2021-09-15 City Council Item No. 12.2 Agreement for Fire Services Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsItem 12.2 Office of the City Manager Workshop Held 9-8-2021 As a full-service fire department CAL FIRE responds to wildland fires, structure fires, floods, hazardous material spills, swift water rescues, civil disturbances, earthquakes, and medical emergencies of all kinds.2 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FIRE Since 1946, the County of Riverside has a contract with CAL FIRE that includes comprehensive system that provides fire protection,advanced life support service, technical rescue and hazardous materials response. More than 1,500 firefighters serve the County of Riverside’s 92 regional fire stations and 15 fire battalions. The Riverside County/CAL FIRE contract was renewed in 2020 extending services through June 30, 2023. 3 HISTORICAL FIRE CONTRACT COSTS: $8,728,000 $11,754,217 $12,786,870 $13,600,619 $13,700,408 $13,206,753 $13,830,009 $14,483,972 $8,394,922 $10,601,088 $11,826,173 $12,251,522 $11,096,255 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21 FY2021-22 FY2022-23 FY2023-24 BUDGETED ACTUAL4 * * FY21/22 ADOPTED BUDGET $12,838,251, UPDATED FOR ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL FISCAL YEAR 2020 FIRE STATISTICS CALL TYPE #5 #7 #68 #76 GRAND TOTAL Com Fire 6 2 8 False Alarm 76 228 115 191 610 Haz Mat 8 3 9 20 Medical 748 5,370 1,010 2,044 9,172 Multi-Fam Dwelling Fire 1 1 Other Fire 14 27 28 17 86 Other Misc 26 66 41 51 184 Public Service Assist 43 448 77 172 740 Res Fire 7 14 5 8 34 Rescue 1 10 5 3 19 Ringing Alarm 6 25 5 19 55 Standby 24 44 23 33 124 Traffic Collision 45 162 169 187 563 Vehicle Fire 2 7 7 10 26 Wildland Fire 5 16 5 12 38 GRAND TOTAL 997 6,432 1,493 2,758 11,680 Average # of Calls per Day 3 18 4 8 32 FIRE STATION 5 FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 FIRE SERVICES * Office of the Fire Marshal costs are recovered through developer fees/inspection services * 6 Station Personnel 72% Battalion Chief 2% Office of Fire Marshal 6% County Support Services 18% Direct Charges 1% Engine Use Agreement 1% Station Personnel Battalion Chief Office of Fire Marshal County Support Services Direct Charges Engine Use Agreement Item Personnel Amount Percentage (%) Station Personnel 50 $9,536,619 72.21% Battalion Chief 1 263,060 1.99% Office of Fire Marshal 5 760,936 5.76% County Support Services 2,361,073 17.88% Direct Charges 140,065 1.06% Engine Use Agreement 145,000 1.10% 56 $13,206,753 100.00% RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1.Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Cooperative Agreement to provide fire protection, fire prevention, rescue and emergency medical services for the City of Menifee from November 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024; and 2.Approve the Budget Amendment Resolution to increase the Fire Professional Services expenditure account. 7 Thank you Questions? 1 SINCE INCORPORATION, THE CITY OF MENIFEE HAS PROVIDED FIRE SERVICES TO THE MENIFEE COMMUNITY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT & CAL FIRE. TODAY, MENIFEE’S 46.47 SQUARE MILE AREA AND POPULATION OF 102,527 CONTINUES TO BE SERVED BY THIS COLLOBORATIVE EFFORT. 1 EXISTING FIRE SERVICES: BUILDING A SAFE, THRIVING & PREMIER PLACE TO BE! CITY OF MENIFEE The City provides all maintenance, repairs and improvements of the fire facilities. In 2017 the City assumed ownership of the existing four (4) fire stations within the City (#5, #7, #68 & #76) FY2017/18 the City brought Fire Marshal & Inspection Services on-site. In 2018 the City celebrated the opening of the new Fire Station #7. Design for a new Fire Station #5 is currently underway, anticipated to be completed in February 2023. FIRE STATION #5 FUTURE FIRE STATION #5 FIRE STATION #7 FIRE STATION #68 FIRE STATION #76 FIRE STATIONS MENIFEE STATION #5 28971 Goetz Road, Menifee, CA 92586 -1 FIRE ENGINE (#5) 1 FIRE CAPTAIN 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC STATION #7 28349 Bradley Rd, Menifee, CA 92586 -1 FIRE ENGINE (#7) 1 FIRE CAPTAIN 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC -1 MEDIC UNIT 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC STATION #68 -1 FIRE ENGINE (#68) 1 FIRE CAPTAIN 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC -1 MEDIC UNIT (FUTURE) 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC STATION #76 29950 Menifee Road, Menifee, CA 92586 -1 FIRE ENGINE (#76) 1 FIRE CAPTAIN 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC -1 LADDER TRUCK 1 FIRE CAPTAIN 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 2 FIRE FIGHTER FUTURE STATION #5 Goetz Road, Menifee, CA 92586 -1 FIRE ENGINE (#5) 1 FIRE CAPTAIN 1 FIRE APPARATUS ENGINEER 1 FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC elevationsproject planproject siteCIP 21-04: FIRE STATION #5 project siteFUTURE FIRE STATION #5 PROJECT SITE RETURN TO MAIN project planRETURN TO MAINPROPOSED LAYOUT ALTERNATE LAYOUT ESTIMATED COST ($): $5.9 MILLION ESTIMATED COST ($): $6.5 MLLION RETURN TO MAIN PROJECT SCHEDULE: DESIGN UNDERWAY. PROJECTED CONSTRUCTION BID MARCH 2022. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION: FEBRUARY 2023. elevationsRETURN TO MAIN PLYMOVENT DIESEL EXHAUSTION SYSTEM (STATION #5, 68, 76) HVAC UNIT REPLACEMENTS (STATION #5 & 76) FENCING IMPROVEMENTS (STATION #68) PAINTING & DOOR IMPROVEMENTS (STATION #68 & 76) FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENTS CIP 21-03: FACILITY EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS (STATION #68) *underway FIRE SERVICES EQUIPMENT SPARTAN ERV FIRE ENGINE -EACH OF THE FOUR (4) FIRE STATIONS HAS ERV FIRE ENGINE. -EACH ENGINE HAS A HALE PUMP. -EACH ENGINE CARRIES 500 GALLONS OF WATER. USA&R 76 -NOT REGULARLY STAFFED BUT USED FOR EMERGENCIES. -CARRIES WOOD FOR SHORING AND MATERIALS TO FACILITATE COMPLICATED RESCUES. -2001 MODEL. PURCHASED & MAINTAINED BY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. FIRE SERVICES EQUIPMENT PARAMEDIC UNIT -2017 FORD F550 -DARLY PUMP. CARRIES 150 GALLONS OF WATER. -STATIONED AT FIRE STATION #7 -STAFFED WITH 1 MEDIC, 1 FIREFIGHTER. -1 NEW UNIT ORDERED IN 2021 FOR STATION #68. FIRE LADDER TRUCK -2021 KME AERIALCATT 101” TDA -101’ REACH LADDER -650HP CUMMINS X15 -STATIONED AT FIRE STATION #76 -STAFFED WITH 1 FIRE CAPTAIN, 1 FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINEER) AND 2 FIREFIGHTERS. CITY PURCHASED/OWNED FUTURE OF FIRE SERVICES: -Fire Services Citywide Needs Assessment & Fire Department Strategic Plan (Added as Strategic Plan Task Item 2020) -CIP 5 Year program focused on road and traffic related projects, ensuring safe, efficient and accessible infrastructure to support current and future public safety needs.