2013-07-30 CC Minutes SpecialGity of Menifee Cityr Council
Meeting Minutes Special Meeting
July 30, 2013
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Mayor Mann called the Special Meeting Study Session to order at 4:00 p.m
Present were: Mayor Scott Mann, Deputy Mayor Wallace Edgerton (arrived at 4:08 p.m.),
Councilmember Greg August, Councilmember John Denver, Councilmember Tom Fuhrman,
lnterim City Manager Robert Johnson, City Attorney Julie Hayward Biggs, City Clerk Kathy
Bennett, Administrative Services Director Julie Woodruff, Director of Finance Terri Willoughby,
Director of Public Works Jonathan Smith, Economic Development Director Jeff Wyman, and
approximately 20 members of the public.
Public Comments taken after presentation, as speakers came forward at that time
Patricia Sims - asked if the same provisions could apply to existing restaurants that would
desire expansion. The City Manager noted they could in the currently worded ordinance. She
asked about the application fee and the City Manager noted there is no application fee for this
type of program application.
Marnie Palmerin - offered details on the Shops at Scott suites available, etc.
Workshop for Discussion of Possible Business lncentive Ordinance
lnterim City Manager Johnson noted that the objective of the workshop is to review the
components of the ordinance that will be presented to the City Council in the future and
answer questions about the proposed ordinance. He noted it was requested by the
Mayor and supported by the full Council and staff has created a program and the
ordrnance to detail the important factors involved.
Economic Development Director Wyman gave an overview of the program noting
application procedure, the analysis involved, examples of the types of incentives
possible, the various tools to make each incentive possible and the fact that the ultimate
approval is through the City Council on a case-by-case basis. No application is
automatically approve, but the ordinance gives tools for working with businesses than
can bring the type of business to the City that tis desired by its residents.
Councilmembers asked various questions of the possible ways the ordinance might
assist in attracting businesses. Economic Development Director Wyman continued to
note that this is a case-by-case basis and the Council has the control and final authority.
Council discussed a possible "sunset" clause but it was determined that this item should
be reviewed after several years to see how effective rt is as no ending date, as such, is
needed. He also noted that it could be amended by this or future Councils.
Councilmembers discussed the possibility of also adding wording to attract developers to
develop the sort of pOect on empty land that will attract new businesses. The Council
agreed that language should be added prior to the meeting where the ordinance will be
Mayor Mann adjourned the meeting at 5:05 p.m
thy Bennett, City Cle tt2f,
City of Menifee City Council
Meeting Minutes - Special Meeting
July 30, 2013 Page 2