2022-02-02 City Council Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2   Lesa Sobek, District 3   Dean Deines, District 4     AGENDA Menifee City Council  Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, February 2, 2022 5:30 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk ​AS A RESULT OF THE SURGE OF COVID­19 CASES, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLY BILL 361, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS PERMITTED AT THIS TIME SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING TEMPATURE SCREENING, MANDATORY MASKS/FACE COVERINGS, AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET. WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Please note the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started. ZOOM PARTICIPATION:The public is encouraged to join the meeting live through Zoom. Please see the information below to join the meeting and instructions for providing public comment. VIDEO LINK: https://cityofmenifee­us.zoom.us/j/89298126726 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726 · To provide public comment, please click “Raise Hand”   during the item you wish to speak on. When it is your turn to speak you will be unmuted. PHONE: 1­669­900­6833 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726 · To provide public comment when calling in, please dial *9 during the item you wish to speak on. This will indicate that you would like to provide public comment and you will be unmuted when it is your turn to speak. THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILE OBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FOR ATTENDING IN PERSON. ATTENDING THE MEETING:Seating in the Council Chambers is limited due to social distancing regulations. Seating is available on a first­come­first­served basis. The public may begin lining up 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS:Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment. The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on. CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM) 1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ‐ EXISTING LITIGATION – Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) — Fuhrman v. City of Menifee, Menifee Code Enforcement, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. SWC 19042 REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION  3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson – Impact Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  5. PRESENTATIONS  5.1.Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) 5.2.Fire Department Quarterly Update 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS  9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  9.1 January 19, 2022 Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and 01/11/2022, which have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68. 10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution with findings related to the state of emergency due to COVID­19, authorizing the City Manager to continue to implement teleconference accessibility to conduct all public meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361. 10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, on behalf of Riverside University Health Systems – Behavior Health (RUHS – BH). 10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Authorize participation in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) for La Ladera Park; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to participate in EMWD’s Recycled Water ARP, including but not limited to, the Notice of Intent and Contact Form; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve participation in future recycled water projects under the Recycled Retrofit Water ARP as identified by EMWD and City staff to the benefit of the City. 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute security agreements for streets and drainage improvements to guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Parcel Map (PM) 37145 located at the intersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74, and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Maintenance Services Community Facilities District agreement for PM 37145; and 3. Approve and authorize the filing of the final map for PM 37145. 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the public streets/drainage, water system, and sewer system improvements for Tract Map (TM) 37179, located west of Haun Road and north of La Piedra Road; and 2. Approve the 90% bond reduction for TM 37179. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS  11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive the summary of community outreach and process for the City's next five­year 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan for the use of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Community Development Block Grant funds by the City's Community Development Department; and 2. Discuss and provide feedback regarding priorities for the next five­year Consolidated Plan activities and programs. 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and Menifee Global Medical Center.  12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Discuss the staff provided recommendations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: February 2022 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > City Holiday Tree Lighting Event (Sobek, December 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 1 of 245 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, February 2, 20225:30 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneyStephanie Roseen, Deputy CityClerk​AS A RESULT OF THE SURGE OF COVID­19 CASES, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROMTHE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLY BILL 361, AS WELL AS THE CITY OFMENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS PERMITTED AT THISTIME SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING TEMPATURE SCREENING, MANDATORYMASKS/FACE COVERINGS, AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visitthe City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Pleasenote the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.ZOOM PARTICIPATION:The public is encouraged to join the meeting live through Zoom. Please see theinformation below to join the meeting and instructions for providing public comment.VIDEO LINK: https://cityofmenifee­us.zoom.us/j/89298126726 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment, please click “Raise Hand”   during the item you wish to speak on. When itis your turn to speak you will be unmuted.PHONE: 1­669­900­6833 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment when calling in, please dial *9 during the item you wish to speak on. This willindicate that you would like to provide public comment and you will be unmuted when it is your turn tospeak.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILEOBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FORATTENDING IN PERSON.ATTENDING THE MEETING:Seating in the Council Chambers is limited due to social distancing regulations. Seating is available on a first­come­first­served basis. The public may begin lining up 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS:Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment. The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on. CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM) 1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ‐ EXISTING LITIGATION – Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) — Fuhrman v. City of Menifee, Menifee Code Enforcement, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. SWC 19042 REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION  3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson – Impact Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  5. PRESENTATIONS  5.1.Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) 5.2.Fire Department Quarterly Update 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS  9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  9.1 January 19, 2022 Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and 01/11/2022, which have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68. 10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution with findings related to the state of emergency due to COVID­19, authorizing the City Manager to continue to implement teleconference accessibility to conduct all public meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361. 10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, on behalf of Riverside University Health Systems – Behavior Health (RUHS – BH). 10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Authorize participation in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) for La Ladera Park; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to participate in EMWD’s Recycled Water ARP, including but not limited to, the Notice of Intent and Contact Form; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve participation in future recycled water projects under the Recycled Retrofit Water ARP as identified by EMWD and City staff to the benefit of the City. 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute security agreements for streets and drainage improvements to guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Parcel Map (PM) 37145 located at the intersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74, and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Maintenance Services Community Facilities District agreement for PM 37145; and 3. Approve and authorize the filing of the final map for PM 37145. 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the public streets/drainage, water system, and sewer system improvements for Tract Map (TM) 37179, located west of Haun Road and north of La Piedra Road; and 2. Approve the 90% bond reduction for TM 37179. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS  11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive the summary of community outreach and process for the City's next five­year 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan for the use of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Community Development Block Grant funds by the City's Community Development Department; and 2. Discuss and provide feedback regarding priorities for the next five­year Consolidated Plan activities and programs. 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and Menifee Global Medical Center.  12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Discuss the staff provided recommendations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: February 2022 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > City Holiday Tree Lighting Event (Sobek, December 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 2 of 245 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, February 2, 20225:30 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneyStephanie Roseen, Deputy CityClerk​AS A RESULT OF THE SURGE OF COVID­19 CASES, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROMTHE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLY BILL 361, AS WELL AS THE CITY OFMENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS PERMITTED AT THISTIME SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING TEMPATURE SCREENING, MANDATORYMASKS/FACE COVERINGS, AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visitthe City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Pleasenote the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.ZOOM PARTICIPATION:The public is encouraged to join the meeting live through Zoom. Please see theinformation below to join the meeting and instructions for providing public comment.VIDEO LINK: https://cityofmenifee­us.zoom.us/j/89298126726 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment, please click “Raise Hand”   during the item you wish to speak on. When itis your turn to speak you will be unmuted.PHONE: 1­669­900­6833 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment when calling in, please dial *9 during the item you wish to speak on. This willindicate that you would like to provide public comment and you will be unmuted when it is your turn tospeak.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILEOBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FORATTENDING IN PERSON.ATTENDING THE MEETING:Seating in the Council Chambers is limited due to social distancingregulations. Seating is available on a first­come­first­served basis. The public may begin lining up 30 minutesprior to the start of the meeting.PUBLIC COMMENTS:Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment.The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ‐ EXISTING LITIGATION –Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) —Fuhrman v. City of Menifee, Menifee Code Enforcement, Riverside County Superior CourtCase No. SWC 19042REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson – Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)5.2.Fire Department Quarterly Update6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item.8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 January 19, 2022 Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and 01/11/2022, which have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68. 10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution with findings related to the state of emergency due to COVID­19, authorizing the City Manager to continue to implement teleconference accessibility to conduct all public meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361. 10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, on behalf of Riverside University Health Systems – Behavior Health (RUHS – BH). 10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Authorize participation in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) for La Ladera Park; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to participate in EMWD’s Recycled Water ARP, including but not limited to, the Notice of Intent and Contact Form; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve participation in future recycled water projects under the Recycled Retrofit Water ARP as identified by EMWD and City staff to the benefit of the City. 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute security agreements for streets and drainage improvements to guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Parcel Map (PM) 37145 located at the intersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74, and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Maintenance Services Community Facilities District agreement for PM 37145; and 3. Approve and authorize the filing of the final map for PM 37145. 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the public streets/drainage, water system, and sewer system improvements for Tract Map (TM) 37179, located west of Haun Road and north of La Piedra Road; and 2. Approve the 90% bond reduction for TM 37179. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS  11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive the summary of community outreach and process for the City's next five­year 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan for the use of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Community Development Block Grant funds by the City's Community Development Department; and 2. Discuss and provide feedback regarding priorities for the next five­year Consolidated Plan activities and programs. 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and Menifee Global Medical Center.  12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Discuss the staff provided recommendations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: February 2022 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > City Holiday Tree Lighting Event (Sobek, December 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 3 of 245 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, February 2, 20225:30 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneyStephanie Roseen, Deputy CityClerk​AS A RESULT OF THE SURGE OF COVID­19 CASES, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROMTHE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLY BILL 361, AS WELL AS THE CITY OFMENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS PERMITTED AT THISTIME SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING TEMPATURE SCREENING, MANDATORYMASKS/FACE COVERINGS, AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visitthe City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Pleasenote the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.ZOOM PARTICIPATION:The public is encouraged to join the meeting live through Zoom. Please see theinformation below to join the meeting and instructions for providing public comment.VIDEO LINK: https://cityofmenifee­us.zoom.us/j/89298126726 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment, please click “Raise Hand”   during the item you wish to speak on. When itis your turn to speak you will be unmuted.PHONE: 1­669­900­6833 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment when calling in, please dial *9 during the item you wish to speak on. This willindicate that you would like to provide public comment and you will be unmuted when it is your turn tospeak.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILEOBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FORATTENDING IN PERSON.ATTENDING THE MEETING:Seating in the Council Chambers is limited due to social distancingregulations. Seating is available on a first­come­first­served basis. The public may begin lining up 30 minutesprior to the start of the meeting.PUBLIC COMMENTS:Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment.The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ‐ EXISTING LITIGATION –Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) —Fuhrman v. City of Menifee, Menifee Code Enforcement, Riverside County Superior CourtCase No. SWC 19042REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson – Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)5.2.Fire Department Quarterly Update6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item.8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 January 19, 2022 Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the PayrollRegister/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and01/11/2022, which have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68.10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote MeetingsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Adopt a Resolution with findings related to the state of emergency due toCOVID­19, authorizing the City Manager to continue to implementteleconference accessibility to conduct all public meetings pursuant toAssembly Bill 361.10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental HealthServicesRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into aMemorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, on behalf ofRiverside University Health Systems – Behavior Health (RUHS – BH).10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera ParkRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Authorize participation in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD)Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) for La Ladera Park; and2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to participatein EMWD’s Recycled Water ARP, including but not limited to, the Notice ofIntent and Contact Form; and3. Authorize the City Manager to approve participation in future recycled waterprojects under the Recycled Retrofit Water ARP as identified by EMWD and City staff to the benefit of the City. 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute security agreements for streets and drainage improvements to guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Parcel Map (PM) 37145 located at the intersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74, and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Maintenance Services Community Facilities District agreement for PM 37145; and 3. Approve and authorize the filing of the final map for PM 37145. 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the public streets/drainage, water system, and sewer system improvements for Tract Map (TM) 37179, located west of Haun Road and north of La Piedra Road; and 2. Approve the 90% bond reduction for TM 37179. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS  11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive the summary of community outreach and process for the City's next five­year 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan for the use of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Community Development Block Grant funds by the City's Community Development Department; and 2. Discuss and provide feedback regarding priorities for the next five­year Consolidated Plan activities and programs. 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and Menifee Global Medical Center.  12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Discuss the staff provided recommendations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: February 2022 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > City Holiday Tree Lighting Event (Sobek, December 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 4 of 245 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, February 2, 20225:30 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneyStephanie Roseen, Deputy CityClerk​AS A RESULT OF THE SURGE OF COVID­19 CASES, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROMTHE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLY BILL 361, AS WELL AS THE CITY OFMENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS PERMITTED AT THISTIME SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING TEMPATURE SCREENING, MANDATORYMASKS/FACE COVERINGS, AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visitthe City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Pleasenote the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.ZOOM PARTICIPATION:The public is encouraged to join the meeting live through Zoom. Please see theinformation below to join the meeting and instructions for providing public comment.VIDEO LINK: https://cityofmenifee­us.zoom.us/j/89298126726 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment, please click “Raise Hand”   during the item you wish to speak on. When itis your turn to speak you will be unmuted.PHONE: 1­669­900­6833 MEETING ID: 892 9812 6726· To provide public comment when calling in, please dial *9 during the item you wish to speak on. This willindicate that you would like to provide public comment and you will be unmuted when it is your turn tospeak.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILEOBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FORATTENDING IN PERSON.ATTENDING THE MEETING:Seating in the Council Chambers is limited due to social distancingregulations. Seating is available on a first­come­first­served basis. The public may begin lining up 30 minutesprior to the start of the meeting.PUBLIC COMMENTS:Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment.The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ‐ EXISTING LITIGATION –Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) —Fuhrman v. City of Menifee, Menifee Code Enforcement, Riverside County Superior CourtCase No. SWC 19042REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson – Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)5.2.Fire Department Quarterly Update6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item.8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 January 19, 2022 Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the PayrollRegister/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and01/11/2022, which have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68.10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote MeetingsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Adopt a Resolution with findings related to the state of emergency due toCOVID­19, authorizing the City Manager to continue to implementteleconference accessibility to conduct all public meetings pursuant toAssembly Bill 361.10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental HealthServicesRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into aMemorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, on behalf ofRiverside University Health Systems – Behavior Health (RUHS – BH).10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera ParkRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Authorize participation in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD)Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) for La Ladera Park; and2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to participatein EMWD’s Recycled Water ARP, including but not limited to, the Notice ofIntent and Contact Form; and3. Authorize the City Manager to approve participation in future recycled waterprojects under the Recycled Retrofit Water ARP as identified by EMWD andCity staff to the benefit of the City.10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments,LLC.RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute security agreements forstreets and drainage improvements to guarantee completion of requiredimprovements associated with Parcel Map (PM) 37145 located at theintersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74, and2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Maintenance ServicesCommunity Facilities District agreement for PM 37145; and3. Approve and authorize the filing of the final map for PM 37145.10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 byLennar Homes of California, Inc.RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the public streets/drainage, water system, and sewer systemimprovements for Tract Map (TM) 37179, located west of Haun Road and northof La Piedra Road; and2. Approve the 90% bond reduction for TM 37179.11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan PreliminaryPriorities DiscussionRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Receive the summary of community outreach and process for the City's nextfive­year 2022­2027 Consolidated Plan for the use of U. S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development Federal Community Development BlockGrant funds by the City's Community Development Department; and2. Discuss and provide feedback regarding priorities for the next five­yearConsolidated Plan activities and programs.12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterRECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and Menifee Global Medical Center.  12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Discuss the staff provided recommendations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: February 2022 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: February 2022 – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > City Holiday Tree Lighting Event (Sobek, December 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 5 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Provide input and direction to staff on a recommendation for additional Draft Maps or a Final Map. DISCUSSION Background The City Council held public hearings at the September 15th and November 3rd City Council meetings to receive presentations from staff on the redistricting process, timeline, legal criteria, the 2020 Census, and to take public input. Three public workshops were held in the City of Menifee between December 1st and January 29th with over 20 members of the public in attendance. At each of the workshops, which were recorded and available on the City’s website, a presentation was given covering the timeline, redistricting criteria, what the current Council District boundaries are, how the public can provide input, the City’s redistricting website, and the online mapping tool. Staff and the City’s Redistricting consultants with Bear Demographics & Research fielded questions from members of the public on the presentation to explain the process and provide answers. There are 15 individuals currently using the City’s online mapping tool, with two maps submitted by the public to date. Public comments have included keeping Sun City together and maintaining Quail Valley in Council District 2. This public hearing is focused on a presentation of two Draft Maps for new Council District boundaries in order to provide the City Council an opportunity to provide input on additional Draft Maps and/or a Final Map. The two Draft Maps were published on the City’s website on January 24th in conformance with the California Fair Maps Act prior to the February 2nd City Council meeting. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 6 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 10 8 7 3 Draft Maps - Bear Demographics & Research has provided the City Council with two Draft Maps. Draft Map No. 1 has an overall deviation of 2.2 percent, while Draft Map No. 2 has an overall deviation of 6.2 percent. Both Draft Maps are within the legal standard for overall deviation. Draft Map No. 1 District 1 - The deviation for Council District 1 is -0.8 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 7 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 3 of 10 8 7 3 District 2 - The deviation for Council District 2 is -1.1 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 8 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 4 of 10 8 7 3 District 3 – The deviation for Council District 3 is 0.8 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 9 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 5 of 10 8 7 3 District 4 – The deviation for Council District 4 is 1.1 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 10 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 6 of 10 8 7 3 Draft Map No. 2 District 1 –The deviation for Council District 1 is 0.7 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 11 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 7 of 10 8 7 3 District 2 – The deviation for Council District 2 is -2.6 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 12 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 8 of 10 8 7 3 District 3 – The deviation for Council District 3 is 3.6 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 13 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 9 of 10 8 7 3 District 4 –The deviation for Council District 4 is -1.7 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 14 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Redistricting Draft Maps February 2, 2022 Page 10 of 10 8 7 3 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Map Options dated January 24, 2022 2. Draft Map Written Descriptions 3. Public Submitted Maps Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 15 of 245 City of Menifee City Council Boundaries DRAFT MAP OPTIONS January 24, 2022 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 16 of 245 2 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 17 of 245 3 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 18 of 245 DRAFT MAP #1 4 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 19 of 245 5 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 20 of 245 6 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 21 of 245 7 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 22 of 245 8 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 23 of 245 9 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 24 of 245 10 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 25 of 245 11 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 26 of 245 12 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 27 of 245 13 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 28 of 245 14 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 29 of 245 15 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 30 of 245 16 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 31 of 245 17 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 32 of 245 18 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 33 of 245 City of Menifee Draft Map #1 Demographic Profile Council District 1 2 3 4 Total Total Population (Pop) 2020 Adjusted 25,497 25,410 25,907 25,981 102,795 Deviation (202) (289) 208 282 % Deviation -0.8%-1.1%0.8%1.1%2.2% Latino 31.9%42.3%33.7%43.4%37.8% White 53.2%41.2%44.6%36.5%43.8% Black 6.5%5.7%7.3%9.0%7.1% American Indian 1.2%1.3%1.3%1.3%1.3% Asian 5.1%6.9%10.2%7.1%7.3% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander 0.4%0.6%0.8%0.6%0.6% Other Race 1.0%1.1%1.1%1.2%1.1% Multi Minority Race 0.7%0.9%1.1%1.0%0.9% Voting Age Population (VAP) 2020 Adjusted 21,790 18,374 19,218 19,183 78,566 Latino 28.3%39.0%30.1%39.6%34.0% White 56.7%44.5%48.2%39.3%47.5% Black 6.7%5.7%7.4%9.2%7.2% American Indian 1.3%1.3%13.6%1.4%1.3% Asian 5.1%7.2%10.3%7.6%7.5% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander 0.4%0.6%0.7%0.6%0.6% Other Race 1.0%1.0%1.1%1.3%1.1% Multi Minority Race 0.6%0.7%1.0%0.9%0.8% Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) 2019 17,956 14,812 16,352 14,848 63,963 Latino 22.3%37.6%29.4%38.5%31.4% White 65.1%53.1%53.2%41.1%53.7% Black 6.5%3.3%7.5%10.9%7.0% Asian 3.3%4.9%7.3%6.7%5.5% All Other 2.8%1.4%2.6%2.8%2.4% 2020 Census State Adjusted Redistricting Data 2019 ACS CVAP Tabulation 19 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 34 of 245 City of Menifee Draft Map #1 Demographic Profile Council District 1 2 3 4 Total Total Households (By Household Income)9,556 6,305 7,157 6,366 29,384 Less than $35,000 36.7%14.9%15.3%27.4%24.8% $35,000 to $75,000 31.7%28.2%24.0%28.9%28.5% $75,000 to $150,000 24.6%37.9%42.2%28.1%32.5% $150,000 or more 7.0%19.0%18.6%15.6%14.3% Population 25 years and over (By Education Level)17,670 14,387 15,397 13,698 61,153 No High School Diploma 12.4%11.2%10.2%19.2%13.1% Diploma, No College Degree 63.7%57.5%52.7%52.6%57.0% Any College Degree 23.9%31.4%37.2%28.2%29.9% Occupied Housing Units 9,556 6,305 7,157 6,366 29,384 Owner occupied 76.3%81.6%76.6%73.2%76.9% Renter occupied 23.7%18.4%23.4%26.8%23.1% Population 5 years and over (By Language Spoken at Home)21,583 20,682 22,773 20,464 85,502 English only 77.9%74.2%77.1%61.8%72.9% Spanish 17.9%20.3%15.0%31.5%20.9% Asian and Pacific Island languages 1.8%3.3%5.2%3.7%3.5% Other Indo-European languages 2.5%2.3%2.6%3.1%2.6% Population With Poverty Status Determined (by Poverty Status and Age)22,663 22,892 24,291 21,581 91,398 Income Below Poverty Level Past 12 Months 8.8%7.4%8.3%12.3%9.1% Income At or Above Poverty Level Past 12 Months 91.2%92.6%91.7%87.7%90.9% 2019 ACS Reformatted Tables -Block Group Tabulation 2019 ACS Reformatted Tables -Tract Tabulation 20 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 35 of 245 DRAFT MAP #2 21 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 36 of 245 22 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 37 of 245 23 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:33 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 38 of 245 24 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:34 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 39 of 245 25 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:35 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 40 of 245 26 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:36 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 41 of 245 27 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:37 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 42 of 245 28 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:38 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 43 of 245 29 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:39 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 44 of 245 30 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:40 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 45 of 245 31 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:41 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 46 of 245 32 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:42 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 47 of 245 33 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:43 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 48 of 245 34 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:44 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 49 of 245 35 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:45 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 50 of 245 City of Menifee Draft Map #2 Demographic Profile Council District 1 2 3 4 Total Total Population (Pop) 2020 Adjusted 25,881 25,026 26,620 25,268 102,795 Deviation 182 (673) 921 (431) % Deviation 0.7%-2.6%3.6%-1.7%6.2% Latino 32.0%42.3%33.8%43.6%37.8% White 53.1%41.1%44.4%36.4%43.8% Black 6.5%5.6%7.5%8.9%7.1% American Indian 1.2%1.3%1.3%1.3%1.3% Asian 5.0%7.0%10.1%7.0%7.3% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander 0.4%0.6%0.8%0.6%0.6% Other Race 1.0%1.1%1.1%1.2%1.1% Multi Minority Race 0.7%0.9%1.1%1.1%0.9% Voting Age Population (VAP) 2020 Adjusted 22,048 18,117 19,666 18,735 78,566 Latino 28.4%39.1%30.2%39.8%34.0% White 56.7%44.3%48.0%39.3%47.5% Black 6.8%5.6%7.5%9.1%7.2% American Indian 1.3%1.3%1.3%1.4%1.3% Asian 4.9%7.4%10.3%7.5%7.5% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander 0.5%0.6%0.7%0.6%0.6% Other Race 0.9%1.1%1.0%1.4%1.1% Multi Minority Race 0.6%0.7%0.9%1.0%0.8% Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) 2019 18,229 14,540 17,086 14,113 63,963 Latino 22.0%38.2%29.2%39.2%31.4% White 65.7%52.0%52.8%41.0%53.7% Black 6.2%3.7%7.8%10.7%7.0% Asian 3.4%4.8%7.4%6.5%5.5% All Other 2.7%1.5%2.8%2.5%2.4% 2020 Census State Adjusted Redistricting Data 2019 ACS CVAP Tabulation 36 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:46 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 51 of 245 City of Menifee Draft Map #2 Demographic Profile Council District 1 2 3 4 Total Total Households (By Household Income)9,752 6,109 7,438 6,085 29,384 Less than $35,000 36.9%13.9%15.1%28.2%24.8% $35,000 to $75,000 32.7%26.5%23.9%29.2%28.5% $75,000 to $150,000 23.8%39.6%42.2%27.5%32.5% $150,000 or more 6.6%20.1%18.8%15.1%14.3% Population 25 years and over (By Education Level)17,953 14,105 16,055 13,040 61,153 No High School Diploma 12.7%10.8%10.3%19.6%13.1% Diploma, No College Degree 62.9%58.4%53.1%52.1%57.0% Any College Degree 24.4%30.9%36.6%28.3%29.9% Occupied Housing Units 9,752 6,109 7,438 6,085 29,384 Owner occupied 75.0%83.9%76.7%72.9%76.9% Renter occupied 25.0%16.1%23.3%27.1%23.1% Population 5 years and over (By Language Spoken at Home)21,957 20,307 23,763 19,475 85,502 English only 78.2%73.7%77.0%61.1%72.9% Spanish 17.4%20.9%15.1%32.2%20.9% Asian and Pacific Island languages 1.9%3.1%5.3%3.6%3.5% Other Indo-European languages 2.5%2.3%2.6%3.2%2.6% Population With Poverty Status Determined (by Poverty Status and Age)22,979 22,546 25,353 20,519 91,398 Income Below Poverty Level Past 12 Months 8.9%7.2%8.4%12.4%9.1% Income At or Above Poverty Level Past 12 Months 91.1%92.8%91.6%87.6%90.9% 2019 ACS Reformatted Tables -Block Group Tabulation 2019 ACS Reformatted Tables -Tract Tabulation 37 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:47 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 52 of 245 Draft Maps – Written Descriptions Bear Demographics & Research has provided the City Council with two Draft Maps. Draft Map No. 1 has an overall deviation of 2.2 percent, while Draft Map No. 2 has an overall deviation of 6.2 percent. Both Draft Maps are within the legal standard for overall deviation. Draft Map No. 1 District 1 – Beginning at the intersection of Mclaughlin Road and the 215 Freeway, continuing south along the 215 Freeway to the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel, continuing west along the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel to Bradley Road, continuing south along Bradley Road to Newport Road, continuing west along Newport Road to Berea Road, continuing north along Berea Road to Normandy Road, continuing west along Normandy Road to Audi Murphy Road, continuing north along Audie Murphy Road to the mountain ridge line, continuing north along the mountain ridge like to the City Boundary, and continuing along the City Boundary to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 1 is -0.8 percent. District 2 – Beginning at the intersection of the mountain ridge line and the City Boundary, continuing south along the mountain ridge line to Audie Murphy Road, continuing south along Audie Murphy Road to Normandy Road, continuing east along Normandy Road to Berea Road, continuing south along Berea Road to Newport Road, continuing east along Newport Road to Bradley Road, continuing north along Bradley Road to the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel, continuing east along the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel to the 215 Freeway, continuing south along the 215 Freeway to the City Boundary, and continuing along the City Boundary to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 2 is -1.1 percent. District 3 – Beginning at the intersection of Antelope Road and Aldergate Drive, continuing east along Aldergate Drive to Menifee Road, continuing north along Menifee Road to Trailhead Drive, continuing east along Trailhead Drive to Lindenberger Road, continuing south along Lindenberger Road to Domenigoni Parkway, continuing south along Domenigoni Parkway to Laguna Vista Drive, continuing south along Laguna Vista Drive to Rockport Road, continuing east along Rockport Road to the City Boundary, continuing west along the City Boundary to the 215 Freeway, continuing north along the 215 Freeway to Salt Creek, continuing east along Salt Creek to Antelope Road, and continuing north along Antelope Road to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 3 is 0.8 percent. District 4 – Beginning at the intersection of the 215 Freeway and the City Boundary, continuing along the City Boundary to Rockport Road, continuing west along Rockport Road to Laguna Vista Drive, continuing north along Laguna Vista Drive to Domenigoni Parkway, continuing north along Domenigoni Parkway to Lindenberger Road, continuing north along Lindenberger Road to Trailhead Drive, continuing west along Trailhead Drive to Murrieta Road, continuing south along Murrieta Road to Aldergate Drive, continuing west along Aldergate Drive to Antelope Road, continuing south along Antelope Road to Salt Creek, continuing west along Salt Creek to the 215 Freeway, and continuing north along the 215 Freeway to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 4 is 1.1 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:48 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 53 of 245 Draft Map No. 2 District 1 – Beginning at the intersection of Mclaughlin Road and the 215 Freeway, continuing south along the 215 Freeway to Newport Road, continuing west along Newport Road to Murrieta Road, continuing north along Murrieta Road to the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel, continuing south along the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel to Normandy Road, and continuing west along Normandy Road to Audi Murphy Road, continuing north along Audie Murphy Road to the mountain ridge line, continuing north along the mountain ridge like to the City Boundary, and continuing along the City Boundary to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 1 is 0.7 percent. District 2 – Beginning at the intersection of the mountain ridge line and the City Boundary, continuing south along the mountain ridge line to Audie Murphy Road, continuing south along Audie Murphy Road to Normandy Road, continuing east along Normandy Road to Murrieta Road, continuing south along Murrieta Road to Newport Road, continuing east along Newport Road to the 215 Freeway, continuing south along the 215 Freeway to the City Boundary, and continuing along the City Boundary to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 2 is -2.6 percent. District 3 – Beginning at the intersection of Antelope Road and Aldergate Drive, continuing east along Aldergate Drive to Menifee Road, continuing north along Menifee Road to the parcel line north of Celestial Drive, continuing east along the parcel line north of Celestial Drive to Lindenberger Road, continuing south along Lindenberger Road to Domenigoni Parkway, continuing east along Domenigoni Parkway to the City Boundary, continuing along the City Boundary to the 215 Freeway, continuing north along the 215 Freeway to Salt Creek, continuing east along Salt Creek to Antelope Road, and continuing north along Antelope Road to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 3 is 3.6 percent. District 4 – Beginning at the intersection of the 215 Freeway and the City Boundary, continuing along the City Boundary to Domenigoni Parkway, continuing west along Domenigoni Parkway to Lindenberger Road, continuing north along Lindenberger Road to the parcel line north of Celestial Drive, continuing west along the parcel line north of Celestial Drive to Murrieta Road, continuing south along Murrieta Road to Aldergate Drive, continuing west along Aldergate Drive to Antelope Road, continuing south along Antelope Road to Salt Creek, continuing west along Salt Creek to the 215 Freeway, and continuing north along the 215 Freeway to the point of beginning. The deviation for Council District 4 is -1.7 percent. Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:49 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 54 of 245 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:50 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 55 of 245 DistrictPopulation_B20Deviation% DeviationLATPOP_B20% LATPOP_B20WHIPOP_B20% WHIPOP_B20BLAPOP_B20% BLAPOP_B20AMIPOP_B20% AMIPOP_B20126174.004751.85%8513.0032.52%13839.0052.87%1675.006.4%327.001.25%224733.00-966-3.76%10355.0041.87%10202.0041.25%1414.005.72%321.001.3%325329.00-370-1.44%8465.0033.42%11353.0044.82%1888.007.45%314.001.24%426559.008603.35%11526.0043.4%9669.0036.41%2337.008.8%349.001.31%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Wed Jan 26 12:45:13 2022Page 1Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 51Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 56 of 245 DistrictASIPOP_B20% ASIPOP_B20HPIPOP_B20% HPIPOP_B20OTHPOP_B20% OTHPOP_B20MMRPOP_B20% MMRPOP_B20VAP_B20% VAP_B2011252.004.78%108.000.41%278.001.06%182.000.7%22277.0085.11%21798.007.27%150.000.61%270.001.09%223.000.9%17888.0072.32%32571.0010.15%188.000.74%277.001.09%273.001.08%18740.0073.99%41906.007.18%167.000.63%322.001.21%283.001.07%19661.0074.03%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Wed Jan 26 12:45:13 2022Page 2Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 52Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 57 of 245 DistrictLATVAP_B20% LATVAP_B20WHIVAP_B20% WHIVAP_B20BLAVAP_B20% BLAVAP_B20AMIVAP_B20% AMIVAP_B20ASIVAP_B20% ASIVAP_B20HPIVAP_B2016411.0028.78%12595.0056.54%1475.006.62%290.001.3%1055.004.74%9926927.0038.72%7936.0044.36%1029.005.75%237.001.32%1365.007.63%10235591.0029.83%9058.0048.34%1420.007.58%247.001.32%1937.0010.34%12347793.0039.64%7748.0039.41%1760.008.95%281.001.43%1504.007.65%130Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Wed Jan 26 12:45:14 2022Page 3Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 53Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 58 of 245 District% HPIVAP_B20OTHVAP_B20% OTHVAP_B20MMRVAP_B20% MMRVAP_B20tcvap_D19% tcvap_D19lcvap_D19% lcvap_D19wcvap_D19% wcvap_D1910.44%220.000.99%132.000.59%18603.9783.51%4234.2122.76%12119.6765.15%20.57%175.000.98%117.000.65%14164.4479.18%5324.3337.59%7422.8652.4%30.66%191.001.02%173.000.92%16271.9686.83%4696.9928.87%8631.2553.04%40.66%256.001.3%189.000.96%14927.3375.92%5822.0139%6165.9741.31%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Wed Jan 26 12:45:14 2022Page 4Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 54Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 59 of 245 Districtbcvap_D19% bcvap_D19acvap_D19% acvap_D19aocvap_D19% aocvap_D1911107.955.96%629.613.38%498.532.68%2545.443.85%680.644.81%208.101.47%31259.107.74%1194.497.34%480.782.95%41585.2210.62%999.966.7%351.562.36%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Wed Jan 26 12:45:14 2022Page 5Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 55Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 60 of 245 Total Population (Pop) 2020 Adjusted Latino White Black American Indian Asian Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Other Race PopulationB20 LATPOP_B20 WHTPOP_B20 BLKPOP_B20 AINPOP_B20 ASNPOP_B20 HPIPOP_B20 OTHPOP_B20 MMRPOP_B20 Multi Minority Race VAP_B20 Voting Age Population (VAP) 2020 Adjusted LATVAP_B20 Latino WHTVAP_B20 White BLKVAP_B20 Black AINVAP_B20 American Indian ASNVAP_B20 Asian HPIVAP_B20 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander OTHVAP_B20 Other Race MMRVAP_B20 Multi Minority Race tcvap_D19 Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) lcvap_D19 Latino wcvap_D19 White bcvap_D19 Black acvap_D19 Asian aocvap_D19 All Other 27 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:56 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 61 of 245 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:57 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 62 of 245 DistrictPopulation_B20Deviation% DeviationLATPOP_B20% LATPOP_B20WHIPOP_B20% WHIPOP_B20BLAPOP_B20% BLAPOP_B20AMIPOP_B20% AMIPOP_B20125,752530.21%8,51733.07%13,36651.9%1,7776.9%3331.29%225,682-17-0.07%10,67941.58%10,68341.6%1,4755.74%3241.26%325,625-74-0.29%9,02035.2%10,84842.33%1,9567.63%3331.3%425,736370.14%10,64341.35%10,16639.5%2,1068.18%3211.25%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Tue Dec 14 12:24:13 2021Page 1Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 58Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 63 of 245 DistrictASIPOP_B20% ASIPOP_B20HPIPOP_B20% HPIPOP_B20OTHPOP_B20% OTHPOP_B20MMRPOP_B20% MMRPOP_B20VAP_B20% VAP_B2011,2144.71%1100.43%2601.01%1750.68%21,81684.72%21,8497.2%1530.6%2881.12%2310.9%18,63272.55%32,68410.47%2110.82%2801.09%2931.14%18,55472.41%41,7806.92%1390.54%3191.24%2621.02%19,56476.02%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Tue Dec 14 12:24:13 2021Page 2Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 59Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 64 of 245 DistrictLATVAP_B20% LATVAP_B20WHIVAP_B20% WHIVAP_B20BLAVAP_B20% BLAVAP_B20AMIVAP_B20% AMIVAP_B20ASIVAP_B20% ASIVAP_B20HPIVAP_B2016,38529.27%12,15755.73%1,5146.94%2951.35%1,0244.69%10427,15538.4%8,33744.75%1,0845.82%2401.29%1,4087.56%10235,92931.96%8,40945.32%1,4477.8%2571.39%2,01210.84%13447,25337.07%8,43443.11%1,6398.38%2631.34%1,4177.24%114Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Tue Dec 14 12:24:13 2021Page 3Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 60Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 65 of 245 District% HPIVAP_B20OTHVAP_B20% OTHVAP_B20MMRVAP_B20% MMRVAP_B20tcvap_D19% tcvap_D19lcvap_D19% lcvap_D19wcvap_D19% wcvap_D1910.48%2090.96%1280.59%17,88882%4,06822.74%11,59964.84%20.55%1861%1200.64%14,71478.97%5,53337.6%7,66652.1%30.72%1840.99%1820.98%16,19587.29%4,90530.29%8,21450.72%40.58%2631.34%1810.93%15,17177.54%5,57236.73%6,86245.23%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Tue Dec 14 12:24:13 2021Page 4Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 61Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 66 of 245 Districtbcvap_D19% bcvap_D19acvap_D19% acvap_D19aocvap_D19% aocvap_D1911,1106.2%5793.24%5192.9%25954.04%7164.87%2211.5%31,3048.05%1,2637.8%5013.1%41,4899.81%9466.24%2981.97%Districts in Plan (4); Maximum (4)Tue Dec 14 12:24:13 2021Page 5Item Title: 5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start)Item Page Number: 62Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 67 of 245 Total Population (Pop) 2020 Adjusted Latino White Black American Indian Asian Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Other Race PopulationB20 LATPOP_B20 WHTPOP_B20 BLKPOP_B20 AINPOP_B20 ASNPOP_B20 HPIPOP_B20 OTHPOP_B20 MMRPOP_B20 Multi Minority Race VAP_B20 Voting Age Population (VAP) 2020 Adjusted LATVAP_B20 Latino WHTVAP_B20 White BLKVAP_B20 Black AINVAP_B20 American Indian ASNVAP_B20 Asian HPIVAP_B20 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander OTHVAP_B20 Other Race MMRVAP_B20 Multi Minority Race tcvap_D19 Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) lcvap_D19 Latino wcvap_D19 White bcvap_D19 Black acvap_D19 Asian aocvap_D19 All Other 27 Item Title:5.1 Redistricting Process and Draft Map Update (6:05 PM Start) Item Page Number:63 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 68 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 1 of 9 City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 MINUTES Menifee City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 19, 2022 5:00 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk CLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM) Mayor Zimmerman called closed session to order at 5:00 PM. Present were Councilmembers Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem Deines, and Mayor Zimmerman. The City Council recessed to closed session for the purpose listed below. 1.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1); evaluation of City Manager REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. Mayor Zimmerman, on behalf of the City Attorney, stated there was no reportable action from closed session. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: None 3.WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Bob Warning – Crossway Menifee 4.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Eastern Municipal Water District’s Division Four Board Director Jeff Armstrong led the flag salute. 5.PRESENTATIONS 5.1 2021 Outstanding Citizen of the Year – Dawn Smith Mayor Zimmerman introduced the Outstanding Citizen of the Year, Dawn Smith. The City Council reported on Ms. Smith’s contributions and thanked her for dedication and service to the community. Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 69 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 2 of 9 Ms. Smith thanked the City Council and her family for their support. 5.2 Business Spotlight – Pete’s Music and Guitar Shop Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez introduced the Business Spotlight program and Pete’s Music and Guitar Shop. Ms. Gonzales reported on Pete’s Surowski’s contributions to the community and shared a short video. The City Council thanked Mr. Surowski for his support to the City. 5.3 EMWD Projects Update Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) Division Four Board Director Jeff Armstrong introduced the item and himself to the City Council. EMWD General Manager Joe Mouawad provided a presentation and reported on EMWD’s key projects such as: Perris II Desalter; Murrieta Road Transmission Pipeline, and the Quail Valley Subarea 4 Sewerage Feasibility Study and Sewer System Backbone Preliminary Design; California’s current drought conditions; EMWD’s current water use efficiency status; EMWD ‘s response to current drought conditions; and the EMWD newsletter for the City. The City Council asked questions regarding the Murrieta Road closure and coordination with the school district, residential traffic concerns; closure signage; cost of imported water verses the desalter; and timing for Quail Valley improvements. The City Council thanked Mr. Mouawad for his presentation. 5.4 Community Services Update Community Services Manager Mariana Mitchell and Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks provided a presentation and reported on the temporary facility closures and program activity postponements; upcoming events; parks in progress; Lazy Creek Recreation Center update; and Park Ranger updates. The City Council inquired about the state’s organic waste requirement, potential dog park location in Sun City, and potential parks in Sun City. 5.5 Police Department Update Menifee Police Chief Pat Walsh provided a presentation and report on the calls for service; response times; arrests; traffic collisions; traffic citations; crimes against person; crimes against property; crimes against society; code enforcement; Post- Release Accountability Compliance Team (PACT); Community Behavioral health Assessment Team (CBAT); homeless liaison officer; and school threats. The City Council inquired about the school threats; BTS, LLC property; student resource officers; Homeless Point in Time (PIT) count; and the Post-Release Accountability and Compliance Team (PACT) visits. 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 70 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 3 of 9 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) None. 8.COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember Karwin reported on the meetings and events he attended. Town Hall at Sun City Coordinating Council Groundbreaking for Menifee Justice Center Olive Garden Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Friends of the Sun City Library Conversation Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meetings and the events he attended. Western Riverside Council of Government (WRCOG) Executive Team Joint Session with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Ground Breaking for Menifee Justice Center Councilmember Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended. Meeting with Senator Rosalia Ochoa Bogh Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) Retirement of Larry Rubio Santa’s Workshop and Spark of Love Poki Bowl Grand Opening Emotional and Well-being Discussion January 2022 Student of the Month Ground Breaking for Menifee Justice Center Olive Garden Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Rotary Club Meeting on Menifee Better Together Meeting Menifee Interfaith Council Meeting CalCities League Riverside Division Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Deines reported on the meetings and events he attended. RTA Board Meeting Focus Group Meeting for Animal Friends of the Valley Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Olive Garden Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Groundbreaking for Menifee Justice Center CalCities League Riverside Division Meeting Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended. Neighbors Monthly Business Mixer MSJC Board Meeting Santa’s Workshop and Spark of Love Poki Bowl Grand Opening Special Holiday Music Event at Central Park Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 71 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 4 of 9 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None Boys and Girls Club Breakfast Menifee Interfaith Council Meeting Emotional and Well-being Discussion Town Hall at Sun City Coordinating Council CalCities League Riverside Division Meeting Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Meeting Rotary Club Groundbreaking for Menifee Justice Center Olive Garden Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting CalCities Mayor’s Collaborative Meeting. Mayor Zimmerman stated the grand opening for Liberty High School would take place on Saturday, January 21, 2022. Councilmember Sobek inquired about a CalTrans draft letter regarding the trash on freeway corridors. Mayor Zimmerman and Public Works Director Nick Fidler provided an update. 9.APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 9.1 December 9, 2021 Special Minutes 9.2 December 15, 2021 Minutes 10.CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Liesemeyer requested to pull item nos. 10.15 and 10.20. The balance of the consent calendar was approved by the following vote. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines 10.1 Waiver of Reading ACTION 1.Waived the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provided that they be read by title only. 10.2 Monthly Public Safety Reports ACTION 1.Received and filed. 10.3 Warrant Register Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 72 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 5 of 9 ACTION 1.Ratified and approved the Voucher Lists dated 12/03/2021, 12/17/2021, and 12/23/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 11/22/2021, 11/24/2021, 11/26/2021, 12/02/2021,12/03/2021, 12/08/2021, 12/09/2021, 12/10/2021, 12/17/2021, 12/22/2021, and 12/23/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 11/30/2021 and 12/31/2021 which had a total budgetary impact of $12,001,474.52. 10.4 Treasurer's Report, October 2021 ACTION 1.Approved the Treasurer’s Report for October 2021. 10.5 CalRecycle Edible Food Recovery Grant Application ACTION 1.Approved and authorized the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary agreements and other grant related documents thereof to the Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (CalRecycle); and 2.Adopted Resolution No. 22-1114, authorizing the City of Menifee to submit a cooperative application with Menifee Valley Community Cupboard for the CalRecyle Edible Food Recovery Grant. 10.6 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Memorandum of Understanding Amendment with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce ACTION 1.Adopted Resolution No. 22-1115, updating the list of activities, information and training programs, events, and promotional products in connection with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce for fiscal year 2021/22. 10.7 Accela, Inc. License Agreement Amendment ACTION 1.Approved a Purchase Order (PO) for five additional Accela user licenses in fiscal year 2021/2022 in the amount of $9,958.66; and 2.Authorized an additional amount up to $15,000 per year to accommodate the number of licenses needed to support City staff growth; and 3.Authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. 10.8 Quest Media and Supplies Inc., Contract Addendum No. 2 ACTION 1.Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute addendum no. 2 with Quest Media and Supplies Inc., authorizing up to an additional $20,000 per year for the three-year term of the existing enterprise backup agreement. 10.9 Post Rrelease Accountability and Compliance Team Fiscal Year 2021-22 Memorandum of Understanding ACTION 1.Authorized the City Manager, or designee, to enter into a Memorandum of Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 73 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 6 of 9 Understanding (MOU) with the County of Riverside, on behalf of its Probation Department and Post Release Accountability and Compliance Team (PACT) for Public Safety Realignment. 10.10 Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Police Department Fleet Vehicles Purchase Revisions ACTION 1.Approved and authorized the City Manager to close out the unused portion of the previously approved purchase order, and create a new purchase order for six vehicles from the State of California Contract Vendor Wondries/National Auto Fleet Group based on the attached quotes for a not-to-exceed amount of $400,000 including tax and delivery, and using account number 115-4911- 53155; and 2.Allowed the purchase to be made under the cooperative purchasing (piggyback) agreement as permitted under the Menifee Municipal Code Section 3.12.070 (6) with Sourcewell Contract No. 120716-NAF, thereby exempting the purchase under the competitive bidding process; and 3.Authorized the City Manager to execute the required documents and approve any future change orders due to limited availability, or unavailability of vehicles. 10.11 Western Riverside Council of Governments' Joint Powers Agreement Amendment ACTION 1.Approved the amendment to the Western Riverside Council of Governments’ Joint Powers Agreement. 10.12 Housing Element Change of Zone Ordinance ACTION 1.Adopted Ordinance 2022-333, approving Change of Zone No. PLN21-0021. 10.13 Quarterly Change Order/Contract Amendments and CEQA Professional Services Agreements Report ACTION 1.Received and filed quarterly change orders, contract amendments, and CEQA related professional services agreements report for the period of October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. 10.14 Agreement for Lines A and B Storm Drains and Appurtenances for Oak Hills Development by Woodside 05S, LP. ACTION 1.Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Woodside 05S, LP for the construction, ownership, operation, and maintenance of the La Ladera Road Storm Drain, Stage 3 and the Salt Creek – Ridgemoor Road Storm Drain, Stage 4, and Appurtenances. 10.15 Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Menifee Local Roadway Safety Plan Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 74 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 7 of 9 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about how the Local Roadway Safety Plan will integrate with the General Plan. Public Works Director Nick Fidler provided an explanation. ACTION 1.Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for preparation of the Menifee Local Roadway Safety Plan in the amount not-to-exceed of $98,604.27. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek RECUSE: None 10.16 Premier/Menifee Lakes Resurfacing Improvement Project Acceptance ACTION 1.Accepted the improvements for Premier/Menifee Lakes Resurfacing Improvement Project, located east of Interstate 215 and south of Newport Road; and 2.Authorized the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion for Premier/Menifee Lakes Resurfacing Improvement Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP21-15, with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office. 10.17 Agreement with KOA Corporation for Design of the Menifee Road Resurfacing Project ACTION 1.Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with KOA Corporation for design services of the Menifee Road Resurfacing Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP22-06, in the amount not-to-exceed of $94,901.71. 10.18 Valley Boulevard Widening Project Agreements ACTION 1.Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Dokken Engineering for Civil Engineering Design and Environmental Services for the Valley Boulevard Widening Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP22-02, in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,244,031.81; and 2.Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Dennis Janda, Inc. for surveying services for the project in the not-to-exceed amount of $44,000. 10.19 Menifee Road/La Piedra Road Traffic Signal and the Murrieta Road/Rouse Road Traffic Signal Agreement ACTION 1.Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute an Owner-Contractor Agreement with Calpromax Engineering in the amount of $982,106.50 to perform Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 75 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 8 of 9 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None construction of two traffic signal improvement projects at Menifee Road and La Piedra Road, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP21-07, and Murrieta Road and Rouse Road, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP21-10; and 2.Approved Resolution No. 22-1116, appropriating additional funding in the total amount of $276,028 from DIF Citywide-Circulation Fund No. 526 available fund balance. 10.20 Resolution of Intention to Establish Underground Utilities District No. 2022-1 Councilmember Liesemeyer asked Public Works Director Nick Fidler to highlight the Underground Utilities District project. ACTION 1.Adopted Resolution No. 22-1117, a Resolution of Intention to establish Underground Utility District No. 2022-1, located on Goetz Road near Vista Way, and to set a public hearing for February 16, 2022. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines 10.21 Security Improvement Bond Reduction, Tract Map 36485-1 by Sutter Mitland 01, LLC ACTION 1.Accepted the public road/drainage, water system and sewer system improvements for Tract Map (TM) 36485-1, located northeast of Newport Road and Goetz Road; and 2.Approved the 90% bond reduction for road/drainage, water system, and sewer system improvements in TM 36485-1; and 3.Approved the release of the survey monument bond for TM 36485-1. 10.22 Streetscape Landscape Improvements Acceptance, Honeyrun Road, Parcel Map 31822-F by Sutler Mitland 01 LLC ACTION 1.Accepted the streetscape landscape improvements on Honeyrun Road associated with the Audie Murphy Ranch Tract Map (TM) 31822-F, located east of Goetz Road and north of Audie Murphy Road North. 10.23 CivilPros for the Scott/Bundy Canyon Road Widening Project Agreement Amendment ACTION 1.Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute amendment no. 3 to the professional services agreement with CivilPros, Inc. for the Bundy Canyon/Scott Road Widening Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP20- 01, in the not-to-exceed amount of $520,900, and extend the term of services through June 30, 2024. Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 76 of 245 Menifee Mayor and City Council January 19, 2022 Page 9 of 9 11.PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS - NONE 12.DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for Fiscal Year End June 30, 2021 Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton introduced the item, Financial Services Manager Ann-Marie Etienne, Deputy Finance Director Wendy Preece and City Consultant Scott Mano. Mr. Mano provided a presentation and reported on the City’s responsibilities; auditors responsibility; and the auditor’s option. Ms. Etienne provided a presentation and reported on the three sections to the financial statements; funds; funds revenue; funds expenditures; fund revenues; fund balances; general fund expenditures; general fun fund balance; capital assets; completed capital projects; and the award for excellence in financial reports. ACTION 1.Received and filed the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and other audit reports for the fiscal year end June 30, 2021. 13.CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None. 14.CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Armando Villa reported on the effects of COVID at City Hall and the closure and introduced the City’s new Management Analyst Rebekah Kramer and Public Information and Legislative Affairs Officer Philip Southard. 15.FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilmember Liesemeyer asked for a future agenda item to add to the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). City Manager Armando Villa and Public Works Director Nick Fidler informed the City Council a mid-year CIP discussion would be brought to the City Council in the near future. 16.ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 8:22 PM Stephanie Roseen, CMC Deputy City Clerk Item Title:9.1 January 19,2022 Minutes Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 77 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Warrant Register MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Ann-Marie Etienne, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and 01/11/2022, which have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 3.16.050 requires that the City Council audit payments of demands and directs the City Manager to issue checks. The attached Voucher List and all corresponding invoices have been reviewed and approved for accuracy by the Financial Services Manager and by the Deputy Finance Director. Voucher List dated 01/14/2022, and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, and 01/11/2022, have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT As indicated above, Voucher Lists dated 01/14/2022, and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 01/03/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/07/2022, & 01/11/2022, have a total budgetary impact of $1,973,803.68, which is included in the FY21/22 budget. ATTACHMENTS 1. Voucher Listing 2. Payroll Register/Other EFT’s Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 78 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 1 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51338 1/14/2022 01675 2/90 SIGN SYSTEMS 0000309053 OFFICE SUPPLIES 417.26 Total : 417.26 51339 1/14/2022 01252 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC.11C7-CDGP-4XWC COMM SVCS SUPPLIES 243.50 83.13COMM SVCS SUPPLIES16YD-JHG4-FR6T 271.12COMMUNITY SVCS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES16YN-WVGD-GX3W 86.99SUPPLIES FOR HUMAN RESOURCES17HH-YMWN-3CQV 272.44COMM SVCS SUPPLIES19GJ-MTP9-R6FP 43.20PD SUPPLIES19PK-7HJ1-N6XY 152.22IT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE1CF7-JG3R-QGDG 196.82FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE1F4D-NQGH-T6VM 867.70OFFICE SUPPLIES1GH3-Q4GQ-HQRP 96.78IT SUPPLIES FOR PD1KK7-FJY3-VFQP 30.65OFFICE SUPPLIES1M1N-QGNG-PWFG 75.68COMMUNITY SVCS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES1MPN-JK9J-K71X 20.65COMM SVCS FACILITY MAINTENANCE1PTD-V4QK-RFT7 133.19COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1RRJ-NCLD-7NN3 81.68OFFICE SUPPLIES1WTT-1GV7-773W 450.90COMM SVCS OFFICE SUPPLIES1YNM-N96V-9Q4D Total : 3,106.65 51340 1/14/2022 00258 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES, INC 75373 03571 DEC'21 PD FORENSIC SERVICES 65.00 03571 325.00DEC'21 PD FORENSIC SERVICES75425 Total : 390.00 51341 1/14/2022 01272 BOOT BARN INC.INV00142029 FIELD STAFF BOOTS 293.60 Total : 293.60 51342 1/14/2022 01624 BREAKING THE CHAIN CONSULTING 2021-117 03643 STRENGTHS BASED LEADERSHIP TRAINING 4,599.88 Total : 4,599.88 51343 1/14/2022 00370 CHANDLER ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC 2112MENIFEE 03449 DEC'21 INVESTMENT MGMT FEE 374.16 Total : 374.16 51344 1/14/2022 01988 DIVERSIFIED DISTRIBUTION 2001765 FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 131.58 201.17PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE2001780 1Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 79 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 2 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51344 1/14/2022 (Continued)01988 DIVERSIFIED DISTRIBUTION 133.21ENG VEHICLE MAINTENANCE2001828 133.21PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE2001829 Total : 599.17 51345 1/14/2022 00385 DLT SOLUTIONS, LLC S1547687 03657 FY21/22 AUTOCAD LICENSE RENEWAL 18,115.76 Total : 18,115.76 51346 1/14/2022 00080 DOCU-TRUST 045159 DOC STORAGE & RETRIEVAL SVCS 687.86 Total : 687.86 51347 1/14/2022 00731 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST FBN4382563 03367 JAN'22 MENIFEE PD & CS VEHICLE LEASES 6,528.24 Total : 6,528.24 51348 1/14/2022 01297 ENVIRONMENTAL LOGISTICS, INC 112312 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 322.00 Total : 322.00 51349 1/14/2022 02129 GRACIELA VERDUZCO 12/28/21 JAN'22 JAN'22 LEASE FOR POLICE SUBSTATION 41.00 Total : 41.00 51350 1/14/2022 02032 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL, PLANNING, INC 110924 03256 NOV'21 CIP 17-01 EVANS PARK CEQA SERVICE 26,828.40 Total : 26,828.40 51351 1/14/2022 01857 KC GRAPHICS 41736 PRINTING SVCS FOR PD 618.68 Total : 618.68 51352 1/14/2022 00840 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.094991011-1121 03500 NOV'21 CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPRO 4,844.00 03113 1,156.92NOV'21 LYLE MARSH PERMANENT PRE-FABRICAT20188129 03500 2,422.50NOV'21 CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPRO20225947 02792 1,315.00NOV'21 CIP21-11 MENIFEE & GARBANI RD TRA20282956 03529 22,367.50NOV'21 CIP 20-05 GARBANI ROAD & I-215 PR20318338 Total : 32,105.92 51353 1/14/2022 01871 LEXISNEXIS COPLOGIC, SOLUTIONS INC 807519-20211130 03384 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PD SOFTWAR 1,440.00 Total : 1,440.00 51354 1/14/2022 01567 LOZANO SMITH LLP 2152503 NOV'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS 217.00 403.00NOV'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS2152505 2Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 80 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 3 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 620.00 51354 1/14/2022 01567 01567 LOZANO SMITH LLP 51355 1/14/2022 01031 MENIFEE VALLEY TAEKWONDO ACADE CK REQ 1/4 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 756.60 35.40COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENTCK REQ 1/4-1 Total : 792.00 51356 1/14/2022 00892 MSA SYSTEMS, INC.SGM17217 PD PRINTER SUPPLIES 888.19 Total : 888.19 51357 1/14/2022 02113 ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC.21/357 03192 AUG'21 CIP 21-15 PREMIER & MENIFEE LAKES 21,885.17 Total : 21,885.17 51358 1/14/2022 01761 P.L. PERRIN & ASSOCIATES 21-23 03285 PD POLYGRAPH SVCS 270.00 Total : 270.00 51359 1/14/2022 02274 PACIFIC OFFICE INTERIORS 11493-47436-0 03649 CIP 19-16 LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER F 53,593.38 Total : 53,593.38 51360 1/14/2022 00252 PURCHASE POWER 0528-2038 DEC'21 DEC'21 POSTAGE REFILL 3,300.00 Total : 3,300.00 51361 1/14/2022 02159 QUEST 521337 ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM BACKUP 340.00 Total : 340.00 51362 1/14/2022 01717 QUINN COMPANY WOA000033767 03559 P/W EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5,684.17 Total : 5,684.17 51363 1/14/2022 01497 QUINN RENTAL SERVICES 20321301 SUPPLIES FOR TREE LIGHTING EVENT 552.31 531.34SUPPLIES FOR TREE LIGHTING EVENT20323801 Total : 1,083.65 51364 1/14/2022 01212 R.J. NOBLE COMPANY 203780 PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 190.92 186.34PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES203835 200.08PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES203891 191.84PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES204052 228.47PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES204110 222.06P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES204574 215.65P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES204636 3Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 81 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 4 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51364 1/14/2022 (Continued)01212 R.J. NOBLE COMPANY 212.90P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES204797 116.74P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES205225 Total : 1,765.00 51365 1/14/2022 00421 RBF/MICHAEL BAKER CORPORATION 1135084 03296 NOV'21 CDBG FIVE YEAR CONSOLIDATED PLAN 13,567.50 Total : 13,567.50 51366 1/14/2022 01923 SAFETY COMPLIANCE COMPANY 205225 03448 SAFETY COMPLIANCE TRAINING 500.00 Total : 500.00 51367 1/14/2022 01318 SEARLE CREATIVE GROUP LLC 21402-ed 03414 NOV'21 ON-CALL MARKETING SERVICES 1,650.00 Total : 1,650.00 51368 1/14/2022 01019 SIGNARAMA MURRIETA INV-22333 FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 94.18 Total : 94.18 51369 1/14/2022 01845 SPEAKWRITE LLC E0932570 03344 PD AS NEEDED DICTATION SERVICES 1,688.15 Total : 1,688.15 51370 1/14/2022 00918 STEVE'S TOWING, INC.131060 PD VEHICLE TOW SVCS 216.00 Total : 216.00 51371 1/14/2022 01695 SUSAN SAXE-CLIFFORD 21-1209-5 03284 PD PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION SVCS 425.00 03284 425.00DEC'21 PD FORENSIC SERVICES21-1220-1 Total : 850.00 51372 1/14/2022 01895 THE COUNSELING TEAM, INTERNATIONAL 81085 03416 PD BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVIC 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 51373 1/14/2022 02213 U.S. BANK NA 13021293 NOV'21 ACCT MGMT SVCS 291.67 Total : 291.67 51374 1/14/2022 01250 VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY 73147103 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 175.63 Total : 175.63 51375 1/14/2022 01524 WRIGHT SEPTIC 34092 FIRESTATION #5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 485.00 335.00FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE34593 4Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 82 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 5 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 820.00 51375 1/14/2022 01524 01524 WRIGHT SEPTIC 51376 1/14/2022 02006 ACE UNIFORMS, LLC 115641 CODE ENF UNIFORMS 1,083.63 Total : 1,083.63 51377 1/14/2022 01045 AHERN RENTALS, INC 24225116-002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE STATION #76 85.00 Total : 85.00 51378 1/14/2022 01795 AIR & HOSE SOURCE, INC 442767 P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#209) 30.48 Total : 30.48 51379 1/14/2022 01596 ALL STAR GLASS, INC.ITA088922 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#20-45) 565.30 Total : 565.30 51380 1/14/2022 00570 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP 13991 MENIFEE CODE EDITING DEC'21 S-10 804.35 68.09MENIFEE CODE EDITING DEC'21 S-1014023 Total : 872.44 51381 1/14/2022 01203 BALLET FOLKLORICO, LORENA HANCOCK CK REQ 1/4 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 810.60 Total : 810.60 51382 1/14/2022 01746 BAY AREA DRIVING SCHOOL, INC CK REQ 1/4 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 115.50 Total : 115.50 51383 1/14/2022 01975 BIGFOOT GRAPHICS CK REQ 1/4 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 245.60 23.00COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENTCK REQ 12/21 Total : 268.60 51384 1/14/2022 00259 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES INC 42137 03417 NOV'21 PD BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 945.00 03417 284.00NOV'21 PD BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS42218 Total : 1,229.00 51385 1/14/2022 01098 CAL TRUE VALUE NOV'21 SUPPLIES FOR COMM SVCS & P/W 798.64 Total : 798.64 51386 1/14/2022 00355 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS200019050 CACEO WEBINAR FOR CODE ENF 228.00 192.00CACEO WEBINAR FOR CODE ENF200019078 5Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 83 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 6 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 420.00 51386 1/14/2022 00355 00355 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 51387 1/14/2022 00686 CALTRANS 22005474 03615 CIP 20-05 GARBANI RD/I-215 INTERCHANGE P 2,372.48 Total : 2,372.48 51388 1/14/2022 01511 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC 27830651 03381 DEC'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES 7,679.22 03382 2,262.64DEC'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27830653 03381 151.83DEC'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27830654 03383 494.40DEC'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27830655 Total : 10,588.09 51389 1/14/2022 02195 CINTAS CORPORATION NO. 2 5088249301 FIRST AID KITS 256.11 Total : 256.11 51390 1/14/2022 00611 CMRTA 2205 CMRTA MEMBERSHIP 2021 150.00 Total : 150.00 51391 1/14/2022 02300 CORBIN & ASSOCIATES CK REQ 12/21 PD BASIC OFFICER COURSE 385.00 Total : 385.00 51392 1/14/2022 00019 CSMFO 300008590 CSMFO CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 110.00 Total : 110.00 51393 1/14/2022 01444 DASH PLATFORM INV00603262 03646 NOV'21 DASH PLATFORM SERVICE AGREEMENT F 416.66 03646 416.66DEC'21 DASH PLATFORM SERVICE AGREEMENT FINV00619485 03646 416.66JAN'22 DASH PLATFORM SERVICE AGREEMENT FINV00638384 Total : 1,249.98 51394 1/14/2022 01178 DIRECTV LLC 004016741X211216 DEC'21 FIRE STATION #7 SATELLITE SVCS 122.24 Total : 122.24 51395 1/14/2022 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.500000508 12/3/21 NOV'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS 18.60 66.30NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500015569 12/3/21 726.67NOV'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS500056016 12/2/21 467.97NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500064203 12/3/21 172.97NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500064205 12/3/21 865.80NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500065258 12/3/21 555.11NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500065261 12/3/21 6Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 84 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 7 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51395 1/14/2022 (Continued)00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST. 1,349.29NOV'21 WATER SVCS-NORDIC LANE500069659 12/3/21 652.36NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 77 WATER SVCS500072316 12/3/21 233.60NOV'21 POLICE HQ WATER SVCS500072807 12/2/21 69.95NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 81 WATER SVCS500073607 12/3/21 200.30NOV'21 AMR SPORTS PARK WATER SVCS500075951 12/3/21 1,240.71NOV'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS500075952 12/3/21 327.82NOV'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS500077836 12/3/21 205.57NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500078190 12/3/21 2,606.81NOV'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS500079022 12/3/21 67.69NOV'21 LLMND ZONE 77 WATER SVCS500079270 12/3/21 40.20NOV'21 FIRE STATION #7 WATER SVCS500079488 12/2/21 173.02NOV'21 FIRE STATION #7 WATER SVCS500079968 12/2/21 728.28NOV'21 FIRE STATION #7 WATER SVCS500079969 12/2/21 18.00OCT'21 AUDIE MURPHY RD SOUTH ROW500083336 11/2/21 59.72NOV'21 CSA 145 WATER SVC500083890 12/3/21 110.30NOV'21 HIDDEN HILLS PARK RESTROOM WATER500084613 12/3/21 18.00NOV'21 HIDDEN HILLS PARK IRRIGATION SVCS500084615 12/3/21 61.41NOV'21 CENTRAL PARK WATER SVCS500086730 12/3/21 70.42NOV'21 CENTENNIAL PARK WATER SVCS500087044 12/3/21 194.42NOV'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEXATION 34 ZONE 34500087081 12/3/21 248.15NOV'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS500099169 12/2/21 929.31NOV'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS500099235 12/2/21 364.22NOV'21 CHERRY HILLS BLVD STREET MEDIAN500104746 12/2/21 56.61NOV'21 FIRE STATION #68 WATER SVCS500138106 12/3/21 22.20NOV'21 FIRE STATION #68 WATER SVCS500138108 12/3 344.72NOV'21 WATER SVCS SENIOR CENTER500146772 12/2/21 134.27NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500158562 12/3/21 2,215.40NOV'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS500160209 12/3/21 330.82NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS500160706 12/3/21 Total : 15,946.99 51396 1/14/2022 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.500083336 12/2/21 NOV'21 AUDIE MURPHY RD SOUTH 17.40 Total : 17.40 51397 1/14/2022 01928 EFAX CORPORATE 3431750 OCT'21 PD VIRUTAL FAX LINES FOR TRAINING 139.50 7Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 85 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 8 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 139.50 51397 1/14/2022 01928 01928 EFAX CORPORATE 51398 1/14/2022 01503 ETIENNE, ANN-MARIE CK REQ 1/7/22 PD PETTY CASH REIMB PE 1/07/22 432.96 Total : 432.96 51399 1/14/2022 01042 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES, INC 075400 FEB'22 CITY RADIO CHARGES 232.56 Total : 232.56 51400 1/14/2022 01967 FLOCK SAFETY 1AC40205-0002 03003 AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE READER CAMERAS 16,500.00 03003 5,500.00AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE READER CAMERASCINV-005866 Total : 22,000.00 51401 1/14/2022 00736 FRANCE MEDIA, INC.2021-44626 03663 INLAND EMPIRE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE MAR 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 51402 1/14/2022 01142 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC.213-166-6081 12/16 DEC'21 WEST ANNEX FIOS SVC 290.98 300.98DEC'21 SPIRIT PARK FIOS310-010-9929 12/19 436.99DEC'21 CITY HALL IP CIRCUIT (MAIN)310-150-0013 12/6/21 140.98DEC'21 SENIOR CENTER FIOS SVCS323-159-1679 12/10 140.98DEC'21 SENIOR CENTER FIOS SVCS323-159-1679 12/10 504.54DEC'21 MENIFEE PD FIOS SVCS323-160-9666 12/7/21 990.00DEC'21 CITY HALL DEDICATED FIBER (EIA)951-197-0298 12/4/21 990.00JAN'22 MENIFEE PD FIOS SVCS951-197-0485 12/28 990.00DEC'21 PD HQ DEDICATED FIBER (EIA)951-197-0579 12/4/21 420.10DEC'21 MENIFEE PD EVPL (LIVE SCAN)951-197-0673 12/1/21 694.04DEC'21 PW YARD FIOS SVCS951-679-2323 12/6/21 182.38DEC'21 ALARM CITY HALL951-679-3592 12/4/21 283.28DEC'21 911 ANALOG BACKUP LINES FOR KCSC951-679-6259 12/16 115.14DEC'21 LAZY CREEK ALARM SVCS951-679-8153 12/4/21 67.75JAN'22 SENIOR CENTER FIRE ALARM951-679-8460 12/28 376.80DEC'21 CITY HALL ROLLOVER LINES SVC951-679-8527 12/19 Total : 6,924.94 51403 1/14/2022 01969 GARLAND, WALTER CK REQ 1/4 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 367.50 Total : 367.50 51404 1/14/2022 00139 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 101180137 03635 VEEAM LICENSING FOR BACKUP SYSTEM 6,300.00 03465 2,390.00CS PALO ALTO FIREWALL LICENSE RENEWALS101182995 8Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 86 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 9 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51404 1/14/2022 (Continued)00139 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 03465 2,164.00CS PALO ALTO FIREWALL LICENSE RENEWALS101182996 03187 2,069.16SURFACE LAPTOPS FOR PD101184316 Total : 12,923.16 51405 1/14/2022 00908 GOSCH AUTO GROUP 1037684 PW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 232.37 125.21BLDG/SFTY VEHICLE MAINTENANCE2085172 Total : 357.58 51406 1/14/2022 00921 HD SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 10015375520 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 392.21 246.81P/W UNIFORMS10015386953 1,911.03SUPPLIES FOR ENGINEERING50017404977 Total : 2,550.05 51407 1/14/2022 01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 4881935-00 PARKS SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT 45.66 358.21AMR IRRIGAITON SUPPLIES4886521-00 37.07AMR IRRIGAITON SUPPLIES4886643 208.07COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGATION REPAIRS4887383-00 54.15AMR IRRIGAITON SUPPLIES4896582-00 217.87PARKS SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT4906440-00 82.00PARKS SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT4906489-00 107.50COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGATION REPAIRS4908883-00 4.85AMR IRRIGAITON SUPPLIES4913417-00 121.57CSA 145 IRRIGAITON SUPPLIES4915135-00 Total : 1,236.95 51408 1/14/2022 01090 INTELESYONE 100568 BRIGHTMETRICS (MITEL ANALYTICS) - ANNUAL 1,639.00 03636 5,410.67MITEL CONNECT MAILBOX LICENSES FOR PDQ-10283 Total : 7,049.67 51409 1/14/2022 00885 INTOXIMETERS 695481 BREATH ALCOHOL TESTING INSTRUMENTS FOR P 744.20 Total : 744.20 51410 1/14/2022 02211 JACOB GREEN & ASSOCIATES INC 1966 03602 PD: LEADERSHIP TRAINING 11,737.50 Total : 11,737.50 51411 1/14/2022 00128 LOWES 901114-HVPMBC P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 49.58 9.17AMR FACILITY MAINTENANCE901175-IBTOVK 9Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 87 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 10 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51411 1/14/2022 (Continued)00128 LOWES 801.13PD FACILITY MAINTENANCE901256-IBTOVIN 48.52FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES901299 -IBTOVR 37.38AMR FACILITY MAINTENENCE901435-IBYJFI 117.56CITY HALL FACILITY MAINTENANCE901481 -HVULLY 46.63P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES901647-HVZIZI 20.03FIRESTATION #68 FACILITY MAINTENANCE901681-ICJRQK 6.16PD MATERIALS & FACILITIES901712-ICJRQN 67.04P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES901725 -IBCFRV 115.38GRAFFITI ABATEMENT SUPPLIES901744 -ICCQSX 46.48COMM SVCS SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT901822 -HVCLHS 27.89CITY HALL FACILITY MAINTENANCE901855 -HXRJEI 27.36FIRESTATION #68 FACILITY MAINTENANCE902085 -HXETMH 20.65COMM SVCS SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT902457 -HUYDBE 39.41COMM SVCS SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT902483-IBYJFB 309.87CITY HALL FACILITY MAINTENANCE902524 -HUYDBF 117.67P/W EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE902541-HVCLHG 45.94COMM SVCS FACILITY MAINTENANCE902566 -HVCLHH 47.61P/W EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE902578-HWQOUL 197.76P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES902585-HVCLHI 27.92COMM SVCS SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT902767 -HXWMAN 194.51PD FACILITY MAINTENANCE902924-IC0FSJ 115.38GRAFFITI ABATEMENT SUPPLIES902941 -IBCFRK 18.59FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE902960 -HYBKQH 108.62COMM SVCS SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT910626-ICJRPW 550.21AMR FACILITY MAINTENANCE919974-ICOFSN 266.00AMR FACILITY MAINTENANCE920521 -HXMIUO 29.73FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE920549 -HWQOUT 856.05FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE935350 -HWQOUU 190.46FIRESTATION #5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE988591 -HXFYWC Total : 4,556.69 51412 1/14/2022 01752 MENIFEE ADULT SOCCER CK REQ 12/14 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 5,005.00 Total : 5,005.00 51413 1/14/2022 00872 MENIFEE CAR WASH COM-OCT2021 FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 81.09 10Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 88 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 11 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 81.09 51413 1/14/2022 00872 00872 MENIFEE CAR WASH 51414 1/14/2022 00666 MENIFEE VALLEY COMM. CUPBOARD CK REQ 12/15 03534 CDBG 21/22 EMRGNCY FOOD DSTRBTN PROG - R 18,169.00 Total : 18,169.00 51415 1/14/2022 02243 MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC SWB/14086905 03547 A/V BROADCASTING EQUIPMENT 9,168.23 Total : 9,168.23 51416 1/14/2022 00725 MISAC 200003797 MISAC MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - IT DEPARTMENT 750.00 Total : 750.00 51417 1/14/2022 00474 KB HOMES COASTAL INC CK REQ 11/22 REFUND SECURITY DEPOSIT PLN21-145 20,000.00 Total : 20,000.00 51418 1/14/2022 00474 MICHAEL CHILDS CK REQ 1/4 REFUND FOR CANCELLED ACTIVITY 105.00 Total : 105.00 51419 1/14/2022 00474 VALLEY-WIDE RECREATION & PARK CK REQ 12/15 FACILITY RENTAL FOR CITY CLERK 100.00 Total : 100.00 51420 1/14/2022 00292 NATIONAL BAND & TAG CO.147526 DOG HOUSE FOR PD 189.51 Total : 189.51 51421 1/14/2022 01796 NETFILE, INC 7739 03398 ELECTRONIC FORM 700 FILINGS AND CAMPAIGN 1,875.00 Total : 1,875.00 51422 1/14/2022 01558 OCCUPATION HEALTH CENTERS, OF CALIFORNIA73684103 PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS 174.00 Total : 174.00 51423 1/14/2022 01130 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4746-272811 FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 145.47 71.59FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES4746-276722 82.24FLEET MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES4746-276725 3.83PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE4746-276753 Total : 303.13 51424 1/14/2022 01674 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE J-701004416 CITY HALL FACILITY MAINTENANCE 1,822.96 51.47CITY HALL FACILITY MAINTENANCER-00340645 11Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 89 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 12 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,874.43 51424 1/14/2022 01674 01674 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE 51425 1/14/2022 02126 PACIFIC WEST SOUND PROF AUDIO, & DESIGN, INC.30010 03421 CIP 22-05: MENIFEE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUDI 139,483.89 Total : 139,483.89 51426 1/14/2022 01843 PARKHOUSE TIRE, INC 2010771346 PD VEHICLE TIRES 1,866.73 775.82BLDG & SAFETY VEHICLE TIRES2010771747 59.78FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE2010773029 36.74FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES2010773536 Total : 2,739.07 51427 1/14/2022 00685 PERRIS UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST.9907636 03662 FACILITY USE AGREEMENT WITH PERRIS UNION 7,200.00 Total : 7,200.00 51428 1/14/2022 01065 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 23253225 FLEET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 35.94 158.43P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23256403 35.94FLEET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES23256404 169.83P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23259929 35.94FLEET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES23259930 Total : 436.08 51429 1/14/2022 00013 READYREFRESH 01L0036688976 CITY HALL BOTTLE WATER SUPPLY 237.61 Total : 237.61 51430 1/14/2022 00732 RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES CK REQ 10/26 REIMB FOR ENG PROJECT IS19-033 65,528.26 Total : 65,528.26 51431 1/14/2022 00301 RIGHTWAY 294082 P/W EQUIPMENT RENTAL 223.50 223.50P/W EQUIPMENT RENTAL295649 Total : 447.00 51432 1/14/2022 01858 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 87914377 FLEET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 215.00 Total : 215.00 51433 1/14/2022 01640 SO CAL SHORT LOAD INC 0450 PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 572.50 385.00PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES0455 597.50PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES0600 1,285.00PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES0615 12Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 90 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 13 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 51433 1/14/2022 (Continued)01640 SO CAL SHORT LOAD INC 566.25PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES0652 601.25PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES0720 Total : 4,007.50 51434 1/14/2022 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 700056766363 12/8/21 NOV'21 CENTENNIAL PARK ELECTRIC SVCS 434.78 36.84NOV'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEX 12 TRAFFIC SIGNA700058132851 12/8/21 13.00NOV'21 NEWPORT BRIDGE TRAFFIC SIGNAL700085556771 12/8/21 51.63NOV'21 NEWPORT BRIDGE LIGHT SVCS700088568320 12/8/21 2,005.07NOV'21 SENIOR CENTER ELECTRICAL SVCS700210273412 12/8/21 101.81NOV'21 LLMD ZONE 167 SIGNAL SVCS700249578216 12/8/21 162.51NOV'21 CITY STREET LIGHT SVCS700274062026 12/1 108.42DEC'21 DERBY HILL TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS700275721130 12/20 56.49DEC'21 DERBY HILL TC-1 SIGNAL SVC700275763768 12/20 78.50NOV'21 AMR SILVERSTAR IRRIGATION SVCS700283505883 12/8/21 25.78NOV'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEX 18 STREET LIGHT700288704174 12/8/21 79.06DEC'21 AMR STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL SVCS700290354992 12/20 32.60DEC'21 AMR STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL SVCS700290425017 12/20 20.42NOV'21 AMR ROW IRRIGATION SVCS700303753524 12/8/21 19.76NOV'21 AMR ROW IRRIGATION SVCS700303769688 12/8/21 106.52NOV'21 MENIFEE RD TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS700316479116 12/3/21 34.92NOV'21 HIDDEN HILLS PARK ELECTRIC SVCS700327396565 12/8/21 41.64NOV'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEX 28 STREETLIGHT S700670073115 12/8/21 20.23NOV'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEX 18, ZONE 19700685745988 12/8/21 Total : 3,429.98 51435 1/14/2022 00045 STAPLES 6041 12/15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,157.89 Total : 1,157.89 51436 1/14/2022 02299 TEAMCALIFORNIA ECONOMIC, DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION2762 TEAM CALIFORNIA MEMBERSHIP DUES 1,500.00 1,000.00MARKETING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT2763 Total : 2,500.00 51437 1/14/2022 00098 THE GAS COMPANY 071 023 9513 9 12/27 DEC'21 PW YARD GAS SVCS 73.47 21.69DEC'21 POLICE DEPT (BLDG A) GAS SVCS091 934 9672 7 12/28 85.58DEC'21 POLICE DEPARTMENT(BLDG B) GAS SVC186 436 1021 7 12/28 13Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 91 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 14 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 180.74 51437 1/14/2022 00098 00098 THE GAS COMPANY 51438 1/14/2022 00854 THE LLOYD PEST CONTROL CO, INC 7606368 DEC'21 P/W PEST CONTROL SVCS 70.00 40.00DEC'21 PD PEST CONTROL SVCS7606639 99.00DEC'21 PD PEST CONTROL SVCS7606640 Total : 209.00 51439 1/14/2022 01064 TRI STATE MATERIALS INC 98913 PW MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 346.20 173.10P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES99163 Total : 519.30 51440 1/14/2022 01315 ULINE, INC 142362213 PD SUPPLIES 1,160.39 Total : 1,160.39 51441 1/14/2022 02210 VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA LLC 6310000023547 NOV-DEC'21 VEHICLE GPS SERVICE 1,814.80 Total : 1,814.80 51442 1/14/2022 00189 VERIZON WIRELESS 9895721744 DEC'21 PD MOBILE CHARGES 5,912.20 Total : 5,912.20 51443 1/14/2022 01425 VIDEO APPROACH 2021-058 03396 FY 21/22 ON-CALL PROFESSIONAL VIDEO PROD 3,525.00 Total : 3,525.00 51444 1/14/2022 00976 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER LLC 12-2984 03641 WEB-BASED PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4,500.00 Total : 4,500.00 51445 1/14/2022 01887 VISCID DESIGN CO.10285 PD VEHICLE CUSTOM WRAP 26.94 107.75PD VEHICLE CUSTOM WRAP10314 Total : 134.69 51446 1/14/2022 01119 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC.179960 03578 POPLAR TREE REMOVAL AMR 11,426.00 Total : 11,426.00 51447 1/14/2022 00270 WEST COAST LIGHTS & SIRENS INC 22031 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 514.77 Total : 514.77 51448 1/14/2022 01803 WEST TOW 21-90140 PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS 125.00 45.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS21-90382 14Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 92 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 15 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 170.00 51448 1/14/2022 01803 01803 WEST TOW 51449 1/14/2022 02051 WORLDPAC INC 34455058 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 64.36 197.16PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37032693 48.39P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37244344 110.88FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES37388715 215.70PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37408049` 42.71PD FACILITY MAINTENANCE37431588 18.71PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37918560 28.51BLDG/SFTY VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37919329 59.76PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37923191 34.27ENG. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37934079 162.55PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE37956327 174.60PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38272847 24.14CODE ENF. VEHICLE MAINT.38277006 31.08PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38295225 37.41PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38315486 98.86PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38316144 115.34PW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38318710 75.74PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38469506 6.06PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38489753 30.29PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38489933 18.71PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38540896 59.76PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38551432 18.71PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38703842 79.76PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38712140 47.75PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE38714230 Total : 1,801.21 51450 1/14/2022 02273 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS, INC INV109866300 03673 ZOOM USER LICENSE RENEWAL FY21/22 3,598.20 Total : 3,598.20 Bank total : 639,416.98 113 Vouchers for bank code :uboc 639,416.98Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 113 15Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 93 of 245 01/12/2022 Voucher List City of Menifee 16 3:36:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 16Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 94 of 245 Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 1/7/2022 ACH City Payroll Payroll Period 12/18/2021-12/31/2021 836,619.58 1/7/2022 ACH ICMA Payroll Period 12/18/2021-12/31/2021 37,973.02 TOTAL PAYROLL:874,592.60$ Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 1/3/2022 ACH OpenEdge Credit Card Processing Fees December 2021 12,293.54 1/3/2022 ACH Cardpointe Credit Card Processing Fees December 2021 759.81 1/5/2022 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Retiree Replacement Benefit Charges 749.40 1/7/2022 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 11/20/2021-12/03/2021 95,432.73 1/7/2022 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 11/20/2021-12/03/2021 70,658.89 1/11/2022 ACH CALPERS - Medical Jan-22 279,899.73 TOTAL OTHER EFT'S:459,794.10$ TOTAL PAYMENTS:1,334,386.70$ Payroll Register, Taxes and Other EFT's/Wires City of Menifee February 2, 2022 Item Title:10.2 Warrant RegisterItemPageNumber:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 95 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution with findings related to the state of emergency due to COVID-19, authorizing the City Manager to continue to implement teleconference accessibility to conduct all public meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361. DISCUSSION The Governor’s proclamation of a state of emergency due to COVID-19 is still active, as is the City of Menifee’s local state of emergency. In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 at public meetings, on March 17, 2020, the Governor of California issued Executive Order N-29-20 which suspended and modified specified provisions of the Brown Act [Government Code Section § 54950 et seq.] and authorized local legislative bodies to hold public meetings via teleconferencing and to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the local legislative body. On June 11, 2021, the Governor issued Executive Order N-08-21 which extended the teleconference provisions of Executive Order N-29-20 for public meetings through September 30, 2021. Assembly Bill (AB) 361 was signed into law on September 16, 2021 and allows local governments to meet with modified Brown Act teleconference requirements. Under AB 361, the City may continue to utilize teleconferencing for the duration of the state-proclaimed state of emergency if the City Council finds that (1) state or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing or (2) if meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees. In addition, AB 361 adds new procedures and clarifies the requirements for conducting remote meetings, including the following: Item Title:10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 96 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report AB 361 February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2 8 6 2 Public Comment Opportunities in Real Time – must allow members of the public to access the meeting via a call-in option or an internet-based service option, and the agenda for the remote meeting must provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the body in real time. A legislative body cannot require public comments to be submitted in advance of the meeting. No Action During Disruptions – in the event of a disruption that prevents the local agency from broadcasting the remote meeting, or in the event of a disruption within the local agency’s control that prevents members of the public from offering public comments using the call-in option or internet-based service option, AB 361 prohibits the legislative body from taking any further action on items appearing on the meeting agenda until public access is restored. To continue utilizing the AB 361 exemptions, the City Council must, no later than 30 days after holding a virtual meeting and every 30 days thereafter, reconsider the circumstances of the state’s COVID-19 state of emergency and determine that either (a) the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of members to meet safely in person, or (b) state or local officials continue to impose or recommend social distancing measures. An item would then be placed on the Consent Calendar every 30 days thereafter to reaffirm the findings or to reconsider the circumstances. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution Item Title:10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 97 of 245 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 22- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DECLARING ITS INTENT TO IMPLEMENT TELECONFERENCING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 361 DURING A PROCLAIMED STATE OF EMERGENCY WHEREAS, the Ralph M. Brown Act requires that all meetings of a legislative body of a local agency be open and public and that any person may attend and participate in such meetings; and WHEREAS, the Brown Act allows for legislative bodies to hold meetings by teleconference, but imposes specific requirements for doing so; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, in order to address the need for public meetings during the present public health emergency, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order No. N-29-20, suspending the Act’s teleconferencing requirements; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2021, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order No. N-8-21, continuing the suspension of the Brown Act’s teleconferencing requirements through September 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, these Executive Orders allowed legislative bodies to meet virtually as long as certain notice and accessibility requirements were met; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature amended the Brown Act through Assembly Bill No. 361 (AB 361) on September 16, 2021; and WHEREAS, AB 361 amended the Brown Act so that a local agency may use teleconferencing without complying with the regular teleconferencing requirements of the Act, where the City Council holds a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency and makes certain findings; and WHEREAS, Government Code section 54953 requires that the legislative body make additional findings every 30 days in order to continue such teleconferencing. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee hereby finds, determines, declares, orders, and resolves as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby declares that the recitals set forth above are true and correct, and incorporated into this Resolution as findings of the City Council. SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Menifee finds, by a majority vote, the following: a. The state of emergency as a result of COVID-19 continues to directly impact the members of the City Council and the members of the City’s Committees and Commissions to meet safely in person; and b. The State of California and the City of Menifee continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. Item Title:10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 98 of 245 -2- SECTION 3: The State of California and the City of Menifee continue to follow safety measures in response to COVID-19 as ordered or recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health (DPH), and/or County of Riverside, as applicable, including facial coverings when required and social distancing. SECTION 4: The City Council hereby declares that, pursuant to the findings listed in this Resolution, the City Manager or his designee are authorized to utilize teleconferencing accessibility to conduct public meetings pursuant to AB 361 (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) and Government Code § 54953, as amended thereby. SECTION 5: Effective Date: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of February 2022. _________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to Form: ____________________________ Jeffrey Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.3 Assembly Bill 361 Findings for Remote Meetings Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 99 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Christine Booker, Budgets & Grants Analyst REVIEWED BY: Pat Walsh, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, on behalf of Riverside University Health Systems – Behavior Health (RUHS – BH). DISCUSSION The Menifee Police Department (PD) is partnering with Riverside University Health Services (RUHS) to provide crisis and triage mental health services. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) would be facilitated by a partnering one Menifee Police Officer, and one Clinical Therapist II (CT-II). Menifee PD would allocate an existing patrol officer to the special assignment of Community Based Assessment Team (CBAT). RUHS would fully fund the cost of the Clinical Therapist II, and no offset would be required from Menifee PD. This partnership would strive to provide alternatives to those at risk of injury or death that do not have appropriate mental health/substance use, crisis/triage services available within the community. This collaboration between local law enforcement and the mental health services would also help to reduce jail incarcerations and involuntary mental health treatment and/or hospitalizations for individuals whose behavior is influenced by a mental health disorder or crisis and who are the subject of 9-1-1 calls. Additionally, this team would attempt to divert individuals with behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use) problems into appropriate community services and supports and engage hard to reach homeless who suffer from a serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder and link them to all available RUHS-BH and community resources in a coordinated and effective manner. By establishing this mutually beneficial team, the City of Menifee would benefit from the direct knowledge and experience of the Clinical Therapist II regarding mental health resources. The CT Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 100 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report RUHS Mental Health MOU February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2 8 4 6 - II would be stationed on site at Menifee PD and would attend roll call with the patrol staff to gain an understanding of the daily situations they would be facing. They would also ride with the assigned CBAT officer to 9-1-1 calls as requested by Menifee Dispatch and direct mental health clients into mental health services and supports including emergency housing, hospitalization, outpatient mental health services and other mental health support services. These staff members would provide alternatives to incarceration and arrest through referral and linkage to other community based mental health, substance use (SU), and/or social services resources. This MOU would be in place from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, and may be renewed annually upon mutual consent by Menifee PD and RUHS, and upon availability of funding by both parties. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community, 1.7 Homeless Program FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. RUHS Mental Health MOU Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 101 of 245 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COIJNTY ON RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE I'NTVERSITY EEALTH SYSTEM. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND TIIE CITY OFMENIFEE FOR CRISIS/TRIAGE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT C'AGREEMENT") is entercd into by and between tle County of Riverside, Riverside University Health System - Behavioral Health (hereinaffer "RIJHS-BH") and the City of Menifee, a Califomia charter city and municipal corporation, through the City of Menifee Police Department (hereinafter 'MENIFEE PD") and is based on the following representations and statements of purpose (collectively "Parties" and each a "Party"). A WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of the General Community Outreach through the Mental Health/Law Enforcement Collaborative, is to allow Mcntal Health Service Staffto team with Law Enforcement and respond to 9-l-l calls involving mental health issues; and WHEREAS, MENIFEE PD desires to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services; and WHEREAS, MENIFEE PD desires to enter into the Mental Health Crisis lntervention Team program in order to decrease adverse incidents involving mentally ill people; and WHEREAS, RUHS-BH and MENIFEE PD desire to enter into the program detailed in the Cooperative Agreement; and WHEREAS, RUHS-BH is qualified to provide crisis/triage mental health service employees; and WHEREAS, the AGREEMENT will serve as an understanding of the roles, responsibilities and services to be provided by MENIFEE PD and RUHS-BH; and NOW, THEREFORE, Participants mutually agrce as follows: SCOPE OF SERVICE The purpose of the AGREEMENT between psnicipants is lo outline the roles and duties ofthese agencies to provide crisis/triage mental health and homeless outreach services. B C D E f l. Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 102 of 245 II, PROGRAM GOALS A Provide altematives to those at risk of injury or death without appropriate mental health/substance use crisis/triage services provided directly in the community in collaboration with local law enforcement. Reduce jail incarcerations and involuntary MH treatnent/hospitalizations for individuals whose behavior is influenced by a mental health disordcr/crisis and who are the subjcct of9-!-l calls. Attcmpt to divert individuals with behavioral health (mcntal health and/or substance use) problems into appropriate community services and supports. D Engage hard to reach homeless who suffer from a serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder and link them to all available RUHS-BH and community rresourges in a coordinated and efrective manner. A. RUHS-BHRESPONSIBILITIES Attachment I is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. B. MENIFEE PD RESPONSIBILITIES Attachment I is anached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. IV. FISCAL PROVISIONS A. RUHS-BH shall fully fund one (l) CT II position and no offset is rcquircd from MENIFEE PD. B. Equipment purchased by either party will remain their property and shall be rptumed to them upon termination of this AGREEMENT. C. MENIFEE PD is not responsible for rcimbursement of any costs to offsct the Clinical Therapist II (CT ID position. If in subsequent terms of this AGREEMENT, thc Parties desire to provide for such rcimbursement, it shall bc done through an amendment to this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT shall be funded through funds identified in the annual RUHS-BH budgets and is subject to change dependant on firnding fluctuations. B C ?., 2.f loC.qad- AFa*a ,.l,,ea rAllStH d Av.ll4)alr.rltE IFEE lD Crhb t l. Aad A.il S.r*a F! 202U12 - Fl 2o2tlU III. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 103 of 245 V. GENERALPROVISIONS A. EFFECTIVEPERJOD This AGREEMENT shall be ellective for three (3) years beginning July l, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024. This AGREEMENT may be renewed annually upon mutual consent by borh parties (RUHS-BH and MENIFEE PD) and upon availability of funding. B. ALTERATION OF TERMS AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT The body of this AGREEMENT fully expresses all underrtanding of the parties conceming all matters covered and shall constitute the total AGREEMENT. No addition to, or alteration of, the terms of this AGREEMENT, whcther by written or verbal understanding of the parties, their officers, agents, or employees, shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this AGREEMENT, which is formally apprcved and executed by Parties. In the event that either party desires to amend the terms of this AGREEMENT, Parties will comply with the terms of this AGREEMENT until such time as the amendment is approved or formal action is taken by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors and the Menifee City Council. D. TERMINATION This AGFJ,EMENT may be terminated by either party by giving 30 days written notice by cenified mail of intention to terminate, such period beginning upon receipt of notice, and may be terminated for cause, such as a willful and/or material breach of the AGREEMENT by either party by giving five (5) days written notice of intention to terminate by certified meil. E. NOTICES All notices, claims correspondence, reports, and/or statements authorized or required by this AGREEMENT shall be addressed as follows: RUHS.BH:County of Riverside Riverside University Health System - Bchavioral Health Program Support Unit 4095 County Circle Drive Nverside, CA 92503 MENIFEE PD: City of Menifee Menifee Police Departmenl 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 2q.3.froC.qatd-,|a,E *.t ,an ,A Sa aaCIO af ,,raV*ltENlFEE lD6b t},t'. Meid fl.rl, s.rrka Fr 202U)2 - Fv 2etv). C. AMENDMENTS Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 104 of 245 Unless the persons or qddrosses are otherwise identified by notice given in the manner specified by this paragraph, all notices shall be deemed effective when they are reduced to wdting and deposited in tho United S6tes mail, postage prepaid, and addressed as above. Any notices, correspondences, reports, and/or statements authorized or required by this AGREEMENT addressed in any other fashion shall not be acceptable. E. CONFIDENTIALITY MENIFEE PD and RUHS-BH agree to maintain the confidentiality of all mcntal health and substance usc clicnt information in accordance with all applicable Fcderal, State and local Iaws and rcgulations. MENIFEE PD and RTIHS-BH will ensure that namcs, addrcsscs, phonc numbcrs, and any other individually identifiable information conceming mental health andTor substance use clients and the services they may be rcceiving are kept confidential. MENIFEE PD and RUHS-BH will not divulge any mental health and./or substance use client information to any unauthorized person. MENIFEE PD and RUHS-BH shall maintain the confidentiality of all mental health and substance use health records that it maintains, receives, or sends to RUHS-BH. Records include, but may not be limited to, claims that include individual identiSing client information, individually identifi able health records and information, and,/or Management Information System records. MENIFEE PD and RUHS-BH shall have reasonable safeguards in place to prevent unauthorized access to records. Applicable Confidentiality Laws include, bul may not be limited to, Califomia Welfare & Institutions Code, Sections 5328 rhrough 5330, inclusive, 45 CFR Section 205.50, 42 CFR-Chapter I -Part 2. MENIFEE PD and RUHS-BH shall require all its oflicers, employees, and agents providing services hercunder lo acknowledge the undentanding of and agreement to fully comply with, such confi dentiality provisions. RUHS-BH shall indemnify and hold harmlcss MENIFEE PD, its officers, cmployces, and agcnts, from and against any and all loss, damage, liability, and expense arising from any disclosure of such recbrds and information by RUHS- BH, its officers, employees, or agents. RUHS-BH agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all criminal and law enforcement information in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local lsws and regulations. RUHS-BH will ensure thet names, addresses, phone numbers, and any other individually identifiable information conceming criminal violations and rclsted law enforcement activities they may be recciving are kept ?4. . ofr1C-r.d-lar- d DdlE ,UBSaR.rdq ol alk.-t ENIFEE,D Cr# ,rb. rral nda sor*t Ft 202 Up - rt 2423t.v MENIFEE PD shall indemnify and hold harmless RUHS-BH, its officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all loss, damage, liability, and expense arising from any disclosure of such r€cords and information by MENIFEE PD, its oIficers, employees, or agents. Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 105 of 245 confidential. RUHS-BH will not divulge MENIFEE PD confidential information to any unauthorized person, RUHS-BH shall maintain the confidentiality of all mental health and substance use health records that it maintains, reccives, or sends to MEMFEE PD. Records include, but may not be limited to, claims that include individual identifying client information, individually identifiable health records and information, and/or Management Information Syslem records. RUHS-BH shall have reasonable safeguards in place to prevent unauthorized access to records. VI, MISCELLANEOUSPROVISIONS SEVERABILITY: If any provision in this AGREEMENT is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforccable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in firll force without being impaircd or invalidated in any way. HOLD IIARMLESS-INDEPENDENT PARTNER: It is undcrstood and agreed MENIFEE PD is an independent entity and that no relationship of cmploycr- employeo exists between the parties hereto. MENIFEE PD shall not be entitled to eny benefits payable to employees of the County of Riverside or RUHS-BH, including County Workers' Compensation Benefits. RUHS-BH is not required to make any deductions from the compensation payable to MENIFEE PD under the provisions of this AGREEMENT; and as an independent entity, MENIFEE PD hereby hold RUHS-BH and/or the County of fuverside harmless from any and all claims that may be made against RUHS-BH and./or County of Riverside based upon any contention by any third party that an employer-employee relationship exists by reason of this AGREEMENT. INSII'RANCE-INDEMNIFICATION: Each party hereto agrees to indcmnify and hold harmless the other party, ils agency, officers, agents and employees, free and harmless from any liability whasoever, including wrongful death, based or asserted upon any acts or omission of such Indemni$ing Party, rclating to or in any way connected with or arising from the accomplishment of the work by the Indemnifying Party. Each party further agrces to protect, indemnify and defend at it expense including attomey fees, the other party, its agency officers, agents and employees in any legal action(s) or claim(s) bascd upon such alleged acts or omissions whether the subject action(s) or claim(s) are well-founded, properly filed or pleaded, or not oommenced in a court of competent jurisdiction. Without limiting such indcmnification, each party shall maintain in forcc at all times during thc performancc of this AGREEMENT, insurance policies evidencing coverage during the entir€ lerm of the AGREEMENT as follows: l General liability insurance in the anount of not less than $t,000,000 per occurrencc and aggrpgate. . C..r.d-,tt .i'a r.,*a,rt"t, -, * U r-*-!ii'ill|*",,'if;l:i!,*ffi, B C Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 106 of 245 ) 3 Workers' Compensation insurance in accordance with statutory rcquirements. If motor vehicles arc used pursuant to this AGREEMENT, not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for damage to property and injury to persons. These requirements may be met by a program of self-insurance. RECORD RETENTION: RUHS-BH agrees to rctain all records penaining to rhis AGREEMENT for a period of three years after termination of this AGREEMENT, or such federal and state provisions in effect. lf, at the end of three years, there is ongoing litigation or an audit involving those tecords, RUHS- BH shall retqin the original records until thc resolution of such litigation or audit; MENIFEE PD shall r€tain copies of the records until thc resolution of such litigation or audit. JURISDICTION. VENUE. ATTORNEY'S FEES: This AGREEMENT is to be construed under the laws of the State of California. The parties agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the appropriate courts in the County of Riverside, State of Califomia. Should action be brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attomey's fees in addition to whatever other reliefis granted. D F h!. cf t0 @w ,rsen ,.tffi tuflgrr, oa cq cf ,,lnll.-MENtEE lD**;{ffi;f,frffi, Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 107 of 245 SICNATORIES RUHS'BH and MENIFEE PD mutually agree ro fully and faithfully perform all applications setforlh in this AGREEMENT, Both parties agree to Lave their duly authorized signatories signthis AGREEMENT. COUNTY ADDRESS: County of Riverside Board of Supervisors 4080 l*mon SEee! 5$ Floor Rivenide, CA 92501 CITY OF MENIFEE: Signed: Title: Dalc: ATTEST: Cit),Clerk Deputy: City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Address: Menifee, CA 92586 CITY ATTORNEY: Approved as to Form By: INFORMATION COPY: County of Rivcrside fuverside University Health System - Behavioral Health Attn: Program Support P.O. Box 7549 Riversidc, CA 92503-7 549 COI.INTY OF RIVERSIDE: (J1." Matthew Chang, M.D.,Director fuverside University Health System - Behavioral Health COUNTY COUNSEL: GREGORY P. PRI-AMOS Approved as to Form By: n"puflgornty C*nr"lDeputy City Auorney Dater 911312021 lq. 7 cf ,0cop2nd* A..aMt rdw.r ,Un$rtt nt Cly of Nalle.J{ENIr,E mol'rb Tk Mdtl Hnlttu m' 202rn2 - ry 2023 Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 108 of 245 ATTACHMENT I A. RUHS.BH RESPONSIBILITIES RUHS-BH will provide one full time Clinical Therapist ro work with MENIFEE PD. MENIFEE PD Assigomen8:L RUHS-BH Staff will work directly with police olficers on patrol and with police department administrators to bring direct knowledge and exp€ri€nc€ regarding mental health resources. All assigned RUHS-BH staff will be required to pass security background requircmcnts as dctermined by MENIFEE PD. RUHS-BH Staff shall be rcquired to adhere to dress code requirements as specified by MENIFEE PD for Crisis Intervcntion Team mcmbers. RUHS-BH shall fumish polo shirts and light jackes with logos or insignia as approved by MENIFEE PD. RUHS-BH will provide MH staffwith cell phones that have e-mail functionality. RUHS-BH Information Technology (IT) staff will coordinate IT insullation of RUHS-BH ELMR database and e-mail with MENIFEE PD IT staff. RUHS-BH Staff will routinely attend MENIFEE PD daily roll calls in order to provide consultation and brief training as it is identified and requested by MENIFEE PD. RUHS-BH Staff will routinely be assigned by MENIFEE PD to ride with patrol officers in the field in order to respond to 9-l -l calls as requested by MENIFEE PD Dispatch. RUHS-BH Staff will work to find altematives to divert mental health consumers into MH services and supports including emergency housing, hospitalization, outpatient MH services and other MH support servioes. 10.RUHS-BH Staff will provide alternatives to incarceration and arrest through refenal and linkage to other community based mcntal health, substancc use (SU), and/or social services resourccs. RUHS-BH Staff will providc ahcmatives to mcntal health involuntary treatrnenl through rcfcrral and linkage to other community based MH/SU and social scrviccs rcsources. 5 6 2 3 4 7 8 9 11. RUHS-BH Staff will provide crisis intervention service planning for individuals with mental health issues who are fr€quently the subject of9-l-l calls. lq. t.f r0 CapnrdE 416. r.rw,,U :t'tt al CIO.IM.,Ue-MENTFEE,D*'n'il;'fi!{#ffi, Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 109 of 245 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21. RUHS-BH Staff will work dir€ctly with police to improve the appropriateness and quality of menlal health detentions. RUHS-BH Staff will work with police to provide direct intervention fiom the perspective of mentll health background and training. RUHS-BH Staff will provide engagement and outreach sewices to homeless mentally ill persons who come in contact with police oIficers. RUHS-BH Staff will provide assistance in dealing with calls involving domestic disturbances or violence that involve potential mentally ill or substance use consumers, RUHS-BH Staff will provide assistance and support 1o children and families in crisis, and Iinkage to appropriate community services. RUHS-BH Sraff will assist the MENIFEE pD in establishing Crisis lntervention Teams (CITs) consisting of police officers who arc specialty rained and certified by MENtrEE PD in menral health crisis intervention to be deployed to 5150/9-l- I calls. RUHS-BH Suff working within the Police Department will have computer and telephone access, RUHS-BH enrollment, and service contact information to utilize and assist enrolled clients and police ollicers rcsponding to 5150 calts. When direct services with police patrol ofticers are not needed, RUHS-BH staff will remain at the police department officcs and will provide consuttation in- person, by telephone or radio for police officrrs responding to mental health crisis situations. Police olliccrs ofien go to locations where homeless persons congregate. RLrHS- BH Staffwill go with policc to work with homelcss pcople where they congregate in order to identify and engage persons that may be eligible for RUHS-BH services and/or to facilitate referrals and linkage to community resourccs that may assist general population and homeless persons. RUHS-BH Staffwill coordinate follow-up oulreach with RUHS-BH Homeless Outreach Teams and/or City of Menifee Homeless Outreach Teams as needed. RUHS-BH Staffwill work in the office to arrange social service supports and coordinate services with other agencies and programs. RUHS-BH Staff will coordinate with jail incarceration diversion teams and programs including mental health and drug courts to intervene and help to divert pcrsons with a serious mentsl health disorder into appropriate and recommended MH treatment services and supports, and persons with impairing substance use disorders into subslanc€ abuse treatment services and suppotls. RUHS-BH Strff may work direclly with RUHS-BH Detention Mental Health staff to coordinate MWSU services and assist with issues involving inmates detained through MENIFEE PD in post-booking, prc-trial diversion and linksge to community resources upon release from incarceration. 22. ?q. , .! t0 C@r.r.dx Ataoea ,.i,rar tUIt:vrE .,t CtO .l NallaE-ttENIEE FD Cdtb ftl4t rr.dbl fldA, Sdrln Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 110 of 245 RUHS-BH Staff may work with other mental health crisis response services involving 9-l-l calls, such as training and support to ambulance emergency medical technicians and Riverside Fire Department (RFD) paramedics. RUHS-BH Staff will develop public information brochures regarding policeilrrlH collaboration, contact information and phone numbers for community resources and referrals, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). And other duties as agreed upon by both parties. B. MENIT'EE PD RESPONSIBILITIES MENIFEE PD will assign law enforcement personnel and RUHS-BH staff to respond to requests for assistance in the field. Work stations st each of the MENIFEE PD substations that RUHS-BH staffwill be assigned with oomputers and Intemet access. Each staff member will need general access Honeyvell cards into MENIFEE PD Police Stations as identified by MENIFEE PD. MENIFEE PD IT staff will coordinste lT installations with RUHS-BH IT, this includes compliance with Federal HIPAA required level ofsecurity and providing RUHS-BH staffwith a City of Menifee e-mail account. MENIFEE PD will conduct sccurity background invcstigations for designated RUHS-BH staff and maintain the confidential records of the investigation outcomes. 6. MENIFEE PD shall provide a ballistic vest to RUHS-BH liaison/staff. ,]MENIFEE PD will provide training, based on a curriculum developed and approved by RUHS-BH, regarding field operations and safety. 8. And other duties as agrced upon between by both parties. 23. 24. 25. ) 3 4 P.r. l0 of l0 C.oFnnE Agwa ta*ca ,Ults-tfl .nl CIO ol l,r.rlla+TENIFEE ,DC*h lrka. iLnb, ,1..!t Sdba Fv 202Ur2 - Ft Uzt/ita Item Title:10.4 Behavioral Health Memorandum of Understanding for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 111 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Bryce Howell, Park/Landscape Maintenance Manager REVIEWED BY: Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Authorize participation in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) for La Ladera Park; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to participate in EMWD’s Recycled Water ARP, including but not limited to, the Notice of Intent and Contact Form; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve participation in future recycled water projects under the Recycled Retrofit Water ARP as identified by EMWD and City staff to the benefit of the City. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee maintains close to 200 acres of parkland and right of way landscaping combined. A little more than 80% of the landscape is watered using recycled water with the remaining landscape using potable water. As the City of Menifee grows, the amount of water being used exponentially increases. To conserve water for the residents of Menifee, Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) has been a leading source for recycled water use since the 1960’s. In 1991, EMWD received funding through the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to develop a recycled water backbone transmission system, which helped start the expansion of EMWD’s ability to deliver recycled water to its growing customer base. About 75% of EMWD’s recycled water production is sold to agricultural, irrigation, landscaping, and industrial customers including the City of Menifee. EMWD reached out to City staff regarding their Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program (ARP) and specifically identified the possibility of retrofitting La Ladera Park from potable water to recycled water. La Ladera Park is an eight-acre park and is the largest park the City maintains Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 112 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report ARP - La Ladera Park February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2 8 5 6 on potable water. Switching the landscape to be irrigated by recycled water would not only help the City conserve potable water but would also save the City financially as the cost of recycled water is one third the cost of the potable water. With the authorization to participate in ARP, the City would formally sign a Notice of Intent (NOI) form that establishes deadlines and defined responsibilities for EMWD who would lead the project with the support of City staff. The associated project would impact irrigation only, while drinking fountains and restrooms would remain a part of the potable water system. Upon authorization to proceed, EMWD would provide support services including permitting, technical design, and a recycled water meter at no cost to the City. Once the survey and design have been completed, in accordance with City purchasing policy, the City would take the completed plans and issue a Notice Inviting Bids for the construction of this project. Upon the identification of the lowest responsive bidder, EMWD would create a funding agreement to reimburse the City for the cost of the entire construction project. Both the construction contract and EMWD’s funding agreement would be presented to City Council for consideration. Up to $5,000 per acre foot, per year of potable water usage (based on average use over the past three years) would be provided by EMWD. This funding covers costs associated with retrofitting of on-site landscape and irrigation systems. Following the completion of the on-site work, the City would receive a reduced rate of 75% of the current potable water rates for ten years until the cost of the project is paid back in full, at which point the City would then be placed at the current recycled water rate. Ultimately, the City would have an upgraded irrigation system using reclaimed water and realize an instant cost savings of 25% of its regular water bill for the next ten years. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this recommendation as there are no costs for program participation. Once the site survey and design have been completed, an estimated cost proposal would be used to bid out the construction project and a construction contract for the lowest responsive bidder and a funding agreement from EMWD to reimburse the City for the entire cost upon completion of the project, will be presented to City Council for consideration. ATTACHMENTS 1. EMWD Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program Information Packet Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 113 of 245 City of Menifee • La Ladera Park Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 114 of 245 November 17, 2021 City of Menifee 29844 Haun Rd Menifee, CA 92586 Subject: Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program Customer Information Packet Dear City of Menifee: Attached please find the Customer Information Packet for Eastern Municipal Water District’s Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program. Included are resources intended to help achieve a straightforward, streamlined approach to project management. Completion of the Notice of Intent form is required to begin the process for each project. After which, an agreement will be required before construction begins; a sample agreement is attached for reference. Lastly, the exhibits attached provide an overview for each potential project. The District is looking forward to working with you and your staff to complete the Accelerated Recycled Water Retrofit Project(s) both on schedule and on budget. Please submit your completed Contact Form and signed Notice of Intent form(s) to the undersigned. Sincerely, John Wuerth – Senior Recycled Water Program Analyst Eastern Municipal Water District 2270 Trumble Road, Perris, CA 92570 Phone: (951) 928-3777 Ext. 4334 Attachment(s)/Enclosure(s): Customer Information Packet Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 115 of 245 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program Eligible Applicants Must: • Agree to an on-site assessment to determine project feasibility; • Sign a notice-of-intent form and agree to meet established deadlines outlined in the agreement; • Provide in-kind staff support for site surveys; • Provide design input and approval; and • Agree to on-site inspection and testing. Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) offers a Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program that provides significant incentives to qualified applicants within EMWD’s service area who wish to retrofit their irrigation systems for recycled water use. After the highly successful first two phases of the program were completed, EMWD has announced funding for Phase III of the program, which provides customers with immediate cost savings while also helping to reduce potable water usage on functional landscape areas. The Accelerated Retrofit Program provides support services and funding sources for EMWD water customers to retrofit landscaping and irrigation services to use recycled water. PROGRAM BENEFITS INCLUDE: • EMWD will provide support services including permitting and technical design at no cost to the customer. • EMWD will provide a recycled water meter connection at no cost to the customer. • EMWD will provide funding up to $5,000 per acre foot, per year, of potable water usage, based on average use over the past three years. This funding covers costs associated with retrofitting on-site landscape and irrigation systems. • Following completion of on-site work. Customers will receive a reduced rate of 75-percent of current potable water rates. After no more than ten (10) years, the rate will transition to current recycled water rates. For more information and to be considered for the Accelerated Retrofit Program, please contact Senior Recycled Water Program Analyst John Wuerth at 951-928-3777, ext. 4334, or wuerthj@emwd.org. November 2021 Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 116 of 245 Accelerated Retrofit Program–Project Process Phase 6: Close-out Itemized invoices are sent to EMWD. Files and as-builts are to be stored for retention purposes. Phase 5: Construction Customer administers on-site construction and provides EMWD with updates regarding progress being made. EMWD shall conduct on-site inspections and testing during construction. Phase 4: Cost Proposal/Agreement The Customer shall prepare a detailed cost proposal and contractor bid proposals (if any) and submit them to EMWD for review and approval. EMWD will prepare a Funding Agreement to be executed between the Customer and EMWD. Phase 3: Permitting/Design EMWD “led” but Customer “driven”–EMWD may assist in any of the following: •General construction requirements •Division of Drinking Water coordination •Project Requirements, Engineering Cost Estimate, and Final Design Phase 2: Site Survey Prior to a detailed site survey being completed, the Customer shall provide irrigation and plumbing as- built drawings to EMWD. Representative(s) with an advanced knowledge of the existing irrigation system shall be present during the survey. Phase 1: Notice of Intent (NOI) Establishes customer commitment and is needed before further work proceeds. The authorized authority needs to read and sign the NOI(s) for each project attached in the EMWD Customer Information Packet. Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 117 of 245 Accelerated Retrofit Program Contact Form Contact Information Owner/Developer Agency Name: Name Above Is (Check One): Applicant Owner Developer Other___________ Contact Name (Authorized Individual for Agreement/Invoice Processing): Work Phone: Address: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Fax: E-mail Address: Contact Name (Responsible Individual for Irrigation As-Builts/Site Survey/Operations): Work Phone: Address: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Fax: E-mail Address: Current Landscape Maintenance Agency (If any): Contact Name: Work Phone: Address: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Fax: E-mail Address: Landscape Architect (If Design Will Not Be Completed By EMWD): Contact Name: Work Phone: Address: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Fax: E-mail Address: Project Information Project Name (To Be Filled Out By EMWD): La Ladera Park Project Address: PM/Tract/APN: City: State: Zip: Dual Source (Potable/Recycled): Yes No Project Description (School, Commercial, Streetscape, Park, Other): Do Wells Exist on the Project Site? Yes No ARP WO (For EMWD Use Only): Existing SO(s) (For EMWD Use Only): 204615, 204616 Drawing D# (For EMWD Use Only): Sta. (For EMWD Use Only): Reviewed & Filed by: Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 118 of 245 1 NOTICE OF INTENT CITY OF MENIFEE’s PARTICIPATION IN EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT’S RECYCLED WATER RETROFIT PROGRAM The purpose of this Notice of Intent is to affirm City of Menifee‘s intent to participate in the Eastern Municipal Water District (“EMWD”) Recycled Water Retrofit Program. RECITALS WHEREAS, EMWD has established a “Recycled Water Retrofit Funding Program” (the “Program”) in which EMWD will reimburse Customers for approved costs of connecting to its recycled water distribution facilities and retrofitting on-site irrigation systems; and WHEREAS, Customers participating in the aforementioned Program agree to pay 75% of EMWD’s then current potable water rate for a period not-to-exceed ten (10) years following connection and Customer’s initial billing for recycled water at which time Customer’s rate will adjust to EMWD’s then current recycled water rate; and WHEREAS, the terms, conditions and financial arrangements of the Program are more thoroughly described in the Agreement for Recycled Water Retrofit Funding, which a draft of said Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, EMWD has completed an initial site survey of City of Menifee – La Ladera Park (“Site”) and has identified such location as a potential candidate for participation in the Program; and WHEREAS, subject to City of Menifee execution of this Notice of Intent, EMWD will proceed in preparing a design and cost estimate, at its own cost and expense, for connection of City of Menifee’s site to EMWD’s recycled water distribution system; and WHEREAS, City of Menifee desires that EMWD proceed with said design and cost estimate and hereby affirms its intent to participate in the Program. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals City of Menifee affirms its intent to: 1. Provide staff resources and assistance in support of EMWD’s preparation of a design and cost estimate to be performed at EMWD’s sole cost and expense. 2. Support EMWD’s application and receipt of grant, or other funding that is offered or available through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), which shall be assigned to or be the property of EMWD. 3. Review Project designs and cost estimates for approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4. Solicit bids or proposals, as may be necessary, for construction of Site irrigation modifications for purposes of purchasing and accepting deliveries of EMWD supplied recycled water. Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 119 of 245 2 5. Subject to EMWD’s and City of Menifee’s approval of costs, designs and bids, execute EMWD’s Agreement for Recycled Water Retrofit Funding. 6. Initiate receipt and continue the use of recycled water for a minimum period of ten (10) years in accordance with the aforementioned Agreement for Recycled Water Retrofit Funding. The individual executing this Notice of Intent represents and warrants that they have the right, power, legal capacity, and authority to enter into and to execute this instrument on behalf of City of Menifee. City of Menifee 29844 Haun Rd Menifee, CA 92586 By: Dated: Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 120 of 245 Exhibit A 1 AGREEMENT FOR RECYCLED WATER RETROFIT FUNDING BY AND BETWEEN EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, (Insert Customer Name) This Agreement is made as of _______________, 2021 ("Effective Date"), by and between EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a municipal water district organized and operating pursuant to Division 20 of the California Water Code ("EMWD"), and (INSERT CUSTOMER NAME) ("Customer"), whose mailing address is (INSERT ADDRESS) . EMWD and Customer are sometimes individually referred to herein as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, EMWD is committed to the efficient use of its valuable water supplies, including maximizing the beneficial use of recycled water in order to offset potable water use; and WHEREAS, Customer owns real property located at (insert address) ("Site"). The Site is adjacent to EMWD's recycled water distribution system. Customer currently irrigates the Site with domestic water purchased from EMWD; and WHEREAS, EMWD owns and operates four regional reclamation facilities which generate recycled water and Customer desires to purchase such recycled water from EMWD for allowable, suitable non-potable uses, specifically, for landscape irrigation; and WHEREAS, in order to implement Customer’s use of recycled water, Customer must make modifications (retrofits) to its existing on-site irrigation system; and WHEREAS, in recognition that the cost of retrofitting irrigation facilities from domestic to recycled water impedes the ability of some of EMWD’s customers to comply with the requirements of EMWD’s Recycled Water Guidelines, and in order to encourage conservation of water resources and provide a means for greater control over the use of recycled water, EMWD has established the “EMWD Recycled Water Retrofit Funding Program” (the “Program”); and WHEREAS, under the terms of the Program, EMWD will reimburse Customers for approved costs of connecting to EMWD’s recycled water distribution facilities and retrofitting its on-site irrigation system(s) as more thoroughly described herein; and WHEREAS, following Customer’s construction, Customer agrees to pay 75% of EMWD’s then current potable water rate for the Site for a period not-to-exceed ten (10) years following connection and Customer’s initial billing for recycled water; and WHEREAS, Customer additionally acknowledges and agrees that any grant, or other, funding associated with the Site retrofit to recycled water that is offered or provided by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) shall be assigned to, or otherwise be the property of EMWD; and Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 121 of 245 Exhibit A 2 WHEREAS, Customer desires that EMWD assist in Project completion by providing technical design assistance and the aforementioned funding pursuant to and in accordance with the Program; and WHEREAS, Customer has executed a Notice of Intent dated (insert date) confirming its commitment to construct on-site irrigation modifications for purposes of purchasing EMWD supplied recycled water subject to EMWD’s approval; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms, conditions and financial considerations whereby EMWD will provide funding assistance to Customer; and whereby Customer will construct and install facilities necessary to connect and utilize EMWD supplied recycled water. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and mutual understanding of the Parties as herein expressed, EMWD and Customer agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The Recitals set forth above are incorporated into and are a part of this Agreement. 2. EMWD, at its own expense, has completed a design and cost estimate, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, and Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that it has reviewed and approved said design and estimate for implementation. EMWD further hereby approves Customer’s bid and/or cost proposal for Customer’s own construction of Site irrigation modifications for purposes of purchasing and accepting deliveries of EMWD supplied recycled water, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B. Customer shall procure all materials and services, where applicable, and complete construction of all required Site retrofits and improvements in accordance with Customer’s own rules, regulations and requirements governing such acquisitions and work. Customer shall schedule and ensure completion of the Project such that Customer will initiate the use of recycled water no later than four (4) calendar months following the Effective Date of this Agreement. The retrofitted system shall comply with all EMWD and regulatory requirements for the delivery and use of recycled water. In the event a change or modification to on-site recycled water system plans or designs is desired, Customer will request approval from EMWD, in writing, prior to any work performed. 2.1 As required by Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, EMWD will perform cross connection and coverage testing. EMWD shall notify Customer two weeks prior to the cross connection test. 2.2 Customer shall make provisions for coordination between the contractor and EMWD to facilitate GPS asbuilting of the existing irrigation system and newly constructed elements including but not limited to; irrigation mainline, mainline components, irrigated area and point of connection sequence components. 3 Funding Assistance. EMWD hereby agrees to reimburse Customer for all direct and actual project costs and expenses in accordance with, but not to exceed the project cost estimate and Customer’s bid and cost proposal approved by EMWD (Exhibits A and B). Customer shall assemble and provide EMWD with evidence of such costs and expenses for Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 122 of 245 Exhibit A 3 reimbursement, not to exceed once per calendar month, throughout project construction. Such evidence shall include, but not be limited to bills, invoices, vouchers, statements, receipts or other documentation evidencing the amount expended, incurred, or due, and shall not include any costs incurred or payments made for work or material not in conformance with approved specifications or requirements or otherwise authorized by EMWD. Expenditures for reimbursement shall in no way include any costs related to Customer’s general administration, management, or overhead. EMWD shall reimburse Customer for all approved project expenditures within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt and approval of Customer’s monthly expense submittal. 4 MWD Funding. Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that any grant, or other funding associated with the Site retrofit to recycled water contemplated herein that is offered or provided by or through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) shall be assigned to, or otherwise be the property of EMWD. 5 Recycled Water Rates and Charges. Following Project completion, Customer hereby agrees to initiate receipt of recycled water. For a period not-to-exceed ten (10) years following connection and Customer’s initial billing for recycled water, EMWD shall charge Customer a rate for recycled water representing 75% of EMWD’s then current charges for potable water, currently (insert $xxxx per acre feet). Upon completion of the aforementioned term EMWD will adjust Customer’s charges to the then current recycled water rate, currently (insert $xxxx per acre feet). 6 Books and Records. Customer shall keep accurate books and records of the actual direct Project costs, and EMWD may require Customer to verify that the materials and labor for which reimbursements were made have been installed and performed as required by this Agreement. Customer shall allow EMWD's authorized representative(s) to examine and duplicate any records relevant to the verification of the actual direct Project costs, including without limitation all contract bids and invoices. Any changes that occurred during the course of construction shall be properly documented. Customer shall retain all Project records for three (3) years after the completion of the Project and shall provide any Project records to EMWD for its review, upon request. 7 Compliance with Laws. Customer shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, as may be amended from time to time, of EMWD and all federal, state, and local regulatory agencies pertaining to use of recycled water. 8 System Maintenance. Customer be solely responsible to own, operate and maintain its on Site irrigation system, including without limitation repairing and maintaining any items necessary to insure proper and ongoing system performance. 9 Insurance. Customer shall require any contractor performing installation services hereunder to provide and maintain insurance coverage in an amount and type mutually approved by EMWD and Customer, naming EMWD as “additionally insured”. 10 Indemnification. Customer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless EMWD and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims asserted or liability established for damages or injuries of any kind to any person or property, including damages to Customer’s property or injury to Customer's directors, officers, employees, agents, or contractors, arising from or related to, or alleged to arise from or relate to, the acts or omissions of EMWD or Customer and its respective directors, officers, employees, agents, or contractors, in Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 123 of 245 Exhibit A 4 performing the work or services herein, including without limitation all expenses of investigating and defending against same. 11 General Provisions. 11.1 Notice. Any notice, payment, or instrument required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed received upon personal delivery or 72 hours after deposit in any United States mail depository, first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the Party for whom intended, as follows: If to EMWD: Eastern Municipal Water District 2270 Trumble Road Perris, CA 92572-8300 Attention: General Manager If to Customer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Either Party may change such address by notice given to the other Party as provided in this section. 11.2 Non-Waiver. EMWD shall not be deemed, by any act of omission or commission, to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by EMWD, and then only to the extent specifically set forth in writing. A waiver with reference to one event shall not be construed as continuing or as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy as to a subsequent event. 11.3 Further Acts. Each Party agrees to perform any further acts and to execute and delivery any documents which may be reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this Agreement. 11.4 Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 11.5 Neutral Interpretation. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as to their fair meaning, and not for or against any Party based upon any attribution to such Party as the source of language in question. 11.6 Binding Effect. This Agreement is binding upon, and inures to the benefit of, each Party hereto and its respective agents, employees, representatives, officers, directors, affiliates, assigns, and successors. 11.7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is made solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns, and no other person or entity shall have or acquire any right by virtue of this Agreement unless otherwise expressly agreed to by all the Parties hereto. 11.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, excluding any choice of law provisions. Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 124 of 245 Exhibit A 5 11.9 Jurisdiction; Venue. Any action taken to enforce this Agreement shall be maintained in the Superior Court of Riverside County, California. The Parties expressly consent to the jurisdiction of said court and agree that said court shall be a proper venue for any such action. 11.10 Integration. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes any prior understanding and/or written or oral agreements between them respecting the subject matter of this Agreement. There are no representations, agreements, arrangements, or understandings, oral or written, by and between the Parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, which are not fully expressed herein. The terms of this Agreement are intended by the Parties as a final expression of their agreement with respect to such terms as are included herein, and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or any contemporaneous agreement. The Parties further intend that this Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of its terms and that no extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial proceeding involving this Agreement. 11.11 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable, either in its entirety or by virtue of its scope or application to given circumstances, such provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to render the same valid, or as not applicable to given circumstances, or to be excised from this Agreement, as the situation may require, and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such provision had been included herein as so modified in scope or application, or had not been included herein, as the case may be, it being the stated intention of the parties that had they known of such invalidity or unenforceability at the time of entering into this Agreement, they would have nevertheless contracted upon the terms contained herein, either including such provisions only to the maximum scope and application permitted by law, or excluding such provisions, as the case may be. 11.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which when taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The signature page of any counterpart may be detached without impairing the legal effect of the signatures thereon, provided such signature page is attached to any other counterpart identical to the first counterpart except having signature pages executed by other parties to this Agreement attached thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the Effective Date. EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT By:_________________________ Joe Mouawad, P.E. General Manager Dated: CUSTOMER Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 125 of 245 Exhibit A 6 By:_________________________ Dated: Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 126 of 245 EXHIBIT "A" PROJECT DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATE This Page to be Completed and Attached to this Agreement Prior to Construction Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 127 of 245 EXHIBIT "B" CUSTOMER’S BID AND/OR COST PROPOSAL This Page to be Completed and Attached to this Agreement Prior to Construction Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 128 of 245 TM "TM"TM "TM "TM "TM"TM Proposed 4" RW Service w/2" Meter Existing 3" PW Servicew/2" Landscape MeterSO 204615 Existing 3" PW Servicew/2" Landscape MeterSO 204616 Existing 1" Domestic MeterSO 204614 LA LADERA RD AU DIE MU RP H Y RD DESTRY DR COOL MEADOW DRCOUNTRY FAIR DRSTAGELINE CIRALISAL CTCABALLERO CTSAGEBUSH LN SUN ROSE CIR HOPE RANCH CIR LA RE D O CIR SOLVANG LN WA G O N C R EE K LN BENS O N DR TROTT CIR CORN FIELD CT S TEPPI NG STONE CI R¯ 0 60 120 180 24030Feet 1 inch = 60 feet Legend Customer_Type "TM COMMERCIAL "TM LANDSCAPE TM RW_METER 77390_Base.dwg Polyline 77390_Base.dwg Polyline FACILITIES LA_LADERA sdeprod.DBO.lndStreetLnEs LA LADERA PARK - CITY OF MENIFEE Item Title:10.5 Recycled Water Accelerated Retrofit Program at La Ladera Park Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 129 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hernandez, Management Analyst I REVIEWED BY: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute security agreements for streets and drainage improvements to guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Parcel Map (PM) 37145 located at the intersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74, and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Maintenance Services Community Facilities District agreement for PM 37145; and 3. Approve and authorize the filing of the final map for PM 37145. DISCUSSION Parcel Map 37145, also known as On Deck, is a proposed subdivision of 5.01 gross acres of land into 4 lots for commercial use and is located at the intersections of Trumble Road and Highway 74. As part of the conditions of approval for the project, the developer is required to enter into a Community Facilities District (CFD) agreement with the City to annex to a citywide Community Facilities Maintenance District for the maintenance of streets within the public right-of-way. The CFD agreement ensures all property within the parcel and all requirements will be included within the CFD prior to any sales, transfers, or other conveyances. The developer, VSK Investments, LLC, is now requesting approval and filing of the final map and associated security agreement as required by the project’s conditions of approval. The security agreements require that improvement securities are posted to guarantee the completion of the required improvements within 24 months from the City Council approval date of the final map and associated agreements. Staff has reviewed the request and has determined the final map and associated agreements meet the requirements of the project conditions. Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 130 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report PM 37145 Final Map February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2 8 4 2 A summary of the bonds being posted to guarantee the completion of the required improvements are shown below: Table 1- PM 37145 Improvements: Improvement Security Faithful Performance Material & Labor Streets and Drainage 4449551 $131,500 $65,750 Total $131,500 $65,750 Table 2- PM 37145 Survey Monuments: Monuments Security Faithful Performance Material & Labor Survey Monument Cash Bond $8,640 N/A STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Regular City Business FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. Final Map PM 37145 2. Security Agreement for Streets and Drainage Improvements 3. Community Facilities District Agreement for PM 37145 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 131 of 245 Item Title: 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. Item Page Number: 3Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 132 of 245 Item Title: 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. Item Page Number: 4Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 133 of 245 Item Title: 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. Item Page Number: 5Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 134 of 245 Item Title: 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. Item Page Number: 6Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 135 of 245 Item Title: 10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145, On Deck, by VSK Investments, LLC. Item Page Number: 7Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 136 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 137 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 138 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 139 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 140 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 141 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 142 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 143 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 144 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 145 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 146 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 147 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 148 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 149 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 150 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 151 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 152 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 153 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 154 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 155 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 156 of 245 Item Title:10.6 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 37145,On Deck,by VSK Investments,LLC. Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 157 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Chet Robinson, Associate Engineer REVIEWED BY: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the public streets/drainage, water system, and sewer system improvements for Tract Map (TM) 37179, located west of Haun Road and north of La Piedra Road; and 2. Approve the 90% bond reduction for TM 37179. DISCUSSION Tract Map 37179 is a proposed subdivision of 13.05 gross acres into 131 lots for residential use. The project is located west of Haun Road and north of La Piedra Road, as shown on the attached map. To comply with the project’s conditions of approval, the developer, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., posted the required securities to guarantee the construction of the required road, drainage, water, and sewer improvements. Lennar Homes has now fully completed construction and is requesting that the City accept the completed improvements into the City’s maintenance system. Staff has inspected the completed improvements and determined the public improvements have been constructed according to City specifications and standards and that all project conditions of approval have been met. The associated bonds are summarized in Table 1 on the following page. The remaining 10% of the improvement bonds will be held as a warranty for a period of one year in accordance with the City Municipal Code. Item Title:10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements,Menifee Town Center,Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California,Inc. Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 158 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report TM 37179 Bond Reduction February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2 8 4 4 Table 1- TM 37179 Bond Reduction Improvement Security Faithful Performance (Original Amount) Labor & Materials (Original Amount) Faithful Performance (90% Reduction) Streets/ Drainage 867700 $604,500 $302,250 $60,450 Water System 867700 $562,000 $281,000 $56,200 Sewer System 867700 $534,000 $267,000 $53,400 Total $1,700,500 $850,250 $170,050 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Accessible and Interconnected Community FISCAL IMPACT The developer has paid all necessary fees and deposits to cover the costs of the required inspection of the completed improvements. Ongoing maintenance costs for the improvements will be budgeted as part of future fiscal year operating budgets. ATTACHMENTS 1. Tract Map 37179 2. Streets/Drainage Improvement Bond Agreement 3. Water System Improvement Bond Agreement 4. Sewer System Improvement Bond Agreement 5. Bonds Item Title:10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements,Menifee Town Center,Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California,Inc. Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 159 of 245 Item Title:10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements,Menifee Town Center,Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California,Inc. Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 160 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 4Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 161 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 5Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 162 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 6Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 163 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 7Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 164 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 8Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 165 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 9Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 166 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 10Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 167 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 11Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 168 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 12Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 169 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 13Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 170 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 14Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 171 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 15Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 172 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 16Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 173 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 17Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 174 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 18Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 175 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 19Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 176 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 20Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 177 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 21Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 178 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 22Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 179 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 23Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 180 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 24Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 181 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 25Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 182 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 26Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 183 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 27Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 184 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 28Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 185 of 245 Item Title: 10.7 Acceptance of Public Improvements, Menifee Town Center, Tract Map 37179 by Lennar Homes of California, Inc.Item Page Number: 29Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 186 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Edna Lebrón, Sr. Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive the summary of community outreach and process for the City's next five-year 2022- 2027 Consolidated Plan for the use of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Community Development Block Grant funds by the City's Community Development Department; and 2. Discuss and provide feedback regarding priorities for the next five-year Consolidated Plan activities and programs. DISCUSSION As a requirement by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City develops a Consolidated Plan every five years to guide the use of Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The five-year Consolidated Plan is the guiding document for allocating these resources which support projects and programs that benefit low- and moderate-income people by increasing housing and economic opportunities, strengthening low-income neighborhoods, and addressing public service and infrastructure needs. As part of the process for the next five-year term (2022-2027), staff has been working with a consultant, Michael Baker International (MBI), in preparing and disseminating public notices, information flyers and surveys, collecting and analyzing survey responses, conducting community public meetings and stakeholder interviews, and collecting the results which have identified high priority needs. Staff is presenting to City Council an introduction to the Consolidated Plan process and is requesting input and direction on proposed projects and programs based on identified high priorities and eligible use activities. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 187 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report CDBG 22-27 ConPlan January 19, 2022 Page 2 of 5 7 9 3 The City Council’s input would allow staff to prepare the draft Strategic Plan, and the first-year draft Action Plan, by determining which eligible activities would best serve the needs of the community through a range of projects and programs for the next five years. After the 30-day HUD required public review and comment period, staff would collect community input and return to the City Council for final review and adoption in April/May 2022, thereafter, submitting the final Consolidated Plan to HUD before the May 15, 2022, deadline. Consolidated Planning Process The Consolidated Plan serves as a comprehensive strategy, that identifies community needs, prioritizes those needs, and details how they would be addressed. The Consolidated Plan strategy also incorporates the City’s Citizen Participation Plan (CPP), which governs how the City would conduct outreach to the community and encourage their participation in the Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, Amendments and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) process for this next five-year term. Included in the Consolidated Plan is the preparation of an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choices (AI), which assists in identifying any barriers to affordable housing, as well as examines policies and fair housing practices surrounding housing choices. The Consolidated Plan is designed to aid the City in assessing affordable housing and community development needs and helps determine how funds from HUD are used. The illustration below shows the process of the Consolidated Plan development. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 188 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report CDBG 22-27 ConPlan January 19, 2022 Page 3 of 5 7 9 3 Community Surveys, Public Outreach & Stakeholder Meetings Staff has engaged the community and organizations within the City and surrounding jurisdictions to assess community development and housing needs, specifically identifying the highest priority needs related to the use of CDBG funding over the next five-years (2022-2027). Through public noticing of community meetings and online surveys, opportunities were provided for the community to provide feedback on spending priorities for the next five years. This feedback serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities. The surveys and link were posted on the City’s website and social media sites, and an email blast was distributed to 375+ organizations. The surveys (in English and Spanish) closed November 15, 2021. A total of 538 people responded to the Consolidated Plan Survey (see the attached Survey Results). In addition to the survey, a community outreach meeting was held on October 14, 2021, at Motte Historical Car Museum from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Another combined CDBG Workshop is scheduled to be held on January 27, 2022, to inform the public about the CDBG/ Consolidated Plan process and gain additional public feedback on possible funding priorities. The community forums and stakeholder interviews also identified priorities which are referenced in the attached Community Outreach Results. The City Council’s participation is a key component to assisting staff with identifying community development, homeless, affordable housing needs, and infrastructure needs. For example, organizations, community members, and the City Council may identify a high priority need that addresses public improvements and accessibility in low-income areas (i.e., security fencing, shade covers, and accessible walkways). Other priorities may include homeless services and seniors’ home repair programs (i.e., those who own their home in Menifee and are on a fixed income, unable to obtain a bank loan for home repairs such as a roof or accessibility to their home). These are just a few examples of what could be identified through assessing the needs identified through the community forums and surveys. Community Outreach Results In looking at the survey results, organization feedback from interviews, and the community outreach workshop, the top three priority needs in the following six priority needs categories have been identified as: 1. General Housing Needs A. Energy Efficient Improvements B. Affordable Rental Housing C. Senior Housing 2. Community Facilities Needs A. Youth Centers B. Parks and Recreational Facilities C. Child Care Centers Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 189 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report CDBG 22-27 ConPlan January 19, 2022 Page 4 of 5 7 9 3 3. Community Services A. Youth Services B. Senior Services C. Transportation Services 4. Homeless Needs A. Mental Health/ Addiction Services B. Food and Clothing C. Emergency Shelters 5. Economic Development A. Job Creation B. Small Business Loans C. Employment Training 6. Infrastructure Needs A. Broadband Accessibility B. Street/Sidewalk Improvements C. Increased Code Enforcement Additionally, the survey results and community outreach meeting feedback indicated that the most vulnerable population to potential natural disasters are senior citizens, followed by persons with disabilities. Broadband/internet connectivity needs have also been identified as a possible priority need for the City of Menifee through community outreach feedback and survey results. Sixty-five percent (64.95%) of citizens surveyed indicated that there are common/pressing broadband internet problems, and that low- and moderate-income areas do not have adequate broadband access. Additionally, with the continued impact of COVID-19 in the City of Menifee, existing programs currently funded by CDBG-CV funds that should continue are: Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program Food Activity, including meal packages to seniors 62+ and older Homeless Outreach services to provide mental health services Workforce Computer Lab Program STRAGEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 190 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report CDBG 22-27 ConPlan January 19, 2022 Page 5 of 5 7 9 3 FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund from participating in the CDBG program. All expenditures related to CDBG adopted and approved projects will come from the HUD 2022/2023 CDBG allocation which will be presented separately to City Council in April/May 2022. ATTACHMENTS 1. Survey Results 2. Community Outreach Results Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 191 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 1 | Page Attachment 1: Online Survey Results Other responses: • Nonbinary • Doesn't really matter • Cis-gendered male 26.02% 14.06% 2.86% 22.14% 8.91% 2.04% 8.35% 1.78% 0.61% 36.31% 7.33%2.45%7.18% 67.92% 92.04% I am a city resident I own or work for abusiness in the city I represent ahousing agency,social serviceagency, a non-profit 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Q1. What is your involvement in the City? 0-3 Years 4-7 Years 8-10 Years Over 10 Years N/A 33.21% 65.86% 0.93% Male Female Other (please specify howyou identify below) 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Q2. How do you identify? Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 192 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 2 | Page 9.53% 90.47% Yes No 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Q3. Do you have one or more conditions subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? 1.12% 19.78% 32.09% 16.23% 12.31% 15.30% 1.31%1.87% 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-80 80+Prefer notto say 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% Q4. How old are you?Please check one. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 193 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 3 | Page Less than 12years Completedhigh school Somecollege/ trade school Associatedegree 4-yearcollege degree Graduateeducation 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% Q5. How many years of education have you completed? 54.10% 7.46% 30.41% 3.92%1.49%0.37% 11.01% White or Caucasian Black or AfricanAmerican Hispanic or Latino Asian or AsianAmerican American Indian orAlaskaNative NativeHawaiianor otherPacificIslander Prefer notto say 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Q6. What is your race/ethnicity (choose all that apply) Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 194 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 4 | Page Other responses • Program for 1st time home buyers • Self Help Homeownership • Sidewalks and streetlights in the Romoland area • FIRST TIME BUYERS LOAN ASSISTANCE 1ST 7 YEARS • We have a high level of new for housing for higher income earners. We have data that supports this. We need more 1+ acre lots. We DO NOT need any of the above. • Veteran housing 4.16 4.21 3.72 Homeowner Renter Prefer not to say 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Q7. Are you a homeowner or a renter? Weighted Average 28% 10%14% 32%31% 15% 4%9% 48% 31%31% 17% 10%8%Homeowner HousingRehabilitationHousing AccessibilityImprovementsAmerican Disability Act(ADA) ImprovementsAffordable RentalHousingSenior HousingHousing for the DisabledLead-Based PaintTest/AbatementRehabilitation ofApartment BuildingsEnergy EfficiencyImprovementsHousing CodeEnforcementDown PaymentAssistanceSupportive Housing*Low-barrier Housing**Other (please specify)0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Q8. Please choose the top three housing programs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 195 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 5 | Page • Housing for the homeless • Road Improvement • Low-cost micro apartments to make housing g affordable for young adults wishing to remain in the community or relocate closer to education, training, and job programs so that Menifee can retain and grow its young talent. • Sewers • Fix Roads, more exits off the 215 to ease traffic. • Affordable housing • WE DO NOT NEED MORE HOUSING • I'm not familiar enough with any of these to offer an opinion • Veteran Housing • Veteran Housing? • No more building in Menifee • More access/ opportunities to low-income housing for people who aren't disabled. Such as low-income housing for single mothers and their child. • Single story affordable housing • Mental hospital • Stop building • Income based rental housing for seniors • Houses that cost under $250k. We need to make this happen. • High quality/ income homes • Cleaning up homes and keeping Menifee aesthetically nice looking • Roads and traffic flow. Traffic continues to increase with additional housing • Make builders pay their own taxes. Stop Mello Roos • more mixed product of housing like condos and motor court • Housing for Homeless Veterans • "tiny home" type community for the indigent/homeless • No more housing until Roads and Freeways can accommodate • Low-income housing • I have no opinion on this question • No more housing Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 196 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 6 | Page Q. 10 If affordable housing is not available to you and your family, can you please comment below on why not? • Not low income • Above median income • Because I am a homeowner and can afford to pay for a mortgage that I can afford…I don’t qualify for a program • Because I’m considered middle class, with a stay-at-home wife and income of 100,000 • Can’t meet low financial requirements • Cost of housing and rent has increased over the years. Many are trying to purchase their first homes and left competing with others who purchase the homes only to flip it for a higher price. Families like myself have to keep moving further and further away from work due to shortage of homes and increasing prices. There should be a law preventing people from owning more than one home or two while turning other homes into a rental property. • Cost to entry, rates are too high • Currently, housing in general is way too high. In fact, because of this we sold our existing house in Menifee, and are now moving to Hemet, because I can't afford a large enough house for my growing family in Menifee. • Didn’t know affordable housing was available. • Do not meet the income requirements. • Do not need it. • Don’t qualify • Don’t qualify. • Don’t qualify • Don't qualify • Don't qualify • Down payments to hard, no incentives to assist during the initial years of loan. No local jobs to earn enough money to become homeowners • Exceed the guidelines • First time buyer assistance Yes No0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Q9. Is affordable housing available to you and your family? Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 197 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 7 | Page • High real estate prices and high rent prices • Home and rental prices are too high • Homes and rent are expensive and unaffordable. • Homes cost to high • Housing and rental prices are too high for my yearly income to afford • Housing is extremely expensive here in Menifee. There should be a rental cap. • Housing prices are too high. • Housing prices have skyrocketed as have rents. Glad we bought our house in 2003. • Housing prices really high. • I already own a home. • I bought my house in 2009, but if I were to move, there is no way I can afford a $500,000+ home. • I did not qualify based on income • I do not live in Menifee • I do not qualify due to my income • I do not require it at this time • I don’t need it • I have a home already • I have what I would consider affordable housing but with the yearly taxes of over $10,000 added it is quite a struggle to include very high electric bill for utilizing heating/ ac unit which is a must use given the temperatures we have to endure whether cold or hot • I make too much • I make too much • I make too much money • I own a home, but family members are unable to rent due time low wages and increased rental rates • I own my home but my kids can’t afford rent or buying a home. • I own my home. Taxes are much too high for this area. • I own our home and am retired and live alone. • I was unable to find a landlord in Menifee willing to rent a room to me when I disclosed that I am bisexual • I’m a homeowner • In sun city a retirement community there is only expensive options for seniors • Income • Income • Income is too high • Income is too high • Income is too much. • Income limits • Investors are creating another bubble, forcing up comps and preventing people from being able to purchase homes and afford rents. • It appears the affordable apartments or housing for families are concentrated on the outskirts of Menifee, creating an access issue to all the new developments of Menifee and distance to schools and parks. • It is available. • It is not needed for me and my family. • It is pretty pricey, but we managed to make it happen. Grateful we bought before the prices soared on housing or we would not have been able to move here at all. We love it here. • It was affordable. Thank you. • It’s a really tough market and we feel lucky to have found a home that meets our needs in our budget. It feels like a miracle when we start to look around and what’s available now. • It’s expensive in Menifee but that’s ok. I don’t want low-income housing • It’s not appropriate • It’s not needed • Lack of availability for family members. • Lack of proper planning guidelines • Long waiting list for affordable housing Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 198 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 8 | Page • Low income • Low-income housing is not necessarily affordable when your age or disability puts you out of the job market and your income or retirement $$'s is only social security and or ssi • Make too much • Make too much • Make too much • Make too much money • Mortgage payment is high • Move to a affordable housing area. • My brother who is disabled and recently divorced cannot even qualify to rent an apartment in Menifee as they have income ratios. Not fair! Prices are too high anyway. Even a single room in a house is being rented for crazy prices. He would like to buy a small place but can’t die to prices now. • My grandchildren cannot afford housing. Rents are beyond low wage earners ability while working toward goals for better future. It stifles them. • My husband and i both work but we have five people in our family and need an office to work from home but cannot afford anything in Menifee. • My husband and i both work full time and still barely afford our apartment • My mother needs low-income senior housing and so far, we haven't been able to find anywhere here in Menifee for her (she only gets $1,500/month social security that needs to cover all her living expenses). • My niece is disabled and is just about $50 over what she can get in help doesn’t make any sense • My social security is less than $900 per month. I would like to rent a small apt or studio but can't find anything. Even rooms in a private residence are $750+ per month on the low end. • Need programs for low income families • No affordable homes is available for me in Menifee, ca because the housing market is a sellers market and people are upping the price of the homes to ridiculous prices. I wish the homes wouldn't go up on price every phase making the home out of range by time i get my finances together. More assistance up front is needed also. • No housing in California is affordable • No product available in Menifee • Not a issue for me but can see that high density apartments on the outskirts of the city could assist with providing low income housing opportunities without infringing on residential communities. Public subsidized housing is notorious with crime, gangs, drugs and the export of all to nearby communities. The city should avoid as much as possible or locate in areas on the outskirts to meet any government requirements for housing units • Not applicable. • Not available • Not aware of any affordable housing • Not enough affordable homes • Not enough senior apartments or duplex • Not income or age qualified • Not sure what that is. • Nothing available • Nothing available at the moment but be contacted the county for help and have had no luck finding low income housing or getting assistance from the county. • Only affordable since it was purchased from family at the original purchase price, or we would never have been able to move here. • Our credit score is around 540 so we do not qualify for any type of loan or down payment assistance. A simple one story 3 bedroom home is priced way out of affordable range when we need our payment to be around 1700 a month max! Rental homes are highly priced and have a ton of requirements like 640+ credit score, no pets or ESA animals, and must make over 3x the rent to even get into a home! It's horrible out there for a family of 4 with one income to rent a home or rent to own a home or even buy a home in Menifee. We do not have family to help us out so it all lies on our shoulders. • Over income • Price increase in homes not affordable Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 199 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 9 | Page • Prices for homes are too high and rising. • Properties have increased way too much and my family is need of a bigger house • Rent goes up 4-5% every year, wages do not keep up with inflation. There isn’t any affordable housing available in Menifee for families with one income. • Rent is not affordable for minimum wage workers. Home prices here do not equate to the value of the area. • Rent is outrageous and application fees and background checks are impossible to continue to pay. Evictions are never forgiven. • Rent prices are growing foe young adults. • Taxes to high • The biggest issue is the discrepancy between cost of living and salaries. • The city does not have affordable housing projects. • The cost of living is to high and renters expect you to make 2-3x the amount of rent. • The value of normal houses have skyrocketed over the last few years. Houses valued at 150k have risen to 500k for it to be basically trash. Its awful for those who can barely afford to feed themselves, how can they even afford a 500k house? • There are 7 apartment complexes in Menifee and rental costs are very expensive (supply & demand). 2020 census states that 77% of Menifee is owner occupied housing. Murrieta is at 66% and Temecula is at 64.9% (riverside county is 66.3%). We are unable to purchase a home since prices have skyrocketed so our only option is to rent. Menifee needs more rental apartments. • There is no affordable housing • This question needs to be more specific. • To many people need affordable housing and percentage set aside for affordable housing in new housing developments is not high enough • Too expensive • Too many new housing developments driving up prices • Two incomes falling in middle class and do not meet requirements for affordable housing, but yet do not qualify for upper class criteria. So we have to rent because we do not qualify for either. Maybe slightly adjust the amount to qualify. The homes in the area are way to expensive, the only affordable homes are in not safe areas. • Very expensive to rent • Wait-list is too long. 7+ years • We already own our own home. • We bought just before the market skyrocketed. We wouldn't be able to afford to buy here now. • We bought our house at marketing price • We can afford housing, but i would say its not affordable in that it is expensive for the cost of living. • We do not meet the income minimum for apartments/rental housing and are unable to save enough to qualify for home loan. • We do not qualify have never applied • We do not qualify. • We don’t need/qualify • We don’t qualify • We own our house • We don’t qualify for any assistance • We don’t qualify • We make too much and do not qualify. • We make too much money • We make too much money combined to qualify for affordable housing • We make too much money to need governmental assistance • We qualify but there are no affordable housing options (especially in Menifee). • We renting we can find another place to lived because is the rent is so high we cannot afford it • When you are on ssa, sometimes its hard to get proper housing. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 200 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 10 | Page • While my living situation is fine now, there is no affordable rental housing for those living on just social security (which many people it is about $1550 a month). This is hard to do when rentals start at $900 or over $1,000. Impossible. • You don't have any or only special people know • Young adults cannot afford to buy a first home. 8.00% 2.75% 8.75%7.00% 32.25% 6.00% 35.25% Yes, I have I think Imay have I haven't,butsomeone Iknow has I haven't,but I think Imay knowsomeonewho mayhave I'm not sure Prefer notto say Other(pleasespecify) 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% Q11. Have you or someone you know ever encountered any of the forms of housing discrimination described above? 17.28%17.04% 9.14% 21.73% 33.09% 1.73% Yes Likely Unlikely No Don't know Prefer not tosay 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% Q12. Do you believe housing discrimination occurs in the City? Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 201 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 11 | Page 38.50% 16.31% 5.88% 16.31% 5.35% 11.23% 19.25% 40.37% 11.50%Race/Ethnicity Religion DisabilitySexual OrientationPregnant or Having ChildrenSex/GenderAgeMarital StatusNational Origin/Ancestry FamilyStatusCriminal History/Record Sourceof IncomeNone, I do not think there is anyhousing discrimination in theCityOther (please specify)0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% Q13.If you think housing discrimination is occurring, what types of discrimination do you think are most prevalent? (Please select all that apply). Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 202 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 12 | Page Other responses • No access to public transportation. • Sewers build • Income verification for self-employment • We have amazing credit. But who can afford a $400k house for a family of five? We are teachers in Menifee. • Told nothing available • Property size • Property tax • No low-income apartments in the area for people who are not elderly or disabled • City needs its own park system • We worried about moving and having difficult neighbors, unreasonable HOA rules/expectations. • it took all of my savings and maxing out my credit cards to improve the home I could afford in Menifee to accommodate a wheelchair • High taxes, especially the $3000 school bond has forced us into an over 55 community • excessive HOA fees • Just coming up with a down payment as a first-time home buyer, but we did it on our own. We just had to save. 44.86% 19.05% 9.27%10.78% 3.51%3.01% 7.52%3.76% 41.35% 4.51%What I/we could afford to pay forrent or mortgageThe amount of money I/we had fordeposit was too lowHousing needed to be large enoughfor my/our householdMy/our credit history or credit scorewas too lowI/we need units that accommodate adisability (i.e., wheelchair accessible)Not being shown housing in theneighborhood(s) I/we wanted tomove toConcern that I/we would not bewelcome in the neighborhoodUnaware of rental rehab programsthat may be availableNoneOther (please specify)0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% Q14. Which of the following issues, if any, have limited housing options you were able to consider? (Please select at least one of the following choices). Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 203 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 13 | Page Other responses • Food distribution centers for seniors only • Community pool • PUBLIC SWIMING POOLS FOR THOSE THAT DONT LIVE IN AN "HOA" COMMUNITY • Table Tennis program for Seniors, youth and everyone • Major restaurants not fast-food Areas zoned for corporate only . Public pool Fix the traffic patterns and fire the civil engineer responsible. People working for the town should be at their desks 8 hours not intermittently • Places for people to gather that is not chain stores and a parking lot. A nice place with grass where maybe there is a place for live music so people of the community can gather • Shopping centers • Retail • Need Proud Boys club • Recycling drop-off • NO HOUSING • Don't do anything and keep taxes low • Addiction Safe Stations • City pool, children’s aquatic program • Adult Day Care Facilities • ENTERTAINMENT AMENITIES. Young folks want to be able to have some type of late-night entertainment (movies, concerts, bars/pubs, clubs, great restaurant selection - not just BJs and Olive Garden, etc.) We all have to drive to Old Town Temecula, San Diego and/or Los Angeles for decent entertainment. • Need more groomed Dirt walking paths*Concrete and asphalt are unhealthy for injured people! Arthritis etc. • Veteran 25.31% 62.41% 35.38% 54.79% 12.53% 37.84%31.20%28.50% 8.85%Senior CentersYouth CentersNeighborhood FacilitiesParks and RecreationalFacilitiesAmerican Disability Act (ADA)Improvements to existingfacilitiesChild Care CentersHealth FacilitiesCultural CentersOther (please specify)0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Q15. Please choose the top three community facilities you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 204 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 14 | Page • Hiking trails • We have enough parks and recreation • Trails for walking and running • Covered bus stops and pavement to walk in • Please scrap the wasteful amphitheater project. This is a waste of money and due to location with a stamp for a parking lot and three bathrooms will never be able to be used for the size crowds you think. My family has had to stop attending the 4th of July events due to the atrocious bathroom situation for years, not enough bathrooms even for residents to use. Our schools need real playgrounds, while we already have numerous beautiful parks. Fix THAT • A community pool or 2 would be great. It's so hot here • Family oriented activity facilities. Date night options • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Residential • Community volunteer Centers • Childcare Centers outside of private housing areas. In the center of the city, so neighbors do not have nuisance issues. • Everything on this great list • Provide wrap around services for the homeless • Business Incubators • Food Park • Community Theater/playhouse. • Community garden Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 205 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 15 | Page Other responses • Sun city to become private and gated and 55+ only....... • Noise/DUI reduction • Get public transportation to Quail Valley • None • Veteran services • None, keep services with Private companies • Veteran • Access to low-income apartments • School busing and crossing guards need to be a priority. • We need more public transportation in the more rural areas • Veteran Services • Family Resource Centers 34.73% 15.76% 48.03% 34.24%32.27% 18.23%16.01% 8.62%7.39% 4.19% 31.03% 19.46% 14.53% 22.17% 2.96%Senior ServicesDisabled ServicesYouth ServicesTransportation ServicesCrime AwarenessDomestic Violence ServicesSubstance Abuse ServicesTemporary SheltersFair Housing CounselingTenant/Landlord CounselingChild Care ServicesHealth ServicesServices for Very Low IncomeHomeless ServicesOther (please specify)0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Q16. Please choose the top three community/special needs services you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 206 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 16 | Page Other responses • Get the homeless out of sun city • Street outreach • None • Get them OFF the streets • None -- cities that have provided such services have only incentivized homelessness further and increased their homeless populations as a result. • Menifee only and Veterans NO LA HOMELESS • None • Have homeless in transitional housing in trade for community work such as trash cleaning or doing good deeds for community. • Remove homeless degenerates parasites you idiots • Encourage them to leave the city • Drug treatment centers • None • Transportation • None • No shelters because if we have them we will attract more homeless 50.74%48.51%46.53% 18.07%11.88% 79.21% 12.13%Food and clothingEmergency sheltersTransitional housingPermanent housingOne-time rental assistanceMental health/ addiction servicesOther (please specify)0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% Q17. Please choose the top three homeless needs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Cycle. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 207 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 17 | Page • Service to help homeless reconnect with family. • Job Assistance • Transportation vouchers • None • None • Getting more homeless help and support from groups and organizations such as SWAG (Social Work Action Group) • Provide Options for employment for the homeless • We already have too many homeless in the area • None • Get them on a bus and move them out of Menifee • None do not help homeless. They will only degrade the city. It’s bad enough in sun city. • Relocation assistance • None; enforce existing laws. • Rental assistance programs • Rides out of town • They need to be offered assistance. If they refuse or don't follow the rules, they have to go. • None… • Crime concerns • Not falling into the trap of other cities and having large numbers of homeless. It's already a problem. • Designated area for them to live in • Clean up homeless encampments and properties • Keeping homeless out of the city • Veterans cared for first • None paid for by taxpayers. Do not turn Menifee into Perris, Hemet. Arrest law breakers. • Relocating them out of the area so they can get help they need • Spiritual services - deals with root of problems/addictions, etc. • Housing placement outside of Menifee • If they won't participate in public assistance with it's rules and requirements and continue to camp on public or private property, provide them one way transportation at least 200 miles away in CONUS at their choice • Relocation • All of the above • Cleaning vouchers program • Additional funding for police department to be better equipped to handle homeless population • Transportation back to their original location. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 208 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 18 | Page Other responses • Secure clean safe parks for sun city residents only • Need more Restaurants • LARGE EMPLOYERS THAT PAY WELL • We more small business shopping and dining and less fast food. We need less restrictions guidelines on business permits and construction. • None -- the City needs to focus on its own operations and leave business needs to the businesses themselves. • Their are no real commercial buildings corporate campus structures needed not strip malls Develop the other side of town, Quail Valley, Romoland NOT JUST HOUSING • No more businesses & traffic, leave the open land open since that's why we all came out here versus bigger, crowded cities. • We need better options other than the same mcdonalds, Del taco, Wendy’s, etc. • Anything other then strip malls with a parking lot. Please give us some sort of “downtown area” where the community can attend events and have holiday themed events. We desperately need this! It would be a wonderful way to generate money for our wonderful city. Otherwise we are going and giving money to other cities • None • Less housing more commercial • More big retail • SIDEWALKS ROADWAYS NO HOUSING • Small business stimulus for those who don’t have employees. We’ve had no help through covid • Making it easier for business to come to Menifee. It’s so disappointing to hear places like Costco are not coming here because of red tape. The Suncity buildings off mccall by the library Coco’s area need to be cleaned up! • Lower taxes on business owners to encourage growth • Costco/Walmart/African American Food/Fish Market/Upscale Restaurants 48.88% 31.76% 53.85%59.06% 70.97% 12.41%Rehabilitation ofCommercial BuildingsFaçade ImprovementsEmployment TrainingSmall Business LoansJob CreationOther (please specify)0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Q18. Please choose the top three business needs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 209 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 19 | Page • Anything that brings business to town • None • Traffic flow improvement near businesses • High end restaurants • GETTING BUSINESS THAT WE DO NOT HAVE (NO MORE STARBUCKS, FAST FOOD, ETC) • More options for Internet Service Providers - lower cost • Free ongoing help with creating, networking and promoting websites and advertising. • Tax relief for Businesses effected by Covid • Attract new (more upscale) businesses & sit-down family restaurants • Better sidewalks and roads • Internships with businesses • Allow for business development • More bus routes • Stop bringing in commercial fast food on every corner. Stop putting a car wash in every corner; this state is always in a drought, why are we having a car wash in every corner?! Nobody needs 15 car washes in one city, what a waste of space! • The city of menifee should do a little better to make sure builders and developers complete projects and have funding to complete those projects so we dont have buildings that are either complete and empty or sites that have work stoppages after beginning…the city rushes in to attract when they have the movie theater situation in its lap…start a project and complete a project…it is just as much the cities issue as the developer/builder • Do something about that theater and other unfinished projects • Job creation but for careers and higher paying positions • Fill large vacant buildings • Less housing, more infrastructure • Stop building new property and use wha rims half built or abandoned • Actual jobs, not fast food jobs. • Lower taxes so employers can make profit and give appropriate raises • Encourage Mom & Pop businesses. • Family Resource Programs • We need to have better options for stores/eateries/etc to keep tax dollars in the city, no more pharmacies or fast food places • Tax incentives to attract facilities that will orovide long term income after exemption expires and provide technology hub for Bio and digital developement • Movie theater rehab • A policy of shaded areas outside businesses. Most businesses do not have any sunshade and very few trees. It is very hot here for at a minimum of 2 months and sometimes more. • Jobs with higher wages • Upscale restaurant like Anthony's in wildomar. • More sit down restaurants • Marketing • Demo unfinished/abandoned construction Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 210 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 20 | Page Other responses • Close McCall to through traffic/residents only of sun city • One more 215 off-ramp somewhere • HOLLAND OVERPASS!!! • More roads to get around traffic • Need more overpasses over the freeway to go crosstown • Bike lanes • Improvements to make the city look nicer • Complete parkway and sidewalk discontinuities along Antelope\Tally Roads. • Traffic needs to be addressed • I have no idea • Another main shopping place besides Newport rd. It’s truly becoming a nightmare • Bike lanes • East/west travel over freeway • Weed and abatement clean up especially off of McCall and other freeway exits • A sidewalk out in on Murrietta Rd it is unsafe to walk to Pete Peterson Park from Ridgemore • Building previously approved bridges across the 215 freeway to eliminate the enormous traffic jams 24/7 on Newport Rd and Scott Rd. The traffic mess is horrible! Very poor planning! • Parking for Paloma Valley High School • City aquatic center • Traffic congestion should be top priority • Need more sidewalks in areas where open fields are located • Bike lanes • More police presence at street lights • Crossing guards at schools • TRAFFIC • More than a single Internet provider, higher speeds, lower costs • Better traffic flow on Newport • Increase policing to prevent all the stolen vehicles etc 41.77% 77.15% 43.24% 31.20% 17.44%22.85% 38.08% 17.20%Increased CodeEnforcementStreet ImprovementsSidewalkImprovementsPedestrianCrosswalksParking FacilitiesSewer/Storm DrainImprovementsStreet LightingImprovementsOther (pleasespecify)0.00%10.00%20.00%30.00%40.00%50.00%60.00%70.00%80.00%90.00% Q19. Please choose the top three infrastructure needs that you believe the City of Menifee should consider for the 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan cycle. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 211 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 21 | Page • More safe routes to schools • Better public transportation to reduce traffic • Lights at parks • Fix Salt Creek!!!! • Better maintenance for Median and street/sidewalk weeds in older areas • Remove trail crossing signals. • Traffic congestion on Newport Rd., Scott Rd., Haun Rd. Especially as numerous housing developments are built. • More cut areas thru for commuters. • Roadway turn lanes • Freeway overpasses • Covered bus stops in hot weather • Areas need to be looked at (like the 74/Menifee intersection with only one exit at AMPM, turning into one lane each way traffic, without so much as a keep clear painted for cars to be able to enter the gas station from the 74 from either direction) for most efficient flow of traffic. • Traffic improvement, Menifee is too congested. Bridge at Holland needs to be built asap • Maintain the dirt roads!!!!! • Increased public transit • Improve flow of traffic. Newport road is extremely crowded • Stoplights that increase traffic flow, not hinder it. • Traffic management • Lane striping for right turn lanes from southbound Antelope to westbound Newport • Build the bridges over freeway as promised. Widen Scott and Newport. You gladly take the tax revenue from homeowners and businesses, only to allow more of them to pop up in areas that cannot support the influx. • Add roundabouts and replace traffic lights • Traffic congestion on Newport Rd • HORRIBLE infrastructure, roads are always with potholes after rain and the fixes are temporary. Need to have arterial routes and larger on/off ramps, wider roads to accommodate the influx of people moving here • Beautification of Sun City • Quail Valley street improvements & other areas that have large residential communities but no hope of facility improvements ie public sewer and water access. • More roads, expanding current roads • Expand and augment bicycle lanes • Development of shopping center and another way to get to shopping center other than Newport • Transitional Animal Housing for abandoned pets. An Animal Sanctuary too. There is never enough done for animals. • Landscaping improvements • Holland Overpass should be Priority 1 • Holland overcrowding to offload Newport. • Cherry hills shopping center parking • Bike trails are nice but riding a bike on city streets to the grocery store. • I don't know • Less potholes • Fixing medians and clean them up • Holland overpass • Bridge to improve flow of traffic. All the traffic coming from the New developments from Domingoni to 215 • Better walk path over the golf course on Menifee road. • Improving Menifee on the north side of Newport Rd. • Need a parking structure like Temecula • Street widening roads with heavy traffic Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 212 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 22 | Page Other responses • The food bank and covid relief targeted towards Sun city was nonexistent/ very poor effort for the seniors only that live in sun city • NO OPINION • Plant a real Christmas tree the one at the college is bad. TEMPORARY Services and shelter for homeless • Help for those who are self-employed with no employees. There was no covid help for businesses unless they had employees. • Senior Social Services/Emotional Support • Business startup assistance • N/A • More Internet providers with higher speeds and lower costs • Low-income housing assurance for people who are not elderly or disabled but still need assistance like single mothers. • Veterans services • More police funding • Mobile Integrated Healthcare/Community Paramedicine • Family Resource Centers • Work with School districts to fund a regional trade school gor high school age children 47% 26% 21% 15%14%15%15%19%16% 29% 22% 14%12%13%16% 24% 6% 11% 3%After-school programs and/or summerday camp for childrenPrograms for at-risk youthChildcareCounseling/emotional supportDisaster and emergency preparednessmeasuresDrug/alcohol abusecounseling/treatmentFood or meals for residents with specialneedsJob training and/or placementLow-cost transportation services (Dial-A-Ride/City Lines)Neighborhood crime preventionprogramsPark and recreation programsSupport for affordable housingPublic arts programsRevitalization of deterioratedcommercial areasServices and shelter for homelesspeopleSpecial events, festivals & communitygatheringsLegal aid/servicesHealth care servicesOther (please specify)0.00%5.00% 10.00% 15.00%20.00% 25.00% 30.00%35.00% 40.00% 45.00%50.00% Q20. Please indicate the top three social services that you feel should receive financial support from the City of Menifee. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 213 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 23 | Page Other responses • N/a • I did not use public transit. • N/A • N/A • Do not use public transit • Na • No • School • I don't use public transportation • NO OPINION • Events • I don’t use public transit • Go to school until RTA cancelled route 40 • Na • Do not use • They don't go where I need to go and to far to walk to get to a stop YOU HAVE NO CONCEPT OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION • Would use. Do not currently. • I do not • Do not use • N/a • None • No • Don’t use • N/A • N/A • I don’t • School • Na 25.00% 41.80% 23.44% 45.70% Work Shopping and errands Medical appointments Other (please specify) 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% Q21. If you use public transit services, where do you go?(Please select all that apply). Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 214 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 24 | Page • Don’t use • I don’t • N/A • I do not use public transit services • School • I do not use public transport. • Don’t use • Na • None • NA • Don’t use • Do not use • I don't use public transit • None • I drive my own car • NA • I use my own care for my transportation needs. • I don’t use public transportation but I would like. One would have to walk a long distance to even get to an area that transportation is available • Meetings • I don't • Do not use • N/A • Na • I DONT USE IT • N/A • Public Transit does not go where I need to go • I don't use public transit • N/a • NA • N/A • To visit locations on the train like beach or San Juan • I do not use public transit as I don’t feel safe • I don't use Public Transit, as currently I do not find it convenient enough • N/a • Dont use public transportation, not widely available • I would use it if it was near my home • Don’t use public transport • Do not use • No • Don’t use • Don’t use • None • Dont • I dont • Do not use or would want to use • Don’t use it • NO SERVICE NEED BETTER BUS SERVICE IN ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED AREAS • NA • N/A • None • N/a • Na Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 215 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 25 | Page • NA • Na • School • NA • Na • I don’t use • Do not use • I would never use public transportation • N/a • I do not need public transport. Students need busing returned. Stop getting kids ran over near schools • None • No where • None • NA • Reliable and punctual bus service to attractions areas in our community and greater community such as Temecula, beach service etc. • Do not use • Bicycle trails • Na/a • Not applicable • All of the above • Don’t use • School buses • Bus does not come to my neighborhood. • I don't use public transportation • I don't use public transit services • Do not use • N/A • N/A • Don’t use • Na • N/A • N/A • Don’t use public transportation • I don’t use public transportation at this time • None • Na • We do not use public transit Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 216 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 26 | Page Other responses • Improve public transportation - unaware of any in Menifee • NO OPINION • Free shuttle bus rides during special events or seasons • Not sure. I dont use them. • Get RTA to bring back bussing to Quail Valley. • Clean up the area their is trash tumble weeds in Romoland which is part of Menifee • Modify routes for better access • Advertise which public transits exist & all the info on these options. • I don’t use public transport but I also have never heard about it, so my vote is for more information • School buses ! • Add more stops near Residential areas • Not familiar with public transit • People will always prefer to drive their own car. • Better quality • RTA provides very limited routes so expanding route network • Not sure • I believe that public transit works better in urban environments, where as in suburban environments like Menifee can't be utilized as efficiently. Options should still be available for those who need it, but at the end of the day the majority of the population will continue to drive. • City Trolly • Better and faster routes • Wider variety of routes to areas within the city. Most are dedicated to MSJC • I would Uber or Lyft before using public transportation • Increase routes, ex: no fast routes to Heritage for those of us who live in areas outside school bus zones. At least, not in our area. • WE NEED THESE SERVICES NOW, BASIC BUS SERVICE IN QUAIL VALLEY HAS BEEN REMOVED • Public awareness • Covered bus stops , sidewalks to walk in • Extend service to rural areas • Do we even have a transit system? 51.28%44.39% 16.84% 7.65% 40.31%37.50% 10.71%Provide betterinformation aboutroutes/timesIncrease howfrequently the transitservices runAssistance ingetting to and fromthe transit vehicleIncrease thehelpfulness oftransit driversIncrease the daysand hours of serviceNothing, I prefer todrive/walk/bicycleOther (pleasespecify)0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Q22. Please select the top three things the City of Menifee could do to encourage the use of public transit services more often. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 217 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 27 | Page • Provide service within the city • Add additional route just inside the city • NA • Widen roads before you institute public transport programs. Adding busses to your over crowded streets is a horrible idea • Need more bus stops and punctual scheduled for workers in the area. Had daughter-in-las in Menifee who is a student teacher that couldn't find a ride to a school in Winchester so has to use pricey Uber. Need more bus stops by schools. • Paint bicycle lanes without a road diet & widen paved roads where safe bicycle transit in bike lanes can be provided to encourage its use and access to other regional bike trails for safe commuting • Shelter at waiting points. • Pick up and drop off at the home and direct route to other towns without a transfer in the city of Perris or others • Provide lost cost shuttles in areas where seniors and low-income residents live • School busses • Make it free and expand the lines. • Safety • I don't know enough about it to have an opinion • Provide a free Trolley service like the city of Temecula does • More stops are needed, closet stop to me is 2 miles away • Other responses • All • All of them • Everyone • I select all • All of them • All of the above. • Everyone, of course. • All of the above • All except homeless 54.32% 7.65%9.63%10.12%9.38%8.89% Seniorcitizens Low-incomehouseholds Families withchildren Persons withdisabilities Homeless Other (pleasespecify) 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Q23. What segments of society in the City of Menifee do you think are vulnerable to natural disasters? Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 218 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 28 | Page • same risk for all • All of the above • All of the above • All • All of the above • none • Everyone is equally vulnerable to natural disasters • All above • All of the above • ALL of the above • All segments would be vulnerable. • All of the above • All of the above • All of the above • everyone due to disregard for blue line waterways • All of the above • All of your tax paying citizens. • All of them • Everyone • All of the above and Animals • All of the above • All of the above • Believe all are possibly vulnerable • Everyone Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:33 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 219 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 29 | Page 64.95% 16.67%18.38% Yes No Don't know 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Q24.Do you believe there are common/pressing broadband internet problems (e.g., high-speed connectivity availability, diversity of providers) in the City of Menifee? 18.63% 37.99% 43.38% Yes No Don't know 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% Q25.Do you feel that low-and moderate-income areas have adequate broadband access? Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:34 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 220 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 30 | Page Q. 26 How Can Broadband internet access be improved? • We need city wide internet access for everyone. We should have wifi go all residents … Also, Verizon has poor coverage within the city . • Incorporate SMART cities methods. Make it part of the infrastructure improvements. Make internet accessible to everyone. • Upgrades in service • Dont know • To have more internet company. • Lower cost • Not sure how the city can do anything about it, the service providers are the general problem. • The City should negotiate a reasonable rate and service availability with providers. • By providing access to everyone. • Increase infrastructure for internet • I don’t have internet again Romoland it’s 2021 and hard to believe that no internet is unavailable • Improved speeds and services without the price increase. Speeds are always slow. • Unfortunately more towers • No need • More competition to lower rates • Be more consistent without so many outages • The internet strength could be better -- I have Frontier and it would be nicer if it was stronger. Thank you. • Speed • NO OPINION • Free, high quality broadband • Yes • More providers • More providers offered in our area. We do not have options. • More options • By letting the broadband internet providers know about deficiencies in their service so that they can make improvements. There is no need for the city to meddle in this connection. Frankly, the city needs to work on its own communications with its constituents. The recent expose on Menifee 24/7 left the impression that our City government is unable to the fund the community's needs while buying a new PA system for the Council's Chamber that cost more than some houses in town and debating how much largess to bestow on a high tech shade structure in Central Park to host concerts when that venue has neither the ambience (next to high density housing) for that use, parking, nor traffic infrastructure to support the many cars such a use would necessitate. • More competition. Some areas have no choice and the provider is horrible and/or overpriced. • Tell spectrum to lower their prices and stop taxing us taxpayers and billing ys like Newsome will do to give to the poor • Offering affordable services to low-income people • Encourage other broadband companies that can provide better faster service to provide for this area • Bad carriers should lose contracts and be replaced by open bids • More providers, possibly short distance wireless providers Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:35 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 221 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 31 | Page • Public access points at parks/recs • Community spaces with access both in and out of doors. • I don't know. • Diversity of providers. Frontier and Spectrum are meh. Verizon would be nice. • Mine is great • Fast speed cover everywhere • N/A • More providers, there is only one. They keep raising prices • I dont work in I.T. that is your job to figure out • Diversity in providers • Providing resources for families • Increase accessibility and availability as well as affordability to even free programs • More cell towers and more internet service provider options • Options for servicing company • More cell phone towers maybe • Lower the cost of the services so that people can afford it. Also, improve service in the Heritage Lake area. • More options • Having a variety of networks that are available in our are , not just 2 providers • Offer more than 1 provider. • Better signal • More availability • Be widely available to everyone. • Bring in more providers. • Make more reliable connections • Pay less • Reliable connections and affordable rates • Install more internet cable lines. We can only get satellite internet • Na • More options than just Frontier • I don’t know • Better signal • More, faster access. City-Wide coverafe • Better connectivity and faster upload and download speeds • More reception points • More options and better speeds • Fix the providers access to the community • It needs to be cheaper, the city should help get the cost down. • Heritage lake area has very poor interest access • Allow the communities access to more service providers. We need options. • Lower the prices • City-wide high-speed broadband • Additional coverage • More antennas, other companies to choose from and lower rates • Not sure Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:36 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 222 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 32 | Page • Make it free to the city • Have more providers compete for the public's business. • Affordability • Having the city either own or partner with a company that provides broadband and then providing it to low-income residents at reduced prices • SEEK ASSISTANCE FROM COMPANIES. • More options to residents than just the two companies that are offered in Menifee • Lower cost • More providers, virtually no options at this point • Increased access to more broadband companies • Don’t know. • Na • Stability improvements • Improve the quality and range of service. • WE HAVE SERVICE. • More options • More quality provider • Leave it to private carriers and incentivize them • Increase competition by subsidizing new ISP for laying down new networks in the city. • No comment • Lower rates • CAP the rate the provider charges with no increases - every year the rates nearly double! • Offer free wifi in public parks and recreational areas. • More competition. • Beats me, I'm a minimal user. Computer knowledge VERY limited. • Work with vendors that can offer faster internet access. • Test the strength in areas of concern to identify if there is a need. • Expand service access in rural areas and make it affordable. Homes in Menifee are big so regular internet will not allow coverage of entire home • More provider options • Let more providers go anywhere in the city. Don’t limit to certain areas. • Free • More towers in the area to speed the connection. • More availability for residents to choose a wider selection of internet providers • N/A • Using a company that doesn’t lose connection/outages on a daily basis • Add infrastructure • Fiber opportunities. City to sell its own fiber services to the residents so the City controls costs, locations, etc. • City-wide broadband network • No clue • Na • NA • Make it public • More than a single provider, affordable high-speed access to every street address Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:37 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 223 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 33 | Page • Create more infrastructure that will support improved service • I dont know • Make it more accessible • Providing conduits to service throughout the city. • Access for all • Put more towers in the communities. • Internet connectivity seems to be slow overall in the Menifee area. • Housing track in front has good internet they are offered a good service versus us it’s not available. We have paved streets. • Provide more choices. Sun City part of town only has Frontier or mediacom. Both have issues. • More internet providers that serve the Menifee area • I run my business through the internet and many times my student have problems with connections etc. Two of them have had to upgrade speed just to use Facetime or Zoom. So it seems some areas have very low connectivity even though they have Spectrum or Frontier. • More Options. In our previous home, we had to use Frontier as it was essentially the only viable option in our home area. • Provide other carriers other than only 2 options which is Frontier or spectrum. Bring in other companies. • By having more variety of carriers and keeping up technology changes • More service providers • Better internet lines, more fiber optic cables • Allow more providers. Not just Verizon • Provide free service throughout the city • Providing funding for the public improvements to bring the services to each home where feasible • Better service/signal and more providers in the market • Don’t know • Provide money for the infrastructure in poor areas such as parts of Quail Valley • Increased access, affordable plans and access • More providers • More carriers/options • Fast speed • Better service. Lower costs • The city should provide internet to the whole city. • More options faster speeds • Hello more companies to come in do not allow monopolies of spectrum and frontier • I don’t know • Provide at no cost • Don’t know • Allow more cell towers. Tax credits to internet providers who provide faster speeds at lower prices to customers. • Improved quality. Always going out. • Reliability. We live in a new "smart" home, yet a common post on social media in our area is the internet going down often (ours goes down at least once a day) ... Spectrum and Frontier customers alike. Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:38 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 224 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 34 | Page • Increase faster high speed internet availability. Allow for more options- Verizon, spectrum etc • I don’t know • Cheaper, more reliable options need to be made available. • Don't know • Cannot • MONEY • Provide services for low income and senior citizens. • More reliable options • More providers available in the area • Install a better network troughout the city. Better advertisement of possible services being shutdown. • Allow more competition of companies by bringing more companies into the area. • Internet should be consider a utility need. High speed internet infrastructure should be available to everyone at an affordable rate. • Faster , cheaper and more options • Prices need to be fair and cheaper. Not everyone can afford the high prices. • I have lived in the same spot for 8 years and what is now Spectrum (changed names several times since back then) has a stranglehold on my area and is the only provider. This allows them to price gouge myself and residents charging nearly $100 for decent internet. Internet is all but mandatory for school aged children these days and the fact that it is so outrageously priced with no alternatives is a serious concern. Low income families, of which near me there is a large portion, are at a serious disadvantage if they cannot afford it. I have struggled to pay it in the past also. • Frontier in Menifee is too congested • The city should be working hand in hand with the 2 largest providers, Frontier and Spectrum, on ensuring proper coverage of the city. • More broadband/internet options in all areas of city • I can afford to have high speed internet in the city i live in…if i cant afford the rent or mortgage of an area, i should find somewhere more suitable to live… • Faster • Place more towers in poor reception areas. I.e. Verizon has bad reception in Menifee East of the freeway • No clue • More satellites? • I don't know • I don’t know but I’ve lived in various areas of Menifee and they all have service issues • Make it cost effective for low-income people • Lower costs • More option to pick from, update technology. • More option, less Frontier • More provider options • More affordable competition, increase companies • More options to service providers • More options for internet providers. It’s a racket with minimum options. • Make more choices available to all and don't restrict to just one provider Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:39 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 225 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 35 | Page • Allow more companies to provide internet service not just frontier and spectrum • Work with providers • Make it better • Have more isps available • Provide fiber internet to all houses. Have cable and phone company options available. • I think if there was businesses and well-paying jobs $26 - $55 an hour) in Menifee. It would give more families a opportunity to secure more income without having to drive a hour more to accomplish. • Invest in upgrades to existing technology when available • Stop letting t mobile pay you huge money to install their 5G towers and destroying the other providers • Na • Make it cheaper • Larger support infrastructure. • Give us 1 or 2 more choices of access. • Allow Spectrum into Sun City so they can offer their Senior rate @ $15 month • I don’t know • More choices • Not sure as I’m not familiar with the current broadband infrastructure but, sometimes reliability is slow. • Better access • Multiple providers and making sure the public knows which ones are in this area. When we moved here, we were marketed strongly by a internet provider that when they came to set up told us they were not in our service area. We had to reset our plan and find another internet provider and it took two weeks before we had internet set up. Very frustrating. • Get the providers to provide connectivity in all areas of the city • Survey the neighborhood to develop valuable statistics. • I wish I knew • Offer less expensive service (Maybe Menifee internet Sevices) and more reliable services to Menifee residents • House by house surveys and via city website and information campaign to identify older communities where a demand exists but providers have not invested. This could include use of grant funds but only if will not result in a monopoly and price gouging in the future • Provide wider access. • Don’t know • Mandate the Internet providers to improve coverage, speeds and access. • I am not an internet specialist. • The quality of broadband internet is not good at all in Menifee. I hear everyone complains about bad service. Of internet within the city. Something needs to be done to provide faster better service without interruption and such low speeds. • More carriers available in All areas not have designated only • The city should run it's own ISP • Competition • I do not know. Just fine with me what we have. • Don’t know Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:40 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 226 of 245 City of Menifee Online Survey Results 36 | Page • Not enough providers • Some areas like Heritage Lake there is very poor service • Make it free • Cheaper pricing • More consistently reliable service in all areas of the city, especially residential areas. • I don't know. • Need more options of different service providers • Add More towers for wifi and internet so that can be improved....maybe another cable internet company that services ALL of menifee and has lower reasonable pricing! • Unknown • It is not available everywhere and only limited to one or 2 services and not able to use others • Not dure • Extend service to rural areas. • More towers • Expand • Speed. More bandwidth. • Na • Cheaper • More variety and fiber ran through the city • Competition • There needs to be more options than just 2 internet providers which makes the prices high and not competitive • Companies know how to improve it • Bring in more providers • More choice of providers and competition. • Verizon Fios • Random packets of loss throughout the day, usually around when people start to get home from 2-6pm. Isps need to fix these problems though. Def look into fixing the internet access is 100% needed. • Na • Unsure. • I think there needs to be subsidy for low income families for broadband. Also, more reliable options. • Not sure Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:41 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 227 of 245 City of Menifee Community Outreach Meeting Responses 1 | Page Attachment 2: Community Outreach Meeting Responses October 14, 2021 Motte Historical Car Museum 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm 1. Housing Needs • Senior Housing (4) • Down payment Assistance (2) • Housing for People with Disabilities (2) • Veteran Housing • Housing Code Enforcement • Low Income & Moderate Housing • ADA Compliant, Affordable Housing • Affordable Rental Housing • Housing for People with Disabilities (2) • Housing for Single Parents • Diversity of Homes (i.e., tiny house, 1-person house) • Allow more mobile homes • Set aside land and purchase small housing units, look for grants 600 sq ft or less • Better free transportation and locations • Set aside less funding for CIP projects – more for non-profits 2. Community Facility Needs • Senior Centers (3) • Child Care Centers (3) • Youth Centers and afterschool programs (3) • Health Center with ADA upgrades • Mental Health Treatment Facilities • Trails/Parks • Culture Center (Art Center) • Gallery • School • Museum • Musical Theatre • Town Pool • Free transportation for low-income areas • Use old style microphone announcements by car or trucks – the town crier concept Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:42 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 228 of 245 City of Menifee Community Outreach Meeting Responses 2 | Page 3. Community/Special Needs Programs • Transportation Services (6) • Childcare Services (5) • Youth Services (2) • Senior Services (2) • Mental Health and Addiction Centers (2) • Substance Abuse • Crime Awareness • Homeless Services • Veteran Services 4. Homeless Needs • Mental Health/Addiction Services (3) • Emergency Shelters (4) • Permanent Housing (2) • Transitional Housing (2) • Rental assistance (2) • Food & Clothing • Work/Train Program • Wraparound Services • Education for Housing • Homebuying power • Services for homeless veterans 5. Business & Infrastructure Needs • Job Creation (4) • Sidewalk Improvements (4) • Street Lighting (3) • Employment Training (3) • Rehabilitation of Commercial Buildings (3) • Street Improvements (2) • Pedestrian Crosswalks • Traffic Lights • Sewer System Upgrade • Diversity of Stores • ADA Accessible Streets • Broadband Cell Service • More Industrial Zoned Areas Note – Romoland was mention three (3) times in responses Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:43 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 229 of 245 City of Menifee Community Outreach Meeting Responses 3 | Page 6. Social Services • Park and Recreation Services (4) • After School Programs (2) • Job Training/Placement (2) • Low-cost Transportation (2) • Childcare • Crime Prevention • Affordable Housing • Drug/Alcohol Abuse Counseling • Dial-a-Ride • Town Pool • Legal Aid Services 7. Public Transit • Increase services, stops, times, and frequency (4) • Increase Transit Service • Assistance in getting to- and from- vehicle • Increase helpfulness of transit drivers • Trails • Improve Transit 8. Natural Disaster Vulnerability • Senior Citizens (3) • Low-income Households (3) • Persons with Disabilities (2) • People experiencing Homelessness 9. Broadband Internet Equity • There is a need for Broadband (3) • Romoland (2) • Citation Avenue (2) • Cadena Drive • Homeland • Quail Valley Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:44 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 230 of 245 City of Menifee Community Outreach Meeting Responses 4 | Page 10. Fair Housing • Two (2) do not believe there are fair housing discriminations in place • One (1) believe there are fair housing discriminations in place Types of Discrimination • Senior Housing (2) • Source of Income (2) • HOA Costs Item Title:11.1 Community Development Block Grant 2022-2027 Consolidated Plan Preliminary Priorities Discussion Item Page Number:45 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 231 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Gina Gonzalez, Economic Development Director REVIEWED BY: Gina Gonzalez, Economic Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and Menifee Global Medical Center. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee is consistently working to develop and build a safe, thriving, and premier place to be. In this mission, city staff works alongside local partners, organizations, businesses, and agencies to build upon its existing success. The City strives to continue to enhance the quality of life for its residents, businesses, and regional trade area. Strong components related to jobs, amenities, infrastructure, education, parks, public safety, housing, and healthcare help create a great quality of life. Since Menifee’s incorporation in 2008, its population has quickly grown over 80% and is now over 105,000. The City and its regional partners have consistently been working together to improve the quality of life for its community residents and surrounding region. While working together, the City and its regional partners work on advancing the region as a regional medical economic hub for excellence in healthcare from birth to end of life care, to research and development to cancer care. The City of Menifee’s Economic Development Department recently completed the City’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), and narrowed the concentrated industry outreach plan to four main categories, of which healthcare firms and medical uses were one of the four industries identified. Through the continued development of additional healthcare amenities, physicians specialized networks, and care, Menifee could more easily diversify its local economy, enhance medical care, and overall health of the City. This would provide needed care not only for Menifee’s fast-growing population needs, but also creating a much-needed and targeted healthcare careers locally in the region. Within the last three years, Menifee has added over 50 new healthcare businesses and networks and is working hard with local partners to attract Item Title:12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 232 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report MOU with Menifee Global Medical Center February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 3 8 5 2 new research facilities, and new healthcare firms and businesses bolstering the overall industry in Southwest Riverside County. Background Menifee Global Medical Center (MGMC) is currently the only Medical Hospital Facility in Menifee and their mission is to support and maintain a full range of specialty services that serve both Menifee’s inpatient and outpatient acute care needs. MGMC is confident about providing Menifee residents and the surrounding region with the most comprehensive, personalized treatment plan available in the healthcare industry. Over the years, MGMC has looked into expanding the hospital with additional office facilities for patient care, possible physician medical and local nursing school, and partnership opportunities for local student pathways at the hospital. Memorandum Of Understanding The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MGMC, proposes a partnership that would help advance healthcare in the City and region through co-promotion. The City and MGMC would work together to support, enhance, and explore the possibility to strengthen healthcare in Menifee through the healthcare workforce. MGMC and the City would explore opportunities to expand the medical facility and identify strategies to support the medical needs of Menifee residents and the surrounding region. The City and MGMC hope to identify enhancements that would help to develop the medical facility as MGMC’s central hub, thereby allowing Menifee to be recognized as a regional medical economic engine and hub or become an “anchor institution” playing a much larger role in the vitality of Menifee and the region. Staff is recommending an allocation of approximately $30,000 for approval of a professional services agreement at a later date. This agreement would provide for marketing, feasibility studies, health needs study or any other partnership requests to accomplish the set goal of advancing healthcare in the Menifee region. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community Community health is an important subsection of physical, mental well-being of a city, and collaborative initiatives between a city and healthcare can assist community members to maintain or improve their healthcare, prevent the spread of infectious and chronic diseases, and prepare for natural disasters. In addition, to prepare our existing and future workforce for the healthcare needs of today and tomorrow, as part of the City's existing Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and Industry specific needs (Jobs Blueprint Plan), by focusing on regional community health partnerships together which can both directly and indirectly equate to a higher quality of life for Menifee residents- by being able to reduce commute times, enhance opportunities for higher income local jobs, and enhance financial health, and happiness overall. Through partnership, a regional economic healthcare hub or "anchor institution" can play a major role in the social and economic vitality of cities. Healthcare institutions, and government agencies, and other entities, must partner together to adequately address the multi-faceted, social drivers of health disparities in communities, while simultaneously bolstering their economic advantages. Item Title:12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 233 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report MOU with Menifee Global Medical Center February 2, 2022 Page 3 of 3 8 5 2 FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the approval of the MOU. Staff is recommending an allocation of approximately $30,000 for approval of a professional services agreement at a later date for marketing, feasibility studies, health needs study or any other partnership requests to accomplish the set goal of advancing healthcare in the Menifee region. The proposed $30,000 for services and/or a professional services agreement is currently budgeted within fiscal year 2021/2022 in account number 100-4350-52800. ATTACHMENTS 1. MOU with Menifee Global Medical Center Item Title:12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical Center Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 234 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 4Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 235 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 5Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 236 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 6Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 237 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 7Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 238 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 8Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 239 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 9Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 240 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 10Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 241 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 11Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 242 of 245 Item Title: 12.1 Memorandum of Understanding with Menifee Global Medical CenterItem Page Number: 12Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               February 2, 2022Page 243 of 245 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Mariana Mitchell, Community Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Discuss the staff provided recommendations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. DISCUSSION In 2009 California Assembly Bill 717 (Cook) was signed into law declaring March 30th as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" in California as it was the final withdrawal date of all combat and combat-support troops from Vietnam. Shortly afterward, in 2011, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution designating the same. This day is set aside to commemorate the sacrifices of Vietnam veterans and their families and is part of a national effort to recognize the men and women who were denied a proper welcome home upon returning home more than 40 years ago. At the February 17, 2021 City Council meeting, it was requested by City Council that staff bring forward a recommendation on how to implement Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Menifee. After consulting with community partners including the local VFW and several veterans resource groups, it was discussed that a recognition event held in the City Council Chambers on Welcome Home Veterans Day, March 30th, would be an appropriate setting to pay tribute and honor Menifee residents who served in the Vietnam war with an official ceremony and certificates of appreciation. City staff is open to other options or additional components at the recommendation of City Council. Item Title:12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 244 of 245 City of Menifee Staff Report Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day February 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2 8 5 9 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action as the Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day recognition would be absorbed in the approved fiscal year 2021/2022 Community Services Department budget. Item Title:12.2 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Menifee Mayor and City Council February 2,2022 Page 245 of 245