2022-03-02 City Council SPECIAL MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers „ oR Menifee City Council 29844 Haun Road G Special Meeting Minutes Menifee, CA 92586 ` M E N I F E E Wednesday, March 02, 2022 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor '"~ 4 3:00 PM Special Meeting Greg August, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Armando G. Villa, City Manager Lesa Sobek, District 3 Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Dean Deines, District 4 Stephanie Roseen, Clerk Special Meeting Minutes SPECIAL MEETING 3:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the special meeting to order at 3:00 PM. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: None 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Michael Cano, Quality of Life Measure Committee Member, led the flag salute. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Mid -Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Public Works Director Nick Fidler. Mr. Fidler provided a presentation and reported on the completed projects through March 2022; projects in construction; projects currently in design; Holland Road Overpass; Central Park Amphitheater; Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects that are on hold; mid -year CIP requests: Salt Creek Trail Improvements, Bell Mountain Middle School Pedestrian Project, Newport Road raised medians, Audie Murphy Ranch (AMR) Resurfacing, and AMR skate park improvements; and mid -year CIP project changes. The City Council inquired about the on -hold projects, solar powered park lighting, AMR Skate Park Improvements, Holland Road Overpass funding, priority ranking, and grants received, Antelope Road repaving, Central Park Amphitheater, Salt Creek Trail feasibility study, Willows neighborhood in Menifee Lakes street resurfacing, Active Transportation Plan (ATP) improvements in Sun City, Bradly Road bridge of Salt Creek funding, and Antelope Road and MSJC traffic signal. The City Council and staff discussed there may be a need to reevaluate the project priorities due to the economy's increased projected project costs. Menifee Mayor and City Council March 2, 2022 Page 1 of 2 Mr. Villa introduced Financial Services Manager Margarita Cornejo. Ms. Cornejo provided a presentation and reported on the budget process; economic outlook; revenue analysis; expenditure analysis; and personnel and staffing requests. Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, Menifee Police Chief Pat Walsh, and Police Captains Chris Karrer and Dave Gutierrez reported on the Menifee Police Department mid -year staff requests and related expenditures. The City Council inquired about police response times. Ms. Cornejo continued with the presentation and reported on the fiscal year 2021/22 CIP program; mid -year appropriations; American Rescue Plan (ARP); mid- year summary; and the recommended actions. The City Council inquired about the ARP funds, consideration of a possible economic downturn, expenditure analysis breakdowns, police department staff comparison, vehicle fleet sustainability, initial police department projections, student resource officer program, Consumer Price Increase (CPI) projections, WM revenue, La Piedra and Murrieta Road traffic signal, and ARP funded programs. The City Council provided consensus to reallocate three of the City Council designated offices for staff use. Councilmember Sobek stated the importance of reducing the police department response times and the emergency mass notification system Mayor Zimmerman stated the importance of sustainability as the City continues to grow. ACTION 1. Accepted the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 mid -year budget review and adopted Resolution No. 22-1121 to approve additional appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 22-1122 to update the City's Authorized Position Listing to approve staffing changes; and 3. Approved partial use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds/plan as recommended; and 4. Approved the update to the FY 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program to include various Capital Improvement Projects and/or updated funding as presented for approval. 5. ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 5:07 PM. 4teopnie Roseen, CMC Acting City Clerk Menifee Mayor and City Council March 2, 2022 Page 2 of 2