2021-07-07 City Council Item No. 5.1 Menifee Police Department Update Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMenifee Police DePartMent UPDate cUrrent Staffing 78 sworn positions (60 then 69) 1 Chief 2 Captains 4 Lieutenants (3) 11 Sergeants (10) 60 Officers (44 then 53) The City of Menifee’s population is around 99,900 and spans across approximately 47 square miles. The Menifee Police Department is currently authorized for 101 full time employees (FTE). 23 professional staff positions 1 Support Services Manager 1 Records Supervisor 1 Executive Assistant 1 Budget and Grants Analyst 1 Senior Personnel and Training Analyst 1 Crime Analyst 3 Investigative Specialists (1 HSI) (2) 2 CSI/ Property Technicians 4 Records Technicians (3) 8 Community Service Officers (6) together hUMble creative together hUMble creative hiring Employment Applications as of May 31, 2021 756 Sworn Applications 2,190 Professional Staff Applications TOTAL 2,946 Applications Current Applicants/Hires CSO started on Monday Officer starting July 12th Officer and CSO starting July 19th 9 Officers in backgrounds Code Supervisor in backgrounds Code II in backgrounds Recruitments Investigative Specialist II Administrative Assistant Officer / Academy Grad Internal Promotions and Processes 2 Sergeant promotions on July 3rd Lieutenant promotion process underway Sergeant process to follow Lieutenant selection SET Detectives General Detectives HLO and SRO Senior CSO together hUMble creative PrograMS Program Structure Length of Program Statistics 22 Officers trained since July 1, 2020 Field Training Officer (FTO) Program Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Program Program Structure Resources Physical Resources Team Resources School Resource Officer (SRO) Program Peer Support Team Honor Guard Drone Program School Districts Recruitment 12 Members 4 Officers 10 Operators FAA Approval together hUMble creative Police activity 40,703 Calls for service 6,853 Reports 1,133 Arrests 9,031 Proactive activity 1,367 Investigative cases 97 Search Warrants written 751 Online reports July 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021 3%4% 1%1% 2% 21% 16% 2% 50% Business Check Pedestrian Check FI Felony Arrests Misd Arrests Reports Citation DUI Traffic Stop together hUMble creative arreStS Top five arrest charges for each category Warrants, 96 Domestic Violence, 62 Assault, 30 Parole/Probation Violation, 24Drugs, 16 Felony Arrests 356 Drugs, 167 Warrants, 158 DUI, 99 Unlicensed Driver, 94 Assault, 70 Misdemeanor Arrests 777 together hUMble creative K9 Unit Robbery Alarms, 46 Burglary Alarms, 145 Apprehensions, 6Search for Suspects/Evidence, 11 Extra Patrol, 76Miscellaneous, 22 Ped/Veh/Business Checks, 218 together hUMble creative traffic colliSionS 839 Traffic complaints Email Tip line 1,715 Traffic collision responses 1,460 Written reports 214 Injury collisions 8 Fatalities 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Fatalities Injury Collisions Traffic Collision Responses Traffic Complaints Written Reports together hUMble creative traffic enforceMent 2,177 Vehicles entered DUI checkpoints 3 Arrested for DUI alcohol 1 Arrested for DUI drugs 43 Cited for license restrictions 14 Vehicles towed Street Racing Cell phone enforcement Moving violation enforcement (includes red- light/stop sign violations, speeding, cell phone use, and other unsafe driving) Off-road vehicle enforcement The Mariposa Community: Complaints of speeding and stop sign violations due to the closure of Lindenberger Road The Sun City area: Complaints of speed, stop sign violations and red light violations due to the closure of Murrieta Road at Ridgemoor Road The Quail Valley area: Complaints of off-road vehicles around Ash Dale Way and Cooper View Drive Menifee Lakes area: Vehicle noise, speeding, and red light violations DUI Checkpoints Focused Traffic Locations Directed Enforcement Traffic Citations to Date: 3,289 Traffic Citations together hUMble creative ProPerty & eviDence inventory 2324 510 587 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Evidence Found Safekeeping together hUMble creative P & e narcoticS & firearMS Fentanyl, 41 or 5% Firearms, 169 or 23% Meth, 247 or 33% Other H&S, 288 or 39% together hUMble creative criMe Scene inveStigationS Specially trained personnel who collect physical forensic evidence and use scientific methods and technology to process evidence and interpret findings. CSI Van Full mobile office for forensic and evidence collection Bullet Catcher Allows for quick, and cost effective, test firing crime guns DNA to Support the Findings CSI’s attempt to collect DNA from all found firearms to preserve for potential leads on major crimes. Ductless Fume Hood Forensic Drying Cabinets together hUMble creative forenSic lab Utilization 4 Forensic Labs 3 Biological labs -CA DOJ, San Bernardino Crime Lab, and Biotox CAL ID Riverside (Latent Lab) 7 DNA CODIS Hits 3 search warrants authorized for confirmation samples 21 CAL ID hits 2 hit confirmations of a Homicide suspect for Hemet PD 4 have led to successful filings with the DA’s Office 2 have led to successful arrest warrants being issued together hUMble creative inveStigationS Staffing 1 Investigations Lieutenant 1 Detective Sergeant 1 Special Ops Sergeant 6 General Detectives (4 then 5) 3 SET Detectives 2 POP Officers 3 Investigator Specialists (2) 1 HSI Task Force 1 POP CSO Code Enforcement 1 Code Supervisor 2 Senior Code Officers 2 CEO II 2 Code Technicians (1) together hUMble creative hSi taSKforce Bulk cash/smuggling –designed to disrupt drug smuggling 1 Task Force Officer –Retired Annuitant November 9, 2020 Assisted with 5 arrests 12 search warrants Authored 8 Assisted with 4 4 Federal Subpoenas for documents and phone records Seized 26.8 pounds of Methamphetamine MPD -Federal Asset Forfeiture* Case #1 $98,290 Case #2 $892,373 Pending on 5 additional cases. Amounts TBD *Pre-award = % determined by DC and after court. $990,663 together hUMble creative inveStigationS Workflow 50% 856 Cases filed with the DA from Patrol & Investigations856 63% 23% 14% Unassigned, 187 Open, 319 Closed, 861 together hUMble creative ProbleM orienteD Policing (PoP) Marijuana Cultivations 8 Search warrants on grows 5 assist another agency on grows Total plants –5,516 Total guns –20 Total arrests -8 Trespassing 29 Private property 50 Businesses 17 Arrests Community Care Taking Working with RivCO flood control to deter criminal activity. Homeless Outreach Neighborhood Watch Boys & Girls Club Commercial locations outreach –how to deter or stop crimes. together hUMble creative coDe enforceMent 506 217 113 50 49 46 42 32 30 27 18 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 WeedAbatement PropertyMaintenance PublicNuisance Building CodeViolation IllegalDumping VendorEnforcement VehicleAbatement Graffiti HazardousCondition MarijuanaCultivation TransientTrespassing 07/01/2020 -05/31/2021 1261 cases opened 748 Complaints received 506 Weed Abatement 7 Proactive 1118 Cases closed/resolved 692 Cases Active* *Cases carry over from prior months together hUMble creative recorDS bUreaU Workflow 1 Support Services Manager 1 Records Supervisor 4 Records Technicians (3) 3,955 phone calls 985 front counter contacts (Started tracking January) 6,853 Cases processed 856 Cases filed 1908 Notices to Appear 372 Parking citations 751 Online Reports All hands in Records conducting Data Entry Cases Filed 856 Cases Processed, 6,853 Front Counter, 985 Notice to Appear, 1,908 Online Reports, 751 Parking Citations, 372 Phone Calls 3,955 together hUMble creative reSPonSe tiMe Priority Number Call Pickup To Enroute Enroute To At Scene Call Pickup To At Scene 1 0:03:46 0:05:06 00:08:53 2 0:15:41 0:09:46 00:25:19 3 0:33:49 0:10:06 00:40:57 Key Performance Indicators 6 minutes for Priority 1’s 15 minutes for Priority 2’s 35 minutes for Priority 3’s together hUMble creative Social MeDia •316% increase in followers since May of 2020 •Currently >10,400 @menifeepd •503% increase in followers since May of 2020 •Currently >7,500 together hUMble creative cUltUre PURPOSE STATEMENT “We deliver an experience where people feel unified, engaged and safe.” Wellness Level of customer service Top 5 safest cities in America Menifee Police DePartMent QUeStionS ?