2022-01-19 City Council Item No. 12.1 ACFR Presentation FY Ending June 30, 2021 Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee Menifee, California Annual Comprehensive Financial Report For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021 Scott Manno, CPA, CGMA Engagement Partner January 19, 2022 Present the City’s financial position and results of its operations fairly and in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles Adopt sound accounting policies Provide reasonable accounting estimates Establish and maintain internal controls Prevent and detect fraud 2 City’s Responsibilities Obtain reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement Examine, on a test basis, evidence supporting amounts and disclosures Assess accounting principles used, estimates made, and evaluate the overall financial statement presentation Review the City’s internal control policies and procedures Express an opinion on the City’s financial statements Communicate internal control (GAGAS letter) and required communications (SAS 114 letter) 3 Auditor Responsibilities Financial statements are fairly presented in all material respects –Unmodified Opinion –highest level of assurance Significant accounting policies have been consistently applied Estimates are reasonable Disclosures are properly reflected in the financial statements 4 Auditor’s Opinion No disagreements with management No material errors or irregularities discovered No significant accounting issues discovered Implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 84, Fiduciary Activities (GASB 84) Obtained GFOA Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting in prior years and applying again for Award in 2022 5 Other Key Points Thank you! To the Citizens of Menifee To the City Council and Management To the Finance Department Team 6 City of Menifee Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021 Financial Statements Ann-Marie Etienne: Financial Services Manager Wendy Preece: Deputy Finance Director City Council Meeting January 19, 2022 Three Sections to the Financial Statements 1.Introductory Section Provides general information about the City, its organizational structure, leadership and economic condition; 2.Financial Section Includes the basic financial statements, notes to the basic financial statements, management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A), the report of the independent auditors and other supplementary information; 3.Statistical Section Provides facts and figures about financial trends in the City, revenue and debt capacity, demographic and economic information and the operations of the City. -1- 126 Individual Funds General Fund (2) 1 General Fund with 21 Individual Departments 1 Measure DD General Fund Internal Service Fund (3) 1 Information Technology 1 Fleet Services 1 Facility Maintenance Special Revenue Funds (116) 30 Lighting, Landscape & Maintenance Districts (LLM&D) 1 Gas Tax 31 Development Impact Fee (DIF)1 Measure A 46 Community Facility Districts (CFD)1 Air Quality Mgmt. District (AQMD) 6 Community Service Areas (CSA)1 P.E.G. 3 Grant Funds (Grant Fund, CDBG Fund, SLESF Fund)1 SB 1 Road Maintenance Capital Projects Fund (2)Debt Service Fund (1) 1 Capital Project 1 Debt Service 1 TUMF Fund Fiduciary Funds (2) 1 Trust Fund 1 Veterans Memorial Fund -2- Total Governmental Funds Revenue $99,585,638 -3- Intergovernmental = VLF, Sheriff fees, State SB 90, Gas Tax, Measure A, WRCOG TUMF reimbursements and Grants Use of Money and Property = Interest Total Governmental Funds Revenue ACFR page 17 -4- Category FY 2020 FY 2021 Change % Change 44,111,372$ 49,468,537$ 5,357,165$ 12.14% 10,011,450 10,914,819 903,369 9.02% 16,762,108 19,146,908 2,384,800 14.23% 8,177,911 9,431,071 1,253,160 15.32% 1,805,179 63,611 (1,741,568) -96.48% 598,244 329,487 (268,757) -44.92% 5,559,177 9,600,934 4,041,757 72.70% 117,986 630,271 512,285 434.19% 87,143,427$ 99,585,638$ 12,442,211$ 14.28%Total revenues Charges for Service Fines & Forfeitures Developer Participation Miscellaneous Use of Money & Property Intergovernmental Licenses and Permits Taxes Total Governmental Funds Expenditures $77,265,419 -5- Total Governmental Funds Expenditures ACFR page 17 -6- FY 2020 FY 2021 Change % Change 9,981,475 13,962,912 3,981,437 39.89% 33,869,480 29,174,294 (4,695,186) -13.86% 5,196,946 5,377,780 180,834 3.48% 3,977,479 4,943,713 966,234 24.29% 20,997,861 7,041,057 (13,956,804) -66.47% 18,164,545 13,332,826 (4,831,719) -26.60% Debt Service 1,615,485 3,432,837 1,817,352 112.50% 93,803,271$ 77,265,419$ (16,537,852)$ -17.63% Public Safety Category General Government Capital Outlays Total Expenditures: Engineering and Public Works Community Development Community Services Governmental Fund Balances -7-ACFR page 17 Fund Descriptions FY 2020 FY 2021 Change General Fund (DD, ISF and Trust Fund)39,781,027 53,752,706 13,971,679 DIF Funds 31,434,728 36,188,644 4,753,916 Other Funds 7,504,080 9,319,645 1,815,565 CFD Funds 4,082,171 4,637,412 555,241 LLMD Funds 2,995,381 3,167,000 171,619 Internal Service Funds 1,825,049 2,459,216 634,167 CSA Funds (57,962) 599,853 657,815 Grant Funds 291,295 571,735 280,440 Totals 87,855,769$ 110,696,211$ 22,840,442$ Total General Fund Revenues (Inclusive of DD, ISF and Trust Fund) $72,714,713 Intergovernmental = VLF, Sheriff report and repossession fees, State SB 90 revenues Use of Money and Property = Interest -8- Total General Fund Revenue (Inclusive of DD, ISF and Trust Fund) ACFR page 17 -9- Category FY 2020 FY 2021 Change % Change 43,230,255$ 49,445,591$ 6,215,336$ 14.38% 10,011,450 10,914,819 903,369 9.02% 7,246,904 7,843,701 596,797 8.24% 3,127,661 3,999,653 871,992 27.88% 852,864 67,691 (785,173) -92.06% 598,244 329,487 (268,757) -44.92% 117,986 113,771 (4,215) -3.57% 65,185,364$ 72,714,713$ 7,529,349$ 11.55% Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Service Use of Money & Property Fines & Forfeitures Miscellaneous Total revenues Total General Fund Expenditures (Inclusive of DD, ISF and Trust Fund) $55,895,128 -10- Total General Fund Expenditures (Inclusive of DD, ISF and Trust Fund) ACFR pages 17 -11- FY 2020 FY 2021 Change % Change 9,348,685$ 12,001,638$ 2,652,953$ 28.38% 33,199,921 29,134,252 (4,065,669) -12.25% 5,196,946 5,292,778 95,832 1.84% 1,993,991 2,022,847 28,856 1.45% 4,570,234 4,541,463 (28,771) -0.63% 4,479,632 2,902,150 (1,577,482) -35.21% 58,789,409$ 55,895,128$ (2,894,281)$ -4.92% Capital Outlay Total Expenditures: Category General Government Public Safety Community Development Community Services Engineering & Public Works General Fund –Fund Balance (Inclusive of DD, ISF and Trust Fund) -12- FY 20/21 Revenues Adjusted Budget Actual Variance Taxes 44,854,145 49,445,591 4,591,446 License & Permits 9,750,000 10,914,819 1,164,819 Intergovernmental 7,811,177 7,843,701 32,524 Charges for Service 3,619,912 3,999,653 379,741 Use of money 437,800 67,691 (370,109) Fines & Forfeitures 384,922 329,487 (55,435) Miscellaneous 119,315 113,771 (5,544) Total ACFR Revenues 66,977,271$ 72,714,713$ 5,737,442$ Transfer In 4,490,410 4,576,614 86,204 Total Reveneus with Transfers 71,467,681$ 77,291,327$ 5,823,646$ FY 20/21 Expenditures Adjusted Budget Actual Variance General Government 14,263,689 12,001,638 (2,262,051) Public Safety 34,102,116 29,134,252 (4,967,864) Community Development 7,501,557 5,292,778 (2,208,779) Parks & Recreation 2,712,332 2,022,847 (689,485) Engineering & Public Works 5,978,615 4,541,463 (1,437,152) Capital Outlay 14,381,380 2,902,150 (11,479,230) Total ACFR Expenditures 78,939,689$ 55,895,128$ (23,044,561)$ Transfers Out 6,797,575 6,797,575 - Total Expenditures with Transfer 85,737,264$ 62,692,703$ (23,044,561)$ FY 20/21 Increase in Fund Balance:14,598,624$ ACFR page 17 Capital Assets ACFR page 33 -13- Asset Type FY 2020 FY 2021 Change Land & Right of Way 21,673,056 23,698,907 2,025,851 Construction in Progress 30,818,727 29,616,165 (1,202,562) Building, Equip. & Infrastructure 271,953,760 322,282,684 50,328,924 Less Accumulated Depreciation (86,658,705) (99,621,377) (12,962,672) Totals 237,786,838$ 275,976,379$ 38,189,541$ Murrieta Road Resurfacing McCall Blvd to Salt Creek -14- Ashdale Way Drainage Improvements -15- Scott Road/Murrieta Road Traffic Signal -16- Ethanac Road/Sherman Road Improvements -17- Hillpointe Community Asphalt Overlay -18- Centennial Park Lighting -19- Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting -20- Questions?Thank You.