Wellquest Menifee, LLC Rider 9319531Decrease Penalty Rider BOND \o. !J]f5J1 To be attached and form a part of Bond No. 9J!9511 dated the Zl! day of QglObgL 2g!9, execured by Fidelitv and Deoosit Comoanv of Marvland as surety, on behalf of fyg,llqlsl!-ry! jlli&gl-Ltlg as current principal of rccord, and in favor of giq_qlM!!li&q, as Obligee, and in the amount of ElgI.ll d S irt One Thousand Two Hun Nin GE!]299J!). ln consideratior of the agre€d premium charged for this bond, it is understood and agreed that Fidelitv and Deposit Companv of Marvland hereby consents that effective from the !l! day of December,2gl, said bond shall be amended as follows: THE BOND PENALTY SHALL BE Decreased; FROM: Eisht Hundred Sixty One Thousand Two Hundrcd Nincty Nine Dollars and 40/100 G!.61J92J.U) TO:Seventv Eisht Thousand Five Hundred Ninetv Eisht Dollars and 00/100 (srut9!.Q!) The Decrease of sa id bond penalty shall be effective as of the !!! day of Decem trer, f@[, and does hereby agree that the cootinuity of protection under said bond subject to changes in penalty shall not be impaired hereby, provided that the aggregate liability of the above mentioned bond shall not exceed the amount of liability assumed by it at the time the act and/or acts of default were committed and in no €vent shall such liability be cumulative. Signed, sealed and dated this [![ day of Decem ber, 2021. Wclluucst Menifee. LLC PRIN('IP'\I, 8\: Fi .4itiRErY )Iotl r.i!t y"rN"t A( 1' ZURICH .{\IERICAN INSURANCE COMPA.IIY COLONIAL AMERJCAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY ATID DEPOSIT COMPATIY OF MARYLAI{D POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ZURICH AMEzuCAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation ofthe State ofNew Yorlq the coLoNIAL AMERICAN CASUAITY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporatiotr of the state of Illhois, and the FIDELITYAND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporatioD of the State of tllinois (hercio collectively called the "Companies"), by Robert D. Murray, Vice Preside[t, in pursuance of authority ganted by Articlc V, Scction 8, of the By-Laws ofsaid Companies, which arc set fodh on the reverse sidc hereof and are hcreby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do hereby nominat€, constitute, and appoint, John BRoWNING, Thomas F. MccoY JR., Sheila J. MoNToYAT Justin ToMLIN, susan J.LATTARULO rnd Ke[i E. HOUSWORTH, all of Denver, Colorsdo, , EACH, its true and lar*6rl agcnt and Attomey-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and oD its b€half as sur€ty, and as its act ard deed: any and all botrds rtrd uDdertrkings, and the execution of such bonds or uadenakings in pursuance of these preseDts, shall be as binding upon said Compaaies, as fully and amply, toall intelts and pu.poses, as if they had been duly executed and aclnowledged by the regu.larly eleCted officen of the ZLTRICHAMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in Ncw Yo!k, New York., the rcgularly elected officcrs of thc COLONTALAMERICAN CASUAITY AND SURETY COMPANY at its omce in Owings MiUs, Maryland., and the regularly elected officen of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office itr Owings Mills, Maryland., io their own proper persoos. The said Vic€ President docs hereby certiry that thc extract set forth on the reverso side hereof is a true copy ofArticle V, Section 8, of the By-Laws ofsaid Companics, and is llow in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOI', the said Vicc-President has hereunto subscribed his,4rer namcs and affixed the Corporate Seals of the saidZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPAITY, COLONIAL A]VTERICAN CASUALTY AND SURXTY COMPANY, ANd FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this l3th day ofNovember, A.D. 2019. ATTEST: ZURICE AMER]CAN INSURANCE COMPA\Y COLONIAL AMERICA:{ CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FTDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND .i-l1,6..,n,. t'Lhx,,- By: Dawn E. Brown Secrelary Strte ofMrryl.trd Couoty of BrltiEore Oo this l3th day of Novemb€r, A.D. 2019, b.fore lhe subscribet, a Notary PubLic of ihe Statc of Maryla.od duly commissioncd aad qualified, Robert D. Murrry, Vlce Preridetrt rnd DrwD E. BroivrL Secretrry ofthe Compatrics, to mc pcrsomlly kno$T to b€ the idividuals atrd omcers described iD aod who executed the preceding i[stsumcnt, arld rchowl€dged the execution of same, and beh8 by me duly swom, deposeth aud saith, rhat hdsbc is ihc said omcer of the Corapany aforesaid, abd that tbe seals .ffixcd to the preceding instrum€nt are tho Corpomt. Sesls of said Compaaies, aDd that tbe said Corporate Seals and the siSnatue as such olncer wcre duly aflixed ald subscribed to the said hstrumeDt by the authority aod directioo ofthe s6id Corporations. IN TESTMONY WHERIOF, t have hereunto sst my haod aEd aflixed my Official Scal lhe day and year frst above writlen ..+\.i-1r1-:1.,;1r. _.s$.n(1,\Y ;i.,'i i;l;i,i*ir::' Ry' R.b.rr D. ttlr*") Vice President Constarcc A. DUDD, Not ry Public My Connnission Expires, hly 9, 2021 tt,r EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V, Section 8, A@Eqa!:j!:!q4. The Chief Executive Officer, the President, or any Executive Vice President or Vice President may, by wriften hstsument under the attested corporate seal, appoint aftomeys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, recognizanc€s, stipulations, undertakings, or other like inskuments on behalf of the Compaoy, and rDay authorize any officer or any such attomey-in-fact to affix the corpoBte seal thereto; and may with oi vr'ithout cause modiry ofrevoke any such appointment or authority at any time." CERTIFICATE l, the undersigned, Vice President of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSI.IRANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUAITY AND SIJ'RETY COMPAI.IY, ard the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPA].IY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certiry that the foregoing Power of Attomey is still in full force and effect on the date ofthis certificate; and I do further certiry that Article V, Section 8, of the By-Laws ofthe CoopaDies is still in force. This Power of Attomey atrd Certificate may be sigoed by facsimile unde! and by authority of the following resolution ofthe Board of Directors ofthe ZURICH AMEzuCAN INSLIRANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly call€d ard held on the l5tI day ofDecember [998. RESOL\GDI "That the signature ofthe President or a Vic€ President and the attesting signature ofa Secretaly or an Assistant Secretary aod the Seal ofthe Compa[y may be amxed by facsimile on any Power of Attomey...Any such Power or any cefiificate ther€ofbearing such facsimile signan[e and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company." This Power of Attomey and Certificate may be signed by facsimile utrder and by authority of the fotlowing resolution of the Board of Directols of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUAITY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meetitrg duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994, and the following resolutiotr of the Boa.d of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsiErile or mechanically rcproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduccd signature of any Vice-Presideflt, Secretary, o! Assistant Secretary ofthe Compatry, whether made heretoforc or heleater, wherever appearhg upon a certified copy of any power of attomey issued by the Compaoy, shall be valid atrd bioding upon the Compaoy with the same force and effect as though maaually amxed. IN TESTIMONY WHERXOF, I have hereunto subscribcd my name and affixed the corporate seals ofthe said Companies, this 6th day of December 2021 -6*la',*- Brian M. Hodges, Vice President TO REPORT A CLAM WITII RECARI} TO A SURETY BOND, PLEASE SUBMIT A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE CLAIM INCLIJDING TEE PRINCIPAL ON TIIE BOND, THE BOND NUMBE& A}ID YOUR CONTACT INT'ORMATION TO; Zurich Surety Claims 1299 Zru:chWay Schaumburg, IL 60196-1056 www. reDorts fclaims@zurichna.com 800-626-4s'17 ,fl-&t''ry.J#SEAL t