2022-01-19 City Council Item No. 5.5 Menifee Police Department Update Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMenifee Police DePartMent UPDate together hUMble creative calls for service 12,708 Calls for service 1,635 Reports 3,200 Proactive activity 874 Alarms 5 true Alarm CFS (.006%) October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Beat 1: Northeast Beat 2: Southeast Beat 3: Southwest Beat 4: Northwest Beat 13,237 CFS or 25% Beat 2 1,863 CFS or 15% Unknown352 or 3% Beat 32,311 CFS or 18% Beat 44,945 CFS or 39% together hUMble creative resPonse tiMe Priority Number Call Pickup To Enroute Enroute To At Scene Call Pickup To At Scene 1 00:04:02 00:05:33 00:09:31 2 00:15:08 00:11:07 00:25:40 3 00:35:39 00:11:25 00:44:22 Key Performance Indicators 6 minutes for Priority 1’s 15 minutes for Priority 2’s 35 minutes for Priority 3’s October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 together hUMble creative arrests Top five arrest charges for each category Felony Arrests 95 Misdemeanor Arrests 144 October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Burglary*, 4 Probation/Parole Violation, 13 Felony Warrant, 15 Possession Stolen Vehicle, 13 Assault, 23 *Tied with Theft and Vehicle Thefts Misdemeanor Warrant, 26 Disorderly Conduct, 11 DUI, 14 Drugs, 34 Assault, 19 together hUMble creative traffic collisions 453 Traffic complaints 398 Traffic collision responses 176 Written reports 31 Injury collisions 3 Fatalities (2 T/Cs) October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Injury Collisions Traffic CollisionResponses Traffic Complaints Written Reports together hUMble creative traffic citations 4,353 Total Citations or average of 871 a quarter 7% Increase Above Quarter Average 666 607 889 1256 935 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Oct. 20 - Dec. 20 Jan. 21 - Mar. 21 Apr. 21 - Jun. 21 Jul. 21 - Sep. 21 Oct. 21 - Dec. 21 together hUMble creative criMes against Person October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Crime Type Total Assault -Aggravated 70 Assault -Intimidation 22 Assault -Simple 84 Fondling 13 Kidnapping / Abduction 9 Rape 4 Sexual Assault -object 3 Sodomy 4 Total 209 *The crime totals will change together hUMble creative criMes against ProPerty October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Crime Type Total Crime Type Total Burglary - Breaking & Entering 47 Motor Vehicle Theft 89 Counterfeiting / Forgery 9 Robbery 6 Credit Card / ATM 5 Shoplifting 14 Embezzlement 1 Stolen Property 35 Extortion / Blackmail 1 Theft from Building 16 False Pretenses / Swindle 15 Theft from Vehicle 46 Identity Theft 10 Theft of Vehicle Parts or Accessories 29 Impersonation 4 Vandalism 53 Larceny Theft - Other 57 Total 288 Total 149 Grand Total (both tables)437 * The crime totals will change together hUMble creative criMes against society October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Crime Type Total Drug / Narcotic Violations 62 Drug Equipment Violations 49 Pornography / Obscene Material 1 Weapon Violation 22 Total 134 * The crime totals will change together hUMble creative coDe enforceMent 392 cases opened 176 Cases closed 335 Cases Active October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 125 9 30 74 218 0 50 100 150 200 250 AdministrativeCitations Issued Illegal VendorsContacted ProactiveEnforcementCases Opened WeedAbatementCases Closed Illegal SignsRemoved together hUMble creative Post-release accoUntability coMPliance teaM (Pact) January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 998 Arrests 34 Days –Menifee Searches 2,311 Compliance Checks Item Total Firearms 68 Other Weapons (knives/brass knuckles)368 Stolen Vehicles 18 Heroin/Fentanyl (grams)1,292.04gr Marijuana 60 lbs + 790 plants Methamphetamine (grams)1,728.47gr Seizures together hUMble creative coMMUnity behavioral health assessMent teaM (cbat) November 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 Activity Nov 2021 Dec 2021 Total # of Radio Calls 26 34 60 # Follow ups 3 2 5 Homeless 5 10 15 HHOPE Team Assistance 10 10 Repeated Contacts 3 3 Sent for Mental Health Evaluation 4 4 8 Juveniles 5 9 14 Subject History of Mental Health CFS 24 34 58 # Subjects Accepted Resources 28 28 School Incidents 3 3 Menifee Police DePartMent QUestions ?