2021-09-01 City Council Item No. 10.2 Holland I-215 Overpass Amendment Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 10.2 Amendment No.4 with T.Y. LIN International for the Holland Road/ I-215 Overpass Project (CIP 13-03) Nick Fidler Public Works Director/City Engineer September 1, 2021 Background FY 2016-2017 •95% completed plans in March 2017 using 2015 Caltrans standards •Project put on hold due to right-of-way (ROW) acquisition FY 2018-2019 •Capital Improvement Program Budget included additional funding to ROW acquisition and design finalization FY 2019-2020 •Caltrans updated structural standards, details, and specifications requirements for bridge improvements in their ROW FY 2020-2021 to Present •Residential developments Del Oro North and Del Oro South located east of Hanover at Holland Road includes trapezoidal channel for storm water conveyance •ROW acquisition finalized August 2021 •Construction Management RFP released September 2021, award date tentatively scheduled for October 2021 Discussion •Project requires compliance with current Caltrans standards, coordination with private developments and utility agencies, and addition of sewer lines to promote economic development in the area. •Additional services from T.Y. LIN International are recommended to update the 95% plans and finalize the design phase of the project •$280,928 negotiated cost for additional services Discussion •Additional wastewater (sewer) component is eligible for federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) •Cost will not require use of local funds and isn’t programmed into budget •Reductions in project costs also identified as a result of some of the changes the 95% complete plans •Permanent maintenance easement •Infiltration Basin •Southern California Edison power pole relocation Project Cost Reductions Planned Permanent Easement •Original planned permanent easement for maintenance access. Unable to negotiate right-of-way with the new owners of the site, then was reevaluated and determined unnecessary. •Estimated Cost Reduction of $80,000-$100,000 Project Cost Reductions Planned Infiltration Basin •Infiltration basin originally included in plans no longer needed, due to trapezoidal channel basin construction brought forth by the Del Oro developments. •Estimated Cost Reduction of $100,000-$120,000 Project Cost Reductions •Original planned SCE Pole relocation converted to pole realignment. •Estimated Cost Reduction of $1,000,000-$1,200,000 SCE Pole Relocation Recommendation Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with T.Y. LIN International, for the Holland Road/I-215 Overpass Project, (CIP 13-03) providing funding for additional services in the amount of $280,928.