2021-09-15 City Council Item 12.4 Fund Balance Policy for the General Fund Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsItem #12.4: Fund Balance Policy for the General Fund Wendy Preece Deputy Finance Director Review the Proposed Changes to the Current Fund Balance Policy and Recommend New Reserve Levels -1- CURRENT POLICY RESERVES: COMMITTED Fund Balance 10% ASSIGNED Fund Balance 10% Unassigned Fund Balance 5% Total Fund Balance Reserve 25% Requires Formal City Council Action (ordinance or resolution) to establish and/or use and is for a specific use. Reserved and intended for specific purposes. Can be by City Manager or designee. Spendable amounts not included in other classifications -2- CURRENT COMMITTED AND ASSIGNED RESERVES : Committed Funds: Committed - Emergency Stabilization 6,892,510.00$ Committed - City Hall 750,000.00 7,642,510.00$ Assigned Funds: Assigned - Economic Uncertainty 6,892,510.00$ Assigned - Fire Safety 285,513.49 Assigned - PARSAC 75,000.00 Assigned - General Plan Update 750,762.70 Assigned - Central Park Amphitheatre 450,000.00 Assigned - Holland Road Overpass 671,614.00 Assigned - Bradley Bridge 223,872.00 9,349,272.19 RESERVE BALANCES -3- OPTIONAL RESERVE TOTALS: COMMITTED Fund Balance 10.0%12.5%11.0% ASSIGNED Fund Balance 10.0%12.5%11.0% Unassigned Fund Balance 5.0%10.0%8.0% Total Fund Balance Reserve 25.0%35.0%30.0% Current Proposed Option #2 -4- RESERVE LEVEL COMPARISON: Agency General Fund Reserve City of Perris City of Murrieta 35% of annual budgeted revenues 30% of annual budgeted expenditures City of Menifee 25% of annual budgeted expenditures City of Moreno Valley 22% of annual budgeted expenditures City of Temecula 20% of annual budgeted expenditures City of Riverside 20% of annual budgeted expenditures City of Lake Elsinore 17.5% of annual budgeted expenditures -5- AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE AFTER RESERVES: FY 21/22 General Fund Adopted Budget Estimated Available Fund Balance 7/1/21 Current Required 25% Reserve Proposed 35% Reserve Alternate Option - 30% Reserve $68,925,100 $33,086,000 $17,231,275 $24,123,785 $20,677,530 $15,854,725 $8,962,215 $12,408,470Estimated Fund Balance Surplus: -6- RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1.Approve a Resolution modifying the Fund Balance Policy reserve requirements for Fiscal Year 2021/22 to 12.5% Committed Fund Balance, 12.5% Assigned Fund Balance and 10% Unassigned Fund Balance, for a total of 35%; and 2.Approve the revised Fund Balance Policy, CC-07. -7- Thank you Questions?