2013-10-23 Special CC MinutesCity of Menifee City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
October 23,2013
l\Iayor Scott Mann called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m
Present were: Mayor Scott Mann, Deputy Mayor Wallace Edgerton (arrived 4:08 p.m.),
Councrlmember Greg August, Councilmember John Denver, Councilmember Tom Fuhrman,
lnterim City Manager Robert Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Dave Kwon, City Clerk Kathy
Bennett, Administrative Services Director Julie Woodruff, Director of Public Works Jonathan
Smith, Building Official Colin McNie, Director of Finance Terri Willoughby, Economic
Development Director Jeff Wyman, Human Resources Pat Grob, Director of Community
Development Charles LaClarre, Assistant City Engineer Rafael Martinez, Sheriff Stan Sniff,
Director of Administrative Services Will Taylor, Captain Mike Judge, Lt. Charles Guillen and one
member of the public.
Chuck Reutter noted he heard Captain Judge speak and he felt that this city is in good
hands with this Captain in charge of the Perris Station and the Menifee Police
Workshop Presentation of Sheriff Department Contract Services
Sheriff Stan Sniff and Finance Administrator Will Taylor reviewed the County Agreement
for Sheriff services and explained the way the services apply to the City of Menifee. Will
Tayor and Sheriff Sniff went over the fact that all services paid are at cost, and that the
County expects full cost recovery. Mr. Taylor noted the way services are priced and how
salaries and benefits are calculated and the fact that the cost to the City included training
and supplies, etc. He explained baseline services and how budget estimates are given
to help each city budget.
Council asked questions of the Sheriff regarding the contract and noted concerns about
rising costs among other things.
Kathy Bennett, City Clerk
Mayor Mann adjourned the meeting at 6:08 p.m.