2022-01-19 City Council Item No. 10.20 Resolution of Intention to Establish Underground Utilities District No. 2022-1 Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 10.20
Resolution of Intention to Establish
Underground Utilities District No. 2022-1
Nick Fidler
Public Works Director
January 19, 2022
•Along Goetz Road to Vista Way, and along Vista Way from Goetz Road to ConejoDrive.
Proposed Underground Utility
District Site
•California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
established polices and procedures for
undergrounding utilities under Rule 20
•Funding under Rule 20A paid by all Southern
California Edison (SCE) rate payers
•The City has a current credit balance of $814,345 to
utilize for underground utility projects
•In order to utilize Rule 20A funds, cities must
meet specified criteria and establish an
Underground Utility Districts (UUD)
•UUD is an area where all utility wires are required to
be removed from existing poles and placed
•The proposed UUD will
improve the area and
underground existing
utility poles conflicting
with future widening
along Goetz and
construction of a traffic
signal on Goetz and
Vista Way