2022/01/11 Certificate of DestructionPaper Recycling Shredding Specialisls, Inc. 1391 E. Mission Blvd. Pomona. CA 91766 Receipt of this Cerirtcarc guarantees lhat all records documents received from City of Mendee (New City Hall location) localed at: 29844 Huan Rd Menifee, CA 92586 by Paper Recycling Shredding Specialists, Inc. was shredded at the address noted on this certificate In addition. the lomer acknowledges lhat they were given the opportunity to wilness th truction paper,h the on-site shredding process ytU2022 ulhorize Date C ertfficute of Destruction *or"@ifuon"\f [f11 aCustomer Acknow Customer Printed Name An ival tinre: Item description of products shredded Departure tinle 5 Security Containers Boxes Executive Security Consoles W eigit fu he n aPPl ica b le ) 6t"4t*^rne \.f4^-