2021-09-15 City Council Item No. 10.9 Environmental Review Guidelines Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee
City Council
Update to City of Menifee
Environmental Review
City Council
Consent Calendar 10.9
CEQA Guidelines
•The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a
statute that requires all state and local public
agencies to identify significant environmental impacts
and/or mitigate those impacts.
•The City is required by state law to adopt guidelines
that set forth objectives, criteria and procedures for
the evaluation of projects and the preparation of
environmental reports.
•City guidelines must be consistent with the State
CEQA guidelines.
Current City Adopted Guidelines
•City Guidelines were adopted May 7, 2013 and revised
on April 23, 2019.
•The City’s adopted Environmental Review Guidelines
are modeled after the State’s CEQA Guidelines.
Background of Proposed Update
•General framework of the guidelines presented at different
•Mayor’s Roundtable –July 2, 2020
•Economic Development Ad-hoc Committee –August 5, 2020
•Development Stakeholder Group (DSG) –August 20, 2020
•Draft guidelines presented to DSG –January 15, 2021
•The updated guidelines placed on the City Council agenda –
February 17, 2021
Environmental Review Guideline Updates
•City staff formed a stakeholder subcommittee to further revise
•The group met on July 1, 2021, July 20, 2021, and August 20, 2021
•The agreed changes are as follows:
•Additional coordination with applicant
•Applicant’s deposit and payment schedule
•Contract administrative fee
•Technical Studies
Environmental Review Guideline
•City Council to authorize the City Manager to execute
agreements with approved environmental consultants
•Adopt a Resolution updating the City of Menifee
Environmental Review Guidelines.
•Authorize the City Manager to Execute Agreements with
approved environmental firms to provide On-Call
Environmental and Planning Consulting Services for
privately funded development projects.
Questions?Thank You.