2021-12-15 City Council Item No. 13.1 Reserve Policy Fund Balance Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsItem 13.1: Reserve Policy Fund Balance Rochelle Clayton Assistant City Manager GENERAL FUND Required Reserve Levels -1- COMMITTED Fund Balance 10.0%12.5% ASSIGNED Fund Balance 10.0%12.5% Unassigned Fund Balance 5.0%10.0% Total Fund Balance Reserve 25.0%35.0% FY 20/21 FY 21/22 GENERAL FUNDFY 20/21 Audited Fund Balance -2- TOTAL AUDITED GENERAL FUND BALANCE:42,081,085.81$ Committed Fund Balance Committed Emergency Contingency (12.5%)8,615,637.50$ Committed City Hall 750,000.00 9,365,637.50$ Assigned Fund Balance Assigned for Encumbrances 957,167.50$ Assigned for Emergency Contingency (12.5%)8,615,637.50 Assigned Fire Safety 285,513.49 Assigned CIRA 75,000.00 Assigned General Plan Update 750,762.70 Assigned Central Park Amphitheatre 450,000.00 11,134,081.19$ Unassigned Fund Balance Minimum Unassigned (10%)6,892,510.00$ FY 20/21 Rollovers 3,764,518.47$ TOTAL REQUIRED RESERVE POLICY & OTHER COMMITMENTS:31,156,747.16$ TOTAL AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND FUND BALANCE:10,924,338.65$ GENERAL FUND Quality of Life (Measure DD)FY 20/21 Audited Fund Balance -3- TOTAL AUDITED QUALITY OF LIFE FUND BALANCE:11,671,620$ Assigned Fund Balance Assigned for Encumbrances 826,480 Assigned Holland Road Overpass 671,614 Assigned Bradley Bridge 223,872$ 1,721,966$ FY 20/21 Rollovers 8,395,538$ TOTAL REQUIRED COMMITMENTS:10,134,236$ TOTAL AVAILABLE QUALITY OF LIFE FUND BALANCE:1,554,117$ QUALITY OF LIFE MEASURE DD FUND GENERAL FUND Proposed Use of Fund Balance -4- Project Amount Future City Hall 5,000,000$ Future City Hall Parking Lot Project 2,000,000 Holland Road Overpass Project 2,800,000 PMP Menifee Meadows & Potomac Projects 1,057,606 TOTAL:10,857,606$ Project Amount Fire Station #5 1,300,000$ Fire Station #68 Remodel 70,000 PMP Romoland South Grid 184,117 TOTAL:1,554,117$ General Fund Proposed Use of Fund Balance Quality of Life (Measure DD) Proposed Use of Fund Balance GENERAL FUND Proposed Use of Fund Balance -5- Project Amount Available Fund Balance 10,924,339$ Proposed Used (10,857,606) TOTAL:66,733$ Project Amount Available Fund Balance 1,554,117$ Proposed Used (1,554,117) TOTAL:(0)$ General Fund Summary Quality of Life (Measure DD) Summary Capital Improvement Program Fund Requests Nick Fidler Public Works Director Future City Hall Parking Lot Project •Public parking lot at future City Hall site •Total of 3OO parking spaces and: •Lighting •Landscaping •Water Quality •Funding request of $2,000,000 -6- •Funding request of $2,800,000 Holland Road Overpass -7- Menifee Meadows PMP Menifee Meadows & Potomac Projects Potomac -7--8- Menifee Meadows •Resurfacing the community of Menifee Meadows east of Bradley Road and South of La Piedra Road Potomac •Resurfacing the community East of Bradley Road and North of Potomac Drive •Funding request of $1,057,606 PMP Menifee Meadows & Potomac Projects -9- Original Scope Proposed Change in Scope -10- Fire Station No.68 •Improvements to Fire Station No. 68 include: •The addition of a full bathroom. •Reconfiguration and expansion of sleeping quarters to accommodate 7 Fire staff. •Accommodation of future medic response vehicle •Plans are at 90%. •Sufficient funding for construction costs. •Additional funding request of $70,000 needed for temporary housing of Fire staff during remodel -11- •Street improvements on the southern portion of Romoland Grid: •Resurfacing •ADA-compliant ramps •Minor drainage improvements •Project will be phased. •Funding request of $184,117 for design. Romoland Grid –South of Hwy 74 -12- Questions?