2021/04/29 Riverside County Transportation Commission Funding Under SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program (3)AGREEMENT No. 2l-62-107-00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ACREEMENT FOR FUNDING UNDER SB 82I BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM (Transportation Development Act Article 3; Senate Bill g2l) This Funding Agreemenr (*AGREEMENT") is entered into as of 2021 ('.EffectiveDate"). by and between the RIVERSIDE couNTy TRANSPORTATION coMMlsstoN("RCTC') and the CITY OF MENIFEE, a municipal corporation C'RECIptEN.f,). RCTC andRECIPIENT'may be referred to herein individually as a "party" and collectively as the..parties.,, RECITALS RCTC is a county transportation commission created and existing pursuant to Calilomia Public Utilities Code Sections 130053 and 130053.5. Under RCTC's SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Faciliries program ("PROGRAM'), cities and counties in the county of Riverside are notified of the availability of pROGRAM funding and a call for projects C'cALL FoR PROJECTS") is anticipated to be issued biennially by RCTC. B C. On February l'1, 2021, a CALL FOR PROJECTS was published by RCTC seeking applications for FY 2021122 PROGRAM funding, which applications were reviewed in accordance with the applicable evaluarion criteria included in the cALL FoR PRoJECTS. D. Based on the application attached as Attachment I and incorporated herein by this reference, RECIPIENT has been selecred ro receive PRoGRAM funding for its proposed Lazy CreekPark Pedestrian Project ("PROJECT"). E' Funding lor the PRoJECT shall be provided pursuant to the terms contained in this ACREEMENT and pursuanr to applicable PROCRAM policies adopted by RCTC, which are attached hcreto and incorporated herein as Attachment 2 Now, THEREFORE, in consideration ol'the preceding recitals and the mutual covenants and consideration contained herein, the Parties mutually agree as lollows: l. Incorooration of Recitals 'I'he Parties acknowledge and agree that the above recitals are true and correct, and hereby incorporate those recitals by this reference into the AGREEMEN'f 2. RCTC F'undins Amount. RC'l'C hereby agrees to distribute to the RECIPIEN'l', on rhe terms and conditions set forth herein, a sum not to exceed Eighty-Eight 'lhousand 'fhree Hundred Eighty-One Dollars ($88,381), to be used exclusively for reimbursing the RECIPIENT for eligible expenses as described herein ("FUNDING AMOUNT"). RECIPIENT'acknowledges Page 1of 10 and agrees that the FUNDING AMoUN'l' may be less than the actual and final cost of thePROJECT, which final cosrs are the sole responsibility of RECIpIENT, and RCTC will not contribute PROGRAM funds in excess of the maximum authorized in this Section 2 unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the pARTIES. In the event the FUNDING AMOUNT is not fully utilized by RECIPIENT for the pRoJECT. rhe unused FLNDING AMOLJNT must bc retumed to RCTC within ninety (90) ninety days of a written request by RCTC unless Rt,cIPIENT can demonstrate in writing. subject to written approval by RC1-cin its sole discretion, the following: (i) valid reason for why pROJECT "osts *"r" signilicantly lower than the estimate included in RECIpIENT's attached application fbr flunding, and (ii) written proposal for how any unused FLiNDING AMouNT wlil be used lor a proposal to support the PRoJECT or other use that supports the goats and requirements of the PROGRAM. expressly permitted under Article 3 of the Transportation Devetopment Act and rhe pRoGRAM policies shall be considered ineligible for REIMBURSEMENT. [n the evenr the SCopE oFwoRK needs to be amended, RECIPIENT shall submit a letter requesting such amendment, the reasons for the requested change and confirmation that costs associated with the proposed amendment are eligible for PRoGRAM reimbursement for written approval by RCTC, which approval is subject to RCTC's discretion. In the event of any ambiguity between this AGREEMENT, PROGRAM policies, and applicable law, the following order of precedence will govem: (l) Applicable law; (2) pROCRAM policies;(3) this AGREEMENT. In the case ol any conflict between this Agreement and any of its attachments, the body of this Agreement shall govem. 2.1 E,lieible Proiect Costs Reimbursement lor PROJECT costs C'REIMBURSEMENl'") may only include those items expressl y allowed for under Article 3 olthe Transportation Developmenr Act (California public Utilities Code section 99200 e/ seq.),which provides that funding shall be allocated for the construction, including related engineering expenses, of facilities based on the PROCRAM policies adopted by RCTC, provided that such items are included in the scope of work included in the application.attached as Attachm enl I c'sco PE OF WORK*). All PROJECT costs not included in the SCOpE OF WORK and not 2.2 Timins for Pro iect Comoletion ln accordance with the PROGRAM policies attached hereto as Attachment 2, RECIPIENT has thirty six (36) months to complete the PROJECT from the date of rhis AGREEMENT, unless otherwise agreed ro in writing by the PARTIES. If the PROJECT is not completed within 36 months, RCTC shall have the sole discretion to delete the PRoJECT' lrom the PROGRAM and reprogram the funding for future approved PROGRAM projects. RECIPIENT will not be reimbursed until the pROJECT is accepted as complete in writing by RCTC following the submission ol the pROGRAM funding claim form ('CLAIM FORM") attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment 3. In the event additional time is needed for the completion of the PROJECT, RECIPIENT may submit a letter to RCTC requesting an extension of time to complete the PRoJEC'I with an explanation ol why the PROJECT cannot be completed under the existing schedule for completion included as Attachment I , attached hereto and incorporated herein. Before and alter PROJECT photographs must be included with the CLAIM FORM upon PROJECl completion, as well as copies of paid invoices and any other backup requested for repayment and audit purposes. Page 2 of 10 2.3 Increases in Proiect Fundin The FUNDING AMOUNT may, at RCTC's sole discretion, be augmented with additional PROGRAM funds and local agency match funds proportionate to the amounts included in Section 3 if there is a FUNDING AMOUNT balance and the RECIPIENT provides justification as to the reason lor the funding increase. Any such increase in the FUNDING AMOUNT must be approved in writing by RCTC's Executive Director and RCTC shall be under no obligation whatsoever to approve any increase in the FUNDING AMouNT. No such increased funding shall be expended io pay lor any PROJECT work already completed. 2.4 Cost Savinss. In the event that bids or proposals for the pROJECT are lower than anticipated, or there are cost savings for any other reason, the FUNDING AMouNT shall be reduced through an amendment to the AGREEMENT mutually agreed to in writing by the Parties. RECIPIENT shall inform RCTC olany cost savings and any cost savings shall be retumed to RCTC or may be reprogrammed with written approval by RCTC for other RECIPIENT projects that align with the PRoGRAM. No PRoCRAM funding may be used lor projects not approved by RCTC. If RECIPIENT provides a local match commitment and there are cost savings on the PROJECT, RCTC will still be reimbursed at the matching rario as presented in the Project application despite such cost savings in accordance with pRocRAM po lic ies. 2.5 No Fundins for Temporary Improvements. Only segments or components of the PRoJECT that are intended to form part of or be integrated inro the pROJECT may be funded by PROGRAM funds. No improvement(s) which is/are temporary in nature, including but not limited to temporary lanes, curbs, or drainage facilities, shall be funded with pROGRAM funds except as needed for staged construction ofthe PROJECT. 2.6 Review and Reimbursem ent bv RCTC Upon receipt of the final detailed invoice from the RECIPIENI'clearly documenting work completed and corresponding costs, RCTC may request additional documentation or explanation of the SCOPE OF WORK costs for which reimburscment is sought. Undisputed amounrs shall be paid by RCTC to the RECIpIENT within thirty (30) days. In the event that RC'I'C disputes the eligibility of the RECIpIEN't' for reimbursement of all or a portion of an invoiced amount, the Parties shall meet and confer in an attempt to resolve the dispute. Additional details conceming the procedure for the RECIPIENT's submittal of invoices to RCTC and RCTC's consideration and payment of submitted invoices are set forth in Attachment 3. lnient's Fundins Oblisation to Como ete the Work. ln the evenl that the PROGRAM funds allocated to the SCOPE OF WORK represent less than the total cost of the PROJECT, RECIPIENT shall be solely responsible for providing such additional funds as may be required to complete the PROJECT. RCTC has no obligation with respect to the safety of any SCOPE OF WORK performed at a PROJECT site. Further, RCTC shall not be liable for any action of RECIPIENT or its contractors relating to the condemnation of property undertaken by RECIPIENT or construction related to the PROJECT. 2.7 Rec Page 3 of 10 completed in accordance with the PRoGRAM requirements or this AGREEMENT, RECIPIENI' agrees that any PROGRAM funds distributed to RECIpIENT for rhe pRoJECT shall be repaidin full to RCTC. The Parties shall enter into good faith negotiations to establish a reasonablerepayment schedule and repayment mechanism which may include, but is not limited to,withholding of Measure A Local streets and Roads revenues, if applicable. RECIPIEN'|acknowledges and agrees that RCTC shall have the right to withhold any Measure A Local Streets and Roads revenues due to RECIPIEN'|, in an amount not to exceed the total of thePROGRAM funds distributed to RECIPIENT, and./or initiate legal action to compel repayment,if the RECIPIENT fails to repay RCTC within a reasonable time period not io exceed onehundred eighty (180) days, including any good faith negotiations, irom receipt of writennotification from RCTC that repayment is required due to failure to comply with th; PROGRAM policies or this AGREEMENT. 2.8 R cclnient's Oblisation to Reoav Procram Funds to RCTC. tn the event iris determined , whether through a post-completion audit or otherwise, the PROJECT was not 2-9 Records Retcntion and Audits RFICIPIENT shall retain all PROJECT' 3. Recioient's LocaI Match Contribution RECIPIENT shall provide at leasr Eighty-Eight lars ($88,381) of funding toward the SCOPE OFThousand Three Hundred Eighty-One Dol woRK, as indicated in RECIPIENT'S application attached as Arlachment I and submittedto RCTC in response to its CALL FoR PROJECTS. RECIPIENT costs relared ro (i) preparation and administration costs related to invoices, billings and payments; (ii) anyRECIPIENT fees attributed to the processing of the SCopE oF woRK; and (iii) expenseifor items not included within the attached SCOPE oF woRK shall be borne solely iy the RECIPIENT and shall not qualily towards RECIPIENT's local match requirement in this Section 3. 4. Term: The term of this AGREEMENT shall be from the date first herein above written until:(i) the date RCTC formally acceprs the PROJECT as complete, pursuant to Section 2.2; (ii) termination of this AGREEMENT pursuant to Section l4; or (iii) RECIPIENT has fully satisfied its obligations under this AGREEMENT. All applicable indemnification and insurance provisions of this AGREEMENT shall remain in effect lollowing the termination Of thiS AGREEMENT. 5. Recipient Responsibilities. RECIPIEN'l' shall be responsible for all aspects of the PROJECT, in compliance with all applicable srate and federal laws, including: (i) development and approval of plans, specifications and engineer's estimate in accordancewith all applicable laws, regulations and building codes; obtaining any necessary records in an organized manner for a minimum of three (3) years following completion of thePROJEC'I. PROJECT records shall be made available for inspection by ncic upon requesr. lfa post PROJECT audit or review indicates that RCTC has provided reimbuisement to the RECIPIENT in an amount in excess of the maximum PROGRAM provided for in this Section 2,or has provided reimbursement ol ineligible PRoJECT costs, the RECIPIENT shall reimburse 19TC fol the excess or ineligible pa),rnents within thirty (30) days ol notification by RCTC. This Section 2.9 does not supersede any rights or remedies provided to RCTC under Section 2.g or applicable law. Page 4 of 10 6. Indemnification.RECIPIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold RCTC, its ofllcials, environmental clearances; right of way acquisition; and, obtaining all permits required by impacted agencies prior to commencement ofthe PRoJECT; (ii) all aspects of procurement, contracting, and administration of the contracts and claims for the pRoJECT; (iii) all construction management of any construction activities undertaken in connection with the IROJEII1 including surveying and materials testing; and, (iv) development of a budget for the PROJECT and SCOPE oF woRK prior to award of any contract for the pROJECT. taking into consideration available lunding, including pROGRAM funds. governing board members, officers, employees, agents, and consultants free and harmless from any and all claims, demands. causes ofaction, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage orinjury of any kind, in law or equity, to propeny, persons or govemment funding agency, including wrongful death, to the extent arising out ol or incident to any inteitio-nal or negligent acts, errors or omissions of the RECIpIENT, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants related to a breach of this AGREEMENT or any act or omission arising olt of the activities govemed by this AGREEMENT. RECIPIENT'S obligation to indemnify includes without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and reasonable attomeys' flees, expert witness fees and other related costs and expenses ofdeltnse. RECIPIENT shall deflend, at its own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against RCTC, its oflcials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants in connection with this AGREEMENT. RECIPIENT shall pay and satisly any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against RCTC, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants in any such suits, actions or other legal proceedings, including any settlement. RECIPIENT's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds. Expenditure of Funds by Recioient Prior to Execution of Asreement. RECIpIENT may commence the Project starting July l, 2021 , and costs incurred following such date will be eligible for reimbursement under this AGREEMENT, provided they otherwise meet the requirements herein, and provided that this AGREEMENT is executed no later than october 1.2021. 7 8.C Do l1'l liance with Aoolicable Laws and Insurance RECIPIENT agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. including public contracting laws, requirements for any local state or federal lunding used, and records retention and performance reporting requirements conceming the SCOPE OF WORK and PROJEC'|, which applicable laws and regulations shall be passed on to contractors by RECIPIENT as applicable. RECIpIENT shall have the responsibility of making sure the appropriate amounts of insurance are included in all applicable agreements for the construction ofthe PROJECT and RCTC shall be named as an Additional Insured on all insurance certificates obtained for the completion of the pROJECT. PROJECT insurance funds shall be looked to first for the repayment of any claims determined to have merit. Page 5 of 10 9. Representatives of the Parties. RCTC's Executive Director, or his or her designee. shall serve as RCTC's representative and shall have the authority to act on behalf of RCTC for all purposes under this AGREEMENT. RECIPIENT's representarive shall be the individuat identificd in the Project application as RECIPIENT'S represenrative to RCTC. RECIPIENT'S representative, or designee, shall have the authority to act on behalf of RECIPIFIN'f for all purposes under this AGREEMENT and shall coordinate all activities with RCTC conceming the SCOPE OF WORK under the RECIPIENT's responsibility. RECIPIENT shall work closely and cooperate lully with RCTC's representative and any other agencies which may have jurisdiction over or an interest in the PROJECI-. 10. Monitorins of Proqress bv RC'l'C RECIPIENT shall allow RCTC's designated representative, or designee, to inspect or review the progress ol the work at any reasonable time with prior written notice by RCTC. RCTC may requesr that the RECIPIENT provide RCTC with progress reports conceming the status of the SCOPE OF WORK and PROJECT completion. I l. Bindins on Successors in lnlcrest Each and every provision of this AGREEMENT shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest of the Parties. Due to the specific obligations contemplated herein, this AGREEMENT may not be assigned by any Party hereto except with the prior written consent of the other Party. 12. Independent Contractors. Any person or enrities retained by RECIPIEN'f or any contractor shall be retained on an independent contractor basis and shall not be employees of RCTC. Any personnel performing services on the PROJECT shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the RECIPIENT or contractor, whichever is applicable. The RECIPIENT or contractor shall pay all wages, salaries and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance ofl services on the SCOPE OF WORK and as required by law. 'l'he RECIPIENT or contractor shall be responsible for all reports and obligations conceming such personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding. unemployment insurance and workers' compensation insurancc. 13. Conflicts of Interest. For the term of this AGREEMENT, no member, officer or employee of RECIPIENT or RCTC, during the term of his or her service with RECIPIENI'or RCTC, as the case may be, shall have any direct interest in this ACREEMENT, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefi t arising therefrom. 14. Termination. This AGREEMENT may be terminated for cause or convenience as further specified below. 14.l Termination for Convenience. Either RCTC or RECIPIENT may, by written notice to the other party, terminate this AGREE,MENT, in wholc or in pan, for convenience by giving thi(y (30) days' written notice to the other party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereot'. Page 6 of 10 14.2 Effect of Termination for Convenience. In the ev€nt that RECIPIENT terminates this AGREEMENT for convenience, RECIPIENT shall, within 180 days, repay to RCTC in full all PROGRAM funds provided to RECIPIENT under this ACREEMENT. ln the event that RCTC terminates this ACREEMENT for convenience, RCTC shall, within 90 days, distribute to the RECIPIENT PROCRAM funds in an amount equal to the aggregate total of all 14.3 Termination for Cause. Either RCTC or RECIPIENT may, by written notice to the other party, terminate this AGREEMENT, in whole or in part, in response to a material breach hereof by the other Party, by giving written notice to the other party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. The written notice shall provide a thirty(30) day period to cure any alleged breach. During rhe 30 day cure period, the parties shall discuss, in good faith, the manner in which the breach can be cured. unpaid invoices which have been received from RECIPIENT regarding the SCopE, oF woRK l'or the PROJECT at the time of the notice oltermination; provided, however, that RCTC shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 2.6, including but not Iimited to conducting a review of the invoices and requesting additional information from RECIpIENT. This AGREEMENT shall terminate upon receipt by the non-terminating party of the amounts due it under this Section 14. 14.4 Elfect of Termination for Cause. In the event that RFICIPIENT terminates this AGREEMENT in response to RCTC's uncured marerial breach hereof, RCTC shall, within ninety (90) days, distribute to the RECIPIENT PROGRAM funds in an amount equal 1o the aggregate total ofall unpaid invoices which have been received lrom RECIpIENT regarding the SCOPE OF WORK for the PROJECT at the time of the notice of termination. [n the event rhar RCTC terminates this AGREEMENT in response to the RECIPIENT's uncured material breach hereof, the RECIPIENT shall, within one hundred eighty (180) days, repay to RCTC in lull all PR0GRAM funds provided ro RECIPIENT under this AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding termination of this AGREEMENT by RCTC pursuant ro this section 14.4. RCTC shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 2.6, including but not limited to conducting a review of the invoices and requesting additional information. This AGREEMENT shall t€rminate upon receipt by the term inating Party of the amounts due it under this Section I 4.4. l,4.5 No Proqram F ll'lg In the event that RCTC determines therc are inadequate PROGRAM funds for whatever reason, RCTC shall have the ability to immediately terminate the AGREEMENT with written notice to RECIPIENT. In rhe event that RCTC tcrminates this AGREEMENT under this Section 14.5, RCTC shall, within 90 days, distribute to thc RECIPIENT PROGRAM I'unds in an amounr equal to the aggregate total of all unpaid invoices which have been received from RECIPIENT regarding the SCOPE, OF WORK for the PROJECT at thc time of the notice of termination; provided, however, that RCTC shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 2.6. including but not limited to conducting a review olthe invoices and requesting additional information from RECIPIENT. 14.6 Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of the Parties provided in this Section l4 are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this AGREEMENT. 15. Notice. All notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall be effective upon receipt by the other Party. All notices and communications, including invoices, between the Parties to this AGREEMENT shall be addressed as set tbrth below and provided by any of the following methods (i) personally delivered; (ii) sent by electronic mail, with a subject line clearly identilying this AGREEMtjNT, read receipt requested, and a cc: provided to the identified PaBe 7 of L0 staff; (iii) sent by first-class mail, retum receipt requested; or (iv) sent by overnight express delivery service with postage or other charges fully prepaid. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notices of dispute or termination sent by electronic mail must be followed by hard copy mailed notice to be effective. TO RCTC:TO RT],CIPIENT Anne Mayer Executive Director RCTC 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor Riverside, Califomia 9250 I Phone: (951) 787-7141 e-mail: amayer@rctc.org Armando Villa City Manager City of Menifee 29844 Haun Rd Menifee. CA 92586 (9s1) 672-6777 avil la@cityofmenifee.us cc: JChan@RCI'C.org Any party may update its address and contact information by providing written notice olthe new information to the other Parties in accordance with this Section 15. 16. Prevailine Wages. RECIPIENT and any other person or entity hired to perform services on the SCOPE OF WORK are alerted to the requirements of California Labor Code Sections 1770 et 999., which require the payment of prevailing wages where the SCOPE OI.' WORK or any portion thereof is determined to be a "public work," as defined therein. RECIPIENT shall ensure compliance with applicable prevailing wage requirements by any person or entity hired to perform the SCOPE OF WORK or any portion thereof falling within the definition of "public work." RECIPIENT shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RCTC, its officers, employees, consultants, and agents from any claim or liability, inctuding without limitation reasonable attomeys' fees, arising from any failure or alleged failure to comply with California Labor Code Sections 1770 et ;9g. on the PROJECT. ual O ortuni mt7.nt. The Parties represent that they are equal opportunity employers and they shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. 18. Entire Agreement. This AGREEMENT embodies th€ entire undersranding and agreement between the Parties pertaining to the matters described herein and supersedes and cancels all prior oral or written agreements between the Parties with respect to these matters. Each Party acknowledges that no Party, agent or representative ofthe other Party has made any promise, representation or warranty, express or implied, not expressly contained in this ACREEMENT, that induced the other Party to sign this document. Modifications to this ACREEMENT shall be in the lorm of a written amendment executed bv authorized representatives ofthe Parties to be bound. Page 8 of 10 19. Governing Law and Severability. This AGREEMENT shall be govemed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of califomia. If any portion of this AGREEMENT is found to be unenforceable by a court of law with appropriate jurisdiction, the remainder of the AGREEMENT shall be severable and survive as binding on the Parties. 20. Attornevs' Fees. Ifl any legal action is initiated for the enforcement/interpretation of this AGREEMENT, or because of any alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this ACRE,EMENT, the successful or prevailing pany shall be entitled to recover reasonable attomeys' fees, witness fees and other costs incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other reliel to which it may be entitled as determined by a court ol law or appointed decider under altemative legal proceedings. 2l . No ]'hird Partv Beneficiaries There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 22. Section Headinss and Intemrctlltion The section headings conlained herein arc for convenience only and shall not alfect in any way the interpretation of any of the provisions contained herein. The AGREEMENT shall not be interpreted as being drafted by any party or its counsel. 23. No waiver. Failure of RCTC to insist on any one occasion upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants or conditions in this ACREEMENT shall not be deemed a waiver of such term, covenant or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any rights or powers hereunder at any one time or more times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such other right or power provided under applicable law. 24. T'ime of Essence. 'l'ime is of the essence for each and every provision of this AGREEMENT. 25. Counterparts. This AGREEMENT may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all which together will constitute but one agreement. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGEI Page 9 of 10 26. F-orm of Sienatures. A manually signed copy of this Agreement which is transmitted by lacsimile, email or other means ol'electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery ofan original executed copy of this Agreement for all purposes. This Agreement may be signed using an electronic signature. IN wlrNESS WHEREOF, the Panies have caused this ACREEMENT to be signed by their duly authorized representatives as ofthe Effective Date. RCTC RECIPIENT SIGNATURE PAGE TO AGREEMENT NO. 2I.62-IO7.OO RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AGREEMENT FOR FUNDING UNDER SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM CITY OF E I Ilv: Name: Anne Maycr Title:ve Director APPROVED AS TO FORM 5u*". Steven C. DeBaun -1-;1;s. GeneralCounsel By: Name: KN hz l-d. ttti* LLF Ci-Av 16 Title: AtttSTAN /Yl+M6LAf ctlY APPROVED AS TO FORM By: Nu,n", -J.SF [t< Title:A* A. Ma Clerk ( , tlv: Page 1"0 of 10 I tuauqrellv (cwrcNnl uoJ NolJVlnddv JNErdrlgu) I INXl^IH]VIIY FY?U22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION IAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT A. SCOPE OF WORK (500 Charactersl The Lazy Creek Park Pro.iect consists of reconstruction of eleven (11) ADA ramps along with installation of truncated domes and installation of high visibility cross walks at two (2) different locations. The first set of non-compliant ramps will be upgraded to the latest ADA requirement (truncated domes) and installed at the following locations: . SE ramp at Oakbridge Dr and Lazy Creek Rd (1) . SW ramp at Oakbrid8e Dr and Lazy Creek Rd (1) The second set of non-compliant ramps will be upgraded to the latest AOA requirement (truncated domes) and installed at the following locations: . NE ramp at Zuma Way and Lazy Creek Rd (1) . NW ramp at Zuma Way and Lazy Creek Rd (1) The third set of non-compliant ramps will be upgraded to the latest ADA requirement (truncated domes) and installed at the following locations: . NE ramp at Brookfield Dr and Lazy Creek Rd (1) . NW ramp at Brookfield Dr and Lazy Creek Rd (1) The fourth set of non-compliant ramps will be upgraded to the latest ADA requirement (truncated domes) and installed at the following locations: . N ramp at Evans Rd and Apple Creek Rd (1) . S ramp at Evans Rd and Apple Creek Rd (1) The fifth set of non-compliant ramps will be upBraded to the latest ADA requirement (truncated domes) and installed at the following locations: . N ramp at Evans Rd and Moondance Way (1) . S ramp at Evans Rd and Moondance Way (1) The sixth set of non-compliant ramp(s) will be upgraded to the latest ADA requirement (truncated domes) and installed at the following location(s): . SE ramp at Evans Rd and Lazy Creek Rd (1) The high visibility cross walks will be installed at the following locations . Evans Rd and Lazy Creek Rd lntersection (2) (10ft wide) . Evans Rd and Newport lntersection (a) (10ft wide) tzoz/Lo Ino 3so'rl zzoz/90 zaozlso NOI tzoz/no zzla lz0 ouv/v\v B ot8 V/N V/N /v10u zzoz/r0 tzoz/80 rtsd lduJaxJ lleluo8alef tduaxl Allelrro8alef ollvd *oNl IUVIS 2 x!puaddv sD a)uuDap io/i lo lq6!) ro ,durots s/aautbua qyvi suDld %OOt lo paLls afill 'a3uuDap lDluaLuuut^ua lo sado sD q)ns uotloluau|n)op 6ullJoddns ap!^old ,sasoqd papldulos )o! ]lnolHf,s'f 'g npuaddv so aputlsf yaaulAuf s,])a[ord puo V puaddv sD Lplotu lDsol aql ol Aulnluuo pDarya al huabD uo )allal D apt^oJd .sltlds adoluaJJad aqt puo,$anbaA tZ8 gS'|so) palud lolol aql atopzlo, lrA Nqt sopu,t.tol utDtuos sllaj A O aLU.laaqspoads prxf aqt ut q)|DW lo3o1 puD uotp lsuo) l$oa .f gsd .ol/vd )oIslso) pa[old a]alduo) ol t$opq alqq uo plp alqnoo 9NtONnJ'8 Illroud Nvturslold xuvd )]1uf, Aztrl NOtIVf,t'lddv stf,lroud uoJ ]]vf, lvtNN3l8 uertord sarl!flreJ upulsaped pue ell^llg lzg ASZZITZAJ o/o@'@T o/&s I88,88 T9L,9LI s r.{ftB! l lPfo'I tsotr pafo.rd lelol 7.AL'92 zaL'92 s s (ZSZ) AcuaEtrtruot (8uuaau,3ut AreurL!rtard) uorleJls!u!LuPv L6I,EZI s uo!pnrlsuol 5 /v\ou 38Sd o3/vd zz0(.160 o/oos I88,88 s lsanbau IZ8 g! sl I FY2L|22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT D. PROJECT BACKGROUND & PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION Describe the project background and the existing conditions ofthe larger project area and or project vicinity. Discussion can include background information on current roadway configuration, missing bike and pedestrian facilities, and importance of project to local active transportation users. lf possible, provide photographs of existing conditions. Describe the project in its entirety. lnclude the purpose and need, benefit, and location of the project. Provide a map showing existing and proposed project improvements. lf available, provide typical cross- sections showing vehicular lane widths, active transportation facilities width, and any landscaping or lighting features. Lazy Creek Park is a medium-sized park near the center of Menifee and is predominantly accessed via Lazy Creek Road. Lazy Creek Park is primarily surrounded by residential land use; however, it is located only.03 miles away from the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center and .08 miles from Evans Ranch Elementary School & State Preschool which have an enrollment of 662 students. Lazy Creek Park features one multi use field, two half-court basketball courts, a picnic area, volleyball court, children,s playground, restrooms, and parking. ln addition, Lazy Creek Park will also feature a newly renovated Recreation Center, The project location has .6 miles of missing sidewalk,4 missing curb ramps and has reported 4 pedestrian collisions and 2 bicycle collisions. The proposed project is mainly important to this community due to the proximity it has to other recreation centers, shopping centers, schools, and restau rants. ln order to discourage drivers from encroaching into crosswalks, the city of Menifee is looking at installing six (6) 10 ft wide high visibility cross walks at two main crossing locations, in which the safety and capacity of adjacent intersections may create a situation in which crossing the street would be dangerous (Evans Rd & Lazy Creek Rd) (Evans Rd & Newport Rd). Currently, the Menifee Union School District does not provide home-to-school transportation to their students (approximately 1,300, of which 662 students belong to Evans Ranch Elementary school located .8 miles away from the proposed project location). Students who are currently walking to and from school and to the nearby recreation center (which offers after school programs) would benefit from the proposed project improvements. To come into compliance with the California Euilding Code, the City of Menifee is also proposing the upgrade of eleven (LL) ramps that are non-ADA compliant and installation of truncated domes at each ramp. Proposed upgrades would benefit anyone who is visually impaired and those who may fall under the American with Disabilities Act. Typical cross sections include Newport Rd and Evans Rd and Lazy Creek and Evans Rd. There is existing streetlights throughout the proposed project site. FY21.122 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION IAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT di MENIFEE New Better. Best. IAZY CREEK PARK: PROPOSED PROJECI TMPROVEMENIS latro ror E a- {2 I I a.l r F f t IHE PIOPOSED IMP IOVEIAEI{IS INCI,UDE: Frt a. Lo I Ei t.1r :'! --!l I FY2L|22 SB 821 Bicycle and pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CAIT FOR PROJECTS APPTICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT Tlre i@nd set of nqn-complaant rdmpj wrllbc upgrad€d toth€ latest ADA requarement (truncatad domcrland instaltcd at thc follotrring location5:r NE rdmp.t Zum. Way and L.zy Creek Rd (1). W Iamp at Zuma WaV and t-izy Cree* Rd {l) - Th€ ttird ser ot norFcompli.m ra.npr wil be upgrdded to t E tat€* ADA rcquircmcm (t unc.tcd dqnE5l and innal€d at th. follo\ ing locdtions: . llE r.mp at EroomeH Dr and Laty C.rett Rd (l) . NW ramp at E{ootfidd Dr and 1.ry Creek Rd t1l IAZY CREEK PARK: EXISTING CONDITTONS TtE frri 'et of nor-compli.nt .amps wil bc upgrdded to lh. latest ADA requiremem (trlrEat€d donres) and inst.lled ar dE fotlowing to6tion5:. St .amp ar Oatbrldg€ Dr and t-.zy creek Rd (1). SW ramp Ortbriec 0r..l.l t zy Cr.e* Rd {1) E..-.tl III t(, - t- = I_l I t ==J-:- FY2L|22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT Th€ tullth s€l of no.Ko.nptiint ramE wilt be qgrdded to the tatcsr A.DA requircrneot {truncated domcs) and ift'tafl.d at thc foltos4ng lo(llions: The fifii set of nort<ompliant ramps uri be upgrded to th. lnten ADA requirement (truncated domes) and installed al t E follouing locatioo5: . N rarnp at Ev.ns Rd arld l!,loondanc€ Way (1). S ramp at Ev.n5 Rd afit M@ndanceWaV (l) Th€ rixth set of non-comdaaar rarlp{s) wil bG upgraded to tie hcst ADA requirement (lrurEated (bmes) aM insrallcd at rhe foatowing lcatbn(rl:. SE ramp at Eyan5 Rd and t"azy Creet Rd (ll aI TrI L \ r - !'rt 1.!fi al L t-.. i-+7- -a -l- =EIL-- f,v- =- r I/7 't FY21-l22 SB 821 Bicycle and pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION IAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT The higtr visibilrty crost watks wilt be in5ta0ed it dE follorrihg tocation5 Evanr Rd ard tary Cr..* Rd tnte.s€dim (2) (10ft widel tvans Rd and tlsi,port lnre.sertiqr (41 (10fr wid€l JF E EtrIEhI \ - I t Lt-L/r--a l--tl]rl- --tlt -> \. \ L . -z) t I I FY2L(22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT Briefly summarize and list all the destinations served by the proposed project. provide a project vicinity map identifying all the destinations served by the proposed project within a,l mile or a 2-mile radius. Destinations are schools or higher education facilities, commercial centers, municipal or any other civic centers, medical facilities, and recreationalcenters. For pedestrian projects, the destinations need to be within % mile radius to be eligible. For bicycle or multi-use trail projects, destinations need to be within a 2-mile radius. Each destination served will receive 3 points each. On the map, prcvide a% mile buffer or a 2-mile buffer surrounding the project site. Maps without the marked buffer will receive half of its eligible points. E. DESTINATIONS SERVED (2 points for each destinatiot served, max 14 pointsl r \ l,- I t,at I IILETI'IE'{*I (sJu!od spontpJ uuno 8 slnuoQ .u\uno 'oD)Dg ^q sar g 's,plouoo)w :sepnpul) uodaaN p sdo..ls (doqs aru lluba1u1 g swDrytllq umraqs 'salurs lolua1zol 'eDsapJ anln ,pN rDlS g StutD lDutuv Aa11o1 aalrua111 'dnug ptpary aD) AtDwtJd s,u plltl) 'Dzztd s,tuuo^otg :sapry)ul) ozDld uod eN (sdoqs 6ows g)Ddu olno (t) ua^as g ods A sltoN ' anol! pe2s ua^oaH 'orpng Oupoatql aaltualll ,rcnbq aelruary ,dot1s.teqog s,f 'suoqo J uolDs'uow tutw uotsv,asnoH qpg / oll tvog) ozoV en) ofiv aelluew (sa1lns prtpaw e1on1t4) suoutuo2 Uod eN poqtg nyoq2 sdultdg (uor1o1s sob uotaaLD g xog aql ut \Jof 'ouuouqns 'ssaplq uozuaA ldoHl ,arcls Sdn aq1 ,odg g s1oN paA uowulsDd 'WunolsaA saDW uo1 'sd42 patg 'o) sapl4 aLU :sapry)u 6ulssoJ) Uod eN (sWN a\q g pooJ uozxaN olqand tW 'saphq aeluaw'lnH Dzztd ,auoz otnv ,xeuuv lotsod ,saro$ AluO slua) 66 i6[ ssau!! 2t s,po)'anpA a l p)'uotlD]s sDg uor^aq) :sapnpul) ozold it7 uns (sraqpJg Dlols g oiol pO ,fuopoj ozztd'svod olny Apag,6 ,ots-tnuo1 'p!V-at!A :sapnpul) n1ua2 aulddoqg sorg JEtoll (uotlozot sull lo oslD s!OH saTt^1aS AftunwLuo)) DwaJ rolueg sota4ua2 rloy ltDd A rape) uolloanay 4aetl Azol :yto4 pa5 lzol wol sneol elw % o uqtt paplol aq uo3 outhollol aq!' alua) afi) oyo puD ,sJatual p4pau ,sLuA6 ,spoq)s , alua) uoBDaDa) 'epDd 'statuar dutddor.qs pra^as uaahtaq paprol Allu)uar s! pa[ord )pDd \aa) lzol aq1 ornNtlNof,o s sNolJ_vNtlslo lf,3roud Nvtulslold xuvd )Eluf, Az\fr NOtrvf,rlddv slllroud uol't]vf, 'tvtNNil8 ueJ8ord selllfl]EJ ueulsapod pue alr^rlg 1,,zggSZZ|LZAJ LAZY CREEK PARK: DESIINATIONS SERVED o'o o I o 1i Mie Rodius oih oooo @o ooooo DESTINATIONS SERVED TEGEND FY21.122 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT fir&Ti:li::0el Chur( I oo M v o o oioI o Etens Rcq.lr f hmrll.ry Sctlool v t FY21.122 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT Describe the extent to which the proposed project will increase safety for the non-motorized public. Additionally, explain any safety enhancement features included in the project scope, suchas rectangular rapid flashing beacons, bicycle box (see httos://safet fh wa. d ot. eo /orovencou ntermea 5U res ). lnclude information about project characteristics such as: no existing shoulder within project limits, no existing/pla n ned sidewalk or bikeway adjacent to the project, etc. Applicants may wish to consider including documented pedestria n/bicycle collision or injury history, most current and valid g5th percentile speed of motorized traffic in project limits, photos of existing safety hazards the project will address, existing pedestria n/bicycle traffic counts, student attendance figures for school served by proiect. Additionally generate a collision heat map for the project site using collision data from the last ten years. Heat map can be generated using the ATp Maps & summary interface from rMs (httos://tim s. berkelev.edu/)or Crossroads. The proposed project would generate an active transportation network that ensures residents of all ages and abilities have access to safe streetscapes, especially the more vulnerable sectors of our community, such as low-income populations, children, and seniors whose primary mode of transportation is walking, biking, and public transportation. By completing the Lazy Creek Park Project, the non-motorized infrastructure would allow users of all ages and a bilities to access transit, commercial and employment centers, neighborhoods, parks, and schools to provide a viable alternative for transportation to reduce vehicle miles traveled and traffic congestion. The proposed project would also develop non-motorized multimodal resources that will meet both commuter and recreation needs, including bicycle support facilities once they meet their destinations. Evans Ranch school has a population of 662 student while Bear River has an estimated student population of 250 students. This is a pre-developed area, sidewalk and lighting fixtures are existing. F. SAFETY (15 points) FY2L(22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION 1AZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT h ,ir ,o '" t aII a d' .E. J .E.A I I @ .!. I ..' P.d O x'rbd 3 hiucd a : :i :a :: ;:t n.l FY2L(22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION TAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT G. MULTIMODAL ACCESS I1 ooint each, max 5 ooints) ln a project vicinity map, identify all the bus routes, Metrolink stations, park-and-ride facilities, bicycle lanes, sidewalks or crosswalks improved by the proposed project within a% mile or aZ- mile radius. For pedestrian projects, these amenities need to be within % mile radius to be eligible. For bicycle or multi-use trail projects, amenities need to be within a 2-mile radius. Each amenity will receive l point. On the map, provide a % mile buffer or a 2-mile buffer surrounding the project site. Maps without the marked buffer will receive half of its eligible points. Discuss how the project along with its nearby amenities encourage multi-modalism. Briefly summarize and list allthe bus stops, Metrolink Stations, park-and-ride facilities, missing bicycle or sidewalks, or crosswalks en ha nced by the proposed project and indicate if the items are existing or planned. FYZUL2 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPTICATION LAZY CREEK PARK PEDESTRIAN PROJECT The project location contains bicycle lanes along the main road (Newport Rd) and is located within an active Bus route. The bus route currently connect this are of Menifee to vital locations such as the nearby community college and the Temecula mall,a s well as docto's offices and recreation areas. This project contains no missing side walks and we are proposing the improvement of six (5) crosswalks. \o ,, tcl CE I o ! exas Roadl RTA gU! RoUIe Eicycle tqne(i) LAZY CREEK PARK: BUS ROUIES enife( 3urrnollo1 pue uorlecrldde srql ur palels sasodJnd aq1 to1 A1a;os pasn aq lltM 1r '3urpun1 sarrra:at l:ua8e srqt ]r 'pue alernlle pu? alalduol st utalaq paluasatd uotleulJoJut aql ]Bql A]!uar I NOtMtJtIUlf,'f sl 6,it 'sautlaptn9 spatud rol llo) tZ8 gS la/OZAJ uf papt^ d alqot lllnba uo4olndod uo pasDq paubgsD aq ! stulod (srulod sl il.tnD3 Notl\nndod 'l 0 %o T I %0r €%sr n o/o0z 5 %sz 9 %oE L %sE 8 %on 6 %sn 0I %os slu!od % qllew 'a^oqD atqol bupun! eql uo pasoq papprpz eq uA slutod (srurod 0Il soNnJ 9NtHfLvht H lfltoud Nvtuls3otd )uvd )lluf, Az\n NOrrvf, r'tddv slf lroud uol]]vf, 'lvtNN3t€ uerSord sarlrllrpl ueulsapad pue all^llg :,zgASZZ/IZLJ FY27l22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities program BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS APPLICATION J. CERTIFICATION I certify that the information presented herein is complete and accurate and, if this agency receives funding, it will be used solely for the purposes stated in this application and following the adopted policies. lf awarded, agency is committed to executing the Memorandum of U nd erstand ing w Riversi y Transportation Commission by Octob et L, 2O2L. Signature Title Date Appendix A: Commitment to Local Match Appendix B: En8ineers Estimate Appendix c: lf applicable, copies of completed environmental document, title sheet, or right-of- way clearance. Deyrhlfimw,^ \ MEN!FEE New. Better. Best. April 8,2021 Riverside County Transportation Commission 4080 Lemon St. Riverside, Ca 92501 Sincerely, 29844 Ha!o Ro.d Menrfee. CA 92586 951 6)2.677? Fax 951-679 3843 cityormenifee.us RE: FY21l22 SB 821 Bicycle and pedestrian Facilities program To Whom it may concern, As part of the FY21l22 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program application process, leveragingof additional funds for a desired project is highly encouraged by thJCommission. The City of Menifee iscommitted, subiect to council approval, to leverage funds for the Lazy Creek Park, should lhe applicationbe approved. The total estimated project cost is $176,761.20; therefore, the City of Menifee wilt leverage 50% of thetotal project cost or $88,380.60. The City will meet this financial commitment through-the followingdifferent funding sources: - Measure DD (local sales tax)- Measure A lf you have any questions about our local funding commitment, please do not hesitate to call me at(951) 672-6777. e/ Wend Deputy Finance Director Matt Liesemeyer Dlstr ct 2 Greg August D 5lr,at I gill Zimmerman tvl4r ! or Lesa A. Sobek Corrna ln)IrIlrlfer Drstr at 3 DeEn Deines Councilnrerr,ber DrStrict 4 Armando G. Villa City M,rraqef -r:l ---n ATTACHMENT 2 (PROGRAM POLICIL]S) TransDortation Deve loD ment Act Policies 1. Up to 57o of Article 3 apportionment can be used to supplement other funding sources used lor bicycle and safety education programs; the allocation cannot be used to fully fund the salary of a person working on these programs. 2. Article 3 money shall be allocated for the construction, including related engineering expenses, ofthe facilities, or for bicycle saflety education programs. 3. Money may be allocated for the maintenance of bicycling trails, which are closed to motorized traffic. 4. Facilities provided lor the use of bicycles may include projects that serve the needs of commuting bicyclists, including, but not limited to, new trails serving major transportation corridors, secure bicycle parking at employment centers, park and ride lots, and transit terminals where other funds are available. 5. Within 30 days after receiving a request for a review lrom any city or county, the transponation-planning agency shall review its allocations. 6. Up to 20 percent ofthe amount available each year to a city or county may be allocated to restripe Class ll bicycle lanes. 7. A portion ofeach city's allocation may also be used to develop comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plans. Plans must emphasize bike/pedestrian facilities that support utilitarian bike/pedestrian travel rather than solely recreational activities; a maximum ofone entire allocation per five years may be used lor plan development. 8. Allowable maintenance activities for the local funds are limited to maintenance and repairs of Class I off-street bicycle facilities only. RCTC Policies The SB 821 Call for Projects will occur on a biennial basis, with a release date of the first Monday of every other February and a close date of the last Thursday of every other April, beginning in 2015. If a project cannot be fully funded, RCTC may recommend partial funding for 1 2 Attachment 2 RIVERSIDE COLTNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM ADOPTED POLICIES award. To handle tiebreakers, RCTC will use, in terms of priority, the safety question first then construction readiness. 3. Agencies awarded funds will not be reimbursed for any project cost overruns.4. Agencies being awarded an allocation will be reimbursed in arrears only upon submitting adequate proof of satisfactory project completion. Claims need to include: the claim form, copies ofpaid invoices. a copy ofthe Notice of Completion (NOC), and phorographs of the completed project. 5. The allocated amount represents the maximum amount eligible for reimbursement. For projects completed under the allocated amount, the agency will be reimbursed at the matching ratio as presented in the application. 6. An agency will have thirty-six (36) months from the time of the allocation to complete the project. There will be no time extensions granted unless the reason lor the delay can be demonstrated. Where substantial progress or a compelling reason for delay can be shown, the agency may be granted administrative extensions in twelve-month increments at the discretion of the Executive Director. 7. Any programmed and unused Article 3 Program funds will be forfeited unless that agency can a) utilize the unused funds to complete pro.jects that are the same or similar in scope and/or are contiguous to the approved project or b) apply the funds to a project previously submitted under an Article 3 call for projects and approved by the Commission, subject to Executive Director approval. 8. Design and construction of facilities must conform to the general design criteria for non-motorized facilities as outlined in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. 9. Temporary facilities, projects in the bid process, or projects that are under construction will not be lunded. 10. The SB 821 evaluation committee will be comprised of a minimum of five evaluators representing a wide range ol interests; such as: accessibility, bicycling, Coachella Valley, public transit, and the region. Staff, consultants, and other representatives from agencies submitting project proposals will not be eligible to participate on the evaluation committee that year. 1 1. Following each call, staffwill monitor the equity of allocations to Coachella Valley versus Westem Riverside County; the allocation should be relative to what the Coachella Valley's share would have been ifdistributed on a per capita basis (the percentage offunds applied for should also be taken into consideration). Ifthe allocation is often found to be inequitable to the Coachella Valley, staffwill recommend adoption of a new policy to correct the imbalance. 12. Certain costs at times associated with bicycle/pedestrian projects are not eligible when the benefit provided is not the exclusive use of bicyclists/pedestrians, such as: curb and gutter as part of roadway drainage system, driveway ramps installed across sidewalks, and where roadway design standards require a roadway shoulder width that is at least as wide as a standard bike lane. Attachment 2 13. For each Call for Projects, a city is eligible ro submir up to three (3) applications, and the County of Riverside is eligible to submit up to two (2) applications per Supervisorial District. 14. Each application is limited to a maximum request of l0% of the current Call flor Projects programming capacity. '15. Total award 1o onejurisdiction is limited to 20Zo ofcurrent Call for project's programming capacity. 16. Awarded agencies can commence reimbursable project activities on July I ofthe call for Project fiscal year cycle. E.g.: for FY 21122 Call for projects, reimbursable work starts on July l, 2021. 17. Awarded agencies have until October I ofthe Call for project fiscal year cycle to execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with RCTC. E.g.: for Fy 2l/22 Call for Projects, MOUs must be executed by October | . 2021 . Attachment 2 TDA ARTICLE 3 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES NON-TRANSIT CLAIM FORM CLAIMANT: ADDRESS: COUNTY: Riverside CONTACT PERSON:TITL E: I verify that the information on this claim Form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signed:Date: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT AWARDED IN FY: START DATE (Mo/Yd: COMPLETED DATE (MoAr): TDA ARTICLE 3 REVENUES AND EXPENSES OF CLAIMANT: Total Project Cost Local Match Spent: SB 821 Fu nds Spent: s 5 (1oo%) (%t (%l Breakdown of Project Cost (must add up to "Total project Cost" above): Admin istration PA/ED PS&E Right-of-Way Construction Other (specify): Other (specify): Su pporting Document Checklist: o Notice of Completion o Eefore and After pictures of project siteo Paid lnvoices S S S s S s s Attachment 3 ATTACHMENT 3 ASSURANCE OF MA!NTENANCE sB 821 STDEWALK/B|KEWAY FAC!UTtES WHEREAS, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION HAS ALLOCATED 5 TO THE CITY/COUNTY OF FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SIDEWALK/BIKEWAY PROJECT; AND, WHEREAS, THIS INVESTMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS CAN BE FULLY REALIZED IF THIS FACILITY IS MAINTAINED TO ADEQUATE OPERATING STANDARDS FOR USE BY COMM UTER AND RECREATIONAL PEDESTRIANS/BICYCLISTS; THEREFORE, THE CITY/COUNTY OF ASSU RES THAT THIS FACILIW WILL BE MAINTAINED AT ADEQUATE OPERATING STANDARDS. SIGNED: TITLE: Attachment 3 NATF.-