Organizations such as:o Housing providers o Health services o Social services o Organizations representing protected classes o Fair housing o Broadband internet providers o Emergency management organizations Online Community Survey Public Outreach Organizations •Survey was open from September 2021 to November 2021 •Two community surveys launched September o One in English o One in Spanish •538 responses •City’s Web Page •Email blast to 375+ organizations •Social Media •Menifee Matters •Motte’s Museum Mtg. •Quail Valley Mtg. Organization Interviews Some of the organizations we are speaking with are: •Boys & Girls Club •Riverside County Fair Housing Council •Hospice of the Valleys •Family Service Association •Lake Menifee Women’s Club •Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce •Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley •Veterans of Foreign Wars We have reached out to 41 organizations to get feedback The purpose of speaking with these organizations is to get input on what specialized needs may exist in the City of Menifee that CDBG funding could assist with. Organizations work closely with community members and can give us personalized insight on issues of concern to these communities. Survey Results 33% 66% Gender Male Female 1.12% 19.78% 32.09% 16.23% 12.31% 15.30% 1.31%1.87%18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465-8080+Prefer not to sayAge 54.10% 7.46% 30.41% 3.92%1.49%0.37% 11.01%White or CaucasianBlack or AfricanAmericanHispanic or LatinoAsian or AsianAmericanAmerican Indian orAlaska NativeNative Hawaiian orother Pacific IslanderPrefer not to sayRace/ethnicity 86% 15% Homeowner vs. Renter Homeowner Renter Housing 28% 10%14% 32%31% 15% 4% 9% 48% 31%31% 17% 10%8%Homeowner Housing RehabilitationHousing AccessibilityImprovementsAmerican Disability Act (ADA)ImprovementsAffordable Rental HousingSenior HousingHousing for the DisabledLead-Based Paint Test/AbatementRehabilitation of ApartmentBuildingsEnergy Efficiency ImprovementsHousing Code EnforcementDown Payment AssistanceSupportive Housing*Low-barrier Housing**Other (please specify)Top three housing programs that the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. 58% 42% Is affordable housing available to you and your family? Yes No Community Facilities/Services 25.31% 62.41% 35.38% 54.79% 12.53% 37.84% 31.20%28.50% 8.85%Senior CentersYouth CentersNeighborhood FacilitiesParks and Recreational FacilitiesAmerican Disability Act (ADA)Improvements to existing facilitiesChild Care CentersHealth FacilitiesCultural CentersOther (please specify)Top three community facilities you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. 34.73% 15.76% 48.03% 34.24%32.27% 18.23%16.01% 8.62%7.39%4.19% 31.03% 19.46% 14.53% 22.17% 2.96%Senior ServicesDisabled ServicesYouth ServicesTransportation ServicesCrime AwarenessDomestic Violence ServicesSubstance Abuse ServicesTemporary SheltersFair Housing CounselingTenant/Landlord CounselingChild Care ServicesHealth ServicesServices for Very Low IncomeHomeless ServicesOther (please specify)Top three community/special needs services you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Homeless Needs 50.74%48.51%46.53% 18.07%11.88% 79.21% 12.13%Food and clothingEmergency sheltersTransitional housingPermanent housingOne-time rental assistanceMental health/ addiction servicesOther (please specify)Top three homeless needs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Cycle. Economic Development 48.88% 31.76% 53.85%59.06% 70.97% 12.41%Rehabilitation ofCommercial BuildingsFaçade ImprovementsEmployment TrainingSmall Business LoansJob CreationOther (please specify)Top three business needs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Infrastructure 41.77% 77.15% 43.24% 31.20% 17.44%22.85% 38.08% 17.20%Increased CodeEnforcementStreet ImprovementsSidewalkImprovementsPedestrian CrosswalksParking FacilitiesSewer/Storm DrainImprovementsStreet LightingImprovementsOther (please specify)Top three infrastructure needs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Social Services 47% 26%21% 15%14%15%15%19%16% 29% 22% 14%12%13%16% 24% 6%11% 3%After-school programs and/or summer day campfor childrenPrograms for at-risk youthChildcareCounseling/emotional supportDisaster and emergency preparedness measuresDrug/alcohol abuse counseling/treatmentFood or meals for residents with special needsJob training and/or placementLow-cost transportation services (Dial-A-Ride/City Lines)Neighborhood crime prevention programsPark and recreation programsSupport for affordable housingPublic arts programsRevitalization of deteriorated commercial areasServices and shelter for homeless peopleSpecial events, festivals & community gatheringsLegal aid/servicesHealth care servicesOther (please specify)Top three social services that you feel should receive financial support from the City of Menifee. Broadband Needs 64.95% 16.67%18.38% Yes No Don't know Do you believe there are common/pressing broadband internet problems (e.g., high-speed connectivity availability, diversity of providers) in the City of Menifee? 18.63% 37.99% 43.38% Yes No Don't know Do you feel that low-and moderate-income areas have adequate broadband access? Where We Are Ensures the programs are data-driven and place-based Analysis of housing and economic market conditions Addresses the priority needs and City’s goals Allows the jurisdiction to track its accomplishments Outreach, Organizations meetings, Data-gathering Analysis of Impediments Strategic Plan Annual Action Plan/ CAPER Final edits to the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing What is an Impediment? Impediments to fair housing choice are: •Any actions, omissions, or decisions that directly restricts or have the effect of restricting housing choices or housing availability because of: o Race o Color o Religion o Sex o Disability o Familial status o National origin o Financial status The AI is a required component of the City’s Consolidated Plan Examples of Impediments •Discriminatory lending practices •Access to opportunities (i.e., access to quality schools) •Housing discrimination (i.e., marketing language implying discrimination) •Land use policies and procedures (i.e., availability of senior housing, emergency shelters) •Collaborating regionally (i.e., working with regional organizations to address issues such as homelessness within the City) Housing Discrimination 8.00% 2.75% 8.75%7.00% 32.25% 6.00% 35.25%Yes, I haveI think I may haveI haven't, but someoneI know hasI haven't, but I think Imay know someonewho may haveI'm not surePrefer not to sayOther (please specify)Have you encountered housing discrimination? 17.28%17.04% 9.14% 21.73% 33.09% 1.73% Yes Likely Unlikely No Don'tknow Prefernot tosay Do you believe housing discrimination occurs in the City? 38.50% 16.31% 5.88% 16.31% 5.35% 11.23% 19.25% 40.37% 11.50%Race/Ethnicity Religion DisabilitySexual OrientationPregnant or Having Children Sex/GenderAgeMarital StatusNational Origin/Ancestry Family StatusCriminal History/Record Source of IncomeNone, I do not think there is any housingdiscrimination in the CityOther (please specify)What types of discrimination do you think are most prevalent? Next Steps Outreach, Stakeholder meetings, Data-gathering Analysis of Impediments Strategic Plan Consolidated Plan Completed Addressing the priority needs and City’s goals