2021-11-03 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers Menifee City Council 29844 Haun Road Gt�r o� Regular Meeting Minutes Menifee, CA 92586 Wednesday, November 03, 2021 01ENIFEE 5:00 PM Closed Session Bill Zimmerman, Mayor -'� 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Armando G. Villa, City Manager Lesa Sobek, District Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Dean Deines, District 4 MINUTES Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk CLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM) Mayor Zimmerman called Closed Session to order at 5:05 PM. Present were Councilmember Deines, Mayor Pro Tern Sobek and Mayor Zimmerman. Councilmember Karwin was absent. The City Council recessed to Closed Session for the purposes below and Councilmember Liesemeyer arrived at 5:08 PM. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) National Prescription Opiate Litigation United States District Court Case No. 1:17-CV-2804 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6 Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. Villa Labor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Police Officers Association, Menifee Police Civilian Employees Association REGULAR MEETING 6:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching stated there was nothing to report from Closed Session. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: Bob Karwin 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Ryan Sharp - Impact Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Tony Reverditto, President of the Sun City Coordinating Council, led the flag salute. Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 1 of 10 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Business Spotlight — Gracie's Lunchbox Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez introduced the Business Spotlight Program and the recipient of this month's Business Spotlight, Gracie's Lunchbox. Ms. Gonzalez spoke about the community service that Gracie's Lunchbox has provided in the City of Menifee. The Mayor and City Council presented Executive Chef Ally Cazarin with a certificate of recognition and thanked them for their service to the community. 5.3 Fire Department Update Division Chief Lonny Olsen provided a presentation and reported on the City of Menifee's response times; incident reports; incident types; Fire Marshal report; fire safety presentation at the Menifee Library; the City's new Ladder Truck 76; and provided smoke alarm safety information. The City Council inquired about responses and response times. 5.2 Public Redistricting Workshop City Consultant Andrew Westall with Bear Demographics provided a presentation and reported on the importance of redistricting; the City's timeline; legal criteria; public input; public workshops; the City's website; and the census demographics report. The City Council inquired about the demographics report. 6. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (4-0-1, Karwin absent) with no modifications. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON -AGENDA ITEMS) Kristi Necochea with Hospice of the Valleys stated November was National Hospice and Palliative Care Month and thanked the City for their support. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meetings and events he attended. • City of Menifee State of the City • Sprouts Ribbon Cutting • Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Meeting • Dia De Los Muertos Event Councilmember Deines reported on the meetings and events he attended. • City of Menifee State of the City • Community Meeting with Bel Air Estates Residents Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 2 of 10 • Fall Festival Mayor Pro Tern Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended. • City of Menifee State of the City • Fall Festival and Fundraiser for Domestic Violence Shelter • Central Park Coronavirus Peace Garden • Riverside Conservation Authority (RCA) Board of Directors Meeting • Menifee Interfaith and Community Service Council • Commercial Broker and Development Tour • Sprouts Ribbon Cutting Mayor Pro Tern Sobek stated there would be a Veterans Day Tribute event on November 11, 2021, the annual Thanksgiving Day free meal program on November 25, and the Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on November 23. Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended. • City of Menifee State of the City • Santa Rosa Academy Board Meeting • Veterans Expo ■ San Diego Geology Society Menifee Mine Site Visit • Fall Festival • Centennial Neighborhood Halloween Festival • Santa Rosa Academy Root Beer Float Fundraiser • Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Projects and Programs Meeting • Councilmember Karwin's Town Hall Meeting ■ Staff Appreciation Lunch at Central Park ■ Chili Cook -off Fundraiser for OLdelivers.org • Sun City Civic Association Costume and Baking Contest • Dia De Los Muertos Event • Community Cupboard Barbeque and Canned Goods Collection ■ Interfaith Meeting • Commercial Broker and Development Tour Reception • Sprouts Ribbon Cutting Mayor Zimmerman stated he would be attending the Ribbon Cutting for the SoCal Gas Natural Gas Station and the City of Wildomar's State of the City on November 4, 2021. 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 October 20, 2021 Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (4-0-1, Karwin absent) with no modifications. 10. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Liesemeyer requested to pull Item No. 10.4 and Mayor Pro Tern Sobek Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 3 of 10 requested to pull Item No. 10.6. The balance of the consent calendar was approved by the following vote. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 10.1 Waiver of Reading ACTION 1. Waived the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provided that they be read by title only. 10.2 Warrant Register ACTION 1. Ratified and approved the Voucher Lists dated 10/08/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT's dated 9/30/2021, 10/01/2021, 10/04/2021 and 10/08/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 9/30/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $2,230,353.25. 10.3 Treasurer's Report, September 2021 ACTION 1. Approved the Treasurer's Report for September 2021. 10.4 American Ramp Company Agreement, Pump Track and Bike Trails Park and Landscape Manager Bryce Howell provided a presentation and reported on the project overview; cost comparison; and the pump track design. The City Council inquired the cost increase, security and fencing, users, and restrooms. ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with American Ramp Company in an amount not -to -exceed $1,097,110 to construct the Pump Track Bike Trails in the dedicated parcel located at Evans Road and Craig Avenue, Capital Improvement Project No. 17-01 (CS010); and 2. Approved Resolution Nos. 21-1089, 21-1090, 21-1091, and 21-1092, for expenditure appropriations in the amounts of $150,000 from available fund balance from Fund 511 DIF-Parks; $50,000 from available fund balance from Fund 512 DIF-Trails; $350,000 from available fund balance from Fund 522 DIF-Citywide Park Improvements and $56,138 from available fund balance from Fund 620 Local Park (Quimby). Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 4 of 10 MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek .AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ,ABSENT: Karwin 10.5 Vector Control Agreement ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside, Department of Environmental Health for vector control services in the amount of $115,000 for a five-year agreement; and 2. Authorized the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents. 10.6 Southstar Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Agreement for Construction Management of Holland Road / 1-215 Overpass The City Council inquired about the bid proposals and the date of construction. ACTION 1. Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Southstar Engineering & Consulting, Inc. for Construction Management Services for Holland / 1-215 Overpass, Capital Improvement Project No. 13-03, in the amount not -to -exceed $3,248,237.43. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None .ABSENT: Karwin 10.7 On -Call Engineering and Inspection Services Agreement Amendments ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No.1 to Professional Services agreement with JLC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., for on -call engineering services; and 2. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No.1 to Professional Services agreement with CG Resource Management and Engineering, Inc. for stormwater management program services; and 3. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement with Dudek for on -call contract inspection services. Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 5 of 10 10.8 Security Improvement Bond Reduction, Audie Murphy Ranch Parcel Map 32269 - Phase II Backbone Improvements ACTION 1. Accepted the Public Road/Drainage, Water System, and Sewer System Improvements for Audie Murphy Ranch Parcel Map (PM) 32269 Phase II Backbone Improvements, located along Newport Road and Audie MurphyRoad; and 2. Approved the 90% bond reduction for Road/Drainage, Water System, and Sewer System Improvements in PM 32269. 10.9 Security Improvement Bond Reductions, Tract No. 28789-2 Pinehurst, LLC ACTION 1. Accepted the security improvements for Streets and Drainage in Tract No. 28789- 2 located south of Newport Road on the east side of Evans Road; and 2. Approved the 90% reduction of the original bonds for Streets and Drainage. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1 Annexation No. 6 to Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) of Tentative Tract Map 37668, Sumac Ridge by Meritage Homes of California, Inc. City Manager Armando Villa introduced consultant Shane Spicer to present the item. Mr. Spicer provided a presentation and reported on the project description and Community Facilities District (CFD) services description; location map; maintenance exhibits; and the fiscal impact. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7:14 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the public hearing was legally noticed and there was no public comments or correspondence received. Ms. Manwaring also stated there are no persons registered to vote in the territory of the district, per the Riverside County Registrar of Voters. The City Clerk confirmed that the owners of the taxable property in the district have consented to hold the special election, the ballot was received, and it was a yes vote. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 7:15 PM. Ms. Manwaring introduced the Ordinance by title. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1093, calling an election. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman (NAYS: None IRECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1094, declaring the results of the special landowner election. Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 6 of 10 MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None .ABSENT: Karwin 3. Introduced an Ordinance amending the Ordinance No. 2017-231 and levying and apportioning the special tax in CFD No. 2017-1. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 11.2 Formation of Community Facilities District No. 2021-2, Sumac Ridge Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton provided a presentation and reported on the Community Facilities District (CFD). Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the joint facilities agreements. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7:23 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the public hearing was legally noticed and there was no public comments or correspondence received. Ms. Manwaring also stated there are no persons registered to vote in the territory of the district, per the Riverside County Registrar of Voters. The City Clerk confirmed that the owners of the taxable property in the district have consented to hold the special election, the ballot was received, and it was a yes vote. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 7:24 PM. Ms. Manwaring introduced the Ordinance by title. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1095, calling an election and establishing Community Facilities District No. 2021-2 (Sumac Ridge) of the City of Menifee ("CFD No. 2021-2" or "CFD") located north of Scott Road at the intersection of Lindenberger Road; and Approved and authorize the City Manager to execute an Acquisition, Construction and Funding Agreement with Meritage Homes; and Approved and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a Joint Community Facilities Agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District; and Approved and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a Joint Community Facilities Agreement with Menifee Union School District. 2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1096, determining the necessity to incur bonded indebtedness for CFD No. 2021-2 of the City of Menifee. Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 7 of 10 MOVER: Dean Deines SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer .AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ,ABSENT: Karwin 3. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1097, certifying election results for CFD No. 2021-2 of the City of Menifee. MOVER: Dean Deines SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 4. Introduced an Ordinance authorizing the levy of special taxes within CFD No. 2021-2 of the City of Menifee. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1 Citywide Prima Facie Speed Limits Ordinance Public Works Director Nick Fidler provided a presentation and reported on the law regulating the speed limits; Menifee speed survey history; 2020 speed survey overview; criteria for establishing speed limits; final speed limit recommendations; 2020 recommended speed limit increases; and 2020 recommended speed limit decreases. Mr. Fidler introduced the Ordinance. The City Council inquired about the proposed speed limits on Newport Road; time of traffic survey; posting timeline of speed limits; grace period; Holland Road speed limit increase; school zone speed limits; residential streets; golf cart usage on Sun City Boulevard; and requirements to enforce posted speed limits. Councilmember Liesemeyer stated he would like to prioritize the posting of the new speed limit signage. Mayor Zimmerman and Councilmember Deines expressed concerns for the speed limit increase in Sun City and would like to have the community still be able to have the use Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 8 of 10 of golf carts. Mr. Nicks said that staff will take a closer look at that segment and see if it can be adjusted. ACTION 1. Introduced an Ordinance amending sections 12.04.010 and 12.04.020 of the Menifee Municipal Code to update the prima facie speed limits on certain streets segments in the City of Menifee. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 12.2 Citywide Master Drainage Plan Public Works Director Nick Fidler introduced Senior Engineer Run Chen and consultant Brendan Hastie with Rick Engineering. Mr. Chen and Mr. Hastie reported on the watershed overview; project background; project scope; digitize records and inventory storm drains; data scrubbing; modeling; modeling results; recommended improvements; and top ten recommended improvements. The City Council inquired about Development Impact Fees (DIF) and storm drains near Murrieta Road and Craig Avenue. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1098, approving the Citywide Master Drainage Plan. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines .AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 12.3 Employment Agreements and Benefits for City Department Directors and Deputy Directors City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Senior Management Analyst Imelda Huerta to present the item. Ms. Huerta reported on the background of the item and the benefit requests. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching reported on the benefits summary and the recommended action. The City Council asked questions of staff regarding severance; life insurance overall cost; education incentive; comparison with surrounding cities; and how future positions are presented to the Council. Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 9 of 10 Mayor Zimmerman stated concerns regarding general employee promotions to a Deputy Director position. Mr. Villa stated that was not the intention and any future changes in positions are approved by the Council. ACTION 1. Approved Form of Employment Agreements for Executive Level Positions such as Department Directors and Deputy Directors, currently including Assistant City Manager, Police Chief, Chief Information Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Public Works Director, Community Development Director, Community Services Director, Economic Development Director, City Clerk, Deputy Public Works Director, Deputy Human Resources Director, Deputy Finance Director and Building Official; and 2. Approved Resolution No. 21-1099, Authorizing the benefits for Executive Employees; and 3. Authorized the City Manager to execute Employment Agreements with current and future Assistant City Managers, Police Chiefs, Chief Officers, Department Directors, and Deputy Department Directors. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None ABSENT: Karwin 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None. 14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Armando Villa announced that Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez was a Connect Commercial Real Estate 2021 Women in Real Estate Award recipient and he congratulated Menifee's employee of the quarter, Bernice Rivera. 15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS None. 16. ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 8:56 PM. 1, VJ,6 S ah A. WManwahing4,MMC y Clerk Menifee Mayor and City Council November 3, 2021 Page 10 of 10