2021-09-15 City Council Item No. 10.9 Public Comment - Sullivan Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsItem No. 10.9
From: Ron Sullivan <ersullivan888@verizon.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 10:16 AM
To: Bill Zimmerman <bzimmerman@cityofmenifee.us>; Lesa Sobek <lsobek@cityofmenifee.us>;
ddienes@cityofmenifee.us; Matt Liesemeyer <mliesemeyer@cityofmenifee.us>; Bob Karwin
Cc: Sarah Manwaring <smanwaring@cityofmenifee.us>; Orlando Hernandez
<ohernandez@cityofmenifee.us>; Cheryl Kitzerow <ckitzerow@cityofmenifee.us>; Armando G. Villa
Subject: Support of Agenda Item 10.9 CEQA guidelines
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City Council:
I wish to show my support for the CEQA guidelines on today’s agenda. I would like to thank Orlando and
Cheryl for all of their coordination, answering questions, and the understanding the concerns of the
development community and a process that we look forward to for a better understanding and
requirements that benefit both the City and future applicants for development.
Ron Sullivan