2021-09-15 City Council Item No. 10.18 Kimley-Horn Associates Agreement, Garbani Road/I-215 Interchange Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 10.18 Kimley-Horn & Associates Agreement, Garbani Road / I-215 Interchange Nick Fidler Public Works Director/City Engineer September 15 ,2021 Project Location Background: Caltrans Process •Internal Study to identify potential issuesFeasibility Study •Project Initiation Documents •Purpose and Need StatementPID •Project Approval and Environmental DocumentsPA&ED •Plans, Specifications, and EstimatesPS&E •Right-of-Way Acquisition and CertificationROW Construction 6 Months 1 Year 2 -5Years 2 -4 Years 1 -2 Years Interchange average timeline = 6-8 years Discussion: •Received responses from two firms for the PID preparation services RFP. •Evaluation process determined Kimley-Horn as most qualified firm based on scoring criteria. •Staff negotiated Kimley Horn’s initial cost proposal from $763,287.72 to $570,264.16. •Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates (Kimley-Horn) in an amount not-to-exceed $570,264.16, to provide the Project Initiation Document for Capital Improvement Project No. 20-05. Recommendation: