2021-07-07 City Council Item No. 12.3 Menifee Industrial Warehouse and Logistics Development Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsIndustrial Warehouse and Logistics Development Discussion July 7, 2021 City Council Discussion Item 12.3 Background: •On May 19,2021 City Council requested to bring back adiscussionitemregardingbestpracticesrelatedtoindustrialwarehouseanddistributioncenters. •Proactive and collaborative Economic Development andPlanningapproach Background: •City Council Strategic Plan –industrial/infrastructure analysis •Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) •Meyers Group Industrial Market Demand Study (December 2020) •Industrial demand of 582,000 square feet each year. •70%for warehouse/distribution,25%manufacturing and 5%forflexspace. •Study was a tool to understand the market and best opportunitiestocapitalizefromanEconomicDevelopmentperspective Background: •18-months later realizing a significant increase of industrialdevelopmentinterestintheregionandCity. •“General Warehouse/distribution/storage”is permitted in HeavyIndustrial,EDC Northern &Southern Gateways,and BusinessPark.Conditionally permitted in EDC McCall Blvd.subarea Discussion: •Best Practice Topics o Environmental considerations o Good neighbor policies o Sustainable Design Strategies o Street Frontage/Parking/Access o Physical Barriers o Street Maintenance •Council discussion DISCUSSION