2021-07-07 City Council Item No. 10.4 Chamber MOU Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsItem 10.4 Fiscal Year 2021/22
Background •The City Council approved a Memorandum of
Understanding (“MOU”) on August 21, 2013, with
the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce.
•The existing MOU indicates the agreement shall
automatically renew annually with the adoption
of the City’s annual budget and with the
adjustment of the “Attachment A” to the MOU.
•To further enhance outreach efforts with the
Menifee business community, staff had agreed
about a task list of activities, information
programs, training programs, events, and
promotional products and services for Fiscal Year
Approved FY 20/21 Amount FY 20/21 Actuals FY 21/22 Proposed Amount
Mayors Industry Idea Exchange
(3 in-person events)$2,000 $2,000 Mayors Industry Idea Exchange
(3 in-person events)$2,000
Visionary Membership $7,500 $7,500 Diamond Gem Sponsorship $10,000
Broker’s Luncheon $5,000 $5,000 Broker’s Luncheon $5,000
Workshops for
Businesses/Menifee Munch $4,000 $3,000 Four Workshops for Businesses
(must be Keep results)$4,000
Job Fair & Tech Expo (2)$4,500 $2,250 Job Fair & Career Expo (1)$3,500
Business Survey & Annual
Report (KEEP Business Walk) $5,000 $3,500 Business Survey & Annual Report
(KEEP Business Walk) $5,000
Innovation Month Event $2,000 -Innovation Month Event $2,000
ICSC Attendance (Ex. Dir. Only)$2,000 -*Manufacturing Co-Host Event $3,000
City Sponsorships/Misc. $5,000 $3,500 *Commercial/Office Broker Tour-
Hosted with Econ Dev $4,500
Business Recovery Resources
Conference (Specific to CEDS)$6,000 -*Monthly Business Walks w/ Econ
Dev (10 businesses a month)$6,000
MVCC Administration $2,000 $2,000
Total Budgeted Contribution $45,000 $28,750 Total Proposed $45,000
•Several line items have not been
fully funded as the Chamber has
endured staffing transitions over
the past year
•The total remaining line items
amounting to $16,250 were
reduced from the original MOU
as they were not completed,
repurposed or development into
a new event
•However, staff has worked with
the Chamber to develop the
proposed task list for FY 21-22,
which is felt to be obtainable
with Chamber staff on board
FY 20/21 MOU
Status Update
-Items noted in red were either partially funded or not funded due to staffing transitions *NEW
Staff Recommendation:
1. Approve a Resolution, updating the list of activities,
information and training programs, events, and promotional
products in connection with the Menifee Valley Chamber of
Commerce for Fiscal Year 2021/22.
Questions? Thank you.