2021-08-04 City Council Item No. 10.10 Agreements for Freedom Business Park Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee Developer Reimbursement and Initial Study-Mitigated Negative Declaration Agreements for Freedom Business Park Plot Plan No. PLN21-0002 August 4, 2021 City Council Item 10.10 Project Location Sun City Blvd Existing Site 2 Project Site Scott Road Wickerd Road Haun Road •Five (5) warehouse buildings with light office space, totaling 283,165 sq. ft. •603 proposed parking spaces Project 3 A Request for Proposals (RFP)was sent out on June 3,2021,for the remaining environmental analysis and the City received the following four (4)proposals in return: •LSA -$48,335.00 •Michael Baker Intl.-$48,970.00 •Kimley-Horn -$59,400.00 •ESA Assoc.-$66,600.00 •Rincon –Not received by requested deadline LSA -$48,335.00 x 10%contingency =$53,168.50 CEQA Quotes Received 4 Technical Studies Provided by Applicant and Peer Reviewed by City Consultant To Be Prepared by City Consultant* Cultural AQ/GHG/Energy Biology Noise Geotechnical Hydrology/Drainage Traffic and VMT Analysis IS/MND and MMRP 5*Other reports as determined