2021-07-07 City Council Item No. 5.2 So Cal Gas Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsNew Energy Sources New Opportunities 2 2 Climate goals By 203060% electricity from renewable sources Governing Law –SB100 By 2045, economy- wide, become CarbonNeutral Executive Order B-55-18 2 By 2030, reduce methane emissions40% below 2013 levels Governing Law –SB1383 3 The challenges to renewables are 3 Reliability FeasibilityAffordability 3 big and complex 4 An integratedapproach Achieving our goals while preserving choice, minimizing disruption and controlling cost H2 FuelCells RNG & Natural Gas Wind Solar Hydrogen w/ Carbon Capture & Utilization 5 excess renewable energy goes through Electrolysis, which splits the molecule hydrogen & carbon combine through methanization carbon captured from factories and plants methane can be stored in the pipeline for future use Power-to-gas converts excess renewable electricity into renewable natural gas 6 Convert waste from dairies, farms and landfills into biogas using anaerobic digestion extract the methane put in the pipeline for future use Renewable Natural Gaswill help us reach our goals Meet the same GHG reductions as the current plan to electrify 30% of homes and buildings with5% RNG Achieve the same GHG reductions as overhauling 100% of CA’s buildings to all electricity with 16% RNG 6 Navigant Consulting, “Gas Strategies for a Low-Carbon California Future,” 2018 Using RNG 3x or more cost effective than ANY electrification scenario 7 •More tjam 70 Projects Now Launched In Europe •More than 40 Projects Launched in Germany, with more in development •More than 30 MW of installed capacity Operational Planned Project Finished Hydrogen Methane Hydrogen/Methane But todaywe’re behind Europe Moreno Valley Compressor Station Upgrade Riverside County leading the way •Two new zero-emission, electric-driven compressors •Two new lower-emission, turbine-driven compressors •Retrofit existing unit with emission reduction equipment •Green Hydrogen fuel cells and storage tanks •Company green hydrogen fueling station Moreno Valley Compressor Station Upgrade •Reduces air emissions such as NOx by 70%. •Equivalent of removing 36,000 passenger vehicles off the road each year. •Produces 750 kg of green hydrogen per day. •Equivalent to the amount of renewable energy to fuel 300 homes per day, or approximately 120 vehicles. •Provides an estimated 200 construction jobs for 24 to 36 months •$500 million investment in Riverside County Opportunities for Industries & Trade New technologies, New Opportunities •Pipe –steel and plastic •Hydrogen and CO2 resistant materials •Gas purification •Operations and control •Smart thermostats, sensors •Next-Gen Commercial Food Service equipment •Distributed Generation Power •Next-Gen HVAC and home appliances •Phase-change polymers to improve building efficiency •Industrial Process Heat •Next gen burners for H2 •Carbon capture scrubbers •Direct combustion Hydrogen engines •Hydrogen-Fuel cell transportation ThankYou