2021-07-07 City Council Item No. 11.3 Annual Charges for Landscaping and Lightening Maintenance District No. 89-1-C for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsPUBLIC HEARING 11.3 ANNUAL CHARGES FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 89-1-C FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 ROCHELLE CLAYTON DEPUTY CITY MANAGER JULY 7, 2021 Discussion •Each Fiscal Year,the City places assessments on the tax roll for Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No.89-1-C (LLMD 89-1-C) for assessment zones and street lighting assessment zones located within the City.The LLMD 89-1-C maintains and services 44 zones (75 locations)throughout the City.The assessments collected from each zone pays for the services authorized under the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 and Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State of California. •The assessments for Fiscal Year 2021-22 are $844,591 Discussion (cont.) •The primary improvements provided within LLMD No. 89-1-C include: •maintenance and servicing of landscape,multi-purpose trails, fencing,inspection of contractor’s work,coordination of irrigationschedules,backflow devices and fossil filter improvements within public right-of-way,and providing electricity to streetlights. •In addition to the costs of the forgoing services,proceeds of the special assessments may be expended to pay administrative expensesandforthecollectionofreservefunds. Discussion (cont.) •The City is required by the County of Riverside to provide a certified Resolution to the Auditor/Controller’s office each year to confirm the special assessment levy for LLMD No.89-1-C for the annual property tax roll. •By continuing to administer and enroll the assessment and charges for LLMD No.89-1-C,the City is able to continue to provide the maintenance and services currently offered to the properties located within the District. •After the adoption of the Resolution the City will be able to enroll the LLMD No.89-1-C assessments to the Riverside County tax roll for FY 2021-22. LLMD No. 89-1-C Location Map Recommended Action •Fiscal Impact •ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION WILL ALLOW THE CITY TO COLLECT SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO MEET ITS MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION FOR THIS LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTINGMAINTENANCEDISTRICT. •Recommended Action •CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION ORDERING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 FOR LANDSCAPING ANDLIGHTINGMAINTENANCEDISTRICTNO.89-1-C. Questions?Thank You.