VSK Investments, LLC Cash Bond 37145MAP # CITY OF MENIFEE OFFICE OF THE CITY SURVEYOR MONUMENT BOND COMPUTATION SCHEDULE E MAP CHECKER Dennis Janda l\ilinimum Cost Schedule "A" through "H" Maps s2500.00' Cost er Monument 5300 Schedule "1" Maps $2s00.00-$600 Total Monuments to be Bonded x Cost per Monument + 24 x $300 x 20% 120% Total Bond Amount $8,640.00( ) Set monuments( ) Monuments will need to be recovered and/or reset at time of inspection Monument lnspection Fee $(Deposit Based) Submitted Monument Bond Computation to Planning Dept. Plan Check Review Date: * Based on a crew of, 1) Registered Principal Eng Technrclan, 1) Senior Eng Technician REVISED 201O 37145 fl.oo I Lqorr. r:l? to8 lEEqr: 80008589?Eo[. 1190 ftcrEc( np! /u rD a/ N.o/o-- VSK II{VESTTEXTS LLC 418{)5 AtBflaE sT FREMOMT. CA $4538 ll3rct t2r0 9! TO IHEOBDEF OF FrRsr RtrpuBLrc IJANK PriEi t-l!.{- f'E'6 $ I e-+o.oo DoLLABs @ &*--..--- ,or, ,t/ ao/at