2021-12-15 City Council Item No. 11.8 Agreement with Roadway Engineering for Menifee Garbani TS-- Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 11.8 Agreement with Roadway Engineering & Contracting, Inc. for the Menifee Road and Garbani Road Traffic Signal Improvement (CIP 21-11) Nick Fidler Public Works Director December 15, 2021 •Traffic Signal Improvement on Menifee Road and Garbani Road Project Location •Bid opening held November 2, 2021 •Eight bids received: •Apparent lowest bidder did not meet RFP requirements of at least 50% of work performed with their own labor forces. Bid was not submitted by deadline.•Second lowest bidder met all requirements. Discussion Tentative Project Schedule •Total estimated construction cost $1,293,514.00 includes: •Construction •Construction Management and Inspection •Labor Compliance •Material and Geotechnical testing Discussion Cont’d Questions?