2021-07-07 City Council Item No. 11.4 - 5 yr CIP 2021-2026 Council Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsITEM 11.4 CITY OF MENIFEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PLAN Fiscal Years 2021-22 to 2025-26 Armando Villa City Manager Rochelle Clayton Assistant City Manager CIP GOALS That Menifee be recognized as a safe, clean, vibrant and innovative community which responds to the diverse needs of its residents, businesses and visitors. •Strategically prioritize traffic mitigation projects •Balance and enhance quality of life 1 BUILDING COMMUNITY RESILIENCE 2 •Approximately $474 Million in Infrastructure •131 total CIP projects •FY 21-22: 23 CIP projects totaling $27,983,341 •91% towards traffic related projects 5-year Investment Plan: •21 CIP Projects Completed •Over $10 Million invested •4.11 miles of existing roadway resurfaced •3 Traffic Signals and 2 Traffic Signal Interconnect projects completed •Completed Scott Road / I-215 Interchange Prior Fiscal Year (2020-21) Accomplishments: •16 projects: Holland Road Overpass, McCall Blvd/I-215 IC, Bradley Bridge, Garbani Rd/I-215 IC, Scott Road Widening,4 Traffic Signals. •Over $47 Million invested In-Progress Projects: OUTREACH AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT 3 April 19th CIP Workshop #1May 5th CIP Workshop #2May 6th CIP Workshop #2 May 12th Planning Commission May 18th Quality Of Life Committee FISCAL YEAR 22 June 2nd City Budget AdoptionJuly 7th Public Hearing and CIP Plan Adoption May 19th City Budget Workshop CIP PROGRAM PRIORITIES 4 PRIORITY LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1 Urgent & must be completed ASAP. Failure to address impacts health, safety, or welfare of the community or has a potential significant impact on the financial wellbeing of the City. The project must be initiated, or financial opportunity losses may result. 2 Important and addressing it is necessary. The project impacts safety, law enforcement, health, welfare, economic base, and quality of life. 3 Enhances quality of life & will provide a benefit to the community such as cultural, recreational, and/or aesthetic value, or is deemed as a necessary improvement to a public facility. 4 Improvement to the community but does not necessarily need to be completed within a five-year capital improvement program time frame CAPITAL BUDGET & CAPITAL PROGRAM Capital Budget •The Capital Program is a plan for capital expenditures that extends four years beyond the FY 2021-22 Capital Budget (FY 2022-23 through 2025-26) 5 The City’s CIP has two parts: Capital Budget Capital Program Capital Program •The Capital Budget is the upcoming FY 2021-22 spending plan for capital items. The FY 2021-22 CIP funds were approved with the City’s annual operating budget during City Council Meeting on June 2nd. FUNDING SOURCES The City’s CIP Program is funded by a variety of sources,including the General Fund,Capital Project Fund,Gas Tax,Development Fees,TUMF,Park Development Fees,and Grant funding and others.Of these funding sources,the General Fund and Gas Tax can be used on the widest array of projects.Other funding sources,such as Development Fees and Grant Funds,have specific,legally restricted uses. The FY 2021-22 CIP funds consist of the current FY 20- 21 available fund balance and the projected revenues for FY 21-22 Gas TaxGrant Funds DIF Funds Measure A TUMF Funds Quality of Life Measure SB 1 General Fund 6 7 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $13,385,958$3,704,828$2,840,000$2,801,596$2,630,000$2,015,366$1,760,880$1,668,558$1,420,713$871,297$603,074$500,000$434,616$367,240$318,952$222,999$200,618$169,640$133,765$129,955$112,368$92,931$92,681$62,603$45,134$34,393$12,755$11,604$10,000$4,000$0$0$0$0$0FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 CIP ESTIMATED REVENUES 3 YEAR ADOPTED & ADJUSTED CIP PROGRAM BUDGET 8 $39,294,177(79%)$39,071,601(69%) $25,518,341(91%) $9,973,748(21%) $17,689,242(31%) $2,465,000(9%) - 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 35,000,000 40,000,000 45,000,000 FY2019/20 Adjusted Budget FY2020/21 Adjusted Budget FY2021/22 Adopted Budget Traffic Related Projects All Other Projects 3-year summary of the CIP Program budget by Traffic Related Projects &All Other Project Categories The City has allocated $25,518,341 or 91%of the total FY 2021-2022 CIP budget towards traffic related categories (Transportation, Traffic Signals, Street Improvements, and Pavement Management) FY 2021-22 EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY PROJECT CATEGORY # OF PROJECTS FY 2021-2022 PROJECTS % Transportation 7 $20,445,679 73% Traffic Signals 2 $1,740,000 6% Street Improvements 1 $410,000 1% Pavement Management 3 $2,922,662 11% Drainage 0 $0 0% Streetlight 0 $0 0% Public Facilities 5 $2,090,000 8% Parks, Trails, Recreation 5 $375,000 1% 23 $27,983,341 100% TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREET IMPROVEMENTS PMP PROJECTS FACILITIES PARKS AND TRAILS (C.S.) 9 FY 2021-22 CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Category Project No.Project Name FY 21-22 Allocation Transportation CIP 13-03 Holland Road Overpass $10,515,368 Transportation CIP 13-04 Bradley Road Bridge Over Salt Creek $1,670,713 Transportation CIP 14-01 McCall Boulevard / I-215 Interchange $356,958 Transportation CIP 20-01 Scott Road / Bundy Canyon Road Widening $2,978,640 Transportation CIP 22-02 Valley Boulevard Widening and Missing Links $1,300,000 Transportation CIP 22-03 McCall Boulevard Widening $2,517,000 Transportation CIP 22-04 Bailey Park Boulevard Widening $1,107,000 Traffic Signal CIP 21-11 Menifee Road / Garbani Road Traffic Signal $1,140,000 Traffic Signal PW TS-04 Antelope Road / MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal $600,000 St. Improvement PW IMP-01 Normandy Road Pedestrian Improvements $410,000 PMP CIP 21-17 Peacock Place Community Resurfacing $222,999 PMP CIP 22-06 Menifee Road Resurfacing (Holland Road to Newport Road)$1,730,000 PMP PW-IMP-01 Tradewinds Community Resurfacing $969,663 Facilities FS 001 Fuel Station $750,000 Facilities FS 002 Police Station Parking Lot Upgrades $390,000 Facilities FS 003 Police Station Parking Upgrades (Wall, Carport, Lighting)$250,000 Facilities FS 004 Park & Facility Multi-Use Trailers $500,000 Facilities FS 005 Council Chambers Window Upgrade $200,000 Parks, Trails, Rec.CS007 Park Amenity Enhancements $50,000 Parks, Trails, Rec.CS014 Park Lighting $150,000 Parks, Trails, Rec.CS021 Parking Lot Resurfacing and Trash Enclosure $50,000 Parks, Trails, Rec.CS042 Sports Court Resurfacing $80,000 Parks, Trails, Rec.CS047 Shade Structures $45,000 23 Projects TOTAL $27,983,341 10 Projects highlighted in BLUE are estimated to start construction during FY 2021-2022 CIP 13-03 HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS 11 Project Description, Purpose, and Need:Priority:1 The project is located on Holland Road between Haun Road and Hanover Road. The project will construct a four-lane bridge over the I-215 which will include dedicated bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic signals at Haun Rd. and Hannover Rd., lighting, signing and striping. The project is needed due to the increase in residential and commercial development on both sides of the I-215 which creates traffic congestion at the existing Newport Road and Scott Road interchanges. In addition, the project will create a much needed east-west connection for motorists and pedestrians. Category:Transportation Department: Engineering Target Construction Start:Aug-22 Construction Duration:18 months Status:ROW acquisition/Final Design Strategic Plan Goal:Accessibility & Interconnectivity Project Cost by Phase Project Map 2022 Target Year Estimates Expenditures to-date Design $ 1,538,190 $ 1,277,361 Environmental $ 800,000 $ 780,000 Right of Way $ 3,110,000 $ 2,652,381 Construction Management $ 2,940,000 $ - Construction $ 22,832,421 $ - Total Project Costs $ 31,220,611 $ 4,709,742 Estimated Maintenance Cost: Street maintenance over a 5 year period will consist of a Slurry seal treatment at year 5 and 10, and AC overlay at year 15. Maintenance cost over a 15 year period is estimated to be $860,000. Street Maintenance is typically funded by Gas Tax, Measure A, Measure DD, and SB1 funds.https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 100 General Fund $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 105 Quality of Life Measure $ 2,167,663 $ 1,500,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,667,663 310 TUMF $ 552,000 $ 7,703,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8,255,000 320 Capital Projects $ 4,573,449 $ 112,368 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,685,817 415 Menifee Valley RBBD $ 8,905,011 $ 500,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 9,405,011 509 DIF 17 -Roads $ 2,055,744 $ 700,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,755,744 510 DIF 17 -Signals $ 241,797 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 241,797 526 DIF Citywide -Circulation $ 1,723,638 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,723,638 527 DIF Citywide -Storm Drain Facilities $ 485,941 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 485,941 TOTALS $ 20,705,243 $ 10,515,368 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 31,220,611 CUMULATIVE TOTALS $ 20,705,243 $ 31,220,611 CIP 13-03 HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS 12 Quality of Life Measure 12% TUMF 26% Capital Projects 15% Menifee Valley RBBD 30% DIF 17 -Roads 9% DIF 17 -Signals 1% DIF Citywide -Circulation 5% DIF Citywide -Storm Drain Facilities 2% CIP 13-03 HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS 13 Project Status: o Plans are at 95%, obtaining permits from permitting agencies (WRQCB, ACOE, CADFW), ROW acquisition nearing completion. Proposed Project Schedule: (Assumes no additional requirements by Caltrans, delays from permitting agencies, or utility relocation delays by SCE) Task Task Start Task End 2021 2022 2023 2024 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CM Award Jul-21 Oct-21 ROW Certification Aug-21 Nov-21 Finish Design (PS&E)Jul-21 Dec-21 Utility Relocation (SCE)Jul-21 May-22 Encroachment Permit Nov-21 Feb-22 BID Feb-22 Mar-22 Construction Award Mar-22 Jun-22 Construction (18 mths.)Aug-22 Feb-24 Project close-out Feb-24 Jun-24 FY 2021-26 EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREET IMPROVEMENTS PMP PROJECTS DRAINAGE STREET LIGHTS FACILITIES PARKS AND TRAILS (C.S.) PROJECT CATEGORY # OF PROJECTS FY 2021-2026 PROJECTS % Transportation 30 $304,489,707 64% Traffic Signals 19 $13,440,000 3% Street Improvements 23 $19,949,732 4% Pavement Management 21 $27,764,985 6% Drainage 9 $18,763,000 4% Streetlight 3 $1,250,000 0% Public Facilities 11 $61,640,000 13% Parks, Trails, and Rec.15 $26,448,000 6% 131 $473,745,424 100% 14 The City has identified $365,644,424 or 77%of the total FY 2021-2026 budget towards traffic related categories (Transportation, Traffic Signals, Street Improvements, and Pavement Management) SUMMARY The City’s Capital Improvement Program is adynamicCityplanningandfiscalmanagementtoolusedtocoordinatethelocation,timing andfinancingoftheCity’s Capital Projects over amulti-year period It is one of the most important responsibilities forourlocalagency The 5 year Capital Improvement Program is aworkingdocumentandshouldbereviewedandupdatedannuallytoreflectchangingcommunityneeds,priorities,and funding availabilities andopportunities The City’s commitment to transportation andtrafficmitigationprojectsrepresent91%of thetotalFY21-22 budget,and 77%of the total 5 yearplan. 15 RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution of the City of Menifee adopting the Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 through 2025-2026 16 Questions? Reference Slides CIP 13-04 BRADLEY BRIDGE OVER SALT CREEKProject Cost by Phase Project Map 2023 Target Year Estimates Expenditures to- date Design $ 529,512 $ 512,596 Environmental $ 300,000 $ 280,000 Right of Way $ - Construction Management $ 1,460,000 Construction $ 12,200,000 Total Project Costs $ 14,489,512 $ 792,596 https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTAL Fund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 105 Quality of Life Measure $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 2,009,417 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,759,417 220 Measure A $ 558,721 $ -$ 891,297 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,450,018 509 DIF 17 -Roads $ 292,256 $ 720,713 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,012,969 520 DIF Citywide -Public Use & Comm. Fac.$ -$ -$ 208,791 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 208,791 526 DIF Citywide -Circulation $ 194,349 $ 700,000 $ 2,000,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,894,349 527 DIF Citywide -Storm Drain Facilities $ -$ -$ 368,660 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 368,660 Other: Riverside County Flood Control $ -$ -$ 2,000,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,000,000 Developer Deposits $ -$ -$ 3,245 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,245 UNFUNDED $ -$ -$ 3,792,063 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,792,063 TOTALS $ 1,545,326 $ 1,670,713 $ 11,273,473 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 14,489,512 CIP 14-01 McCALL BOULEVARD / I-215 INTERCHANGE Project Cost by Phase Project Map Current Year Estimates Expenditures to- date Design $ 1,619,215 $ 239,290 Environmental $ 1,423,493 Right of Way $ 7,500,000 Construction Management $ 2,700,000 Construction $ 22,116,000 Total Project Costs $ 35,168,230 $ 239,290 Estimated Maintenance Cost: https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 105 Quality of Life Measure $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 200 Gas Tax $ 87,083 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 87,083 310 TUMF $ 2,852,230 $ 356,958 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,000,000 $ 16,209,188 220 Measure A $ 152,230 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 152,230 526 DIF Citywide -Circulation $ 356,958 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 700,000 $ 1,056,958 Developer Deposits $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,295 $ 92,295 UNFUNDED $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 17,570,476 $ 17,570,476 TOTALS $ 3,448,501 $ 356,958 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 31,362,771 $ 35,168,230 CIP 20-01 SCOTT ROAD / BUNDY CANYON ROAD WIDENING Project Cost by Phase Project Map Current Year Estimates Expenditures to-date Design $ 2,472,940 $ 1,512,883 Environmental $ 300,000 $ 150,000 Right of Way $ 3,900,000 Construction Management $ 2,656,125 Construction $ 21,212,113 Total Project Costs $ 30,541,178 $ 1,662,883 Estimated Maintenance Cost: https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 105 Quality of Life Measure $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,230,000 $ -$ 3,230,000 220 Measure A $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 310 TUMF $ 2,370,000 $ 2,809,000 $ -$ -$ -$ 7,729,000 $ -$ 12,908,000 320 Capital Projects $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 410 Scott Road RBBD $ 601,794 $ 169,640 $ -$ -$ -$ 624,926 $ -$ 1,396,360 527 DIF Citywide -Storm Drain Facilities $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Developer Deposits $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - UNFUNDED $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,006,818 $ -$ 13,006,818 TOTALS $ 2,971,794 $ 2,978,640 $ -$ -$ -$ 24,590,744 $ -$ 30,541,178 CIP 22-02 VALLEY BOULEVARD WIDENING AND MISSING LINKS Project Cost by Phase Project Map Current Year Estimates Expenditures to- date Design $ 520,000 Environmental $ 90,000 Right of Way $ 500,000 Construction Management $ 590,000 Construction $ 6,000,000 Total Project Costs $ 7,700,000 $ - Estimated Maintenance Cost: https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 105 Quality of Life Measure $ -$ -$ -$ 1,000,000 $ -$ 1,000,000 220 Measure A $ -$ -$ -$ 703,333 $ -$ 703,333 415 Menifee Valley RBBD $ -$ -$ -$ 1,934,642 $ -$ 1,934,642 526 DIF Citywide -Circulation $ -$ 1,300,000 $ -$ 2,319,631 $ -$ 3,619,631 527 DIF Citywide -Storm Drain Facilities $ -$ -$ -$ 442,394 $ -$ 442,394 UNFUNDED $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - TOTALS $ -$ 1,300,000 $ -$ 6,400,000 $ -$ 7,700,000 CIP 22-03 MCCALL BOULEVARD WIDENING Project Cost by Phase Project Map Current Year Estimates Expenditures to-date Design $ 340,000 Environmental $ 100,000 Right of Way $ 75,000 Construction Management $ 306,000 Construction $ 2,623,000 Total Project Costs $ 3,444,000 $ - Estimated Maintenance Cost: https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 105 Quality of Life Measure $ -$ -$ 927,000 $ 927,000 310 TUMF $ -$ 2,517,000 $ -$ 2,517,000 UNFUNDED $ -$ -$ -$ - $ - $ - TOTALS $ -$ 2,517,000 $ 927,000 $ 3,444,000 McCall Blvd.Menifee Rd. CIP 22-04 BAILEY PARK BOULEVARD WIDENING Project Cost by Phase Project Map Current Year Estimates Expenditures to- date Design $ 150,000 Environmental $ 50,000 Right of Way $ 150,000 Construction Management $ 80,000 Construction $ 1,800,000 Total Project Costs $ 2,230,000 $ - Estimated Maintenance Cost: https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 100 General Fund $ 450,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 450,000 105 Quality of Life Measure $ -$ 363,583 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 363,583 220 Measure A $ 657,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 657,000 Developer Deposits $ -$ 59,417 $ -$ -$ -$ - UNFUNDED $ -$ 700,000 $ -$ -$ -$ - TOTALS $ -$ 1,107,000 $ 1,123,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,230,000 CIP 21-11 Menifee Rd / Garbani Rd Traffic Signal Description: Re-align and widen existing intersection. Install new Traffic signal. Construct ADA ramps. Estimated Cost: $1,440,000 Funding Source: General Fund, DIF Citywide Circulation CIP 22-15 Antelope Rd / MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal Description: Install new Traffic signal. Construct ADA ramps. Estimated Cost: $600,000 Funding Source: DIF Citywide Circulation TRAFFIC SIGNALS NORMANDY ROAD PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS Project Cost by Phase Project Map Current Year Estimates Expenditures to-date Design $ 60,000 Environmental Right of Way Construction Management $ 32,000 Construction $ 318,000 Total Project Costs $ 410,000 $ - Estimated Maintenance Cost: https://cityofmenifee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=8604e81f1bb14fd3bda909f8ca27a5ea PROJECT BUDGET DETAILS Fund Source Approved Funding to date Proposed Future Funding Estimates TOTALFund #Fund Name 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Future Years 100 General Fund $ -$ 30,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000 105 Quality of Life Measure $ -$ 220,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 220,000 220 Measure A $ -$ 160,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ - TOTALS $ -$ 410,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 410,000 Normandy Rd. CIP 22-07: Tradewinds Community Resurfacing Description: Resurface existing pavement. Install ADA ramps as allowed by ROW. Estimated Cost:$969,663 Funding Source: Gas Tax, RMRA (SB1), Measure A CIP 22-06 Menifee Road Resurfacing (Holland Rd to Newport Rd) Description: Resurface existing pavement. Upgrade ADA ramps. Re-stripe for bicycle lanes, signage. Estimated Cost: $1,730,000 Funding Source: RMRA (SB1 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECTS Proposed Projects CS049 Fuel Station Description: Installation of an above ground fueling station at a TBD location. Installing an above ground fuel station and purchasing the fuel in bulk, would save an estimated cost of 50% a year. Right now, the City fleet spends an average of $300,000 annually on fuel, we could reduce that cost to $150,000 annually by purchasing in bulk. Our own fueling station would become a regional asset by allowing our emergency vehicles to get fuel in the case of a natural disaster where a regular gas station would be shut down. It will take an estimated 5 years to recoup the cost of the station. Location: TBD Estimated Cost: $750,000 Funding Source: General $150,000 annually in savings Regional Asset 5-year cost recovery Proposed Projects CS050 Police Station Parking lot Description: Replace back gravel parking lot with permeable surface. Asphalt front dirt parking lot Location: Police Station Estimated Cost: $390,000 Funding Source: General CS051 Police Station Upgrades Description: Completion of the perimeter wall, carports for detectives, and additional security lighting in the parking lots Location: Police Station Estimated Cost: $250,000 Funding Source: General Proposed Projects CS052 Park &Facility Multi-Use Building Description: Rehab the existing manufactures building behind Station 7 to create locker rooms for parks staff, Rangers as well as conference/training room and possibly sleeping quarters. Location: Station 7 Estimated Cost: $500,000 Funding Source: General CS053 Council Chambers Window Upgrades Description: Replace Council Chambers exterior windows with safety glass Location: City Hall Estimated Cost: $200,000 Funding Source: General Proposed Projects CS042 Sports Court Resurfacing Description: Renovation of the sports courts, basketball and tennis courts as well as volleyball courts Location: Hidden Hills Park, John Denver Park Estimated Cost: $80,000 Funding Source: City Wide DIF, CSA 33 reserves CS047 Shade Structure Description: Free standing shade structures to cover existing playgrounds Location: John Denver Park Estimated Cost: $45,000 Funding Source: CSA 33 reserves CS007 Park Amenity Enhancements Description: Replace and install new park furnishings: picnic tables, park benches, trash and coal receptacles and dog bag dispensers. Location: Lazy Creek, Mayfield, Central Estimated Cost: $50,000 Funding Source: 620 Quimby Proposed Projects CS021 Parking Lot Resurfacing Description: Slurry seal, curb/gutter and striping of existing parking lot Location: Lazy Creek Estimated Cost: $50,000 Funding Source: City Wide DIF CS014 Park Lighting Description: Replace or add new LED lighting at various parks Location: Evans Pump Track, Calle Tomas Estimated Cost: $150,000 Funding Source: City Wide DIF, 2015-2 Parks DIF CIP 13-03 HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS - TUMF o Total TUMF Commitment: $8,255,000 o City and WRCOG have already entered into an agreement for $6,455,000 from the FY 2020-2021 TIP. o In July /August 2021 WRCOG’s board will approve the 2021-2022 TIP which includes $1,800,000 in additional TUMF funds towards the Holland Road Overpass. ADOPTED 2020 TIP PROPOSED 2021 TIP Fiscal Year FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 Current Programmed Phase Balance Total Phase Payments/ Expenditures Original Programmed Phase Cost 18-CN-MEN-1181 Holland Road / I-215 Overcrossing PLN CON $555,000 $2,100,000 $3,800,000 $6,455,000 $6,455,000 Fiscal Year FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 Current Programmed Phase Balance Total Phase Payments/ Expenditures Original Programmed Phase Cost 18-CN-MEN-1181 Holland Road / I-215 Overcrossing PLN CON $3,250,000 $5,005,000 $8,255,000 $8,255,000 5 YEAR CIP-TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 13-03 Holland Road Overpass $10,515,368 $31,220,611 1 CIP 13-04 Bradley Road Bridge over Salt Creek $1,670,713 $14,489,512 1 CIP 14-01 McCall Boulevard / I-215 Interchange $356,958 $35,168,230 1 CIP 20-01 Scott Road / Bundy Canyon Road Widening $2,978,640 $30,541,178 2 CIP 20-05 Garbani Road / I-215 Interchange $60,560,000 2 CIP 20-13 Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge $6,425,000 1 CIP 22-02 Valley Boulevard Widening and Missing Links $1,300,000 $7,700,000 1 CIP 22-03 McCall Boulevard Widening $2,517,000 $3,444,000 1 CIP 22-04 Bailey Boulevard Widening $1,107,000 $2,230,000 2 PW-TR-01 Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek $16,750,000 2 PW-TR-02 Menifee Road Widening (Scott-Garbani)$6,603,000 3 PW-TR-03 Haun Road Widening (Holland Rd to Scott Rd)$6,317,000 3 PW-TR-04 Encanto Drive Widening (McCall-McLaughlin)$2,901,000 3 PW-TR-05 Murrieta Road Widening (McCall to Ethanac)$2,927,000 3 PW-TR-06 Murrieta Road Widening (Scott-Newport)$6,000,000 3 PW-TR-07 Holland Road Widening (Murrieta Rd to Haun Rd)$3,416,000 4 PW-TR-08 Linderberger Rd Widening (Silver Summit Dr to Trailhead Dr)$1,270,000 4 PW-TR-09 Goetz Road Widening $17,334,000 4 PW-TR-10 Garbani Road (I-215 to Menifee Road)$2,328,600 4 PW-TR-11 Garbani Road (Menifee Road to Briggs Road)$4,500,000 4 PW-TR-12 Garbani Road (I-215 to Bradley Road)$3,864,575 2 CIP 22-13 Briggs Road (Garbani Road to Loretta Avenue) $3,840,000 4 PW-TR-14 Antelope Road Widening (Craig Avenue to Scott Road)$3,460,000 4 PW-TR-15 Antelope Rd / Ethanac / HWY 74 Intersection Realignment $7,500,000 4 PW-TR-16 Ethanac Road Widening (Trumbull Road to Antelope Road)$6,000,000 4 PW-TR-17 Pedestrian Bridge Over I-215 at Rouse Road $5,500,000 4 PW-TR-18 Menifee Road Widening (Watson Rd to SR 74)$3,600,000 4 PW-TR-19 Menifee Road Widening (Biscayne Rd to Mathews)$3,500,000 4 PW-TR-20 Murrieta Road/Holland Road Intersection Realignment $5,000,000 4 PW-TR-21 Study -Infrastructure Needs of Northern Gateway (East of I-215)$100,000 $20,445,679 $304,489,70730Projects 5 YEAR CIP –TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 21-11 Menifee Road / Garbani Road Traffic Signal $1,140,000 $1,440,000 3 PW-TS-01 McCall Boulevard / Grosse Pointe Traffic Signal $600,000 2 PW-TS-02 Hwy 74 / 3rd Street Traffic Signal $725,000 2 PW-TS-03 Hwy 74 / Tradewinds Traffic Signal $550,000 1 CIP 22-15 Antelope Road / MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal $600,000 $600,000 3 PW-TS-05 Menifee Road / Craig Road Traffic Signal $575,000 3 PW-TS-06 Cherry Hills Boulevard / Peeble Beach Traffic Signal $575,000 2 PW-TS-07 Murrieta Road / Chambers Road Traffic Signal $950,000 3 PW-TS-08 Bradley Road / Cherry Hills Boulevard Traffic Signal $575,000 3 PW-TS-09 Menifee Road / Lake Fork Road Traffic Signal $575,000 2 PW-TS-10 Bradley Road / Peeble Beach Drive Traffic Signal $575,000 1 CIP 22-16 Murrieta Road / La Piedra Road Traffic Signal $850,000 1 PW-TS-12 Menifee Road / Mathews Road Traffic Signal $1,400,000 4 PW-TS-13 Evans Road / Craig Road Traffic Signal $575,000 4 PW-TS-14 Bradley Road / Rim Creek Path Traffic Signal $575,000 4 PW-TS-15 Zeiders Road / Keller Road Traffic Signal $575,000 4 PW-TS-16 Goetz Road / Avenida Roble Traffic Signal $575,000 3 PW-TS-17 Goetz Road / Vista Way Traffic Signal $575,000 2 PW-TS-18 Briggs Road / Garbani Road Traffic Signal $575,000 $1,740,000 $13,440,000 19 Projects 5 YEAR CIP –STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 22-08 Normandy Road Pedestrian Improvements $410,000 $410,000 2 PW-IMP-02 Lindenberger Road -Sidewalk Improvements $650,000 3 PW-IMP-03 Bradley Road And Newport Road Intersection Improvments $230,000 2 PW-IMP-04 HSIP -Menifee Road (Hwy 74 to City Limits)$100,000 2 PW-IMP-05 HSIP -Menifee Road (McCall Blvd to Hwy 74)$500,000 2 PW-IMP-06 HSIP -McCall Blvd. (Encanto Dr. to Menifee Rd.)$345,000 2 PW-IMP-07 HSIP -Sun City Blvd. (Manchester Dr. to Cherry Hills Blvd.)$54,000 1 CIP 22-14 HSIP -Newport Road Raised Medians (Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd)$810,000 3 PW-IMP-09 HSIP -Haun Road (Newport Rd. to Scott Rd.)$65,400 3 PW-IMP-10 HSIP -Antelope Road (Newport Rd. to Scott Rd.)$71,099 2 PW-IMP-11 ATP -Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74)$1,800,000 2 PW-IMP-12 ATP -La Piedra Road at Bell Mountain Middle School $191,674 3 PW-IMP-13 ATP -Sun City Community $157,938 3 PW-IMP-14 ATP -Lazy Creek Park $285,648 3 PW-IMP-15 ATP -Watson Road at Harvest Valley Elementary School $345,301 3 PW-IMP-16 ATP -Bradley Road at Chester W. Morrison Elementary School $533,672 4 PW-IMP-17 Highway 74 Parkway Landscape (SCE frontage)$300,000 4 PW-IMP-18 Holland Road Raised Median (Sherman Road to Haun Road)$450,000 4 PW-IMP-19 Citywide Signage and Wayfinding Program $3,500,000 4 PW-IMP-20 Interchange Beautification -Newport Road $4,000,000 4 PW-IMP-21 Interchange Beautification -Scott Road $4,000,000 4 PW-IMP-22 Newport Road / Menifee Road Intersection Improvements $1,100,000 4 PW-IMP-23 Study -Newport Road Corridor (Antelope Road to Briggs Road)$50,000 $410,000 $19,949,732 23 Projects 5 YEAR CIP –PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 21-17 Peacock Place Community Resurfacing $ 222,999 $1,312,999 1 CIP 22-06 Menifee Rd Resurfacing and Median Improvements -Holland Rd to Newport Road $ 1,730,000 $1,730,000 1 CIP 22-07 Tradewinds Community (Romoland north of Hwy 74)$ 969,663 $969,663 2 PW-PMP-02 Neighborhood north of Chambers Road and East of Sun City Blvd (Sun City)$800,000 2 PW-PMP-03 Lazy Creek Community (between Newport and Lazy Creek Road)$700,000 1 PW-PMP-04 Romoland Grid Neighborhood $1,200,000 2 PW-PMP-05 Community South of Grand Avenue and West of Antelope Road $950,000 2 PW-PMP-06 Casa Blanca Neighborhood (south of McCall)$1,000,000 1 PW-PMP-07 Menifee Meadows Neighborhood (East of Bradley and South of La Piedra)$1,000,000 2 PW-PMP-08 Lake Ridge Estates Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes) $750,000 4 PW-PMP-09 Willowood Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes) $950,000 1 PW-PMP-10 Neighborhood East of Bradley from Potomac Rd to El Rancho (Sun City)$5,500,000 2 PW-PMP-11 Murrieta Road Resurfacing -San Quintin to Salt Creek $1,450,000 2 PW-PMP-12 Antelope Rd Resurfacing -Holland Rd to Newport Rd $1,400,000 3 PW-PMP-13 Menifee Rd resurfacing -Newport Road to Aldergate Drive $1,300,000 3 PW-PMP-14 Antelope Rd Resurfacing -Newport Rd to Aldergate Dr $1,050,000 2 PW-PMP-15 Menifee Road Resurfacing -Simpson Road to train tracks $2,100,000 3 PW-PMP-16 Cherry Hills Blvd Resurfacing-Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd $852,000 3 PW-PMP-17 Briggs Rd Resurfacing -Hwy 74 to Mapes $989,000 3 PW-PMP-18 Garbani Rd Resurfacing -Antelope Rd to Menifee Rd $890,323 3 PW-PMP-19 Mapes Rd Resurfacing -Sherman Rd to Malaga Rd $871,000 $ 2,922,662 $27,764,985 21 Projects 5 YEAR CIP –STREET LIGHT PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 2 PW-SL-01 Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74)$500,000 2 PW-SL-02 Quail Valley Grid Area $500,000 3 CIP 22-18 Vista Way and Casa Bonita Drive $250,000 $1,250,000 5 YEAR CIP –DRAINAGE PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 2 PW-SD-01 Ridgemore Road Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel $353,000 2 PW-SD-02 Sun City Blvd. Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel $280,000 2 PW-SD-03 Cherry Hills Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel $280,000 2 CIP 22-17 Catch Basin Retrofit Program $800,000 2 PW-SD-05 Byers Rd at Ethanac Rd Drainage Improvements $1,500,000 4 PW-SD-06 MDP -Craig Avenue and Hawthorne Street $9,810,000 4 PW-SD-07 MDP -Lazy Creek Street and Murrieta Road $2,710,000 4 PW-SD-08 MDP -Murrieta Road and Garbani Road $810,000 4 PW-SD-09 MDP -Normandy Road at Salt Creek Channel $2,220,000 $18,763,000 9 Projects 3 Projects 5 YEAR CIP –FACILITIES PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 3 CIP 21-05 New Menifee City Hall $36,100,000 3 PW-BLD-01 Fire Station #68 -Interior Improvements (Phase 2)$2,300,000 1 PW-BLD-02 Menifee Central Police HQ $4,950,000 4 PW-BLD-03 Public Works Corporation Yard $10,000,000 4 PW-BLD-04 New 5th Station (Northerly Area)$6,000,000 1 F-001 Fuel Station $750,000 $750,000 1 F-002 Police Station Parking Lot Upgrades $390,000 $390,000 2 F-003 Police Station Upgrades (Wall, Carport, Lighting)$250,000 $250,000 1 F-004 Park & Facility Multi-Use Trailers $500,000 $500,000 2 F-005 Council Chambers Window Upgrade $200,000 $200,000 3 F-006 Old Fire Station 5 Renovation $200,000 $2,090,000 $61,640,000 11 Projects 5 YEAR CIP –PARKS, TRAILS, AND RECREATION PROJECTS PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #PROJECT NAME PROPOSED FY 21-22 BUDGET TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 4 CS004 Street Median/Parkway Conversion $300,000 2 CS007 Park Amenity Enhancements $50,000 $275,000 4 CS009 Irrigation Upgrades and Control System (PW)$75,000 1 CS010 (17-01)Evans Park Design/Construction $11,805,000 2 CS014 Park Lighting $150,000 $250,000 1 CS021 Parking Lot Resurfacing and Trash Enclosures $50,000 $150,000 3 CS029 Utility Corridor Trail $2,000,000 4 CS031 Park Land Acquisition $2,060,000 4 CS037 Bradley Basin Park $2,500,000 4 CS039 E.L. Peterson Dog Park Expansion $200,000 2 CS042 Sports Court Resurfacing $80,000 $218,000 2 CS047 (21-06)Shade Structures $45,000 $365,000 4 CS048 Community Center at La Piedra Road $3,500,000 2 CS049 Salt Creek Trail Parking $250,000 4 CS050 Quail Valley Science Center $2,500,000 $375,000 $26,448,000 15 Projects