2021-06-02 City Council Item No. 12.1 Public Comment - Perkins REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:Gregory Perkins
To:Public Comments
Subject:Capital Improvement Project No. 1915 (CS030) Central Park AmphitheaterProfessional Design, Engineering and
Architectural Services Agreement
Date:Wednesday, June 2, 2021 4:31:24 PM
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Dear City Council:
I write this email in full support of the professional design, engineering, and
architectural services agreement proposal that is before the council for
approval. As the Lead Pastor of The View Church, we are both a congregation
and property owner. This amphitheater will enhance the overall quality of life of
Menifee citizens and further our goal of making our great city a destination point
and world class city for families. Event venues are a hallmark that establishes
and differentiates between a great city and a mediocre city. I urge the council to
approve this proposal as we work together to make our city even greater.
Pastor Greg Perkins
The View Church
Sun City