2022-01-19 City Council Item No. 5.3 Eastern Municipal Water District Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1 | emwd.org
EMWD Projects Update
January 19, 2022
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EMWD Updates
•Perris II Reverse Osmosis Facility
•Murrieta Road Transmission Pipeline
•Quail Valley Sewer Improvement Project, Subarea 4
•California Drought and EMWD Response
•EMWD Project Updates Newsletter
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Perris II Desalter Update
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Perris II Desalter Overview
•Proposed facilities
–5.4 MGD Reverse Osmosis
(RO) Treatment Facility
(TF) and related brine
pumping facilities
•Associated projects
–Murrieta Road
Transmission Line
–Valley Boulevard Brackish
Transmission Line
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Construction Progress
Aerial View of Construction as of November 2021 -Looking northwest
Process Bldg.
Forebay and Transfer
Pump Station
Brine Pump Station Valley BlvdExisting Menifee/
Perris I Desalters
Salt Creek
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Project Schedule
Task Schedule
Contract Start Date February 2019
Construction Start April 2019
Construction Completion Spring 2022
Community Outreach (letters, social media,
door hangers, business outreach)Ongoing
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Murrieta Road Transmission Pipeline
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Project Overview –Schedule A
Location: EMWD Desalination Complex
to La Piedra Road
•Major Work Elements
–5,900 LF of 36-inch diameter steel
–800 LF of 42-inch diameter steel
pipeline (Salt Creek Crossing) 500
LF of 54-inch steel casing
–Temporary pedestrian walkway
(Salt Creek Crossing)
–Murrieta Road and Newport Road
intersection crossing
–City pavement resurfacing
•EMWD has worked with the City to
coordinate with its resurfacing of
Murrieta Road
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Current Work
Newport Road
Murrieta Road•Installation of 36-inch pipeline
between Lazy Creek and
Newport Road.
•Both north and southbound
lanes are open to traffic.
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Next Phase of Traffic Control
•In February of 2022, work will
begin in the intersection of
Murrieta Road and Newport
•Workdays and hours will be
Sunday –Thursday from 9
p.m. -5 a.m.
–Days and hours are designed
to limit traffic impacts.
•Traffic control will allow for
access through the
•Work will take approximately
one month.
Newport RoadMurrieta RoadWork Area
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Future Traffic Control
•Day work to resume once
finished in the intersection.
•Full road closure between
Puerto Vallarta Way and La
Piedra Road (approximately
14 days in Spring of 2022).
•Detour will be provided
using Evans Road and
Murphy Ranch Road.
•Road closure is necessary
due to the size of the heavy
machinery required to
install the line.Full Road ClosurePuerto Vallarta Way
La Piedra Road
Newport Road
Murrieta Road
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Murrieta Road Detour
Full Road ClosureLa Piedra Road
Newport Road
Murrieta RoadDetour at Murphy Ranch
Detour at Evans Road
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Task Schedule
Contract Start Date March 15, 2021
City of Menifee Encroachment Permit / Traffic
Control Plan approval March –September 2021
Temporary Pedestrian Bridge Installation Complete
Microtunneling (Salt Creek Crossing)Complete
Murrieta Road Transmission Pipeline (Schedule A)Ongoing
Pavement Repair Late Spring/Early Summer 2022
Contract Completion Date Late Spring/Early Summer 2022
Community Outreach (letters, social media,
phone calls, text messaging, business outreach)Ongoing
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City of Menifee Coordination
•Contractor Encroachment Permit and Traffic Control Plan review
and approval
•Temporary Pedestrian Bridge review and approval
•City inspection (including nightwork at Newport Road)
•Coordination of project with City’s pavement resurfacing project
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Public Outreach
Task Schedule
Project Announcement Letter February 2021
Project Announcement Social Media Posts to
Menifee Specific Facebook Groups March 2021
Rancho Del Sol Community Outreach (door-to-
door, phone calls to all residents)May 2021
Update Letters to Surrounding Community
During Salt Creek Crossing Closure September 2021
Traffic Control Update Letter October 2021
Door-to-Door Business Outreach November 2021
Newport Road and Murrieta Road Intersection
Update Letter and Social Media Postings January 2022
Communication with Residents and Affected
Facilities South of the Newport Road
February-March 2022
Updates available at www.emwd.org/MurrietaRoad
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Quail Valley Subarea 4 Sewerage Feasibility
Study and Sewer System Backbone
Preliminary Design
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Current Sewer Systems in Quail Valley
•Sewer is currently available in:
–Subarea 7 (Canyon Heights)
–Subarea 9, Phase I
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Quail Valley Septic Prohibition Amendment
•January 16, 2020 Regional Board
special meeting held at EMWD
focused entirely on Quail Valley
•Reviewed information from
Regional Board and EMWD staff
•Voted to amend the prohibition
to only focus on subareas 9 and 4
–Subareas 1,2,3,5,6,8 are no
longer under the septic
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Subarea 4 Challenges
•Design and constructability
challenges are significant:
–High density lots
–Currently 40 percent
–Narrow one-way streets
–Topography: rolling
–Challenging soil conditions
•Evaluated alternative
technologies and
–Grinder pumps
–Vacuum system
–Conventional gravity
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Project Status
Field Investigations
–Environmental Due Diligence
–Geotechnical Investigation
–Flow Monitoring
Preliminary Design Report
–Sub-Area 4 Sewerage Alternatives
–Goetz Road Backbone Sewer
•New Sewer Alignment
•Existing Sewer Capacity Assessment
Next steps:
–Finalize PDR
–Final Design
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Evaluation of Alternative Technologies and Approaches
Subarea 4
•Alternative 1: Gravity Sewer + Lift
•Alternative 2: Vacuum Sewer
•Alternative 3: Low-pressure
•Alternative 4: Hybrid System
–Gravity sewer & 1 Lift station
–12 clustered grinder stations
Goetz Road
•Option 1: 12” diameter Gravity Sewer
•Option 2: 15” diameter Gravity Sewer
•2,300 feet of sewer pipeline
•Pipe depth up to 29 feet
•Option 3: Gravity Sewer w/ Lift Station
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Subarea 4 Secured Funding
Funding Agency Scope of Work Funding
Disadvantaged Community
Involvement (DCI) Technical
•Geotechnical report
•Surveying base map and data
•Partial set of plan and profile
SWRCB: Small Community
Wastewater Planning Grant
•Feasibility report
•Environmental documents
•Goetz Road PDR
FY2022 Community Project
Funding*(Representative Calvert)
•Goetz Road Pipeline $2,500,000
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Potential Funding Sources for Subarea 4
•SWRCB: Small Community Wastewater Grant ($7.5 million)
•For construction
•Drought Infrastructure Funding through SB 170
•$1.3 billion in water/wastewater infrastructure ($650 million for wastewater)
•Priority for septic-to-sewer conversions
•Anticipated timing: encumber by June 30, 2024 with 2 years to implement
•EMWD attending SWRCB workshop to provide input on plans for $650 million in
wastewater infrastructure funds
•Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse grant program
•Confirmation from USEPA that Quail Valley Project is eligible for funding
•$67 Million Available
•California’s allocation is 10.6% or $7 Million
•Project selection is determined by the State
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Quail Valley Septic to Sewer
Funding Advocacy Task Force
•Joint effort between the Santa Ana
Regional Board and EMWD
•Quarterly meetings that bring together
project stakeholders including:
•City of Menifee
•City of Canyon Lake
•Regional Board
•County of Riverside
•Goal is to educate, gain support for the
project and conduct advocacy for grant
funding opportunities
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California Drought Update
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California’s Current Drought Conditions
•2020-21 was the hottest two year
stretch on record
–70 percent snowpack on April 1,
2021 declined to zero percent by
mid-May 2021
•Recent winter storms have eased
drought conditions slightly
–130 percent of normal snowpack
as of January 2022
•Majority of state is still under
moderate or severe drought
–Portions of Central and Northern
California are still experiencing
extreme drought conditions
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Status of California’s Water Supply Sources
•State Water Project water allocation
at zero percent in 2022
•Lake Oroville at 41 percent of capacity
–Up from 25 percent
•Gov.Newsom has asked for a 15-
percent voluntary reduction in water
use compared to 2020 usage
–After falling short of that goal,the
State Water Resources Control Board
implemented mandatory restrictions
against water waste
•EMWD’s permanent water use
efficiency requirements already
address these restrictions
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EMWD’s Current Water Use Efficiency Status
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Progress Over 20 years
Per Capita
Water Use
Recycled Water
Imported Water
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Water Budget Compliance
0.0%July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
0.0%July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
More than 80 percent of
residential customers
consistently maintain water
budget compliance throughout
the year
Approximately 70 percent of
commercial customers consistently
maintain water budget compliance
throughout the year
18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY
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EMWD’s Response to Current Drought
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EMWD Drought Response Actions
•EMWD is in Stage 3a of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan
–Voluntary reduction of up to 25 percent encouraged through water use efficiency
requirements such as:
•Customers are encouraged to remain within their water budgets
•No variances or adjustments
•Upgraded water usage/billing system includes water use tracking
capabilities to assist customers in understanding their water use and
staying within their water budget
•Currently offering up to $3 per square foot rebate through EMWD,
regional programs to remove turf.
EMWD’s customers have removed millions of square
feet of non-functional turf over the past decade!
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Launched Landscapes for Living Program
•Offers training for landscape contractors to:
–Learn about available customer incentive programs
–Gain technical landscaping and irrigation skills
–Get access to program marketing materials
•Offers residential customers assistance with
reducing outdoor water use by:
–Identifying rebates
–Accessing step-by-step tutorials
–Coordinating no-cost installation of water saving
–Providing customer support
–Supplying landscape design samples
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EMWD Updates Newsletter
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Updates on Active EMWD Projects in Menifee
•This month, EMWD will launch
a newsletter for City Council
and interested City staff.
•The newsletter will provide
monthly updates on EMWD
projects taking place in the City
of Menifee.
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Contact Information
Joe Mouawad, P.E.
General Manager
(951) 928-3777 Ext. 6130
Email: mouawadj@emwd.org