2021-12-15 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 MINUTES CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM) Menifee City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, December 15, 2021 5:30 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Mayor Zimmerman called Closed Session to order at 5:31 PM. Present were Councilmembers Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Mayor Pro Tern Sobek, and Mayor Zimmerman. The City Council recessed to Closed Session for the purpose listed below. Councilmembers Karwin and Liesemeyer recused themselves. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 2 potential cases REGULAR MEETING 6:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting at order at 6:01 PM. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching reported that Councilmembers Karwin and Liesemeyer did not participate in Closed Session and stated there was no reportable action. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: None 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Gregory Perkins - The View Church Pastor Gregory Perkins was unable to attend the meeting. Bruce Chapman, First Councilor of the Menifee Church of Latter -Day Saints, provided the words of inspiration. Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 1 of 16 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Planning Commissioner Ben Diederich led the flag salute. 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Introduction to WRCOG Executive Director Kurt Wilson Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Executive Director Kurt Wilson introduced himself and reviewed the current WRCOG programs. 5.2 Outstanding Citizen of the Month — Joan Wakeland The City Council recognized the Outstanding Citizen of the Month Joan Wakeland and thanked her for her community service and congratulated her on being crowned Mrs. International Woman of Achievement. 5.3 Business Spotlight — Clever Fox Escape Rooms Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez introduced the Business Spotlight program and the recipient of this month's Business Spotlight, Clever Fox Escape Rooms. Ms Gonzalez spoke on their community services efforts in Menifee and provided a short video. Tom and Jenny Crunk thanked the City Council for their support. 5.4 Retirement Recognition — Yolanda Macalalad Public Works Director Nick Fidler and the City Council recognized Assistant City Engineer Yolanda Macalalad for her accomplishments and years of dedicated service to the City of Menifee. City staff and the City Council congratulated her and wished her well in her retirement. Ms. Macalalad thanked the City for the kind words. 5.5 Community Services Update Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks and Community Services Supervisor Cynthia Morquecho provided a presentation and reported on the Community Services activities and events. Community Services Coordinator Michael Rinehart introduced the fall quarter teen awardees Caleb Russell, Kaitlyn Restrepo, and Karliana Wise. 6. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated staff requested to move discussion item nos. 13.3 and 13.4 prior to the public hearing items. The City Council approved the agenda unanimously (5-0) as modified. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON -AGENDA ITEMS) Zoltan Varga commented on transient activity in a vacant building within Sun City. Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 2 of 16 Ms. Miller spoke in opposition of development. Debbie Manion provided an update and thanked the City and the City Council for their assistance with Santa's Workshop. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember Karwin reported on the meetings and events he attended. • Sun City Library Redistricting Meeting Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade Student of the Month Councilmember Karwin acknowledged the work of the Menifee Police Department. Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meeting he attended. • Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Councilmember Deines reported on the meetings and events he attended. • Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade • SoCal Public Safety Community Fair • Industrial Workshop • KPC Hospital Advisory Board Meeting Mayor Pro Tern Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended. • SoCal Public Safety Community Fair • Menorah Lighting at Central Park • Breakfast with Santa • Riverside County Supervisor Board Meeting • Evening of Gratitude Mayor Pro Tern Sobek acknowledged the hard work of the Public Works Maintenance staff. Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended. • Menifee Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting • Rotary Club Social • Government Advisory Group Meeting KPC Hospital Advisory Board Meeting • First Trading Post Outdoor Market Event • Fitness Day at Central Park • History Program at Rural Center • Western Riverside Counties and Programs Committee Meeting • Evening of Gratitude • Thanksgiving Meal at the Senior Center Coffee Meeting with the Menifee Union School District Superintendent • Menorah Lighting at Central Park Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 3 of 16 • Travel Club Event • SoCal Public Safety Community Fair • Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade • Riverside County Supervisor Board Meeting • Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Meeting • Community Partners Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent • Centennial HOA Holiday Event • CalCities Riverside Division Virtual Meeting for Mayors Mayor Zimmerman stated Santa's Workshop would take place on Saturday, December 18, 2021 and there would be a band playing on Sunday, December 19, 2021 at Central Park. 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 November 17, 2021 Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 10. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION 10.1 Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Mayor Zimmerman said that the Mayor Pro Tem title has been routed through the Councilmembers by district. He thanked Lesa Sobek, District 3, for her service as Mayor Pro Tem over the past year and nominated Councilmember Deines, District 4, as the Mayor Pro Tem for the upcoming year. ACTION 1. Appointed Dean Deines as Mayor Pro Tem. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.2 2022 City Council Appointments to Regional Boards and Commissions Mayor Pro Tem Deines asked if Councilmember Karwin would like to take his place on the City and School District Committee. Councilmember Karwin accepted. ACTION 1. Approved the 2022 City Council Appointments as amended and below. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 4 of 16 Agency/Board Meeting dates and times Riverside County 2"d Wednesday of Transportation each month Commission (RCTC) 9:30 a.m. • Western Riverside 4tn Monday of Co. Programs & each month Projects 1:30 p.m. Committee Western Riverside Council of Governments 111 Monday of each (WRCOG) and month WRCOG TUMF Program 2:00 p.m. Zone Committee Western Riverside 1 st Monday of each Regional Conservation month Authority (WRCRCA) 12:30 p.m. Riverside County Habitat 3rd Thursday, Conservation Agency various months RCHCA 10:00 a.m. Riverside Transit Agency 4tn Thursday of (RTA) each month 2:00 p.m. Southern California Association of Governments SCAG) PARSAC Regional Hospital Advisory Board Loma Linda Hospital Advisory Board Menifee Chamber of Commerce Southwest Communities Financing Authority (Animal Friends of the Valle f Council Standing Committees Finance Committee City & School Districts Committee Representative(s) or Alternate Board Member(s) Zimmerman Deines Zimmerman Deines Liesemeyer Sobek Sobek Karwin Sobek Karwin Deines I Karwin Karwin Deines City Manager Zimmerman Deines Zimmerman Sobek Zimmerman Karwin Deines Karwin Meeting Dates and Times Members I As needed Deines, Sobek Annual — Prior to start of new Sobek, Karwin school year Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 5 of 16 Council Ad Hoc Committee Purpose Members Review & provide guidance to Economic Development Ad Economic Development Hoc Committee Department on key projects/initiatives as needed for the year 11. CONSENT CALENDAR Zimmerman, Liesemeyer Councilmember Sobek requested to pull item no. 11.10. Councilmember Liesemeyer request to pull item nos. 11.17 and 11.19. The balance of the consent calendar was approved by the following vote. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 11.1 Waiver of Reading ACTION 1. Waived the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provided that they be read by title only. 11.2 Warrant Register ACTION 1. Ratified and approved the Voucher Lists dated 11/05/2021 and 11/19/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT's dated 10/25/2021,10/28/2021, 10/29/2021, 11 /02/2021, 11 /03/2021, 11 /04/2021, 11 /09/2021, 11 /10/2021, 11 /12/2021, and 11/18/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 10/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,819,551.92. 11.3 Monthly Public Safety Reports ACTION 1. Received and filed. 11.4 First Amendment to the Agreement for City Attorney Services ACTION 1. Approved the first amendment to the agreement for City Attorney services. 11.5 Menifee Police Officers Association Memorandum of Understanding President of the Menifee Police Officers Association, Luis Isarraraz, expressed his gratitude and thanked staff for the meetings and Memorandum of Understanding process. Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 6 of 16 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1105, approving the foundational Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Menifee Police Officers Association (MPOA), through June 30, 2024; and 2. Authorized the City Manager or designee to execute MOU and Resolution. tentative agreement for the between the City of Menifee for the period of July 1, 2021 and implement terms of the Annual Cleaning and Inspection of City Maintained Fossil Filters and Catch Basins Agreement with United Storm Water, Inc. ACTION 1. Awarded and approved an agreement with United Storm Water, Inc. for fiscal year 2021/22 for fossil filter and catch basin cleaning in the not -to -exceed amount of $54,143.48; and 2. Authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement and three optional one-year extensions for fiscal years 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25. Agreement Amendment with MTGL for the Premier/Menifee Lakes Resurfacing Improvement Project ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with MTGL for additional materials testing services in the amount of $4,471.79. Agreement with Roadway Engineering & Contracting, Inc. for the Menifee Road and Garbani Road Traffic Signal Improvement Project ACTION 1. Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute an owner contractor agreement with Roadway Engineering & Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $1,127,922 to perform construction of the Menifee Road and Garbani RoadTraffic Signal Improvement, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP 21-11. Agreement with LC Paving & Sealing, Inc. for Murrieta Road and Sun City Boulevard Traffic Signal Improvement Project ACTION 1. Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute an Owner -Contractor Agreement with LC Paving & Sealing, Inc. in the amount of $819,469.59 to perform construction of the Murrieta Road and Sun City Boulevard Traffic Signal Improvement, Capital Improvement Project No. 21-09; and 2. Approved Resolution No. 21-11-06, appropriating additional funding in theamount of $189,955.60 into the project budget from the DIF Citywide Circulationavailable fund balance. Antelope Road Raised Safety Median Project Notice of Completion and Acceptance Councilmember Sobek stated she had received calls regarding the median and illegal turns. Public Works Director Nick Fidler stated he would have staff review the situation. ACTION Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 7 of 16 1. Accepted the improvements for the Antelope Road Raised Safety Median Project; and 2. Authorized the City Clerk's Office to file the Notice of Completion for the Antelope Road Raised Safety Median Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP19- 03, with the Riverside County Recorder's Office. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 11.11 Bond Release for Tract Map 31390 by Sutter Mitland 01, LLC ACTION 1. Approved the release of 10% bond for Road and Drainage, Water, and Sewer Improvements associated with Tract No. 31390 located southwest of Murphy Ranch Road and Murrieta Road; and 2. Approved the release of the Survey Monument Bond for Tract Map 31390. 11.12 Bond Release for Parcel Map 32269, Phase I Backbone Improvements (Audie Murphy Road South) by Sutter Mitland 01, LLC ACTION 1. Approved the 10% bond release for Streets and Drainage, Water, Recycled Water, and Sewer Improvements associated with Parcel Map 32269, Phase I Backbone Improvements located along Newport Road and Audie Murphy Road. 11.13 Bond Release for Tract No. 30422-3, Heritage Lakes by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. ACTION 1. Approved the 10% bond release for Streets and Drainage, Water, and Sewer improvements associated with Tract No. 30422-3 located south of Old NewportRoad and west of Briggs Road. 11.14 Bond Release for Tract No. 31582-1 and Tract No. 31582, Heritage Hills by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. ACTION 1. Approved the 10% bond release for Streets and Drainage, Water, and Sewer Improvements associated with Tract No. 31582-1 located south of Simpson Road and west of Lindenberger Road; and 2. Approved the 10% bond release for the Streets and Drainage, Water, and Sewer Improvements associated with Tract No. 31582 located east of Menifee Road and south of Simpson Road. 11.15 Second Reading and Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Citywide Prima Facie Speed Limits Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 8 of 16 ACTION 1. Adopted Ordinance No. 2021-332 2. amending sections 12.04.010 and 12.04.020 of the Menifee Municipal Code to update the prima facie speed limits on certain street segments in the City of Menifee. 11.16 Agreement Amendment for On -Call Construction Inspection Services ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement with D.R. Bechter Consulting, for on -call construction inspection services. 11.17 Lyle Marsh Park Permanent Restroom Purchase Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the sewer connection. Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks stated staff was working with the consultant to ensure there would be no issues with the sewer connection. ACTION 1. Approved the purchase of a prefabricated restroom building for Lyle Marsh Park (CIP No. CS032) from CXT Inc. in the amount not -to -exceed $51,889; and 2. Exempt the purchase from the competitive bidding process as purchase will bemade under a cooperative purchasing (piggyback) agreement as allowed underMenifee Municipal Code Section 3.12.070(6) with Sourcewell Contract No. 081721-CXT; and 3. Authorized the City Manager to execute the required documents and the Finance Department to issues the corresponding purchase orders. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 11.18 Canon Financial Services Inc. Lease Extension ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a one-year extension Purchase Order (PO) to the existing Canon Financial Services Inc. (Canon) for copiers and printers City-wide lease. 11.19 Comprehensive Smart City and Broadband Master Plan Councilmember Liesemeyer asked for a presentation from staff. Chief Information Officer Ron Puccinelli reported on the background of the item; community value; smart city and broadband master plan; comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) component; community needs based; and staff's recommended action. Councilmember Karwin inquired about this as a City expense and why it is not on the expense of the private companies. Mr. Puccinelli and Public Works Director Nick Fidler Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 9 of 16 provided an explanation on the benefits. City Manager Armando Villa spoke about the opportunity to receive grant funding and the need to have a plan in place to receive funds. Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the policies in place and longevity of broadband. Mr. Puccinelli stated the master plan would be used to create policies and stated broadband is the physical cabling. Councilmember Sobek commented on the need for the master plan and stated her support. ACTION 1. Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Magellan Advisors for development of a Comprehensive SmartCity and Broadband Master Plan, in the amount not -to -exceed $162,050; and 2. Approved Resolution No. 21-1107 for expenditure appropriations in theamount of $162,050 from American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to Account No. 301-4221-52216. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: Karwin RECUSE: None 13.3 Community Facilities District 2019-1, Meadow Run, Issuance of Special Tax Bonds This item was moved during agenda approval. City Consultant Shane Spicer introduced Lawrence Chan with Stradling, Michael Busch with Urban Futures, and Tom Jacob with Stifel. The consultants provided a presentation and reported on the project and development summary; financing overview; items subject for City Council approval; sources, uses, and proposed debt service; estimated costs of issuance, and tentative schedule. The City Council inquired about anticipated interest rates, pricing, and bond percentage caps. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1108, authorizing the issuance of special tax bonds and bond documents in connection with Community Facilities District 2019-1, Meadow Run, located at the southeast corner of Holland Road and Bradley Road. Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 10 of 16 MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 13.4 Community Facilities District 2020-1, McCall Mesa, Special Tax Bonds This item was moved during agenda approval. City Consultant Shane Spicer introduced Lawrence Chan with Stradling, Michael Busch with Urban Futures, and Tom Jacob with Stifel. The consultants provided a presentation and reported on the project and development summary; financing overview; items subject for City Council approval; sources, uses, and proposed debt service; estimated costs of issuance, and tentative schedule. The City Council inquired about bond percentages. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1109, authorizing the issuance of special tax bonds and bond documents in connection with Community Facilities District 2020-1, McCall Mesa, located at the southwest corner of Menifee and Rouse Roads. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None ECUSE: None 12. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 12.1 Appeals of the Planning Commission's Approval of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 ("Crossroads") and Associated Entitlements Councilmember Liesemeyer stated he recused himself because a company that he works for provided services to the applicant and Councilmember Karwin stated he recused himself from the discussion due to the location of his private business located across the street. Councilmembers Liesemeyer and Karwin left the room for the duration of the item. City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Principal Planner Ryan Fowler to present the item. Mr. Fowler provided a presentation and reported on Appeal No. PLN 21-0347; AppealNo. PLN 21-0368; project location; project description; site layout; circulation; landscaping; architecture; signs; public convenience and necessity; Planning Commission meeting on August 25, 2021; Planning Commission meeting on October27, 2021; Appeal No. PLN 21-0347 reason for appeal; Appeal No. PLN 21-0368 reason for appeal; Environmental Review; and staff's recommendation. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 8:21 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 11 of 16 stated all correspondence received was provided to the City Council and the item was legally noticed. The appellants for Appeal No. PLN 21-0347 and owners of Menfiee Crossroads, Tanya, Amir, and Ali Tabrizizadeh provided a presentation and reported on their family -owned business, the project, and concerns with the conditions of approval for a raised median on the project. The appellants team continued with the presentation and reported on the project; the community benefits; construction timelines; their purpose; clarification of the scope of the appeal; clarification on the project; clarification on CEQA; requests; staff's safety issue and the appellant's arguments against it; history of the project; indemnification; split -phase traffic signals; traffic analysis; existing conditions; Bradley Road; what was evaluated in the project traffic studies; intersection and road enhancements comparisons; proposed solution; and procedural request. Appellant representative for Appeal No PLN 21-0368 Matthew Nelson with Gresham Savage reported on his client's concerns for the project and the construction of a raised median. Mr. Nelson provided the City Clerk with a petition in opposition of the Menifee Crossroads project from the Newport Plaza tenants. Ms. Miller stated her opposition for development. Mike Monroe, representative of the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the Tabizizadeh family and the project. Andrew Morris Wildomar resident spoke in favor of the Tabizizadeh family and the project. There were no rebuttals from the appellants. Public Works Director Nick Fidler reported on his discussions with Newport Plaza and spoke about the safety reasons for staff's proposed raised median. The City Council inquired about discussions with the Newport Plaza Managing Partner, City requirement for street improvements, and the two conditions of approvalthat were no longer being appealed. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 9:52 PM. Mayor Pro Tern Deines stated his concerns for traffic safety. Councilmember Sobek disclosed that Ms. Tabizizadeh and the owner of Giovanni's, Tom Powers had reached out to her prior to the meeting. Councilmember Sobek stated she liked the project, but had concerns for traffic safety. Mayor Zimmerman stated he liked the project and stated his concerns for traffic safety. The City Council stated they liked the project and hope there is a way for it to move forward in the future. Tim Paone with Cox, Castle & Nicholson statedthe applicantwould like to withdraw Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 12 of 16 12.2 the application. Councilmember Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem Deines, and Mayor Zimmerman unanimously approved the withdrawal of the Menifee Crossroads application and declared both appeals mute. The Mayor called for a recess at 10:15 PM. The full City Council returned to the dais at 10:25 PM. 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update Project City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and City consultant Dave Barquist with Kimley Horn and Associates. Mr. Barquist provided a presentation and reported on the project summary; what is a housing element; housing element housing plan; housing element policies; Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA): 6t" Cycle (2021-2029) ; adequate sites analysis; moderate and above moderate -income sites; very low- and low-income sites; safety element update; climate vulnerability assessment; new safety element policies; land use element update; land use amendments: environmental justice policies; overview of community outreach; environmental justice outreach; The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) review; environmental review; and staff's recommendation. Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the Community Core designation and then environmental justice disadvantaged areas. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 10:47 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the City Council had received correspondence and the public hearing was legally noticed. David Cordero representing the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters spoke in favor of hiring a local skilled and trained workforce. Juan Rotellini spoke about his property and desire to retain the same zoning. Ms. Miller spoke in opposition of development. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 10:56 PM. Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the response to the HCD comments, vertical integration of housing with nonresidential uses, and additional language regarding industrial building. Councilmember Liesemeyer stated his concerns with the inclusion of industrial language as part of the approval. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1110, certifying the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report ("FPEIR") for the Housing Element Update Project (State Clearinghouse No. 2022010031), based on the findings incorporated in the FPEIR and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant impact with mitigation; and Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 13 of 16 2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1111, approving General Plan Amendment No. PLN21-0022, based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and Resolution. MOVER: Bill Zimmerman SECONDER: Bob Karwin ,AYES: Deines, Karwin, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: Liesemeyer RECUSE: None City Attorney Jeffrey Melching introduced the Ordinance. 3. Introduced an Ordinance approving Change of Zone PLN21-0021 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and Ordinance. MOVER: Bill Zimmerman SECONDER: Dean Deines YES: Deines, Karwin, Sobek, Zimmerman YS: Liesemeyer CUSE: None 13. DISCUSSION ITEMS 13.1 Reserve Policy Fund Balance City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton to present the item. Ms. Clayton provided a presentation and reported on the general fund required reserve levels; general fund fiscal year 2020/21 audited fund balance; Quality of Life (Measure DID) fiscal year 2020/21 audited fund balance; and general fund proposed use of fund balance. Public Works Director Nick Fidler reported on the Capital Improvement Program Fund Requests: future City Hall parking lot project, Holland Road overpass, Menifee Meadows and Potomac Projects, Fire Station No. 5, Fire Station No. 68, and Romoland Grid South of Highway 74. The City Council inquired about the future City Hall building and parking lot location, funding and timeline, Romoland Grid construction cost and timeline, possible fund for future City Hall, Holland Road overpass, use of funds not used. Mayor Pro Tern Deines requested staff look at putting reserves towards a community center. Councilmember Sobek requested that one million from the City Hall fund be reserved for a community indoor recreation center. The City Council provided consensus for this request. ACTION 1. Approved revisions to fiscal year 2021/22 Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Program to add/update funding of various CIP projects; and Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 14 of 16 2. Approved Resolution Nos. 21-1112 and 21-1113, authorizing $12,411,723 in expenditures to General Fund (Fund 100) and Quality of Life (Measure DD) (Fund 105) as detailed within the Fiscal Impact section. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Bob Karwin AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 13.2 Revised Business License Program Ordinance Financial Services Manager Margarita Cornejo, Management Aid Edna Aguilar, and Menifee Police Captain Dave Gutierrez provided a presentation and reported on the business license program background and overview; steps to obtaining a license; proposed updates and revisions to the Ordinance; special business types; licensing; and permits and approvals. The City Council inquired about background check reviews, the City's liability, and transfer fees. Councilmember Karwin stated his opposition to the proposed language in the definition for sexual materials. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching stated staff would like a revising that language. ACTION The City Council provided consensus to continue item. MOVER: Bill Zimmerman SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 14. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None. 15. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Armando Villa stated the City of Menifee was awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for fiscal year 2021 by the Government Finance Officers Association. 16. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilmember Sobek requested a discussion item on the City Holiday Tree Lighting Event. Councilmember Liesemeyer seconded the request. Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 15 of 16 17. ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 11:54 PM t anie Roseen, CIVIC Deputy City Clerk Menifee Mayor and City Council December 15, 2021 Page 16 of 16